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[CoC-DnD3e-FR] Dead of Winter PCs

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First Post
Oskar Dankil

Karak Thanta Oskar Stonejointer Dankil (known as Oskar Dankil to his friends) is a sixty-four year old Dwarven diviner. He was apprenticed to a smith-priest of Moradain, but it didn’t work out. Oskar’s free spirit and curiosity were more suited to the worship of Dugmaren Brightmantle. He also just couldn’t get his head round divine magic. So he underwent the Runaway’s Rite, borrowed his great-great-grandfathers apprentice spellbook and left.

He has something to prove. He’s not quite sure what, but he’s going to make his clan and his parents proud of him. He just doesn’t know how yet.

His low charisma is more lack of confidence and a stammer, rather had being ugly.

Oskar Dankil
Male Shield Dwarf Diviner 2
Age: 64
Weight: 196 lbs
Height: 4' 3"
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Dugmaren Brightmantle
Home Region: The Vast
Sanity: 50
Current XP: 1000
XP for Next Level: 3000

Str 12 (+1)
Dex 13 (+1)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 15 (+2)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 6 (-2)

Combat Info
HD 2d4+6, HP 14
AC: 11 (+1 Dex)
Flat Footed AC: 10
Touch AC: 11 (+1 Dex)
BAB: +0
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3
Attacks: Lt. Crossbow, +2 ranged, 1d8, 19-20 x2 80', Size M, Type P
Lt. Crossbow with Masterwork bolt +3 ranged, 1d8, 19-20 x2 80', Size M, Type P
Quarterstaff, +2 Melee, 1d6, 20 x2, Size L, Type B
Dagger, +2 melee or +2 ranged, 1d4+1, 19-20 x2, 10', Size T, Type P
Unarmed, +2 melee, 1d3+1, 20 x2, Size T, Type B

Alchemy 3 (1 Rank, +2 Int)
Concentration 5 (2 Ranks, +3 Con)
Craft (Weaponsmithing) 8 (4 Ranks, +2 Int, +2 Racial)
Knowledge (Arcana) 6 (4 Ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge (Religion) 7 (5 Ranks, +2 Int)
Scry 3 (1 Rank, +2 Int)
Spellcraft 5 (3 Ranks, +2 Int)

Common, Dwarven, Damaran, Draconic

1st Level: Spellcasting Prodigy (Wizard), Scribe Scroll

Save +2 vs. poison
Save +2 vs spells
+4 dodge vs giants
+2 on Appraise of stone/metal items
+2 on stone/metal Craft check

Equipment Carried
Bandoleer, Potion belt, Scroll organiser, Backpack, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Ink and pen, Belt pouch, 4 days rations, Rope (50 ft. silk), Sack (empty), Waterskin, Whetstone, Spell component pouch, Spellbook, Explorers outfit, Bolts (30), Masterwork bolts (20), Dagger (2), Acid (2),Alchemists Fire (2), Tanglefoot bag (2), Thunderstone (2), Antitoxin (2), Holy Water (2), Smokestick, Sunrod (2), Tindertwig (5), Cure Light Wounds potions (5), Scroll of Endure Elements (2), Scroll of Magic Weapon (2), Scroll of Jump (1), Scroll of Spider Climb (1), Quarterstaff, Everburning Torch

The scrolls are in the scroll organiser; the potions and alchemical gunk are in the potion belt or the bandoleer, familiar is in the belt pouch (ready to bite pickpockets). The Everburning Torch can fit into a harness on the side of his backpack, leaving his hands free. Three of the Cure Light potions are in the backpack. One case of MW bolts and one case of normal bolts are strapped to the outside of the backpack. The others are in the backpack

Toad Familiar (Stonehide). The +2 Con bonus raises Oskars hp to 15; his Concentration to 6 and his Fort save to +4

Money in Belt Pouch
25 gold, 2 silver, 9 copper

Level 0 Spells:
Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison(*), Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Repair Minor Damage, Resistance

Level 1 Spells:
Endure Elements, Identify(*), Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, True Strike (*), Comprehend Languages(*), Magic Missile

* Specialised School Divination (Necromancy prohibited)

