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Comic Con 2005 Report: New Movies (Narnia, Logans Run, Others)


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I went to the San Diego Comic Con this year, like most years for the last couple of decades. This year, because I saw so much cool stuff, I wrote up a report on my live journal (in three parts). Since a lot of it is stuff y'all might be interested in, I'll repost it here.

2005.07.17 22.32
Comic Con 2005

So, I've been at San Diego Comic Con International 2005 since last Thursday. My friend Jonah of http://www.comicbookresources.com was able to get me a press pass to get in at the last minute (thanks Jonah!). I didn't abuse the press pass (though I thought about it once or twice when facing big lines for some things).

The time was split between comics-related stuff, movie-related stuff, and television-related stuff. So, I will split my posts to this blog in that manner as well. Anyway, this is the movies-related stuff.

2005.07.17 23.21
Comic Con 2005, Part Three and Final

If you thought there was a lot of TV stuff at this year's Con, wait until you see the list of film stuff we saw. 25 previews of movies and/or panels and/or rumors of happenings at panels to deal with here. Some great stuff coming up, and some real craptacular movies too.

1) Superman Returns. Biggest surprise of the entire convention. This movie is going to be friggen fantastic. REALLY good panel. REALLY good preview that the director flew in with him directly cut from the editing room right before the Con, and only seen at the Con for the next year or so. Looked INCREDIBLE. Really evoked the first Superman movie to me. The director went to huge lengths to learn everything there is to know about Superman, to fit in (vaguely) the first two movies to the story line. This movie picks up with Superman returning from a long trip to visit his birth world and find out what happened there. His return involves his re-meeting Lois Lane (the only flaw in the movie, as it is played by an actress way to young in my opinion). Lex Luthor is played by Kevin Spacey, one of my favorite actors, and he looked good in the role. This should be a great film.

2) Logans Run. It wasn't supposed to be a panel discussion about this, but the same director as Superman was asked several questions about it. Sounds like he is going to great lengths to stick to some of the icons from the original movie, moreso even than the book as it will involve a Carousel scene. Should be good. Saw no footage though.

3) Aeon Flux. A bit disappointing. Everyone from the film was there, including academy award winner Charlize Theron who plays the lead. The biggest problem with this panel/movie was that it directly followed Superman, which was an amazing panel with a guy who had a serious passion for what he was doing. Aeon Flux, on the other hand, was full of seemingly passionless folks who were there because their studio told them they had to be there. I felt no spark from them, no energy. The male lead said he expressly didn't want to copy the original cartoon from MTV...which brought groans from the audience since it was said with a lack of tact for a fan-based audience. Charlize Theron was funny and pleasant and dealt with fan boy questions quite well, but even she seemed to lack some passion for this film. The visuals looked great...but I am not so sure the plot will hearken back to the original cartoon, or will even work very well. I'll probably see it...

4) War of the Worlds. Quick panel with just the special effects guy, and a clip. Melody and I plan on seeing it before it leaves the theatres, and the clip sure looked good. The guy at least was passionate about his film, unlike the Aeon Flux folks.

5) Narnia. Just saw a new trailer. Looked really great. Didn't know the guys from Weta Workship (Lord of the Rings) were doing it. They had a cool display on the convention floor, and this looks to be a must see for Melody and I.

6) Corpse Bride. Just saw a trailer and some promo stuff. Looks great. Right up there with Nightmare Before Christmas. Will definitely see it.

7) Serenity. Just saw a trailer, though we missed a full panel on it I think. The Firefly show was so damn good that there is no chance I will miss this.

8) The Devil's Rejects. They sponsored the Masquerade ball, so we saw endless trailers for this movie. Looks awful. No chance I will see it, so sorry Rob Zombie.

9) Zathura. Saw just the new trailer. Follow-up to Jumanji, which I liked. Looked good to me, but I suspect if you did not like Jumanji you will not like this either.

10) Da Vinci Code. Just a trailer. Looks great, though they were giving nothing away in the trailer. Will definitely see it since I liked the book and the actors.

11) Hellbent. Saw trailer only. Some crap horror flick that I will not see.

12) Open Season. Just saw trailer. Animation movie about animals revolting and attacking human hunters. Looked REALLY funny, and animated well. I'll see it.

13) The New World. Saw trailer many have seen about this Western World Discovery of America movie. I'll probably see it.

14) The Skeleton Key. Saw trailer only. Horror flick about witches and the power of evil witchcraft being in the belief in that power. Looked plenty scary, and I might see it if Melody wants to.

15) Into the Blue. Saw trailer only. Some crap cool-teen film about finding buried treasure at see. I won't see it.

