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Complete Warrior, anyone else afraid...?


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d4 said:
...and then go out of business because they're so busy giving away stuff for free that they don't sell any books. :rolleyes:
Riiiiight... because WotC is absolutely dependent on making money by rehashing old material. Apparently you have less faith in WotC's creativity than I do.

Worst. Hyperbole. EVAR. You didn't even make your point well.

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d4 said:
i agree -- i'd rather see new prestige classes than new core classes.

between 3.5 PHB, MinisHB, and CW, we're now up to eighteen core classes for 3.5 from WOTC alone!

See, I disagree. Having now had years to play with them, I've found the bloom is somewhat off the rose when it comes to PrCs. I'm not saying I dislike them; when used well, they've really cool.

But there are some character concepts that simply don't mesh well with PrCs. I'm actually a big fan of alternate core classes (one reason I was thrilled to be asked to write the alternate clerics article for Dragon a few issues back). As with PrCs, I don't expect anyone to use all of them, but they're a great option to have available.

In books like The Complete Warrior, I'd rather have alternate core classes than PrCs; or at least I'd rather have a few than have nothing but PrCs.


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That's my biggest gripe I guess. Why can't we just get all new material, why so much re-hashing? And like some have said, if I don't like it, I don't have to buy it.

Trust me, I won't.

But WOTC would make so much more money off of me if they'd offer me something new. :cool:


First Post
d4 said:
i agree -- i'd rather see new prestige classes than new core classes.

between 3.5 PHB, MinisHB, and CW, we're now up to eighteen core classes for 3.5 from WOTC alone!
Don't forget the large amount in the last few Dragon magazines.

I'm already sick of new core classes and 36 prc's is utterly disgusting. I don't think I'm going to be getting this book.


I do not fear, because I do not buy. :)

Perhaps my opinion will change when it is released, and the contents become widely known on ENWorld (it's what made or broke the Book of Exalted Deeds for me) , but for now I will wait. My group has more d20 material right now than we will use in the next 2 YEARS. :eek:

I could run Mutants and Masterminds, Arcana Unearthed, Cthulhu d20, D&D, d20 Modern, and d20 Star Wars until I'm 80 years old, in a nursing home savoring prune juice while kicking the wheel on my oxygen tank to adjust the flow.

Hopefully, I can get Piratecat transferred in as a roommate where he'll have no choice but to finish up those story hours while I listen. :)


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BelenUmeria said:
...No said that they could not produce the book, just that they can come up with new material for it. If you all want to keep spending money on the same material, then fine, pitch money into the fire....

Sigh... none of these complaints is an issue when you have money or (better yet) have money to burn. But alas for the D&D peasant-players that infest this board -- always bemoaning the cost of this and the cost of that... and always thinking that they are punishing the powers-that-be with their single-product boycott. Now that's what I call effective grassroots activism. Oooooh!

Really, all this crying over updates is sooooooooo "5-minutes-ago." We need another moniker-label on these boards like Hive for Hivemind. Perhaps Peasant for Peasant-Players. That way the rest of us who are growing with D&D as it grows are not bogged down by incessant complaints.


Henry said:
Perhaps my opinion will change when it is released, and the contents become widely known on ENWorld (it's what made or broke the Book of Exalted Deeds for me) , but for now I will wait.

I wish I had waited on Mini's handbook and underdark, though. I think that in the post diaspora WotC, all new releases are worthy of scrutiny.


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TrubbulTheTroll said:
That way the rest of us who are growing with D&D as it grows are not bogged down by incessant complaints.
Oh, I'm sure you're competent and intelligent enough to figure out what the thread's about from either the thread title or the very first post...


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arnwyn said:
Oh, I'm sure you're competent and intelligent enough to figure out what the thread's about from either the thread title or the very first post...

From the thread title? It might be easy to figure out if thread titles were accurately named. This one, called "Complete Warrior, anyone else afraid...?", could be a thread about.... anyone have a guess? Afraid of... what? Little did I know that it was penniless Pete preaching pointless prattle about revisions?

As for reading a first post, well, what a brilliant suggestion. Why, if the title isn't supposed to let you know what's inside, why not dive in to find out? Here's a better idea. How about a thread title which is a complaint that is not also a teaser? That's something that the original poster of this sad thread has not quite figured out yet. And so I was duped into witnessing yet another adolescent, teen-angst episode of "Wah! Those Evil Wizards!" -- an episode that becomes so much better when avoided completely.

Really, arnwyn. Before commenting on thread titles and posts, why don't you commend the original poster of this thread for his "descriptive title" that lured me here in the first place? Your focus is entirely on the wrong place when you talk of competence and posts.

Alas - shame on me for having standards... shame on me for not supporting the poor, hapless fellows whose lives are tortured over a single book with revisions.


First Post
I'm looking forward to the new book. I'm not fond of material that's reprinted but updated material isn't quite reprinted. Yes, it'd be nice if they updated it on the website but I can understand where they're coming from.

I haven't seen a lot of companies updating their 3.0 books to 3.5 and giving it away on the web. Be nice though.

As far as preference for core vs. prestige, give me core. I see no reason why some concepts like assassin, healer, warrior-mage and others have to be PrCs. It makes PrCs almost stupid in some ways as they've been done wrong so many times with assumptions that these PrCs are numerous in guilds, organizations, etc.. when that would defeat the whole point of it being prestige in the first place.

PrCs are also boring. Outside of Legendary PrCs, what new has been done with them? At least Savage Species introduced monster levels as did Joe's Character Customizationbook. Heck, I prefer the advanced classes in d20 Modern as they allow a character to get into it quickly and thus take some of the 'sting' out of 10K PrCs. At least with an easy to enter PrC it's more believable.

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