Command: Flee

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As long as i get to be the frog
That makes command a very good tier 1 control spell. No concentration. Provides 2 effective turns of action denial provided the enemy in question has no ranged attacks. It's much better than I first realized.

1 Turn fleeing away. 1 Turn dashing back.


Command is a fantastic spell. Except for one thing. It is language dependent. There's a rather large number of critters in the MM that don't speak common. It has come up so often that my current cleric often burns a spell on Tongues just to be sure to be able to use Command.

OTOH, the fact that command triggers on the opponents turn does make it an incredibly strong control spell and it scales very quickly too - 1 more target/spell level. Used properly, you can just devastate baddies with this. Especially brutal if you set up the rest of the group to take opportunity attacks as the baddie flees.

Heck, even things like "Drop" are brutal - you force the target to drop whatever they are holding and end their turn. The group gets an entire turn's worth of actions before that critter can pick up its weapon again. No opportunity attacks, and, if the group is smart, you can kick the weapon away as well.

Since it says that the command can't be directly harmful to it, I think a DM would be justified using it's action to Disengage and then moving. It really depends on the DM though. I'm not even sure how I would play it as the DM. Probably would depend on the group. The spell even says the DM determines how the target behaves, so it all depends on how the DM reads it.


Since it says that the command can't be directly harmful to it, I think a DM would be justified using it's action to Disengage and then moving. It really depends on the DM though. I'm not even sure how I would play it as the DM. Probably would depend on the group. The spell even says the DM determines how the target behaves, so it all depends on how the DM reads it.

This is a really good point actually, one I had never considered. But yeah running through a gauntlet of OAs does seem pretty directly harmful.


As long as i get to be the frog
Since it says that the command can't be directly harmful to it, I think a DM would be justified using it's action to Disengage and then moving. It really depends on the DM though. I'm not even sure how I would play it as the DM. Probably would depend on the group. The spell even says the DM determines how the target behaves, so it all depends on how the DM reads it.

Sure, but you can use the spell before the enemy engages.


Historically many deaths occurred when the defeated enemy were killed while fleeing. A command of "Withdraw" would result in a Disengage and move. If you give the command "Flee" and the target knows its escape route is egregiously dangerous then modifying the saving throw seems appropriate.

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