Spells per day
Level 0: 4+1
Level 1: 2+1

Typically memorises:
Level 0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Light
Level 1: Mage Armour, True Strike, Magic Missile
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First Post
Sir Zichard K. Danilk, male human Pal2: CR 2; ECL 2; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 2d10+2; hp 22; Init -1; Spd 20 ft; AC 17 (+6 banded mail, +2 large steel shield, -1 Dex); Melee mw bastard sword +5 (1d10+2/crit 19-20), or short sword +4 (1d6+2/crit 19-20), or warhammer +4 (1d8+2/crit x3), or dagger +4 (1d4+2/crit 19-20); Ranged dagger +1 (1d4/crit 19-20); SA smite evil; SQ aura of courage, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay on hands; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy 4, Heal 2, Knowledge (Impilturan Law) 1, Knowledge (War) ½, Ride 1, Speak Language (Dwarven) 1, Spot 2½, Wilderness Lore 2; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Quick Draw.
SA-Smite Evil (Su): 1/day, if the target of a normal melee attack is evil, Sir Zichard Danilk gains a +2 attack bonus and a +2 damage bonus.
SQ-Lay on Hands (Sp): Sir Zichard Danilk can heal up to 4 hit points per day, divided among any number of creatures.
Equipment: banded mail, dagger (2), large steel shield, mw bastard sword, short sword, silvered dagger, warhammer, artisan's outfit, bedroll, cold weather outfit, crown of silver gem (approx. 7gp), cure light wounds potion (4), everburning torch, flint and steel, hooded lantern, leather backpack, light warhorse, military saddle, oil (5), potion belt, sack (2), saddle bags, saddle blanket, silk rope 50ft, smoke stick (2), sunrod (5), tinder twig (2), trail rations per day (5), water skin (3), whetstone, winter blanket, pouch with 22 gp, 5 sp, 2 cp.

Miscellaneous data:
Height 6'1", weight 180 lb, short brown hair, brown-green eyes. Wears a small black brimless cap, gray clock, black banded mail which has tarnished marks of gray, black kite shield, and weapons. Sir Danilk's patron deity is Torm, and is part of the Illustrious Order of the Guardians of Torm, chivalric branch Arm Barrister, rank Knight-Wanderer. He speaks Common, Damaran, and Dwarven. Encumbrance is 88lb for Danilk [medium load] and 343lb for his light warhorse [medium load].

Zichard Kosef Danilk was given birth to during the Year of the Crown 1351, Hammer, the fifth, in the coastal town of Hyrienra, just off of the Sea of Fallen Stars, some 20 miles west of Dilpur. His mother and father both of Impilturan decent, shared a common trade, both were carpenters who as partners owned an establishment named 'The Kings Carpenters', they built high quality furnishings. In the year of 1367 Raemishun Danilk [Zichard's father] passed away, and in 1368 Silenius Danilk [Zichard's mother] passed away. Zichard and his brother, who was sum five winters older, continued to run the 'The Kings Carpenters', though soon Zichard grew tired of wood work and enlisted in the local militia. Zichard was in service for two winters earning his monthly wage and doing his trade well, when he was witness to a raping. Zichard intervened and wounded the perpetrator. He gained the gratitude of the victim for saving her from such a dirty and vile man, though Zichard soon learnt the perpetrator was no mere gutter thief, he was in fact a heir of local noble man. With power of coin the young man's crime mysteriously disappeared from the record, and with several more coins Zichard was to be exiled for wounding such an 'important person'. Zichard was allowed to gather his belongings and say farewell to his brother, and with a bad taste in his mouth, a grim look on his face, and few spoken words, Zichard left Hyrienra.

After a two day trek along beaten trails and through wilderness, Zichard had come across the town of Denira. Here he looked for work to start anew, though the only means of support he ended up finding was to enlist in another so called law enforcing organization, the Order of the Guardians of Torm. Given a couple weeks Zichard had become comfortable with his situation, the Order had proven to be the reorganization he needed in life, and in no way would the Order be manipulated outside of the realm of their god. From squire to full fledged Knight in a little more than one and a half winters, Sir Danilk had become the sort that he aspired to. Knights trained by the Tormguard have a choice after the completion of their training - either continue their service in the coastal cities and progress through the ranks of the Order or become a Knight-Wanderer, a detached affiliate sent out into Impiltur as an agent of Torm. And Sir Danilk chose to become a Wanderer, to seek injustices throughout Impiltur and quash them in the name of Torm.

