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Completely mantle based magic and classes varient


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(Sorry, this is a long post because the system I created requires a bit of explanation)

Hey there, I've been working on a custom 'Aether' magic system for the Campaign that I'm running. It has been working out so far, but I was thinking that it might be a good idea for me to see if anyone can find any hideous flaws in it or had suggestions that might improve it.

Some of my ideas might be usable in any campaign, but in mine there is no arcane, divine, or psychic power. Yes, this means I've basically ripped apart the entire d&d spellcasting system, but only because that fit with the 'feel' I wanted to try in this campain. In its place, I've created a 'mantle' based system based on the ardent class in the complete psionic. For those of you who don't know, the ardents are psion like characters, except they can only choose their powers from different 'mantles' such as life, elements, death and so on. They get new mantles every few levels to increase their power selection.

So yea, the basic idea was to create a system where every 'magic' user had a theme to him and would have a limited selection of powers he could learn. If there are multiple spellcasters in the party, they have to try and select different mantles so they could cover eachother's weaknesses. This also means that a party won't have a 'jack of all trades' wizard or psion anymore, they can't do everything. Also, the cleric and wizard class roles have essentially been merged. I also doubled the number of powers in each mantle so that characters would still have a large number of powers to choose from

Just so you know, in this campaign the source of this power is called 'aether' and the mantles are called 'realms'.

From the ardent class(which I thought was a little too limited for what I wanted) I've created two different variations which would take the 'pure spellcaster wizard/cleric' and a 'spellcasting warrior' roles. These classes might not be balanced with standard D&D wizards and clerics (which I'm not worried about, since they don't exist in my campain), but I'm hoping to keep them balanced with all the non-casters (fighters, rogues and so on). There's still some typos in there, but you'll get the idea.

Since there is only one power source, and all powers work the same way, the manifester class is the base spellcasting class. Every prestege class which gives +1 to a spellcasting class gives a character new powers and power points as if he gained a level in manifester. This prevents the headaches that normal psionic classes have right now, namely:why the heck is this prestege class weaker when I'm a wilder!? (because they learn fewer powers than a psion, while having fewer power choices, yet gain new manifester levels at the same rate as a psion in any prestege class).


Hit Die: d4.
Class Skills

The Manifester’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Aethercraft (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Use Aetheric Device (Cha).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Level  Base Attack    Fort   Ref   Will    Class Abilities              
  1.      +0           +0    +0    +2       Realm(1st, 2nd), Key Ability
  2.      +1           +0    +0    +3       Realm (3rd)
  3.      +1           +1    +1    +3       Bonus Feat
  4.      +2           +1    +1    +4        
  5.      +2           +1    +1    +4       Realm (4th)
  6.      +3           +2    +2    +5       
  7.      +3           +2    +2    +5       
  8.      +4           +2    +2    +6       Bonus Feat
  9.      +4           +3    +3    +6       
  10.     +5           +3    +3    +7       Realm (5th)
  11.     +5           +3    +3    +7       
  12.     +6/+1        +4    +4    +8       
  13.     +6/+1        +4    +4    +8       Bonus Feat
  14.     +7/+2        +4    +4    +9       
  15.     +7/+2        +5    +5    +9       Realm (6th)
  16.     +8/+3        +5    +5    +10       
  17.     +8/+3        +5    +5    +10       
  18.     +9/+4        +6    +6    +11      Bonus Feat
  19.     +9/+4        +6    +6    +11       
  20.     +10/+5       +6    +6    +12      Realm (7th)
(power points and powers known are gained at the same rate as a psion)
Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Manifester.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Manifesters are proficient Basic weapons, plus any other one weapon type and with light armor.

Powers Known: A Manifester uses Aether powers which are drawn from his domains. At every level, he can choose a number of new powers from any of his domains until he reaches the limit listed under “Powers Known”.

Key Ability: Manifesters may choose their key ability for their powers, which may be either Int or Cha.

Bonus Feats: A manifester gains a bonus feat at 3rd level and every 5th level afterwards. This feat must be an aetheric feat, a meta-aetheric feat, or an aetheric item creation feat.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gains every three levels. A manifester is not limited to aetheric feats when choosing these other feats.

