Compiled 3.5 Revisions

Green Knight

First Post
Well, this is kind of a let-down. My favorite class with very little changes. Though I DO like everything they've done. Just wish they had altered a couple more things.

g. Paladins don’t get Divine Grace until 2d level. Paladins get additional holy smite abilities as they advance: Smite Evil is gained at 1/day at 1st level, 2/day at 5th level, 3/day at 10th level, 4/day at 15th level, and 5/day at 20th level.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, a paladin may attempt to site evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charsima bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. For example, a 13th-level paladin armed with a longsword would deal 1d8+13 points of damage, plus any additional bonuses for high Strength or magical effects that would normally apply. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.
At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on table 3-12: The Paladin, to a maximum of five times per day at 20th level.

I can understand not giving a Paladin Divine Grace at 1st-level, as even with a Cha 14 you still get insanely high Saving Throws. Besides, it's not such a bad thing to wait one level to get them. And I DEFINITELY like the extra Smite Evils, as well as the fact that you get it at 1st-level, now. Made perfect sense to switch the two.

The Paladin’s mount gets a +10 bonus to movement at 8th level,

Faster mount, eh? Excellent.

and the Paladin can call a warhorse for 2 hr/level (level gained unknown)

Now this has me confused. Somebody mind explaining this?

– if the mount is killed, the paladin suffers –1 to attacks and damage for 30 days during which time a new mount cannot be called.

I like it.

Divine Favor, Restoration, Lesser, Virture

Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor, Owl's Wisdom, Zone of Truth

Daylight, Remove Curse

Break Enchantment, Mark of Justice, Restoration

I like the additions to the spell list, too. Especially Bull's Strength, Owl's Wisdom, and Eagle's Splendor (I take it that one grants a Cha bonus?). The Restoration spells are also a nice touch, as are spells like Zone of Truth. And I can only imagine what Mark of Justice does. Though I'm disappointed that Cure Disease wasn't included in the spell list. It makes more sense for it to be there rather than be a useless Paladin ability which they get every 3 levels.

Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Sense Motive.

Two of my favorite improvements right here. It was ridiculous that Paladins wouldn't have the Sense Motive skill. Nice to see that it was included, as well as Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty). All in all nice changes, though I was hoping for more. I just hope they changed what I felt needed changing the most. Clarifying the Detect Evil spell, giving a more detailed definition of Evil, and getting more specific with the Code. We'll see.

BTW: Love the changes to the Critical Threat Ranges, personally. Most especially the change to the Vorpal weapons. I remember playing a 17th-level game a while back in which the party Fighter, who had the Improved Critical Feat, was armed with a +3 Keen Vorpal Scimitar. His Critical Threat Range was 12-20! Yeah, the Vorpal only did 1d6. But what does it matter when you're pretty much guaranteed an automatic kill 45% of the time? We were fighting demons or devils and he was slaughtering them left and right. They didn't have a chance. Yeah, there're creatures that're immune to criticals, but they're not exactly all that common. Nevermind that it'd get stupid to run into creatures that're immune to criticals all the time. And when you DO run into someone who isn't immune to criticals, then he was pretty much guaranteed of killing that bad guy with 3 blows or less. This was something that needed to be changed. The way I see it, the Fighters will get the Improved Critical Feat, as they've got the Feats to spare and Feats don't cost any gold, while everyone else will get Keen weapons, as they don't have the Feats to spare and so will prefer to spend money to get that ability. So I figure both the Keen magic ability and the Improved Critical Feat will get play, depending on the character.

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Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
I can only imagine what Mark of Justice does.

No need to imagine. It's in your current PHB.

Summary: It puts a visable holy symbol on a person's face and gives him negatives (-4 I think) to certain actions.

As a side note I have a cleric of St. Cuthbert in LG and he had a Mark of Justice from Tharizdun put on him. That was not a good day.


edit: typo
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The Laughing One
Special Mount (SP), 5th level
The mount is called from the 'celestial realms', this is a Conjuration (calling). Everytime it's the same mount and calling it is a full-round action. dismissing it is a free action. When it is called it is carrying the same equipment as the last time it was dismissed.


Iron Fist of Pelor
Cergorach said:
Special Mount (SP), 5th level
The mount is called from the 'celestial realms', this is a Conjuration (calling). Everytime it's the same mount and calling it is a full-round action. dismissing it is a free action. When it is called it is carrying the same equipment as the last time it was dismissed.

As far as summoning it for 2 hours/level: does this mean you can summon it unlimited times/day, as long as it remains around for no longer than 2 hours/level? Or do you get to summon it once/day, and it stays around for 2 hours/level?

