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Coils of Scuttlecove (Evil Campaign, Mature, no spoilers)

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Shae backed up against the wall, deflecting the hasty spear thrusts of the charging Goblins, in an attempt at preventing herself from becoming surounded. Dukar, still kill-happy, accepted the brunt of the goblin's charge with a great battle cry, striking with his flail in wide arcs. They ignored Aaron who almost appeared dead blissing out on Sannish.

One of the goblins scored Shae across the thigh, burning pain shooting through her nerves. She grit her teeth and concentrated on the three goblins in front of her while more pressed against them from behind, trying to poke their spears over their companion's heads to gouge at her flesh. A swift kick knocked one of them back into the others but the press of their small bodies held the warrior upright, leaving him with nothing more than a bloody nose. Her training kicked in and she fell back into the defensive, trying to buy some time for Dukar to inflict some real damage.

The priest wasn't fairing much better. While his strokes could fell a goblin in a single blow and he had the reach to overcome their advantage with their spears, the greenskins were agile and patient. The green tide surges back and fourth, avoiding his blows for the most part, though he killed several it wasn't enough. Suddenly one of the goblins hooked a cruel barb around her ankle, several of them grabbing the one spear yank and trip her up.

They swarmed over her, grabbing her arms and legs trying to pin her to the gound but she was too slippery for them, too quick. She felt panic and pain rise into her chest like burning bile. All she could see was limbs and snarling faces. She screamed when one of the goblins went for her face with it's teeth. "NO!"

The burning sensation shot through her arms before unleashing itself onto the world, a seering sheet of flames spouting from her outstretched fingertips.


First Post
--non-story post--

Actually, I've never read Song of Ice and Fire. Any similarity is purely coincidental, I swear.

More to follow...

--end non-story post--


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When Shae finally plucked up the courage to open her eyes, what she found made her recoil in shock.piles of charred and burning Goblins littered the floor in a rough arc around her. Those that weren't dead were fleeing with Dukar hot on their heels, some were even on fire. Jacith marched into the room, swords at the ready, but the sight even gave him a moment of pause. Scanning the room, he noted the body of the devotee of St. Cuthbert, now burning yet held in place by the spear through it's stomach.

Dukar slammed the door the Goblins had fled through shut and put his back to it. "You didn't tell me the bitch was a Sorceress!" He snarled.

Shae blinked, looking up at the men blankly, still shocked at what she'd done. "I... I'm not!"

Zeladi surveyed the remains. "From the pattern of destruction, I'd have to say it looks like the effects of a Burning Hands spell. Perhaps not the most useful combat spell in a Mage's arsenal but certainly effective in tight corners. Is this the first time you've ever summoned fire from your fingertips?"

She nodded, still hardly comprehending.

"The gift can be unstable and sporadic at first," the Necromancer informed her, "but make no mistake, you do have the touch of Boccob upon you."

Shae snapped back to reality when she noticed Aaron reaching for a second vial of Sannish. Springing to her feet, she practically bowled Zeladi over in her rush to snatch the vial away.

"HEY!" Aaron reached for it. "That's mine!"

She grabbed his wrist with her left hand and twisted, pulling him down onto his stomach and pinning him there while she plucked the belt pouch away from him. "One a day of this :):):):) is more than enough to fry your brain. I could care less if your life is so painful you need to bliss out, just do it on someone else's time. Now stop whining like a little boy and pick up those swords."

He did as commanded but he still glared at her. "I need that."

And that makes you weak, she thought. "You'll get it. But for as long as you're with us, it's one every night before we sleep. And I hold onto them. If you have a problem with that, I'll rip out your heart with my bare hands."

"That's not fair."

"Welcome to real life." She sneered, turning her back on the addict. Looking at Jacith's blades, she noticed the stains of fresh blood. "Have some fun upstairs too, did you?"

Everyone ducked as a sudden, yet distant, explosion reminding them that there was still a war going on outside.

"A few archers, nothing of note," Jacith replied, "the defenders are really giving the Goblins hell, they're holding out in the town hall but reinforcements just arrived from the forrest, the town's hip deep in greenskins. Any idea what the Goblins are doing here?"

"We heard some sort of pounding," Dukar said, "sounded to me like they were trying to break down a door."

"Ok," Jacith decided, "we're going after them. Dukar, we'll have words about the priest later, heal up Shae while I guard the door."

"The Goblins got him," Dukar lied, "I swear."

"I doubt any Goblin has the strength to shove a spear through a man and then through the back of a stout oaken chair. As I said, we'll discuss you taking me for a fool later."

Shae couldn't help but notice the dark priest's unease while he healed her wounds with a touch. Glancing at Jacith, she couldn't help but wonder how such a man could inspire such fear in a beast like Dukar.


First Post
Hm...most interesting developement here...(fair enough about the Shae thing--I guess it was just that she had started out faking being a whore and the Shae character is one. She's certainly an interesting character in her own right.)


First Post
If I'm not mistaken I do believe that 'Shae' was the protagonist from Terry Brooks' first Shannara book........but it's been a while. And that was out loooooooonnnng before Gearoge Martin's. Though I did wonder about the parallels to the latter, myself.

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