Sir Danilk with sword and shield in hand, and upon his stead, moved onto the nearest town, providing guard for merchants and travelers. Farther into the frontier, two settlements later and a string of lives saved, Sir Danilk found himself at Raril. He had entered the local tavern to arrange lodgings, though before he could he was witness to an intoxicated commotion going on at the front bar. A drunken dwarf was standing atop the bar, gesticulating wildly and mumbling at the top of his lungs, causing a small brawl. Sir Danilk stepped into the flurry and drew his sword bashing some of the drunken patrons with the swords flat, that is after they tried to send a couple of loose swings at him. Danilk then proceeded; grabbed the dwarf dragged him out of the establishment, leaned him against the tavern wall and tried best to quiet him down. Once in a more appropriate state of mind the dwarf had become a little more understandable, though was and still is, plagued by a rather inaudible mumble most of the time. Sir Danilk learnt that the dwarf, Fezzin, was a cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard and had been traveling for quite some time 'spreading the word' of his god. Fezzin insisted on remaining with Danilk in his travels until he could repay the debt. Sir Danilk agreed to Fezzin's proposal, though much rather for Fezzin's sake than that of his own. Sir Danilk had then booked himself [and Fezzin] in the tavern for a night of rest, only to awaken to another injustice, his stead was gone. The perpetrator this time was the tavern keeper's son. The keeper reimbursed Sir Danilk with three potions of cure light wounds which he had been saving from his adventuring days, and a deep apology. Sir Danilk and his newly found companion, Fezzin, went on their way in search of the perpetrator. Accompanying trade caravans they visited two more towns [and Sir Danilk purchased another horse at the last town], with no success. One last town to check, Caerrhen, the final outpost of Impilturan civilization.

Sir Danilk comes from a middle class yet respected lineage, and through his upbringing has been taught to think morally and with compassion. He strives to be a man of principle and honor, giving credit or punishment to where it is due. Such people as Lady Barrister Khellise Arkhendeire and Commander Montaril Arauta are to who he aspires to, though the mighty Torm is his ultimate guide. Sir Danilk tries not to make personal vendettas out of all the crime he sees, rather he generally tries to approach scenes with a clam and collect manner, thinking before he leaps so to speak. Other than that, Sir Danilk likes to enjoy fine foods and sword play, whilst he has been granted time to himself that is.

Sir Danilk is tall man of medium build. His face is a mark of experience, with a large scar down the right side of his lower jaw. He wears a small black brimless cap over the top of his short brown hair. A suit of black banded mail which has been quite weathered; sporting marks of gray where the paint has been striped off, and on top of the armor a heavy gray clock. Short sword sheathed on his side, bastard sword sheathed diagonally on his back, underneath his pack, and on the rear of that is a large kite shield.
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First Post
Fezzin Varghenheim, Shield Dwarf Fighter 1/Cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard 1: Alignment -- LG; Str 13, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10; HP 24 (HD: 1d10+3, 1d8+3); AC 16 (Splint Mail +6, Small Steel Shield +1, Dex -1); Init -1, Speed 20; SV Ref -1, Fort +7, Will +4

Melee: Dwarven Waraxe +3 (1d10, Crit 20)

Skills: Languages -- Common, Dwarven, Damaran;Hide -8, Intuit Direction 3, Spellcraft 2, Spot 3

Granted Powers: Free Martial Weapon Prof. and Weapon Focus with Dwarven Waraxe (War), Feat of Strength 1 rnd/Day with Bonus to Str equal to my level (Strength)

Special Abilities: Spontaneous casting, Stonecunning, save +2 vs. poison, save +2 vs spells, +4 dodge vs giants, +2 on Appraise of stone/metal items, +2 on stone/metal Craft check, Turn Undead 3/day

Feats:Armor Proficiency -- heavy, light, and medium (1x each), Exotic Weapon Prof. (Dwarven Waraxe), Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Dwarven Waraxe)

Weapon Proficiencies : Armor Spikes, Axe, Axe (Throwing), Battleaxe, Club, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Cutlass, Dagger, Dagger (Punching), Dagger (Thrown), Dart, Falchion, Flail (Heavy), Flail (Light), Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Glaive, Greataxe, Greatclub, Guisarme, Halberd, Halfspear, Hammer (Light), Handaxe, Javelin, Lance (Heavy), Lance (Light), Longbow, Longbow (Composite), Longspear, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Maul, Morningstar, Pick (Heavy), Pick (Light), Quarterstaff, Ranseur, Rapier, Saber, Sap, Scimitar, Scythe, Shieldbash, Shortbow, Shortbow (Composite), Shortspear, Sickle, Sling, Sword (Bastard/2-H), Sword (Great), Sword (Long), Sword (Short), Trident, Unarmed Strike, Waraxe (Dwarven/1-H), Waraxe (Dwarven/2-H), Warhammer

