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D&D 5E Compilation of Alternate Ability Score Generation Methods


First Post
I kept track of innovative methods people were using for stats in the thread, “Point Buy vs Rolling for Stats “. I gave up on the thread on page 27 of 192. I made-up some names for the methods, in bold, for formatting and quick references.

Add a comment if you have another way to generate ability scores, but please to not critique, evaluate, or comment on the various methods. All of that just lead to arguing and posts directed towards individuals rather than the forum at large.

Kinder 3d6 by Ilbranteloth
I use 3d6 reroll any 1s once. It's similar, but mathematically is almost the same as the standard array. If I recall, 4d6 drop the lowest tends to trend higher.
Random Points by Yunru
8d6 point buy is the current method we're using.
Random Path to 75 by TwoSix
1) Roll 2d6+5 5 times.
2) Sum those values, and subtract them from 75.
3) If a value is higher than 17, change it to 17 and add the excess to the lowest stat.
4) If a value is lower than 7, change it to 7 and subtract the difference from the highest stat.
5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all values are between 7 and 17, and the sum of all 6 values should be 75.

Change boundary conditions (7 and 17), total sum (75), or dice rolling method (2d6+5) to taste.
Playing Card Method by Ti-bob / Arial Black / Irda Ranger
My method to roll character combine the best of point buy and random rolling: I use cards to generate random and fair characters. All players use the same cards, so no "unbalanced" characters even if random is involved.
(In short: 12 cards numbered 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9; deal 6 stacks; swap any 2 cards; assign to any stats)

Arial Black

Try this: get a normal deck of playing cards, take one red suit and one black suit, discard all aces, twos, threes, tens and pictures.

You now have two suits of six cards each, numbered 4 to 9.

I like randomness mixed with a bit of control. Too much control leads to cookie-cutter PCs and too little need for creative problem solving. Too little or no control leaves you helplessly tossed by the winds of fate.

So, bearing that in mind, take your twelve cards, shuffle them, and deal them all out face up, one at a time, to each stat, in order Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha. Then deal a second card to each.

Each stat will have two cards, ranging from four to nine. The worst a stat can be is to get both fours (8). The best would be both nines (18). The average is 13.

Right now, you have had no control over which stat got which score. Now, each player has the option of choosing two cards and switching them. You might choose to make sure you have an 18 (if you didn't already deal both nines to the same stat) but you only have a choice of two stats to make 18 because you only have a single switch so the 18 can only be one of the two stats that got dealt a nine.

You might have other priorities. Classes you are going for, party balance, all sorts. But you have a semi-random set of stats which has exactly the same total and stat range as every other player at the table.

Irda Ranger

This is a solution I made myself. I don't know anyone else who uses it. But the idea is that you want some randomness in stat generation, but you also want to prevent multiple 18s.

You (as the DM) decide what Point Buy power level you want, then create a deck of 18 cards that add up to those numbers. Then players shuffle and deal the cards to their stats.

The way I do it is you deal three cards to each stat, in order, down the line. You can make one swap between any two stats.

Two Six's Variation on Irda Ranger's Playing Card Method
Hmm....that's not bad. You can set your own bias by choosing the cards you want. Take out aces (1s) if you don't want really low stats. Less or 0 6s if you want to avoid 17-18s.

You can even add in some funky mechanics to make it a little more fun. 3 of the same color gives a +1, or 3 of the same suit gives a +2. Throw in a 7 or 8 in place of a 6. Maybe a joker counts as a 6, and makes the second highest card in the pile also a 6. Or a joker acts as an extra swap if you're using fixed order with limited swaps.

Standard Array in random Order by Satyrn
When I made my current character (the gnome battlemaster), I built him using the Standard Array, but I placed the scores randomly:
1d6 to determine where to place the 15 (count down from the top)
1d5 for the 14, skipping where the 15 went
Group Plan by Arial Black
Rolling for stats is great fun!

You know what's even more fun?

At session zero, everyone rolls their stats together as a group, and can communicate with each other about who wants to create what (partly based on the scores they've just rolled) and can work together to be part of each other's backstories.

One side benefit? You are overseeing the whole operation, and you'd catch anyone who would be foolish enough to cheat right in front of you.

The players can have no valid complaints about this (Awww, I can't cheat if you're watching me!), except one: "it takes me a week to think of a coherent and interesting character". Fair enough. I'm like that myself.

Solution? After session zero, the players can go away for a week and complete the design process, bearing in mind all that has been discussed and that you wrote their rolled stats down (for administration purposes, of course!). Next session, after you peruse their sheets and the players introduce their completed PCs to one another, you can begin the adventure.

Two Strong, Two Good, Two Weak by Yunru
Roll 3d6 for two stats, these are your "weaknesses" - areas where your character simply isn't gifted or hasn't focused.
Roll 4d6k3 for two stats, these are your average stats, neither neglected nor specialized.
Roll 6d6k3 for two stats, these are your "strengths" - areas where you're either gifted or have heavily invested in.

