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Combat Stealth


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I know this must of been posted before but I can not find it after a fair amount of searching. Is there any advanced rules for stealth beyond the srd/core book?

Can someone help with this senerio and following questions:

We are adventuring in he sewers clearing out vermin and what not. My dwarf rogue had hidden after spotting a large group of beetles up ahead. He snuck up beyond the party to wait until the larger of the beetles moved into striking distance to set up the battlefield putting my dwarf at the ready to flank the large beetle. The smaller beetles rushed by him, he took no AOO waiting again for the big beetle to approach. A few rounds pass and I stay in place waiting. Then I get spit on by the beetle as a direct attack. Causing me to flee.

-How often do you recheck spot checks vs hide checks? Is that a check that happens every round? Or does the creature making the spot check need to know of your presence before reattempting another check? If my dwarf stayed still and did nothing the entire encounter with his successful initial hide and move silently would he be overlooked until he acted? I understand taking an action ends the hide status like attacking; but do non threatening actions end the hide status (like an invisibility spell). Out of combat do you roll to hide/MS every round?

-I have always played this situation as one set of successful move silently and hide checks and you are good until a new creature is encountered which then rolls verses your orginial roll.

-this has not become a problem at the table, the discussion with the dm was to find better written rules. Since I do plan on using stealth heavily with this character I would like to know the correct way the mechanics work.

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Complete Adventurer might have what you are looking for. There is a section on expanded skill usages.
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A caveat up-front: I'm not sure how close to RAW we are, but I'm pretty sure we're not 100% accurate. Still, here's how we'd handle it...

The smaller beetles rushed by him, he took no AOO waiting again for the big beetle to approach. A few rounds pass and I stay in place waiting. Then I get spit on by the beetle as a direct attack. Causing me to flee.

Okay, were this me (DM), I wouldn't have had the larger beetle attack the dwarf (unless your initial 'successful' check actually wasn't - and I wouldn't necessarily tell the player that!). However, I have been known to forget that a character is hidden, of course...

-How often do you recheck spot checks vs hide checks?

Broadly speaking, I'd recheck when the situation significantly changes. So, if the Wizard cast light, that obviously affects the dwarf's chances of remaining hidden. If a new character arrives, the dwarf would have to recheck against that character. And so on.

Incidentally, the way we handle it is that a recheck involves rolling both a new Spot and a new Hide check.

(In the situation you've described, I probably wouldn't call for a recheck - the dwarf remains hidden until he moves.)

-this has not become a problem at the table, the discussion with the dm was to find better written rules. Since I do plan on using stealth heavily with this character I would like to know the correct way the mechanics work.

That's all to the good. I would suggest thrashing out a policy with your DM (whether it turns out to be RAW or not). That way, you both know where you stand, and have a good handle on how to deal with such a situation if it comes up again.


First Post
Thanks, that is pretty much how I have played stealth when I dm too. I am trying to work with the dm to have the rule on the ready for next time, hate wasting time at the table. With that said is their anything written RAW that supports this? We are both under the same inturpatation but I keep looking and have found no RAW to support. Honestly I need to step back and find some basis in the RAW because we are trying to play by the book.

Just to clarify this is by no means and argument at the table just two different rules inturpatations the dm is open to suggestions as long as there is something to support it.


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I've always played it that an opposed skill check is set until circumstances have significantly changed, similar to Delericho.

Spot is written as a skill that requires no concentration or thought, knowing that you're there doesn't affect it (although it might grant a circumstance bonus).

Every new NPC/PC would roll their spot check against a new check by the Rogue. Different angles of approach change how well a person is hidden, so a new check needs to be made.

Out of combat, you can roll Hide all day if you want to, or you can just assume that you're "hidden" until someone comes by to oppose your roll. As a DM, to avoid your players knowing exactly when an enemy is approaching by when you ask your Rogue to roll a Hide check, you should make him roll every once in a while for no reason, taking care to check.

The character doesn't know when his Hide check fails.

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