Clubhouse: The Shearing Pen


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G.L. - sure love to check out the website when you're done - I'd imagine it's a mammoth undertaking.

Gansk: are we to try and come up with our own CR21 General, or will you be doing that for us? Got a somewhat evil idea tonight and I'm wondering how it would play out.

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ugulu said:
G.L. - sure love to check out the website when you're done - I'd imagine it's a mammoth undertaking.

Not as mammoth as you might think. I'm already done with all of the monster source data entry (barring the Minatures Handbook, Frostburn, Sandstorm, and the WotC Website stuff) + the ELH. And that's without capping the CRs at 20.

So far I can tell you this much:

Total 147 100 287 97 642 260 132 132 397 2194

Highest CR recorded was 66 for a Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon (Neutral, ELH).

I expect entering the rest of the numbers will happen by early next week (as I have to borrow/buy books). Don't know when the website will be done.

Edit: Of course, the major reason things are going so quickly is that I'm only counting CRs, which is much less involved than what Gansk is doing.
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ugulu said:
Gansk: are we to try and come up with our own CR21 General, or will you be doing that for us? Got a somewhat evil idea tonight and I'm wondering how it would play out.

If you don't want the sample ancient blue dragon from the Draconomicon, then you need to come up with something else. Please observe the rules that I have laid out earlier in this thread.


Gansk said:
I examine the links one-by-one and look for the key words "Base Atk/Grapple".

Oh. Ack. Ick. Just scanning through the lists there seem to be a lot of monsters that are already part of the set (I'm guessing from previews, etc.) Is it really worth the effort to pull them out?


First Post
Please observe the rules that I have laid out earlier in this thread.
Hmmm...good point - it helps to read eh? :heh:
I think my Rakshasha Sorcerer 11 will have to go back into the "torment your players, but not the arena" bin.


No Trouble at All
GuardianLurker said:
So far I can tell you this much:
LG 147
LN 100
LE 287
NG 97
N 642
NE 260
CG 132
CN 132
CE 397

(I reformatted to be more readable)

Ick. I'm hoping the Neutral entry is a typo, since that means I'd have to win better than 6 out of 7 fights with neutral, and more than 2 out of 3 if I survive to face NE.

Da NG guy



The chaotic good bench cheers on the valient yet stylish Katie Courie, except for the Dryad who boos- the rest of the group looks at her - "I have that same dress, now I either have to go change or just show up naked. "


First Post

The crowd quiets down but the dryad, used to such attention, doesn't even blush. Then, the elf starts calling out, "Naked!" and the rest of the assembly joins in. Soon, the entire Shearing Pen is rocked by the chant, "Naked! Naked! Naked!"

The halfling nudges the dwarf, "3 to 1 she takes it off."

The dwarf takes a gulp of his ale and raises an eyebrow, "Aye, lad, yer on."

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