Spells: L0 3/day, L1 2+1/day
Domains: War, Strength

Equipment: Outfit (Cold Weather), Cleric's Vestments, Holy Symbol of Clangeddin Silverbeard
--Backpack -- Bedroll, Map/Scroll Case, Winter Blanket
--Masterwork Bandoleer -- (4) Holy Water (Flask)
--Potion Belt
--Belt Pouch -- 1 Hunk of Cheese
--(sadly) Empty Flask

This is a medium load for Fezzin (85 lbs.)

Background: Fezzin's life has been a bit of a frustration. At an early age, he realized that he had a calling: to celebrate the beneficent and mighty Clangeddin Silverbeard. Unfortunately, leading worship at festivals and in temples is near impossible when you mumble helplessly in all but the most trivial situation. Not wishing too turn away such a devout follower of the Lord of the Twin Axes, his superiors sent him out of their Earthspur outpost and off to act as an enforcer/missionary of the Father of Battle, converting the heathens and protecting the church's interests througout Impiltur--above and below the ground. Though he doesn't mind being a heavy, Fezzin hopes someday to be able to lead his fellow worshipers in praise of Clangeddin.

Appearance: Dressed in the red and white vestments of Clangeddin Silverbeard's clerics, Fezzin cuts an imposing figure, standing 4'2" and weighing in at about 153 lbs, all muscle. His red waist-long beard, braided with bells and baubles jangling at its ends, pulls most of the attention away from his shiny pate, and his hazle eyes are nearly obscured by ludicrously bushy eyebrows. Beneath the winter furs that his vestments cover, Fezzin wears silver splintmail, with tiny dragons engraved along each splint. On his back hangs Veinsplitter, the dwarven waraxe which speaks more clearly than he can ever hope to.

Aurally, Fezzin is uninteligible to even his closest companions (and even they strain to understand him). He is jovial, and laughs frequently, though at what is just about anybody's guess.

For more background, see Sir Zichard, above...


First Post
Ezra Geonora
Male Human Monk 2
Age: 20
Weight: 139 Lbs
Height: 5' 9"
Alignment: Lawful Good
Home Region: Impilitur
Monastic Order: Order of the Yellow Rose
Patron Deity: Ilmater
Sanity: 75
Current XP: 1000
XP for Next Level: 3000

Str 13 (+1)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+0)
Wis 15 (+2)
Cha 8 (-1)

Combat Info
HD 2d8+2, HP 18
AC: 14 (+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom)
Flat Footed AC: 12 (+2 Wisdom)
Touch AC: 14 (+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom)
BAB: +1
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dexterity, +4 Improved Initiative)
Attacks: Masterwork Bastard Sword (Humility), +3 melee, 1d10+1, 19-20 x2, Size M, Type S
Masterwork Nunchaku, +3 melee, 1d6+1, 20 x2, Size S, Type B
Unarmed, +2 melee, 1d6+1, 20 x2, Size T, Type B
Dagger, +2 melee or +3 ranged, 1d4+1, 19-20 x2, 10', Size T, Type P
Light Crossbow, +4 ranged, 1d8, 19-20 x2, 80', Size M, Type P

Balance 9 (5 Ranks, +2 Dexterity, +2 Synergy)
Hide 7 (5 Ranks, +2 Dexterity)
Jump 8 (5 Ranks, +1 Strength, +2 Synergy)
Move Silently 7 (5 Ranks, +2 Dexterity)
Tumble 9 (5 Ranks, +2 Dexterity, +2 Synergy)
Cthulu Mythos 0 (0 Ranks)

Damaran, Common

Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative
1st Level: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)

Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Attack 2/day (Fortitude Save DC: 13)
Deflect Arrows

Equipment Carried
Masterwork Bastard Sword (Humility)
Masterwork Nunchaku
Silver Dagger
Light Crossbow
2 Cases (20) of Crossbow Bolts
Hooded Lantern
8 Vials of Alchemist's Fire in Bandoleer
1 Pint of Oil
Wooden Holy Symbol of Ilmater
Monk's Outfit
2 flasks (Water)
Belt Pouch
Masterwork Bandoleer

