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Clockwork, Steam & Sorcery


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Clockwork, Steam & Sorcery
being a tale of intrigue and adventure in the streets of Arcosia.

The players:
  • Argent ~ Forge Ironsong
  • arwel ~ Elias Kaerlennon
  • Chauzu ~ Phowett Tilverton
  • Jemal ~ James Asmuson
  • Krug ~ Linda Duxton
  • Sixchan ~ Larina Vilardy
  • Uriel_fire_of_heaven ~ Froud Galvinium

Rogues Gallery can be found here.
OOC Discussion can be found here.

The sun now rests in the western horizon and the shadows grow long, signalling the end of another day. And now you can relax, because the first day back at classes always seems to be rather chaotic and unbearably long, what with Headmaster Fodstockart's long-winded address, and the customary introductions you must make with your teachers. In your first year, the headmaster's speech seemed fresh and you all took it to heart. Now, many of you sleep through it. But you attend all the first day lectures, because this is your last year as an undergraduate. You had to submit your thesis synopsis, and consult with your advisor, discuss your initial research and revise your work. A long day, with many more to come.

The Hatted Badger earns your patronage not only because it is the pub closest to the University, but the burly proprietor, old Hob provides a variety of food and entertainments, including darts and entertainers. He's also a kindly old man who always has a moment to shoot the breeze with the lot of you.

The Badger's west wall contains a large pair of oaken doors that are currently opened to let in the unseasonably warm breeze and the last of the dying light in. The walls of the common room are plastered with all sorts of posters that the people from the Arcosian Tidings post all over the city every week. The most prominent of the headlines speak of the rash of murders that have gripped the city in terror for over a week now, and Longstock no closer to hanging anybody. A bar sits against the far wall, various liqours displayed behind it, and a behind it leads to the kitchen. Before it there is a long wooden bench for customers. Scattered throughout the room are a number of tables (constructed from pine, for those of you who catch the odour) surrounded by chairs.

Today, the pub is light on patrons. There are the seven of you, and you recognize each other as students of the school whether you are close or not. A struggling young poet stands on the raised stage directly across from the bar reciting his work, and a few regulars sit on the bench before the bar, each nursing a stein of ale.

Hob himself stands by the door, sweeping out the pub. Finishing he pauses, wiping sweat from his brow with a hankerchief. "Bless me! Quite a scorcher today was," he comments, to nobody in particular.


OOC: Please RP among yourselves for a bit so I've heard from all the players. Please also describe yourself so that everyone can get an idea of your physical appearance.
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Argent Silvermage

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Forge Ironsong Is sitting drinking his ale and wondering how his father could have sent him back to this place. Forge is constantly reminded that he is the only one of his friends with any dedication to learning. Even his best friend Froud seems lacking in that departnent. His New advisor is the worst to be sure. The dottering old fool seems almost to not notice the young Dwarf. The Poet is starting to get on Forge's nerves and He calls out "Hey kid. Know any Dwarven drinking songs?" Hoping to rattle the poor sucker and ease his own discomfort. Forge then turns to Froud and says "What's on your mind?" He takes a long slow draw from his mug and then signals the bargirl for another round for them both. Forge then does something other dwarves would never be caught doing in public. He gets out a mirror and checks to see if his beard is looking good.
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Elias Kaerlennon

Cutting quite a dashing figure dressed in the latest fashion Elias stands in the doorway for a moment and quickly looks around the room looking slightly distressed. Once he has finished a relieved smile plays across his face and he turns to Hob. "How are you my good man, have you seen my lot in this evening?" Not waiting for an answer he continues "I suppose they'll be in later." Ordering a stein of ale at the bar he proceeds to sit down at the table next to Forge. "Excellent, some entertainment." He shouts at the poor poet "How about a song?" Again he scans the Badger, now looking for any familiar faces before he turns round to Forge and moves his chair over. "Ironsong isn't it? Elias Kaerlennon. I think we shared some classes in the first year before I transferred over to alchemy." He pauses for a second and continues "Ah, Froud's with you, I didn't see him down there," he says jovially hoping that he's got the gnome's name right before raising his stein to his lips and taking a long drink from it.


