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CO-Denver (Aurora) LFG/LFP for 4e


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With my old group dissolving (due to distance/marriages/work etc.), I'm looking for a new game in the not-to-distant future.

I'm looking for either a mature group of players with space for 1-3 gamers, or looking for a few gamers if I decide to run. My last group was comprised of adult gamers (most were married with kids and jobs) that ranged in age from 25-45, and I'd prefer something similar.

I'm out of college, and work 60-70hrs/week, so that'd leave me with Sunday as the most feasible game day.

I'm looking to play (or run if no one else will :p ) a D&D 4e game in the Denver/SE Aurora area.

D&D 3.5e
Shadowrun 2.0 (FASA)
Earthdawn 1.0 (FASA)
Star Wars (d20)

Gaming can be seen as a continuum from Deep Immersive Storytelling (where everyone has an 18-page character history and speaking Out Of Character gets you banished from the table) to Beer N Pretzels Hack N' Slash (where 3rd person narrative and dice-rolling interrupts your drinking with buddies).

I tend to run a "three-tiered" game where the plot operates on three intertwined levels:
1. The overall "Uber" plotline of background events in the world.
2. The immediate plotline of the current adventure/quest.
3. The subcurrent of your character and your party's history (old foes, friends, etc).

So, if I'm running, I like something of a player character history or at least a minimal outline that I can use. If I'm playing, I can make as detailed a character and history as you'd like.

If running, I also like people to keep something akin to campaign notes so I don't have to continually remind everyone what happened last time, where you're going, what you're doing or who's who, etc. To keep it from being a chore, I do give XP rewards for background and notes.

As you can guess, I tend to enjoy playing (or running) a game that's more RPing than mere Hack n Slash. Don't get me wrong, I like to jump into combat and smack baddies, I just want there to be an underlying reason to it. I like plot-with-combat. ;)

Basically, I'm looking for a cinematic experience, where the emphasis is on playing your character with others doing the same more than merely playing out miniature combat theory.

And, I do also understand gaming is supposed to be a social activity, so I can expect there to be some of the usual sideline of BSing, relaxing, forgetting work, eating pizza and whatever else gaming is that's beyond the game itself.

Still, I like it if the focus remains on the characters as much as possible.

House Rules
If I'm running, I do use "House Rules", to modify the default game. I've modded the games' dynamics to better reflect the cinematic quality I'm after, to boost player enjoyment, and to make PCs more "heroic" than typical.

Number of Players
4-6 total, it just seems to work out well, with 5 players and the GM seemingly ideal. Bigger than that and it gets unwieldy, smaller and it can lack good RPing interaction (which 4e has been accused of as is).

If playing, I can bring myself and up to two others, one experienced enough to run 3.5e; and one 'n00b' who's very interested in gaming and tries, but has very little experience (one or two sessions, max).

I'm in SE Aurora out by Southlands and the E470.
I'd prefer not to have to drive more than 30 minutes but would consider anything within an hour.

Also, I've recently moved back to CO, so I've got no furniture at my place outside of my bed and computer desk, so playing at someone else's place might be better since tables are nice. :blush:

(Besides, if we were to play at my place, it'd be on the floor with 3 cats randomly wandering through your papers and attacking your dice. So let's consider it sub-optimal for gaming).

Game Time
I work 60-70 hrs/week, so my gaming is limited:

Saturday evenings 7:30pm-?
Sunday afternoons 3*pm-10pm

*Sunday is weather-dependant, because if it's nice, I'm going riding in the morning/afternoon and might not get back until 6pm or later.

Game Schedule
Weekly? Monthly? Maybe bi-weekly?

Gaming History
I've been gaming since I was 7, starting with my cousin's original TSR boxed sets (he had the "Fighting Man" era original booklet, but we didn't play with it).

Way, way back in undergrad, I worked at a RPG/MtG store as an employee and Rent-A-GM. I did a fair amount of game testing for various companies through the store, and have played more games than I can honestly remember.

I once submitted a world to WotC's design contest (that ultimately let to the development of Eberron), I've applied to WotC for game designer positions and made it through everything up until the phone-interview round, twice (if that counts for anything--which, it doesn't ;) ).

I once ran part of an online HTML chatroom community site and game for WOD's Werewolf forums (Ratkin), I am a "card holding" RPGA DM, and basically just really enjoy gaming and have for years.

D&D, Earthdawn, and Shadowrun are my perennial favorites. But, if you're curious (and since I'm bored) :D

SC's Games-Played List (as best I can recall):
D&D (Basic Boxed Sets through 4e), Earthdawn (1e/FASA), Shadowrun (v1.0 & 2.0/FASA), Legend Of The Five Rings, Aberrant/Trinity, Werewolf, Mage, Vampire, Changeling, Wraith, HOL, MechWarrior/BattleTech (FASA), Crimson Skies (FASA), Legionnaire/Renegade Legion (FASA), Star Wars (WEG & D20), Star Frontiers, Gamma World, Rifts (Palladium), After The Bomb, TMNT, GURPS, MERPS, MARVEL Super Heroes, Heroes Unlimited, Champions, Pendragon, Ars Magica, Dark Conspiracy, Millenium's End, Twilight 2k, Paranoia, Cyberpunk, Warhammer Fantasy RPG, Wheel of Time RPG, Traveller (GDW), RUNEQUEST, Exhalted, HackMaster, Kult, Mekton, Robotech (Palladium), Batman RPG (absolutely horrible RPG btw), Indianna Jones RPG (ditto), Amber Diceless Roleplaying (worst game ever?), and...I think that's it...no, I know I've forgotten something...meh...who cares? Close enough! :p

So, in closing, IF you've got a game with some spaces, or are looking for a game (and willing to host) and think I'd fit your game please let me know!
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Hola, SteelCoyote!

