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Collaborative Adventure Writing Exercise


A suffusion of yellow
ENworld was done collaborative settings before but I hought it might be interesting to try and develop a collaborative adventure that coukld be picked up and used by DMs.

I'm sure the collective creativity of Enworld could give us something kewl

Anyway rules:

1. You can share one idea per post
2. You must wait until someone else has posted before you post again
3. No contradicting a previous post (you can expand, mitigate or even warp completely but no contradiction)

I tend to think a adventure is structured as below so please put in your title line which element of the adventure you are posting for.

Level What character level are we aiming at?
The Theme - settting the context
The Set - where does it happen
The Hook - how do the PCs get involved
The Scenario - what is going on (don't forget the behind the scenes info
Exploration Phase - exploring a dungeon, picking up rumours, finding clues, investigationg a mystery. (this is the open ended partof the adventure so be creative)
* Also ideas for interesting NPCs (who will have information and stuff) and Challenges (puzzles, traps and monsters)
Resolution Phase - getting to a goal and defeating the BBEG
Don't forget to up the challenges, give some answers, scatter some hooks, account for loose ends and set up the climax
Conclusion - rounding it off and celebrating the victory

For more ideas see Wolfgang Bauers Adventure Builder

Our Adventure - Level 1-5
Our Theme: Loss of a Holy Relic
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Okay...I'll bite.


How about a labyrinthine cathedral/asylum. Where the mentally ill we're(are?) taken in hopes that the closeness to some god can help them. It is owned by an ancient and religiously fanatic noble house who live amongst it's lower floors and have reached the verge of madness themselves while trying to perform penance for some great wrong they commited long ago. While it is run on a day to day basis by true believers of the "faith"

(Is this how it's suppose to go?)


First Post
The hook

One of the patients, "Uncle," who really is mad, is consistently right about predictions and ways of reading other people. Increasingly, he has begun to babble about a coming danger to all of humanity. The Nobles have begun something terrible, and they do not know the full consequences of it. "Uncle" Knows. The staff dismiss him, but the characters (patients themselves) begin to realize they are the only ones (damged though they may be) who have a chance to thwart the coming danger, because they are the only ones who know that "Uncle" is right about what's coming.


A suffusion of yellow
Imaro said:
Okay...I'll bite.


How about a labyrinthine cathedral/asylum. Where the mentally ill we're(are?) taken in hopes that the closeness to some god can help them. It is owned by an ancient and religiously fanatic noble house who live amongst it's lower floors and have reached the verge of madness themselves while trying to perform penance for some great wrong they commited long ago. While it is run on a day to day basis by true believers of the "faith"

(Is this how it's suppose to go?)

The Torphisten Preceptory was first established by Lord Torphisten as an Adjunct to his estate. Torphisten was himself a Paladin and the Precetory was to house the followers who he had gathered to his Order.
Eventually Lord Torphisten was called away to duty. He left his estate in the care of his wife and eldest son whilst the Preceptory was goverend by his Cohort the cleric Mignon. The Preceptory grew whilst Lord Torphisten was away and devloped its Hospice during this time.
Unfortunately Lord Torphisten never returned and it is rumoured that he fell from his Paladin hood and failed to atone to his god.
His son took the title of Lord Torphisten after this and he set about expanding the Preceptory to the point that it became an obsession. It was he who expanded the lower levels and developed the catacombs. He did not complete his task and was eventually found dead by unknown means. Rumours are that he too was attempting to atone for his fathers fall and it is with him, the second Lord Torphisten that the legend of the family curse arose...


First Post
This is a pretty fun idea! Have you considered using the adventure as a contribution to Worldwide Adventure Writing Month?

There's another thread floating around, so I won't spam up the place with repetition, but the general idea is to use a month-end goal to light a fire under your creative adventure-writing processes. Whattaya think?

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