Animals and Gear
Light Horse (Charity)
Riding Saddle

Equipment in Saddlebags
50' of Rope
Flint and Steel
1 Vial of Acid
2 Vials of Alchemist's Fire
4 Vials of Holy Water
9 Pints of Oil
1 Case (10) of Masterwork Crossbow Bolts
1 Case (10) of Silver Crossbow Bolts

Money in Belt Pouch
1 Platinum Piece
34 Gold Pieces
18 Silver Pieces
3 Copper Pieces

Ezra's Total Weight: 30 Lbs
Load: Light
Charity's Total Weight: 27 Lbs
Load: Light

Ezra is 5'9", 139 Lbs, with close shaven brown hair, and green eyes. He is wiry and agile, but has very little confidence in his abilities or words. He tries to assist however he can be it physical or spirtually or just a kind word, but he never feels it's good enough. (That's how I'm playing his low charisma.) He is usually dressed in a set of monk's clothes, a loose fitting set of clothes emblazoned with the symbol of Ilmater. He wears his holy symbol at all times.

Ezra has no memory of his parents, in fact he has no real memory of anything before life at the monastery. His mentor Father Ilith said that Ezra was found in the woods near the monastery, near the bodies of his parents. Ilith explained that it looked like they were killed by goblins, and that it was only by Ilmater's will that Ezra was not killed as well. That was 14 years ago. Now Ezra is a promising young student of the Order, and is now determined to go out into the world and experience life outside the monastery for the first time. On the day of his decision to depart, Father Ilith stopped Ezra and gave him a memento of his father that was found near his body, a very well crafted Bastard Sword with the symbol of Ilmater engraved in the blade. Taking this as a sign of Ilmater's will, Ezra named the sword Humility, and began to train himself with the his father's sword. On his 20th birthday, a year to the day he made his decision, Ezra left the monastery to find his destiny.


First Post

Male Gnomish Druid 2
Age: 42
Weight: 40 Lbs
Height: 3' 4"
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Mielikki
Home Region: Impilitur
Current XP: 1000
XP for Next Level: 3000

Str 11* (+0)
Int 14 (+2)
Con 14* (+2)
Cha 10 (+0)
Wis 15 (+2)
Dex 8 (-1)
*Racial modifier
Combat Info
HD 2d8+2, HP 18
AC: 12 (+2 Leather -1 Dexterity, +1 Size)
Flat Footed AC: 12
Touch AC: 10 (-1 Dexterity, +1 Size)
BAB: ?
Saves: Fort +3+2, Ref +0-1, Will +3+2
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dexterity)

Leather +2 AC

Shortspear: 1d8, x3, 20ft, Large, Piercing
Sling, 1d4, x2, 50ft, Small, Bludgeoning

Skills 24+6
1 Climb
2 Swim
1 Hide
1 Ride
4 Wilderness Lore
2 Intuit Direction
2 Scry
4 Concentration
1 Spellcraft
2 Craft (trapmaking)
4 Animal Empathy
3 Handle Animal

Damaran ,Common ,Druidic, Gnomish, Elven

1st Level: Improved Initiative

Animals Companions
Loba: Lemur (monkey) 1HD 4hp
Sefulcha: Owl 1HD 4hp

Shortspear,Sling,Sling bullets,Dagger


Light Heal * 3
Spider Climb

Nature's Ally 2
Detect Thoghts
Flaming Sphere

Flint and Steel
s Bedroll
Traveler outfit

Daan's Total Weight:
Load: 38lbs (38lbs is Light)
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Korbi Gobknocker: Gnome extraordinaire.

Korbi is a very interesting character. He has nut-brown skin (more a mocha color) and whispy white hair with very bushy eyebrows. His eyes are sapphire blue. He comes from a long line of spell casters and alchemists. His family has run the Alchemists shop in their village for over 100 years. Recently there was a massive fire that took out the store and Korbi’s wife and twin daughters. He has decided to get away from the village and all the bad memories. His only companion is his cat Goblin (named that because his one daughter thought the stray was a goblin living in their store room.)

Korbi Gobknocker: Male Gnome (Rock) Wizard 2; CR 2; Small Humanoid (Gnome); HD 2d4; hp 8; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 13; Atk +4 melee (1–1 §, touch), +1 melee (1d4–1, dagger), +4 ranged (1d8, light crossbow); AL CG; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 12; Height 3'4", weight 43
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +9, Concentration +5, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Spellcraft +7; Weapon Finesse (Touch Attacks)
Languages: Common, Gnome, Draconic, Goblin, and Damaran.

