"Ow!" Majakilar says, rubbing his sore spots. "Other side might be your best choice!" he says, mimicking Owen's voice. "Hey Owen, there IS no other side safe from these balls! Just this door!" He points behind him, then realizes there's nothing there but stone wall, then points up, to where the door is. "Er, I mean THAT door, up there!"
Looking around, he spies the bits of clothing "Such a horrid color, who would wear such a thing?" he says to no one in particular.
But before he can reach out to grab one, the grey-brown tentacled serpent bursts forth. He sees it swing his head around, as if looking for something. "You're blind, are you? It's just as well, trust me, you're even uglier than Balabar Smenk! Well come on then, beastie!" Majakilar raises his glaive, ready to strike.
Dodge against the beast for AC 19.
Readied attack with guisearme +2 (2d4+3/x3).
Plus another attack when it closes, because of reach.
Current HP: 8