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Comments from my Players

Lord Torin

First Post
I posed these questions to all of my players via email.

1. What would you change about our current D&D group?

2. What would you change about our current campaign?

3. What would you change about your current DM?

4. What player in our group most represents how you want to play the game?

5. What player least represents how you want to play the game?

6. When it is time for a new campaign, what kind of campaign would you
like to play?

7. How do you feel about the Leadership Feat? Should we allow it in
our next campaign?

Here are some excerpts of their responses. Thought many of you could relate :cool:

What my players are saying about my campaign:

“Unless players put effort into the campaign, the DM can only do so much.”

“…most of the npc interactions are hogged by a few people…”

“Although the Bounty Hunter is an interesting idea and could be fun, the current group is a bit too powerful to not want a larger goal.”

“Bounty hunting isn't really a goal, per say, it's a process…As a result, it's not much fun to focus on for long.”

“…we might as well just build a portal in the desert and the other one at a tropical island, that way we can charge mucho denero to allow vacationers to quickly and safely have a lap of luxury. it can be done and i'm sure twentieth level wizards have thought of it but why bother even adventuring at that point…”

“…as of late the campaign is flipping around too much…”

What my players are saying about me:

“Force people to have a time limit when it is their turn in combat…”

“Maybe give a few of his NPCs a little less attitude, not everyone in the world is hard to outsmart, trick, and or just bully…”

“The giant head needs no fixing!”

“…for as big a group as we have, i think you do an excellent job of keeping the attention of the players…”

“NPC's, who strike me as being a little two dimensional…”

“…the npc's that you bring in and introduce seem to survive in the game only when they have something important to bring towards gerry's dictatorship of the world…”

What my players are saying about the other players:

“…does a fine job of defining goals and trying to move the game in a particular direction, he does a poor job of including the other players…”

“Current group needs to communicate a bit more and some tactics need to be hashed out…”

“Less Arguing over rules that will affect the outcome of the next possibly 20 seconds of game time, unless the argument means life or death for a character.”

“Create characters and not experiments in freak numbers creations.”

“… knows the rules inside and out and his characters are goal oriented…”

“… puts more 'character' into his characters…”

“..works hard trying to keep the party together and goes out of his way to save players…”

“…creates an environment that creates loopholes and not characters. He then bring others to do the same…”

“…can focus and achieve objectives, a major weak point in the group and has the charisma to gather players together, but lacks the comprehensive game knowledge that others have.”

“…has the most richly developed character in that he has goals and is constantly striving to achieve them. If only he had James’ personality…”

“…no role playing, no character depth, little group involvement.”

“…not a team player…”

“…'s characters don't seem to exist beyond their stats…”

“… knows how to cheese but he knows when it gets too stinky…”

“…is in it more for creating a memorable character instead of designing a character with the stats to win the game…”

“…whines too much and does nothing in character, he just likes to boast about his stats and what he can do all by himself…”

“…dedication to making super cheese chars. Haven’t seen any signs of RP or char group involvement…”

“…staying in character 100% of the time and not power-gaming just isn’t possible for some of us.”

What my players are saying about the next campaign:

“…good ole fashioned role-playing is preferable to rules lawyering.”

“It's difficult to motivate an evil person because he just doesn't care about very much. So, rather than be part of an evil group, I would prefer a campaign that offered the possibility of heroics - that group of paladins you've been threatening us with doesn't really seem all that bad to me.”

“so what if i wanna be an awakend black pudding monk... that’s what i friggin
want! hehe (or a feral, two headed, winged, half-fiend, gelatinous dire gnome)”

“Just because its been a very long time, an old school dungeon crawl would be fun.”

“i kinda like starting fresh at 1st level with not a pot to piss in and just go where the world takes me”

“I would like to see a good alignment campaign where the party works together.”

“I would like to say I enjoy role playing games not roll playing games.”

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Nice to see that you can actually get all of your players to respond to all of your questions.

But one part of this just cracks me up. The section where they all name a player and describe what they don't like about his gaming habits. It looks like every single player says the same thing; which looks to me like they are all talking about the same player. They all mention how the guy doesn't roleplay and only focuses on his stats (one guy even says he brags about his stats). But then there's the ONE reply that says:

is in it more for creating a memorable character instead of designing a character with the stats to win the game

Let me guess, this was from the guy that everyone was talking about? :p The whole, "to win the game" line really kills me. I couldn't play or DM with a guy that wants to "win the game".

*edit* actually now that I read that quote again, maybe I got the wrong message from it. The way it's written makes it sound like he WANTS the high stats to win instead of making a memorable character....hard to tell what he means. Oops :confused:
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First Post
Thanks for this - I yoinked it and sent it to my group after modifying a few of the questions. We've tried similar stuff before in the "Suggestions" sub-forum on our campaign message boards but not everyone participates.

I asked the group to respond via e-mail. So far, only one has, and [shock] the thing he mentioned he wished would improve is that sometimes, it feels like "The C and J show", refering to his character and to another player's character.

Psychic Warrior

First Post
Very good question list. I might try this for my current group after the new year (we have only just got back to playing D&D). But i have to say that whoever said this;
“I would like to say I enjoy role playing games not roll playing games.”
would have been taken out back of the woodshed and beaten severely. :p

Doug McCrae

Lord Torin said:
“Bounty hunting isn't really a goal, per say, it's a process…As a result, it's not much fun to focus on for long.”
This is a really stupid thing to say. Better if he'd just said he doesn't like bounty hunting.

But it still wasn't anywhere near as bad as the guy who said he preferred roleplaying to rollplaying. Does he also make jokes about how George Bush mixes up his words?

Lord Torin

First Post
We started out the campaign as Bounty Hunters in Waterdeep, but I purposefully left it wide open for the party to do what they wanted. Turns out Bounty Hunting didn't happen too much. I've thrown in many, many different hooks, Bounty Lists, Zhentariam plots, weather catastrophe, even a Hobgoblin outpost. The party jumps around too much. Part of the poll was designed to see where the party wanted to go and maybe reduce the hooks to keep everyone focused.


“…we might as well just build a portal in the desert and the other one at a tropical island, that way we can charge mucho denero to allow vacationers to quickly and safely have a lap of luxury. it can be done and i'm sure twentieth level wizards have thought of it but why bother even adventuring at that point…”

Why do players come up with this sort of stuff? *Shakes head sadly.*

“Maybe give a few of his NPCs a little less attitude, not everyone in the world is hard to outsmart, trick, and or just bully…”

Works both ways. Most PC’s that I have ever seen (in my group and in others) tend to be the bullying, outsmarting kind trying to intimidate or force their way over even friendly NPC’s. Shame.

“…no role playing, no character depth, little group involvement.”

“…not a team player…”

“…'s characters don't seem to exist beyond their stats…”

Sounds like they might be talking about one of my players. Heh.

Lord Torin

First Post

“Maybe give a few of his NPCs a little less attitude, not everyone in the world is hard to outsmart, trick, and or just bully…”

Works both ways. Most PC’s that I have ever seen (in my group and in others) tend to be the bullying, outsmarting kind trying to intimidate or force their way over even friendly NPC’s. Shame.

The more rational players in my game understand that the "easy" NPCs are just not as memorable becuase the PCs get what they need from them and move on. It's the difficult ones that they remember because they were a challenge. It took more than a die roll to overcome...

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