Compiled 3.5 Revisions

the Jester

Any changes to the ranger spell list? All the others have been listed... Is CLW still a 2nd-level ranger spell, f'rex?

Thanks for all the hard work on compiling this stuff, Olgar!

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First Post
I didn't see this confirmation from Andy Collins's message board listed above for the magic item section:

"There's no change to the ability-enhancing items--same effects, same prices.

There was some concern that these items might be underpriced, but we decided we were willing to live with that possibility.
Andy Collins
Senior Designer
Wizards of the Coast Roleplaying R&D"

Or is this not listed because it is a nonchange rather than a change?


First Post
Olgar Shiverstone said:
· New favored enemy at levels 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 with graduated increases (add an enemy at +2, increase any other favored enemy by +2)

New FEs begin at +2, and add +2 to ANY FE (including the one just gained, thus making it +4)!

I'm trying to stick to the changes only where possible, rather than list things that stay the same (so we don't turn this thread into the entire SRD).

I'm just trying to provide one spot to come to to confirm/deny compiled rumors and pick up information to help convert (or decide whether to convert) your game.

Thanks to all who continue to provide updated information!.

Edit: Full ranger spell liist will go up when I have it; right now, I only know of the four additional spells listed.
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Duke Frinn

First Post
May I suggest some small addition?

Olgar Shiverstone said:
8. Monsters

a. Weapon types to overcome Damage Reduction are not cumulative. (SNIP) Categories include blunt, holy/unholy, lawful/chaotic, adamantine, magic, silver, cold iron.

Do not forget good/evil. It is not the same as holy/unholy. Also, it is important to state that DR entries such as 5/+1 no longer exist, since the Magic category encompasses +1 through +5.


c. There are a number of new subtypes (extraplanar and Native , for example). Shapechanger is now a subtype, rather than a category. the Swarm subtype was added as well .


g. The Monster Manual will provide preferred monster tactics for some monsters .

Also, the 5th level spell that 'replaces' Polymorph Other is Baleful Polymorph , not Baneful Polymorph.

I also think the point about Small weapons should be explained more. How about...

The weapon charts in the Revised Player's Handbook will have an entry for weapons wielded by Small characters. For example, the entry for a Medium Greatsword will now read '2d6' in the normal entry, and '1d10' on the Small entry.

Halflings and Gnomes will not be forced to use Shortswords or Handaxes, instead wielding Small Longswords and Battleaxes.

A character using a weapon not designed for his size (such as an Ogre wielding a Large Greatsword) will take a penalty to attacks.
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First Post
Thanks for the compilation, Olgar.

I've just read in Dragon 309 about the addition of the Craft Construct feat in 3.5, so you may want to add that to your list. :)

Lord Rasputin

Olgar Shiverstone said:
2. Classes
f. Additional PrCs go into the DMG, to include:
Arcane Archer: Fighter/mage with emphasis on archery.
Arcane Trickster: Rogue/mage with some neat tricks.
Archmage: Powerful sorcerer or wizard who reduces the number of spells they can cast per day in exchange for powerful arcane abilities.
Assassin: A rogue with less emphasis on skills and more emphasis on killing.
Blackguard: An antihero.
Dragon Desciple: A sorcerer who gains dragon abilities such as breath weapon, bite, etc.
Duelist: A fighter who wears little to no armor and instead relies on their ability to dodge blows.
Dwarven Defender: Strong defensive fighter. Can assume a defensive position where he becomes very hard to kill.
Eldritch Knight: From what I've heard, this is basically a renamed version of the Spellsword PrC. It's a fighter/mage with emphasis on melee combat.
Hierophant: Powerful cleric or druid who gains powerful abilities in exchange for the ability to cast higher-level spells.
Horizon Walker: ??
Loremaster: Spellcaster who pursues knowledge and ancient lore that can increase their power.
Mystic Theurge: Priest/Mage who is adept at both divine and arcane magic.
Red Wizard: A Forgotten Realms PrC. Red Wizard is a powerful mage who specializes in a single school of magic.
Shadowdancer: Rogue or bard who is the master of stealth. Has the ability to hide in plain sight and other abilities.
Thaumaturgist: Unknown

Wizards does have a more detailed list on its site.


First Post
Shadowstar added in Druids animal companion info, as follows:

Druid Table

HD+0 AC+0 Str/Dex+0 Bonus Tricks 1 Link (+4 Wild Empathy and Handle Animal checks), Share Spells

HD+2 AC+2 Str/Dex+1 Bonus Tricks 2 Evasion

HD+4 AC+4 Str/Dex+2 Bonus Tricks 3 Devotion (+4 Save vs. Enchantments)

HD+6 AC+6 Str/Dex+3 Bonus Tricks 4 Multiattack (if no multiple attack forms the creature gets an addition strike at -5)

HD+8 AC+8 Str/Dex+4 Bonus Tricks 5

HD+10 AC+10 Str/Dex+5 Bonus Tricks 6 Improved Evasion

HD+12 AC+12 Str/Dex+6 Bonus Tricks 7

More Animal Listing

Ok all of these consider the level at which you get them level 1.

Level 4
Ape, Black Bear, Bison, Boar, Cheetah, Crocodile, Dire Badger, Dire Rat, Dire Weasel, Leopard, Monitor Lizard, Large Shark, Constrictor Snake, Large Viper Snake, Wolverine.

Level 7
Brown Bear, Giant Crocodile, Deinonychus, Dire Ape, Dire Boar, Dire Wolf, Dire Wolverine, Elasmosaurus, Lion, Rhinoceros, Huge Viper Snake, Tiger.

Level 10
Polar Bear, Dire Lion, Megaraptor, Huge Shark, Giant Constictor Snake, Orca Whale.

Level 13
Dire Bear, Giant Octopus, Elephant

Level 16
Dire Shark, Dire Tiger, Giant Squid, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus.

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