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"Cloron shattersoul" and how to get rid of him?


Meat head
So on tuesday night we came up against Cloron for the first time, and essentally we got beat ,but this was only realy a test of his abilities. Powers and skills he exhibited include:
1 a big fireball 20d6
2 power word "stun"
3 aura of fear, about 5 foot radius
4 sr of 20+
5 dr of god knows what
6 a nasty two handed sword of at least +3

now those are by no stretch of the imagination all his abilities and im guessing that he is some kind of "lord soth" ,so any help in how to get rid of him would be great, our party for those that are just joining us include :

1 wizard/diviner 11th level
2 ranger archer 11th level
3 dwarf cleric 10th level
4 paladin/anoited knight 9thlevel

we also have a couple of cohorts and 30ish horsemen but they arent really included in the combats (theyd die!)

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Iron Fist of Pelor
You may want to link to the previous thread :).

Now, how'sabout that air elemental? How bad is the fear effect -- does it panic you or just shake you? If the former, that's bad; if the latter, this guy seems like he'd go down pretty easily to multiple air-elemental passes. Remember that the elemental has a tremendous movement rate, and if this guy is the major bad guy, can probably cross back and forth across his spot a dozen or more times in a single round. The bad guy only has to fail his save once in order to get sucked into the typhoon.

How much prep time do you have? If less than a day, what spells are prepped?



Meat head
ok ,we encountered him in the keep so the air elemental thing was not going to work. the fear would have made the affected character run and hide in the corner of the room,so pretty bad.

we took out another of his henchman ,(the rouge) so there is only three of them left!
I dont know wether we will be able to rest ,
I also dont think we are going to be able to kill him, when russ makes up a kickass bad guy he likes to keep them in circulation


Never saw the "previous thread" referred to above, but:
You've got an 11th-level wizard? Unless his opposed school is Abjuration, how about he casts Antimagic Field (on himself, since it's personal-only), and then everyone (except maybe the archer) charges Cloron in a group? (If you have an big air elemental and it's not the result of a Summon Monster spell (and thus won't be dispelled by the Antimagic Field), even better; it can probably carry the Wizard into battle). Assuming his Fear Aura and DR are supernatural abilities (which they usually are), and if you can keep him within 10' of the Wizard (which is where the air elemental would come in really handy), and if you can keep the Wizard alive, all Cloron's got left to bother you with is a masterwork 2-handed sword, and you've presumably got weapons of your own.


First Post
Dpulse303 said:
So on tuesday night we came up against Cloron for the first time, and essentally we got beat ,but this was only realy a test of his abilities. Powers and skills he exhibited include:
1 a big fireball 20d6

Got Mass Resist Elements (Mass Resist Energy in 3.5 if you can talk your DM into it)?

The wizard could also ready an action to counterspell it. (With an ordinary 10d6 fireball if it really is a fireball). Or he could ready an action to disrupt it (preferably with a scorching ray or something that will do a lot of damage--if Shattersoul's got a good concentration score, an average of 27+spell level from magic missile will still be do-able on a good roll). If using the minis handbook, Energy orb would be even better since it's not effected by SR.

2 power word "stun"

Nothing much you can do about this. Keep your hit points high, consider trying to dispel it.

The wizard could also ready an action to counterspell it. (With Dispel Magic). Or he could ready an action to disrupt it (preferably with a scorching ray or something that will do a lot of damage--if Shattersoul's got a good concentration score, an average of 27+spell level from magic missile will still be do-able on a good roll). If using the minis handbook, Energy orb would be even better since it's not effected by SR.

3 aura of fear, about 5 foot radius

If you get close enough to have to worry about this, you're doing well. Plus the paladin is immune to it. Have the cleric prep a remove fear (or use a scroll--it's one of those useful scrolls every cleric should have) just in case someone falls prey to it.

4 sr of 20+

Got Spell Penetration? Other than that and Glitterdust, there's not too much you can do about SR.

5 dr of god knows what

If you don't know what it is, we can't help you. You could try asking your gods for a divination: what weapons should we use to defeat Cloron Shattersoul/What are his weaknesses. Or you could hope that some combination of Good, Magic, and Silver or Cold Iron is enough to do him in. (It usually is). To find out in combat, use the archer. IIRC, he's got a holy bow so he already has good and magic on his weapon. Fire one arrow (Good and Magic) and see if it seems to have full effect. If not, fire a cold iron arrow (cold iron, good and magic) and see if it has full effect. If not, fire a silvered arrow (silver, good and magic) and see if it has full effect. If that doesn't work, you could try an adamantine arrow. And if that doesn't work, odds are good it's DR x/Y+Z+blunt or x/Y+Z+slashing. If someone has a holy or good aligned sling or a weapon of throwing and returning, you could test that early on in the battle but otherwise the only way to know is to hit him with a falchion or warhammer.