(Averages are 11, 13, and 15)

EDIT: Proving I have the worst case of inverted luck, here's six sets of stats generated with it (rolled on Random.org):
Strength | Average | Weakness
1: 15, 15 | 11, 12 | 13, 16
2: 10, 15 | 17, 8 | 13, 13
3: 14, 17 | 12, 12 | 9, 13
4: 18, 16 | 10, 16 | 10, 15
5: 9, 17 | 11, 11 | 8, 12
6: 14, 14 | 15, 15 | 8, 14

For reference, abnormally ranking results are in italics.
Honor System by TwoSix (also later described by Pming, but omitted for the shorter explanation by TwoSix)
If you really want to dissuade cheaters, try letting the players pick their own stats. Unless you have particularly brazen players, or they're just sociopaths, they're not going to give themselves anything crazy. Why? Because they'll have to own up to it; they can't just say "Oh yea, the dice GAVE me these 2 18s". Even if they do give themselves 2 18s (unlikely), they'll give themselves at least 2 super low dump stats because they feel guilty.
Choose Your Set From Everybody’s Rolls by Thurmas
When we decide how we do stats, it first comes down to what kind of game. If it’s a one shot or very short 2 or 3 game sessions, we use the point buy system. It just isn't worth the time to invest in a session zero. It’s an easy check to make sure everyone's stats are good to go.

For a longer campaign with more character investment, I prefer a session 0 where we roll stats and get to enjoy the character building process. Someone may have outlined this method, I didn't read all the posts, but we use this: Everyone rolls 4d6, drop the lowest. After each person has their 6 stats, we write the stats on a white board. Everyone is free to choose any one of the sets of 6 stats. This allows everyone to enjoy rolling, but it also equalizes the playing field by making sure no one gets really bad rolls compared to others and feels underpowered the entire campaign. It gives a little variety and lets people make a character according to their vision. It’s interesting to see how people choose which stats to use. A fair number use the stats they rolled. Typically most of the stats get used by at least one person.

The one thing I have considered trying, but haven't done yet is to do a campaign with no racial bonuses. I would use a little more powerful rolling method, such as 4d6 drop lowest 7 times, dropping one number, or a point buy with more points. The purpose of this experiment would be to expand the race and class combinations. For example, we don't often see things such as a Gnome druid, or a High Elf barbarian, because the racial bonuses don't support those classes' primary stats. It would help break the typical mold a little more and go with desired flavor over function.

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Li Shenron

This method was used by the DM in the very first game of D&D I played more than 20 years ago. It was a BECMI game however, so I am not sure if you want to include it in this thread.

Don't ask me why the DM wanted to use this method, because I don't know. It was supposed to be more generous than just the random rolls, but some of us ended up struggling anyway to create valid characters (since we were also using minimum ability scores requirements for classes).

Roll 3d6 in order, with optional adjustments:

1st: two ability scores can be swapped

2nd: lower any score by 2, increase another by 1 (as many times you wish), with the following exceptions:
- Constitution and Charisma cannot be adjusted
- Dexterity can be only increased
- you cannot lower a score below 8

Edit: to clarify, you could swap any two scores only once; after that, you could lower several abilities by 2 in order to increase others by 1, and you could do this multiple times but not if doing so would lower the score below 8, and you could not increase Con/Cha or decrease Con/Cha/Dex.
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Mike Tyson

I read somewhere (here? another forum?) about rolling 3d6 in a six by six grid, and the player can use any row, column or the diagonal but had to take the scores in order. One of the complaints about it was it was time consuming to roll 36 x 3d6.

I solved that by using excel and the "randomness" command. I did two grids: one where the random was btwn 3-18 and the other where the random was between 2-12 plus 6. I used that second grid for a human monk that resulted in S11, D16, C15, I10, W15, Ch10. I could see using the first grid again, but changing the minimum to 6 or so. Got too many 3's and 4's.


My group doesn't like rolling much (except for certain kinds of one-shots). Instead we use a variant of point buy:

"Floating-Bonus Point Buy" Ability Score Generation
As the standard 27-point buy, but you only get 25 points to spend. Afterwards, put a +1 racial bonus in any one ability score for which you have no racial bonus.

If you are a standard human (and thus have racial bonuses to every ability score), use the standard 27-point buy instead.

This guarantees that any character can start with a 16 in any given ability score, if they so desire. (Starting with less than a 16 means that you hit your ability cap four levels later than everybody else, and so get fewer chances to pick up interesting feats.)

Last campaign I had everyone roll a set of stats. 4d6 drop lowest, in order (Str - Cha). After everyone had generated a set of stats, anyone could use any of the sets. If none worked out well for you, you could instead use the standard array (but the 15 was bumped to a 16). This allowed an "organic" feel to the stats, without making anyone grossly overpowered than anyone else, as everyone could have picked the same stat set (in theory).

We did end up with a set with an 18 strength and charisma, which the party warlock and paladin chose. It's kind of funny that the Warlock started stronger than the fighter.


On my next campaign I'll be using 2d6+6. It gives numbers in the 8-18. No rerolls. I'm even thinking in doing them in order, but then the character will only be legal if has at least 2 15 scores.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Roll once on each table:







This is modeled on 4d6 drop lowest, but avoids freak occurrences of the dice and makes sure everyone has some high numbers and some low numbers. For extra fun assign scores to abilities before rolling.

I think this one is from AD&D 2E:

Every score starts with a value of 8.
Roll seven d6s.
Add d6s to ability scores, however, you have to add the entire die value, not part of it.

For example, if you toll 6 5 5 4 3 3 1, you could have
STR: 8 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 18
DEX: 8 + 3 = 11
CON: 8 + 5 = 13
INT: 8 = 8
WIS: 8 + 4 = 12
CHA: 8 + 5 = 13


Roll 24d6 remove the lowest 6, build your stats from the pool of numbers on the remaining 18 dice(3 dice max per stats).

If you like rolling dice this way is fun.


I prefer rolling stat, but i like a more narrow range, so I have used the following method for quite some time now:

2d6 + 4 for normal character's
3d6 replace one die with a 4 for slightly more heroic characters.

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