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Collaborative Cave!


First Post
Re: Area #1.

I'm not entirely sure rust monsters are a good idea here, for the following reasons:

1. They're just not fun. I don't think players say "Oh boy, there's some rust monsters to kill!" the way they might about, say, trolls or gargoyles.

2. The most common tactic to deal with them, I would hazard the guess, would be to fall back and pelt them with spells and/or ranged weapons. This means the DM would need an outdoors map of the area leading up to the cave, which I don't think we're intending on supplying.

3. I'm not sure how they fit into the ecology of the cave so far. Are the goblins or lizardmen or whatnot raiding the local iron mine to feed these things, or what? That sounds like more hassle than they're worth.

That's just my opinion on it -- hopefully the other contributers will also make their thoughts known.


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Roger said:
Re: Area #1.

I'm not entirely sure rust monsters are a good idea here, for the following reasons:

1. They're just not fun. I don't think players say "Oh boy, there's some rust monsters to kill!" the way they might about, say, trolls or gargoyles.

2. The most common tactic to deal with them, I would hazard the guess, would be to fall back and pelt them with spells and/or ranged weapons. This means the DM would need an outdoors map of the area leading up to the cave, which I don't think we're intending on supplying.

3. I'm not sure how they fit into the ecology of the cave so far. Are the goblins or lizardmen or whatnot raiding the local iron mine to feed these things, or what? That sounds like more hassle than they're worth.

That's just my opinion on it -- hopefully the other contributers will also make their thoughts known.


Fair enough. I'm not married to the idea. I'll think about what else I might could put there.


First Post
Gargoyles. Put a dozen lifelike statues in the initial cave, and have the gargoyles hiding amongst them. 4-6 'goyles would be about right (2-4 if you advance them).


First Post
Ok, obviously I didn't get my post up this week-end as planned. Curse that holiday fun! :)

I'm working on it now. Even though I don't even have the swarm stats in yet, I'm going to post it here and keep working on it a few minutes at a time throughout the day.

Room 4

The first thing you notice as you approach this tunnel opening is an overpowering acrid stench, with an undercurrent of decay. The floor of the tunnel is formed of stone worn smooth, apparently by frequent travel. It slopes down steeply, then seems to level out some 30 feet ahead as the tunnel opens out into a larger space. The walls and floor glisten with moisture and the sound of dripping water can be heard in the dark below.

The sloped floor of the tunnel is extremely slippery. A DC 10 Balance check is required to move down the slope without falling prone. Attempting to move up the slope requires a DC 25 Balance check, and each square entered costs two squares of movement. An adventurer can instead use a DC 15 climb check but will then move at climb speed rather than normal movement speed, lose Dex bonus to AC, and otherwise be under the restrictions of making a Climb check.

If a rope is affixed at the top of the slope and used to assist a descending character, a DC 5 balance check is all that is needed to keep from falling. If a rope is used by a character to go up the slope, the Balance or Climb DC is reduced by 10. Anyone who falls prone on the slope must make a DC 20 Reflex save or slide down to the bottom. This causes no damage.


First Post
Ilium said:
I'll grab area 4 if that's OK.

I'm picturing that slope as being wet and extremely slippery, and living in area 4 are vast numbers of something tiny (or Diminutive) and hungry. Some kind of swarm that spends its days in here and goes outside through teeny cracks in the roof to feed at night. Bats, maybe.
Roger said:
11: Fog and Death (EL 10)

While the dragons have been occupying this cave system, small amounts of the corrosive gas they exhale have been dissolving into the bodies of water. Some of this gas is released back into the air by the pool in area 12. It has accumulated at the lowest level it can reach, which is this chamber.

I was just thinking that it may make more sense if these two rooms were swapped. #11 is awfully far from where the dragons reside, for gas to accumulate there. Area 4 might be a better place for that - it's even deepr than #11, and it's al downhill from 2a to there (compared to #11 which is located after a significant rise in #5). (Also, the "pool" in #12 may or may not wind up being an actual pool...)

What do you say - makes sense?


First Post
Some more items for clarification...
der_kluge said:
Dragon’s chamber (EL 11)

This large chamber is over 120’ feet across, and anywhere from 80 to 100 feet tall. Stalactites (some as tall as 20 feet) dot the ceiling. The sound of water fills this chamber – echoing off the stones. In the distant corner, a waterfall from an underground stream pours in and falls some 75’ into the pool. An underwater tunnel some 5’ below the surface connects this room to area 10.
Did you intend the water to flow in from the far waterfall, and flow out through the underwater tunnel to #10? If so, that's opposite to the direction implied by the water levels in #8-#10-#6. Or do you mean there's two inflows into #8: the waterfall in the far corner, and the tunnel from #10? In that case, we also need an outflow channel for the water...