Realm: At 1st level, the Manifester chooses two aether Realms. All of his powers are chosen from these realms, and he also gains a special ability from each one. (realms generally have a selection of 20 powers at various levels)

At 2nd, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels the Manifester gains additional realms from which they may choose powers from.


(Aetheric warrior, this is the class I'm worried might be unbalanced. He gains caster levels, powers, and power points a 2/3rds the rate of a manifester, but tries to make up for it on occasion with wild surges. He has to use wild surges unless he only wants to be able to use powers at caster level 12th by level 20, but there are feats which can make the surges less painful when they backfire. His max caster level is 6th unless he uses prestege classes)

Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills

The aetheric warrior’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration* (Con), Craft (Int), Jump (Str), Knowledge (aetherics)* (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), and Swim (Str).
*New skill or expanded use of existing skill.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Level  Base Attack    Fort   Ref   Will    Class Abilities         Manifester Levels Gained         
  1.      +0           +2    +0    +0       Realm(1st)             +1
  2.      +1           +3    +0    +0       Bonus Feat             0
  3.      +2           +3    +1    +1       Realm(2nd)             +1
  4.      +3           +4    +1    +1       Wild Surge +1          +1    
  5.      +3           +4    +1    +1       Bonus Feat             0
  6.      +4           +5    +2    +2       Realm (3rd)            +1
  7.      +5           +5    +2    +2       Wild Surge +2          +1
  8.      +6/+1        +6    +2    +2       Bonus Feat             0
  9.      +6/+1        +6    +3    +3       Surging Power +1       +1
  10.     +7/+2        +7    +3    +3       Wild Surge +3          +1
  11.     +8/+3        +7    +3    +3       Bonus Feat             0
  12.     +9/+4        +8    +4    +4       Realm(4th)             +1
  13.     +9/+4        +8    +4    +4       Wild Surge +4          +1
  14.     +10/+5       +9    +4    +4       Bonus Feat             0
  15.     +11/+6/+1    +9    +5    +5       Surging Power +2       +1
  16.     +12/+7/+2    +10   +5    +5       Wild Surge +5          +1
  17.     +12/+7/+2    +10   +5    +5       Bonus Feat             0
  18.     +13/+8/+3    +11   +6    +6       Realm (5th)            +1
  19.     +14/+9/+4    +11   +6    +6       Wild Surge +6          +1
  20.     +15/+10/+5   +12   +6    +6       Bonus Feat,            0 (total, 12)
                                            Surging Power +3
Class Features

All the following are class features of the aetheric warrior.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Aetheric warriors are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor and with shields (except tower shields).
Manifester Levels Gained: On 1st level, and every level that the Aetheric Warrior doesn’t gain a bonus feat, he new powers, power points, and an increase in manifester level as if he had taken a level as a Manifester.
Bonus Feats: At 1st level, an aetheric warrior gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human character. The aetheric warrior gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every three levels thereafter (5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats or psionic feats. The aetheric warrior must still meet all prerequisites for the bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums as well as class requirements. An aetheric warrior cannot choose feats that specifically require levels in the fighter class unless he is a multiclass character with the requisite levels in the fighter class.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gains every three levels. An aetheric warrior is not limited to fighter bonus feats and psionic feats when choosing these other feats.
Realm: At 1st level, the Aetheric Warrior chooses one aether Realm. All of his powers are chosen from these realms, and he also gains a special ability from each one.

At 3rd, 9th and 15th levels the Manifester gains additional realms from which they may choose powers from.

