Complete Psionic: Ardent (Aproved)


My wife is playing an ardent now, since her Favored Soul took a greataxe critical at full power attack to the head recently -- the npc barbarian rolled two natural twenties in a row when he decided he was going to die and wanted to try and take someone with him!

I'm not sure if I like the ardent or hate the ardent, but I am sure it's an absolute pain to plan out properly. And the life mantle completely sucks for low level play, so don't make the mistake of thinking of a low level ardent as a healer!

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Rystil Arden

First Post
Looks more-or-less fine to me. Compared to the Wilder, it has a similar number of powers but more restricted (though from a slightly wider list if you somehow get around the restrictions), though it gets new levels of powers more quickly, but it lacks Wild Surge. Seems good, so YES


First Post
Actually, it is the most versatile of psionic classes since you can basically MAKE UP your own mantles(The Mind's Eye: Expanded Classes, Part Four). Here's the lowdown: can add powers to any mantle so long as the total number of powers in the mantle do not exceed 10
2.only restriction to the powers added is it must be thematically appropriate. This is basically a DM's call thing. Some might allow you to add expansion into conflict-based mantle, some might allow those psionically crafted weapons, etc. can make up your own entirely from scratch by substitution so long as it does not directly offend your DM's logic ( no teleportation in natural world)
4.for coolness, you can exchange energy mantle for a specific elemental one(you can never take energy if you take a specific elemental mantle).

Also, there was some wyrd wording used when they described which powers they can learn. Apparently, they can learn any power that they can manifest. Now this only makes a smidgeon of sense IF the normal 'you can't spend more PP than you manifester level' doesn't apply to Ardents. Otherwise you'd be stuck with a ton of powers you couldn't cast till you get to a higher level. However, the book then goes on to say that the normal rules DO apply. As far as I know, there has been no errata so it is DM's call again on this one. Basically so long as you don't try to completely BS your DM Ardent can let you do anything another manifester can do almost as well AND do other things they could never do.


First Post
[MENTION=6672328]marcielle[/MENTION]; you do realize this is a five year old thread from a previous incarnation of this forum, right?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Wow. Thread necromancy indeed.

Could be a mistake. Or one of those super stealthy spammers that don't actually spam I keep reading about.


First Post
I was thinking it was found via Google. I know I had that before.

re: spammer... seems very on topic, not just, Wow gamers that is a great idea, I love WOW, the best character is a Night Elf Mohawk warrior (or something)

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