Living EN World Judge
Froud looked up from the pile of springs and tiny gears upon the Tabel, noticing the Dwarf's grooming. Snickering to himself, Froud went back to his work, oiling here,sanding a tiny rough edge there. When he was done, he wound the Key...and nothing happened.
The Little Clockwork Griffon didn't move an inch, much less the full step it should have. It did open it's mouth in a 'Roar' however, but the whistle failed to sound.
'Now what could be the problem here...' Froud looked back up, to find Forge staring at him and smiling. WHat was the Dwarf thinking? Oh yes, their ever present 'Nobody is as dedicated to Learning than Forge Ironsong rubbish'. Froud smiled back, through a smoke stained mustache and singed eyebrows. He was dedicated to application not just study and hypothesis. Reasearch and application, that was the key, try and try again.
Putting the Griffin carefully back into his satchel, Froud sniffed the air, smelling tobbacco, the cheap perfume of the barmaid, Forge's own Cologne, why did he insist on wearing that when they went out...it made him smelled like a Badger
during Spring. Froud chuckled at the thought of Forge running about chasing girl badgers in the Meadow. Answering te Dwarf's question'Oh, I was just thinking about A Girl...' That wasn't true exactly, but if he were to say that he was thinking about the most beautiful Steamnaught he had ever seen, respeldant in the sun, it's bronze plating gleaming, it's stacks pumping their steam as it moved about it's duty,patrolling the Northern Marches,Balista at the ready on it's arm and it's huge Axe-blade poised to slice a Dragon in two...well, Forge would think him daft . Oh wait, Forge already thought him daft, he was a Gnome after all. Still, Forge was his best friend, and (other than his family joking and poking fun incessantly when he told them), the Dwarf had always brought nothing but enjoyment and fun into his life. Signaling for another Pint and some Pie, Froud wiped his hands on a rag and looked about the Tavern.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
"Hello Elias. Have a seat. I was just striking up a conversation with Froud. I'll bet he forgot to gauge the springs in the arse section and the whole things movement depends on it." Forge looking very proud of himself asks Elias, "So what brings you here today? As if I didn't know."
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"What better way to celebrate the start of a new academic year than coming out to the Badger for a pint or ten. I had hoped to bump into some friends in here, but I think they may well have all gone out to the Dog and Partridge. I'd rather not venture too far from campus tonight. Lucky I bumped into the both of you eh?" Elias glances around nervously before taking another large gulp of ale. "So, Froud, is that actually meant to do anything?"


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The poet is thrown off a bit by the jeering - first from the Dwarf, and then from the rakish Elias. He looks nervously at the other bar patrons before trying a Dwarven chant, but his voice is too high and reedy for it. After abruptly stopping, he clears his throat, and then decides that tap-dancing may be what the crowd needs.

Yara the barmaid, a tough lass with thick ebony curls and soft brown eyes, returns with a tray filled with mugs for each of the men at the bar, including Forge, Froud and Elias.

"I take it ye'll be paying for these drinks fer yer friends milord Kaerlennon, from the deep bounty of yer pockets?" she asks with a playful smile.

Stowing the broom by the door to the kitchen, Hob slowly eases himself behind the bar. Taking out a clean white rag, he begins to vigourously polish the stained surface, whistling a cheerful tune as he works. Surprisingly (or not, depending on your level of cynicism), he has a better ear than the poor poet.


Linda takes a deep drink. "Ah I certainly wish we were done with studies. Will all this really improve my skills? Besides, some of the professors seem older than the Oaks in our Forest, with skin as brittle."


First Post
Elias looks sheepish as he glances into his money pouch. "Erm... yes... this rounds on me. And buy yourself one while you're at it. Can't have my favourite barmaid going thirsty on such a hot day." With a wink he throws the coins onto the tray and as soon as her back is turned he glances back into his purse jangling the remaining contents. With a sigh he puts it away. Quickly he glances up and applaudes the poet's ridiculous dance "Bravo!"

Argent Silvermage

First Post
"Hrumph! Bravo must mean talentless in Evish." Forge grumbles and finishes his drink. He takes out the pipe his grandfather gave him and lights some smoking weed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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