16) The Cave. Saw trailer only. About some spelunkers who find some sort of dragons or aliens or something in a very deep cave. Actually looked like it might be decent. I'll watch for more trailers.

17) Fun with Dick and Jane. Saw trailer only. Jim Carey movie. Not sure if I will see it. I'll wait for some reviews.

18) Rent. Saw trailer only. Movie based on Broadway musical based on European musical. I'll only see this if Melody drags me kicking and screaming all the way to the theatre...which she might as she liked the trailer and the musical a lot.

19) The Legend of Zorro. Saw trailer only. I missed the first movie, but want to see it still. I think Antonia Banderas is talents, and so will probably see this.

20) A History of Violence. Saw trailer only. Stars Viggo Mortensen. "An average family is thrust into the spotlight after the father commits a seemingly self-defense murder at his diner." It looked pretty good. I will probably see it.

21) Hustle and Flow. Saw trailer only. Rapper movie about kids stuck in the ghetto trying to get out through rap music. I know it doesn't sound that compelling based on that description, but the acting looked pretty solid. I might see it.

22) Bad News Bears. Saw trailer only, same friggen trailer you have seen if you watch any TV and don't skip the commercials. Not sure if I will see it or not.

23) Four Brothers. Saw trailer only. Street kid revenge movie. Meh. Didn't look awful, but that's about it.

24) Ghost Rider. I missed the panel and the trailer. However, the bike was on display on the convention floor, and it looked pretty darn cool. It's a comic movie, so I will see it.

25) V for Vendetta. I missed the panel and the trailer. However, I heard TONS of rumors about it afterwards. Apparently the movie does NOT have the blessing of the writer (Alan Moore, who I love). In addition, they changed lead actors half way through the filming of this movie. Neither of those things bode well for this film. And, the fans brought it up during the panel, though apparently it was dealt with okay. I loved the graphic novel, so I will see this. But I am a bit more dubious now than I was before.

Whew. Okay, so that covers all the movie news I can remember. We missed plenty more, like the King Kong panel (which had some amazing minitures displays on the convention floor), and others.

In addition, we went to the Masquerade, which was a blast as always. And, as always, it was hosted by Phil Foglio (who I have always loved from Dragon Magazine in addition to other things). He is hilarious, and perfect to host the craziness of that event. No beast boy this year I'm afraid...BEAST BOY BEAST BOY BEAST BOY! Ah, you would have had to be there last year to grok that joke...
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Westgate Polks

First Post
Follow-up to Movies at the Con

Mistwell -

Great recaps of the Con. I was there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and would like to add my own notes and thoughts to yours.

1) Superman Returns. I missed this panel, but several friends attended and agree that the movie looks really strong and that Brian Singer is on top of this.

3) Aeon Flux. Saw the last few minutes of the panel, and I agree that there was little passion from the participants. Maybe I am spoiled after the Serenity and Battlestar Galactica panels, but I just didn't leave this with a good feeling.

6) Corpse Bride. In addition to the trailer, they showed an actual scene from the movie (including a musical number). The sound is VERY Danny Elfman, but I thought the visuals harkened back to Oingo Boingo (Danny's So Cal 80's band.)

7) Serenity. FRIGGIN' AWESOME. The entire regular cast of the show was present except for Wash (the pilot), who is part of Spamalot. Joss forgot to introduce the actress who plays Kaylee (the mechanic); he started his talk and was wildly excited. When the mistake was corrected, he got on his hands and knees and crawled to the now-seated actress to ask for forgiveness. The panel was a blast and you can see the chemistry between the cast.

Saturday night, friends and I are at the Serenity Booth looking at the lottery tickets and the goodies and one of the staff (who we has spoken to both Friday and Saturday) asked us if we had plans for the evening. When we replied that we did not, she gave us two tickets to the sneak screening that Joss was hosting in a theatre a few blocks away. According to Joss, this was the first time the whole movie had been show with completed effects, completed and timed score, etc. IT WAS AMAZING. I have not seen the show (yet), but the movie was so well done that it is a MUST SEE.

19) The Legend of Zorro. The first Antonio Banderas Zorro was entertaining enough to warrant me seeing this one, even if the trailer looks a bit uninspired.

25) V for Vendetta. The Panel was a mixed bag; almost every single question was fanboydom directed at Natalie Portman and it got old in a hurry. Alan Moore was NOT present and has asked that he NOT be associated with the project. The Co-Creator of the Graphic Novel David Lloyd was there and his comments suggested that Alan wanted any movie to be essentially identical to the book. Take that for what it's worth. The movie looks decent and it DOES have Hugo Weaving in the title role AND was heavily influced (writers for the screenplay AND location directors) by the Wachowski Brothers.

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