Personally, I think dismissing it ought to be a standard action, just like dismissing a spell. But that'sjust me.



The Laughing One
Pielorinho said:

As far as summoning it for 2 hours/level: does this mean you can summon it unlimited times/day, as long as it remains around for no longer than 2 hours/level? Or do you get to summon it once/day, and it stays around for 2 hours/level?

Personally, I think dismissing it ought to be a standard action, just like dismissing a spell. But that'sjust me.


Sory for not being clear, it's once per day stays around for 2 hours/level.

The free action is good, because it keeps the mighty steed from dying unneccesarily...


First Post

Bard1, magic2, sor/wiz1
casting time 1 hour
the spell determines all magic properties of a single magical item, icluding how to activate those functions (if appropriate) and how many charge are left. Does not work on artifacts. Pearl 100gp + other stuff.

Not sure if this has been updated or not, but Cergorach posted this in his thread.


Identify is up there (just not a full spell description). Here's more:

Baleful Polymorph:
Drd5, Wiz/Sor5
Comp: V, S
Range: Close 25 ft. + 5ft./2 lvls
Target 1 creature
Duration: Permananet
Save: Fort negates, will partial, see text
spell resist: yes

as polymorph, but target creature can only be polymorphed into Small or smaller creature. If spell succeeds, make will save, if failed loses all extraordinary, supernatural and spellcasting abilities, also gains alignment, int, wis, and cha of creature.

o. Shield nomenclature has changed. Small shields are now light shields; large shield are now heavy shields. Mechanically they function the same.

p. "If a continuous [and this should include use-activated too, since it's a footnote for the "Use-activated or continuous" line] item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half."

q. Bane is now a +1-equivalent

o. Cover grants an untyped bonus to Polar Ray: 8th-level spell; Ranged touch at close range, no save, 1d6 cold damage/level (max 25d6).

Humanoid types for Ranger Favored Enemy (an untyped bonus) include: Aquatic, dwarf, elf, goblinoid, gnoll, gnome, halfling, human, orc, reptilian.
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July 1 Revision Spotlight

(I'm not adding this to the Compiled Thread, but here you go anyway):

Player's Handbook 3.5 Table of Contents


Character Creation Summary

Chapter 1: Abilities
Ability Scores
The Abilities
Changing Ability Scores

Chapter 2: Races
Choosing a Race
Racial Characteristics

Chapter 3: Classes
The Classes
Class and Level Bonuses
Level-Dependent Benefits
Class Descriptions
Experience and Levels
Multiclass Characters

Chapter 4: Skills
Skills Summary
Acquiring Skill Ranks
Using Skills
Skill Descriptions

Chapter 5: Feats
Acquiring Feats
Types of Feats
Feat Descriptions

Chapter 6: Description
Vital Statistics
Looks, Personality, and Background
Customizing Your Character

Chapter 7: Equipment
Equipping a Character
Wealth and Money
Goods and Services

Chapter 8: Combat
The Battle Grid
How Combat Works
Combat Statistics
Combat Basics
Attacks of Opportunity
Actions in Combat
Injury and Death
Movement, Position, and Distance
Combat Modifiers
Special Attacks
Special Initiative Actions

Chapter 9: Adventuring
Carrying Capacity
Other Rewards

Chapter 10: Magic
Casting Spells
Spell Descriptions
Arcane Spells
Divine Spells
Special Abilities

Chapter 11: Spells
Bard Spells
Cleric Spells
Cleric Domains
Druid Spells
Paladin Spells
Ranger Spells
Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

Appendix: General Guidelines and Glossary


Character Sheet

List of Numbered Tables

Share & enjoy!
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Iron Fist of Pelor
Olgar Shiverstone said:
Baleful Polymorph:

as polymorph, but target creature can only be polymorphed into Small or smaller creature. If spell succeeds, make will save, if failed loses all extraordinary, supernatural and spellcasting abilities, also gains alignment, int, wis, and cha of creature.

Does this mean that you can polymorph the low-wis, low-cha, low-int halfling rogue into a pixie and thereby raise his wisdom, charisma, and intelligence? Or can the scores only go down on a failed save?

I'll certainly rule IMC that the scores can only go down, but I'm curious whether this is part of the spell.



First Post
Olgar Shiverstone said:

Still, it kind of hurts the AA, as a regular archer achieves the equivalent of the AA's primary special ability with just a magic bow (of course, we don't know how the AA's changed, either).

Actually, it barely hurts the AA Archer at all - have +5 worth of other enchantments on both the bow and arrows, and get the enhancement bonus for free. The only thing you "lose" is the bonus to attack, which the AA never got anyway.

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