Raven Crowking said:
Flavour Text said:
As you move down the passage, you can hear the drip and splash of water ahead. A small alcove to your left is thick with stalactites, stalagmites, and columns of stone – what seems like rashers of frozen bacon flow between them. You might be able to worm your way in there, but it would be a tight squeeze.
[...] Exploring this area requires an Escape Artist check (DC 10) for Medium creatures. [...] The steep slope is made of shale, but close examination (Track DC 15) shows that the rock has been pitted and moved by the passage of the dragons.
Keep in mind there's a *Large* dragon housed in this cave complex. If the passage from 2a to 6 is a "tight squeeze" requiring an Escape Artist check for a Medium creature, it should be impassable for a Large creature. Which way did you intend the dragon to enter and leave the cave complex? Or did I misinterpret something here?...


First Post
Since area 11 also has the down-slope it will work for me. That's really the only thing that makes these swarms worth including in this level adventure. If it's OK with Roger, it's OK with me.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Area 3: Tribute of the Night Woods Kobolds

Work in progress:

Over the past decade, the kobolds of the Night Woods a dozen miles away have sent yearly tribute to the dragons of the cave, both out of fear and a certain sense of worship.

The tribute initially were captured maidens from the surrounding villages, but that had the unfortunate side effect of bringing a group of adventurers down on the kobolds, ensconced in the night-like reaches of their darkened woods. Although the Night Woods Kobolds survived the adventurers, thanks to a booby-trapped false dungeon complex of ancient rotting trees, they realized they had to come up with something better. Ironically, that's when one of the kobolds sent along to accompany the previous tribute brought a message from the dragons: send more kobolds.

It turned out that the kobolds -- with their abject willingness to serve as slaves to the dragons, and their fanatical willingness to overlook a kobold here or there being eaten when one of the dragons felt the need -- were the gift that keeps on giving as far as the dragons were concerned.

Most of the time, the dragons ignore the kobolds, but the kobolds perform all the sorts of minor duties a massive dragon is unable (or unwilling) to perform on their own: Cleaning of scales, patrolling the corridors for intruders, trap creation (and building and testing and resetting), sweeping up all but the most impressive remains of slain enemies and even occasionally serving as the dragons' emissaries to the outside world (which is not a task the dragons would admit to needing, but which has sometimes happened despite that).

Each year, a dozen more kobolds from the fecund Night Woods tribe are selected via a trial of champions, and each year, they make their way into the caves. By the next year, many of them are dead, but despite that, the numbers of the surviving tribute grow each year, bolstered by the kobolds beginning to breed, using the side passage of their cave as an egg hatchery, each end guarded by an array of poisonous caltrops (CR3, large monstrous scorpion venom, DC 14 Fortitude, 1d4 Con/1d4 Con).

The nascent tribe is today a dozen adult kobolds (all Warrior 1 with 4 hp, unless otherwise noted), two children and a pair of eggs that have survived the less-than-ideal conditions. The tribe is ruled by First From the Forest, a Lawful Evil male kobold fighter 4/sorcerer 1/dragon disciple 3, who is in the process of turning himself into a half-green dragon. His aide and the tribe's "high priest" is Dragon Speaker, a Lawful Evil female kobold adept 6 with a weasel familiar.

Should the kobolds hear anyone in the complex, they will sound a gong -- formerly an adventurer's steel shield -- to alert the tribe and runners will head to alert the dragons. (Negotiating the hazards between their lair and the dragons' takes some time, and is one of the largest sources of attrition amongst the kobolds.) The kobolds will then meet the intruders en masse, with five warriors carrying spears and a second rank carrying slings and spears, who will fire at intruders until the first rank has been cut down, and then switch to their short swords. Dragon Speaker will lend support in the form of scorching ray, cause fear and burning hands while First From the Forest wades in with the second rank with his breath weapon, Talon, his +1 gnomebane spear (the tip of which glows with a sickly green light on command), and his masterwork sling.

First From the Forest does speak Common, however, and if confronted by a party of clear overwhelming superiority, will bargain for the life of the dragons, kobolds or himself. (When all else fails, it'll come down to saving himself.)

The kobolds have no treasure in their lair -- all treasure belongs to the dragons -- only the bare necessities for living as well as stolen or makeshift brooms and tools used for developing new traps and maintaining old ones and for keeping the complex clean.

A small barricade blocks off the entrance from the tunnel into their cave, requiring kobolds on the far side to let visitors in, or a noisy process of dismantling the debris to create a way in. The barricade provides cover for the kobolds. Except when all the adult kobolds are out dealing with intruders, two kobolds man the barricade at all hours. (If the adults are away, the child kobolds reconstruct the barricade from the inside and hide in the passage with the eggs.)

The cave below the kobolds' lair has been used to dispose of waste since First from the Forest first dumped the body of the only other kobold of his generation to survive their year as prisoners of the dragons after accompanying maiden prisoners into the cave. His fellow did not agree with First's brilliant plan to start their own tribe here in the complex, and thus had to die.
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First Post
Whizbang: keep in mind that #4 contains either some sort of Swarm (bat swarm?) or poisonous gases from the dragon's breath weapon. Also, #12 further into the cave complex, contains a small group of stranded kobold or goblin adventurers. See the posts higher up in this thread...

Sounds like we should probably try to integrate these ideas a little better.

One other observation: it looks like this dungeon is becoming very heavy on the acid attacks. Two green dragons, a green dragon disciple, a room full of corrosive gas, and an ooze. Maybe a bit too much of a good thing?
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