6 a nasty two handed sword of at least +3

Ray of Enfeeblement. Doesn't do anything about the sword but it does make him less effective with it. Alternatively/in addition, the wizard can take a reach weapon (preferably a ranseur), cast true strike, and attempt to disarm him. At +26 (+5 BAB, +2 ranseur, +4 large weapon, +20 insight-4 nonproficiency) vs a likely +24 or so (Attack bonus +4 large weapon +4 2 handed weapon), it's not guaranteed to work but it's still got a decent chance.

we also have a couple of cohorts and 30ish horsemen but they arent really included in the combats (theyd die!)

What are the cohorts. Even low level clerics could prove useful by casting Resist Energy/Aid/Bless/Prayer/Divine Aim/Align Weapon on PCs before running for all they're worth. And low-level wizards could cast Magic Circle against Evil, Halt/Command Undead (are those wyvern mounts intelligent?), etc before running.


Iron Fist of Pelor
Okay, just looked up "remove fear," and if you get a chance to prep any spells, this one is a must. Advantages of it:
-Castable at close range
-Affects up to three targets (since you're tenth level);
-Gives a +4 bonus vs. fear saves (not a big deal for y'all, probably); and the biggie
-if a target is already affected by a fear effect, that effect is suppressed for ten minutes.

Here's what I would do:
-Have the wizard summon the air elemental.
-Have the cleric delay until he's going right after the rest of the party.
-Have all the melee folks and the elemental charge Mr. Shattersoul.
-Have the cleric cast remove fear on anyone affected by the fear, plus anyone likely to end up in melee range of Mr S.

You want to cast remove fear AFTER they've had a chance to be affected by it. Sure, that gives them a greater chance of being affected by the fear at all; on the other hand, if they are affected by it, you'll definitely be able to suppress it, whereas if you cast RF first, it might fail.

Morrus might be a picklehead about movement, be aware: if the elemental only has to move 30' to approach Mr. S., he could theoretically rule that the elemental freaks out immediately and uses the remaining 70' of his movement to run away. THAT WOULD BE BAD. In order to avoid that, ideally have the elemental use most of its first round of movement sweeping up Mr. S's flunkies from across the battlefield, ending up next to Mr. S when he's only got 10' or so of movement left. Otherwise, you could ask Morrus if the elemental can approach cautiously, so that it'll end his turn next to Mr. S whether or not he's afraid (i.e., it moves slower than normal). Failing that, just to show him that two can play at being persnickety, you can have it twiddle back and forth fourteen times in front of you between two squares, using up 70' of movement, before covering the last 30' of ground to Mr. S. :)

Does that make sense?

Meanwhile, make sure the wizard and cleric review their spell list for conjuration magics, ones that will overcome the SR. Strangely, cure spells, while conjurations, are subject to SR--who knew? But a trio of empowered acid arrows might not go awry, assuming this thing isn't immune to acid; if you can be doing an average of 22 points of damage to it per round, that might be kinda fun and worthwhile. (If you have extend spell, of course, you could just plug away round after round with an extended acid arrow -- those things can really start to pile up, and by the third round, they'll be forcing difficult concentration checks).



Iron Fist of Pelor
Another thought: if you do the antimagic field, there are a couple of considerations. First, the bad guy is likely to try to kill the wizard once the wizard gets into range; it's therefore very important to keep him in a single location. Starting the battle with everyone tossing tanglefoot bags at him might be wise.

Second, the wizard may want to move in and out. Move away from the party, enabling folks to let readied actions go off (including the cleric's spellcasting, and potion drinking, and attacks from anyone that needs their magic to work during the attack, and so forth), and then move back in, so that the field blankets the bad guy. Alternately, the wizard could ready an action to follow Mr. S around, so that Mr. S. can't simply move out of the field to activate magic. With an AM field in place, the wizard is already not going to be especially effective; managing his movement well might be his best contribution to the battle.


the Jester

Sounds to me like he's a death knight. Bear in mind that you guys won't be able to crit, sneak attack, inflict nonlethal or most types of ability damage, etc.

On the other hand, unless he has an evil cleric to help him out or some inflict wounds potions, he won't be able to heal between encounters and you might be able to try a multiple hit and run type of approach.

If you can cast it, the antimagic field idea is a good one. Seems like direct attack spells aren't going to do you very well (SR and stuff will make them fail about half the time). The casters should prolly concentrate on things like buffs and acid arrows (anything that doesn't let him SR it!)

Good luck!


Rules Monkey
If you know ahead of time that you are going to meet him, Hero's Feast will make everyone immune to fear and poison for 12 hours, and give everyone temporary hit points, attack bonus and will save bonus.

Voidrunner's Codex

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