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Class Idea: mentalist, help me out


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Here's a description of an encounter followed by what I've worked up for this guy:

The party breaks into the monastery as planned, the lord asked them to destroy the building and, more importantly, the master. Griff (fighter), Solonoman (cleric), Lillian (ranger, archer), and Hildaen (wizard) had plenty of time during the trip into the mountains to discuss what they may face inside the monastery, their lord had been very vague as to why it was to be destroyed and why the leader of this order was so dangerous to him. Now it was time to find out the reason for this order.

The building was very simple and the first encounters went well as the party moved toward the center of the building. There was a brief scuffle before the entrance to the center chamber and then the party braced itself to meet the master of this place. If the rest went like this, they would be heading home soon laughing while they thought of the money the lord offered for this job.

The door to the inner chamber was marked, “In meditation, finds one the actions of the heart.” Entering the chamber the party found a group of 4 monks startled from their meditation. The room was sparsely decorated, the attention being drawn to a statue of an aged monk sitting in meditation on slightly raised platform. The man portrayed was withered and incredibly thin, as if he had fasted for years. It was also incredibly life-like, but too still to be anything but a focus for meditation. Something for students to emulate. Surely it was a representation of some great master long dead.

The startled monks rose and came to attack, this was old hat. Two of them went for Griff, who started his work with the sword. The other two initiated a grapple with Lillian and Solonoman. Hildaen, staying behind, cast mage armor on himself… if these monks came for him, that would be it.

Griff managed to clip one of the monks flanking him before they attacked. One of the monks landed a solid hit and Griff let it roll off of him. Then he was surprised, it felt like a sword hit him! Hard! And again! He looked down and, yes, a gash was showing red with blood on his chest and his arm was hurting the same way! Surely these monks hadn’t done that!

Hildaen saw his friend hit hard, and assumed that one of the two monks was the master and was using some secret against Griff. He cast scorching ray and managed to hit both of the monks, killing one (ah hah! The other must be the master!). Meanwhile Lillian and Solonoman broke free.

Slightly afraid of what might happen if he missed this round, Griff rallied and attacked the other monk before him, dropping the man with a well placed sword. But even while he was moving to help his friends he was attacked again by the missing sword! Griff made it to Solonoman, but was bleeding badly!

Hildaen realized something else was going on, something he couldn’t see. He cast See Invisibility, but was dismayed when he found nothing there! Solonoman managed to cast cure serious wounds on Griff, taking a kick in the side for his efforts. Lillian stuffed an arrow into the neck of the monk in front of her to end his attacks.

With the last monk left, Griff said, “you’re going to pay for all this,” and ended the life of the last monk. This time, the strange sword found Solonoman, who gasped at the site of his own blood. Hildaen shouted out, “I can’t see anything!” before casting detect magic. “And there’s no sign of magic!”

But Solonoman asked his God to help, asked for True Sight. He was rewarded by seeing a sphere of force around the statue-like man on the platform and the sword of force that was preparing to make another swipe. “The master is on the platform, it’s not a statue. Kill him!”

Lillian heard this and fired an arrow. Her aim was true, but something went wrong. Just before the arrow hit the statue it turned and came back for her! It glanced off her mail, but shocked her just the same!

Seeing the arrow come back at Lillian, Griff charged the man on the platform. Attacked with all his force, came down with a crushing blow. There was no chance for a man as old and frail looking to survive that cut. But as the blade came down it met with resistance. With all his strength against the sword, it barely made it to the skin of the man on the platform. There was a cut, but the wound was pathetic compared to what it should have been.

Then Griff was being hurled back from the master, he landed in a heap some 15 feet away along with everything moveable within 15ft of the master. That hurt!

Not knowing what else to do, Hidaen sent a ray of enfeeblement at the seated man who had not yet moved, much less lifted his head or opened his eyes. His aim was true, but Hildaen felt it hit the same barrier as the sword and the arrow. He forced the spell the same way he would have against spell resistance and met with success! The man visibly shrank and became even more frail than he was before, crippling what was already a weak man. But the mans back was still straight, and he did not cease his meditation.

Solonoman uttered a prayer, asking for assistance for his party and that his enemy be weakened. Then he went to help Griff as he could. Lillian fired another arrow, but missed her mark.

As Griff stood up, Solonoman watched the sword take the opportunity to sweep down on him, but it missed. It made two more attacks, which all but did Griff in. The fighter crumpled where he had stood. This would take a lot of healing.

Hildaen grew tired of this. He saw that his party was far enough back, and then cast a fireball into the area of the seated man. The man, the master never moved. Never attempted to escape the fire. He simply sagged slightly. Even in death he retained the position of meditation.

The party returned to their lord after sacking the building. They returned with many questions. How did this man attack so strongly while making no movements and uttering no sound. How did he deflect such damage even while wearing no armor and never attempting to dodge a blow? Truly he was a master of some art, an art he was no longer able to share.

SO, the xls is the basic progression of the character, the word doc is the description of the special abilities.

The basics of the character are that he vows to take no action, but is telekinetic. He therefore is able to use his mind as a force effect to either shield him from damage or damage his enemies. His physical stats are almost worthless, and he only gets a d4 for his hit dice. He cannot wear any armor, but uses his mental abilities to make an apparent DR.

The DM I play with prefers 3.0, so I've used the 3.0 version of DR. And hopefully everything else. The only books I have with me are the SRD, the DM owns a lot of books for me to reference if I need them.

What are your thoughts. Is there anything too powerful with this char, is there anything too weak. What flaws have I made, how can I fix it. I've not made a class before, just had ideas. Are my ideas worth anything?


  • mentalchart.xls
    17 KB · Views: 88
  • Mentalability.doc
    25.5 KB · Views: 70

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First Post
So why don't you just use the Psion (Kineticist or Psychoportation) class from the Psionics Handbook? I believe it's out in SRD form on the web.


First Post
a couple of reasons,
one, my dm hasn't let us use anything from psionics (though he brought out a soulknife against us last game). I don't think he wants to learn how to use all of the powers, and I can't blame him on that.

two, this was obviously based off of a psion and soulknife, but is still different. I liked the soulknife, but started thinking of a blend between the two.

The class started from the idea of using the mental block ability to gain DR, and I took it from there.

I don't know, I view it as a good bit different from the two (psion and soulknife, closer to the soul knife), and I think it would fit in with a more basic DnD (since we're not allowed psionics). I think the DM might allow us to use a soulknife, but I'm not sure. If the DM doesn't like this guy, I will probably ask to play a soulknife next campaign. I think the mentalist could be very fun to roll play (I view the character version as more of an elitest looking down his nose at people who use their physical bodies)

hope all that makes sense.
all in all, is he balanced enough? Too weak, too strong?

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