Familiar: Goblin the cat (+2 move silently)
Mule: Petal

Equipment kept on him: (has 50 GP left over)
Everburning torch
Water skin
2 scroll cases
15 pieces of chalk
1 vial of ink
2 ink pens
10 sheets paper (in the scroll cases)
belt pouch
spell comp. Pouch
explorers outfit
Lt. Crossbow
10 bolts
2 tangle foot bags
2 thunder stones
2 flasks of Alchemist’s fire
2 smoke sticks
5 sun rods
10 tinder twigs
2 scent breakers
4 glow powder
3 flash pellets
Wooden holy symbol (B. Shadowcloak)

Carried on Petal:
Pack saddle
2 sacks
saddle bags
bed roll
2 days ration
50’ silk rope
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Yanis Princetonson

This character belongs to perivas.

Yanis Princetonson: Human Rogue 1/Ranger 1; CR 2; Medium Humanoid; HD 1d6 + 1d10 + 2; hp 18; Init +5; Spd 30’; AC 14 (touch 11, flat-footed 13); Atk +3 melee (1d6+2, scimitar), +3 melee (1d6+1, short sword (offhand)), +3 melee (1d4+1, silvered dagger), +1 ranged (1d8, longbow); AL CG; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10; Sanity Points 75.

Skills & Feats: disable device +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT), gather information +4 (4 ranks), listen +8 (4 ranks, +2 WIS, +2 alertness), move silently +5 (4 ranks, +1 DEX), open locks +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT), pick pockets +5 (4 ranks, +1 DEX), search +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT), sense motive + 6 (4 ranks, +2 WIS), wilderness lore +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT); Alertness, Ambidexterity (when in no/light armor), Armor Proficiency (light, medium & shields), Improved Initiative, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting (when in no/light armor), Weapon Proficiency (simple & martial)

Languages: Damaran, Common

Possessions: Masterwork studded leather armor (bonus equipment); masterwork thief's tools (bonus equipment); scimitar, shortsword, 5 hunting knives, silvered dagger, shortbow, 20 arrows, sling; vial of antitoxin, backpack, belt pouch, bedroll, winter blanket, chalk, crowbar, everburning torch, explorer's outfit, fishhooks, flint & steel, grappling hook & 50' silk rope, silver holy symbol (Tymora), vial of holy water, steel hook which can be wedged tightly at end of pole, 10 pitons, 10' collapsable pole, potion belt, sack, soap, tent, ball of thread, trail rations (7 days), waterskin; 2 potions of invisiblity, potion of cure light wounds, potion of faith healing (Tymora), 2 potions of detect magic, potion of expeditious retreat, potion of jump; 36gp, 8 sp, 8 cp

Patron deity: Tymora, Mistress of Good Fortune

Description: His stout figure is clad in soiled studded leather armor and tattered clothing. His apparent lack of intellect is betrayed by the rounded facial features and the glazed over look in his eyes. An unkempt mop of black hair and large floppy ears confirm his status as a simpleton.

Recent History: Yanis' journey to Impiltur landed him in Dilpur. Half by chance and half by diligent investigative work, he discovered his first beneficiary--a young man named Karok, a miner by trade.

Apparently, Karok had been lucky in his mining efforts and discovered a chunk of precious metal. He had then headed to Dilpur to market his find and hopefully use the subsequent funds to set himself up in life. Karok, being a naive country bumpkin, was too free with his find and attracted the attention of the criminal elements in Dilpur. These individuals "bought" Karok's find and later claimed to be "defrauded" by Karok and some accursed illusionary magic. They demanded the return of their funds and threatened to throw Karok in jail.

Yanis discovered the young man in his plight and offered help. Yanis managed to recover the young man's find and they escaped the criminal elements' grasp by posing as adventurers to ride as "swordpoints". They eventually arrived at Caerrhan and used the find to purchase equipment and to start Karok's new life.

Karok is apparently happy to continue working as a miner, thankful and wiser for escaping from a dire fate. Yanis is happy with a job well done and is joining Karok for a drink at the Miner's Tankard before moving on to new adventures. Yanis had set up camp the night before just outside Caerrhan, entering town early in the morning, and has made arrangements to stay tonight at the Miner's Tankard before moving on tomorrow.

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