I'm in Thornton and sadly it looks like our schedules might not be all that compatible... but I think playing style would be quite compatible. Have you considered running something online? Perhaps a PBP on the EnWorld forums? If so, let me know 'cause I think it would be a great fit...

Ed aka CRoD


First Post
Hola, SteelCoyote!

I'm in Thornton and sadly it looks like our schedules might not be all that compatible... but I think playing style would be quite compatible. Have you considered running something online? Perhaps a PBP on the EnWorld forums? If so, let me know 'cause I think it would be a great fit...

Ed aka CRoD

If I only had the time... I wouldn't mind PBP if something in the flesh/around the table/over pizza and Mt Dew is out...

As it is, I rarely have more than a few minutes to simply poke around the forums before I have to log off.

I've even gotten a very minor gig writing for a (non-gaming) CO-based eZine but I've only had time to get one article published this summer. I typically work six days a week, 8a-7:30p, so I just don't have the time it'd take me to craft a good online PBP thread.

Like many, I'm currently looking for a different job (or some way back to gradschool). No options at the moment, but IF something happens and I get more of my life back then I'd be able to play IRL at different times or be better able to craft a decent PBP thread.

As it is, my dying Sunday game has been too often missed and too hastily thrown together; for now, I just can't do much, let alone as much as I'd like.

I'd really like to get back to a good, fun, regular, ongoing roleplaying game.

I guess if your schedule ever opens up please drop me a pm or post here and let me know.

In the meantime, good luck with your quest for gamers!

EDIT: Hm, actually, if you want to try to set up a PBP then I'll try to post in it...can't guarantee how often or how well-written it'd be, but I'd give it a shot.

...ah, last grain of sand is about to run out...Cheers!
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It's not that Sunday afternoons would be all that terrible (assuming my wife doesn't come up with an argument against it). But it sounds like the drive to Thornton would be closer to an hour than a half hour - and even then, my five year old would prove a test of gamers' patience. Perhaps if someone came along willing to host somewhere in between us?

By the way, what sort of work are you looking for? My brother's work is looking for tech support staff with SQL skills (I'm sure there's more to it, but Heck, I don't work there!) -- and speaking of my brother, I'm trying to talk him into participating in a game as well.

If I do join a PBP around here, or - fates! - DM a PBP, I will definitely ping you!



First Post

It's not that Sunday afternoons would be all that terrible (assuming my wife doesn't come up with an argument against it). But it sounds like the drive to Thornton would be closer to an hour than a half hour - and even then, my five year old would prove a test of gamers' patience. Perhaps if someone came along willing to host somewhere in between us?

By the way, what sort of work are you looking for? My brother's work is looking for tech support staff with SQL skills (I'm sure there's more to it, but Heck, I don't work there!) -- and speaking of my brother, I'm trying to talk him into participating in a game as well.

If I do join a PBP around here, or - fates! - DM a PBP, I will definitely ping you!


Hmm, your kid vs my 3 cats...neither is ideal...let's hope for a mutually acceptable GM with a home that's halfway between us. ;)

I've worked in GIS, doing meta-data research but that's it for something far-removed from SQL (but as close as I can get to it). I wish I could program, as it'd be a more useful skill than gaming, writing, editing or teaching philosophy.

I can build a comp (as I have for my last 3 gaming PCs) but I can't program it. I'm strictly hardware, software is nebulous juju to me. :eek:. Thanks for the offer though, I do appreciate it. If he needs a useless non-programmer, let me know.


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I'd be interested in gaming with you and possibly DMing although I'm not sure I have the time for that at the moment. I haven't tried 4th Ed or bought any of the books yet, but I've been playing D&D since I got a Basic set about 20 years ago and moved on to AD&D. I had a good group in Denver, but I've been on an 8-month gaming hiatus since I had a baby and my DM moved and is about an hour away now. I live on the southwest side of town near Wadsworth and C-470. My house would not be ideal to game at with a baby and 2 crazy dogs, but it's a possibility if that's the only option. I'll send you a message with my e-mail address and we can discuss it more.



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ENWorld ate my first attempt at a reply...

Basically, it seems like all three of us are in the same boat--we'd like to game, just can't make it work.

I found a Denver-area website that's supposed to help, so I'll post a link here in the hopes it gets us a game even if it's not the same game for all of us.



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SC, that's a good find! I think, when I return from my vacation later this month, I'm going to sign up.

You're right, the three of us are all having the same problem. Perhaps I need to "just deal" with my 5 year old distracting people...

That still, however, doesn't remedy the fact that the 3 of us are at opposite points of the compass at Denver's perimeter! But your discovery at "MeetUp" might be the fix... :)
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You guys have any luck finding games through the Meetup site?

I've inquired about two games, but haven't gotten into one yet.

I suppose, if I ever buy furniture I might run something.

I'm admittedly none too thrilled with 4e right now, so despite just buying the books (Core Set + 1 extra PH) I might either sell or shelve them and return to 3.5e if I run something.

...or Earthdawn or Shadowrun...maybe...dunno yet.

Really just need more time/new job.

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