Wild Surge (Su): An aetheric warrior can let his passion and emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when he manifests a power. During a wild surge, an aetheric warrior gains phenomenal aetheric strength, but may harm himself by the reckless use of his power (see Aetheric Enervation, below).
An aetheric warrior can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever he manifests a power. When he does so, he gains +1 to his manifester level with that manifestation of the power. The manifester level boost gives his the ability to augment his powers to a higher degree than he otherwise could; however, he pays no extra power point for this wild surge. Instead, the additional 1 power point that would normally be required to augment the power is effectively supplied by the wild surge.
Level-dependent power effects are also improved, depending on the power an aetheric warrior manifests with his wild surge.
This improvement in manifester level does not grant his any other benefits (psicrystal abilities do not advance; he does not gain higher-level class abilities, and so on).
He cannot use the Overchannel feat and invoke his wild surge at the same time.
At 3rd level, an aetheric warrior can choose to boost his manifester level by two instead of one. At 7th level, he can boost his manifester level by up to three; at 11th level, by up to four; at 15th level, by up to five; and at 19th level, by up to six.
In all cases, the wild surge effectively pays the extra power point cost that is normally required to augment the power; only the unaugmented power point cost is subtracted from the aetheric warrior’s power point reserve.

Aetheric Enervation (Ex): Pushing oneself by invoking a wild surge is dangerous. Immediately following each wild surge, an aetheric warrior may be overcome by the strain of his effort. The chance of suffering aetheric enervation is equal to 5% per manifester level added with the wild surge.
An aetheric warrior who is overcome by aetheric enervation is dazed until the end of her next turn and loses a number of power points equal to his manifester level.

Surging Power (Ex): Starting at 9th level, when an aetheric warrior uses his wild surge ability, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the intensity of his wild surge.
If an aetheric warrior is overcome by aetheric enervation following his wild surge, he does not gain the morale bonus for this use of his wild surge ability.
At 15th level, the morale bonus on an aetheric warrior’s attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws increases to +2. At 20th level, the bonus increases to +3.


So yea, you guys get the general idea. The main thing I'm worried about is that there are probably going to be 'must have spells' that might be in a single realm, and everyone would pick that realm. Also, my attempt at the 'aetheric warrior' might be kinda messed up I think...it was supposed to be a combination of wilder and psychic warrior, but I tried a different method of leveling his powers which is simmilar to a presege class. That means his caster level is very low at level 20. The thing is, I don't like the different rates of power point and powers learned accumulations that various psionic classes use, so I'm trying to make this system have specific power levels like a wizard or sorceror.

If anyone's interested, I can post some of the realms/mantles that I have available since I have been customizing those as well. I've doubled the number of powers in each one from the original 10 limit to 20, since manifesters gain double the spells per level that the ardent class does (the class that mantles were designed for).

The funny thing is, I had started designing this system even before I knew the ardent class existed XD
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Hey there, I've been working on a custom 'Aether' magic system for the Campaign that I'm running. It has been working out so far, but I was thinking that it might be a good idea for me to see if anyone can find any hideous flaws in it or had suggestions that might improve it.

Wow, there's some really cool thoughts in here. It is a type of system that originally first got me interested in the Tome of Channeling (Dreamscarred Press). It revolves around spheres of magic ... but I think they are pretty similar to your realms. I do think the mechanics in your system are a bit more streamlined and functional - but it might be worth checking out that product as a comparison as well as a place for ideas. Plus, you can get it in pdf format.

As for combining elements of different classes together (like wilder and psychic warrior as you Aetheric Warrior tries) if you look inmysig you'll find a product called Complete Control. What it is meant to do is break down every aspect of a character's class into distinct XP costs. Thus, a GM could easily use this breakdown to design new classes and be reasonably sure that their class is balanced. (Of course, I don't believe that any method is perfect because game style of the group has a lot to say about game balance) You are welcome to check out that product if it will help you try and figure out things like balance, mixing up different class abilities, and especially how to help fix things like low caster levels as youdiscover in your Aether Warrior. If you head over to the DSP forums there is even an Excel Calculator designed to help GMs use COmplete Control without struggling over the math. It can be found here. You have to be logged into the site to see it, though. But login is free! Feel free to check it out.

Anyway, thanks for postingyour thoughts on the Realm stuff. I like the idea quite alot. And I think you've got a promising start to a decent system.
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First Post
Thanks! Glad that the system looks interesting to you, I was worried that I had been going too wild with my first full campaign, haha. Honestly though, at this point it is really just a greatly expanded version of the mantles that the ardents use in complete psionic. Hmm, I think I'll go ahead and post my lists when I get back from work. It is huge though XD

It is a type of system that originally first got me interested in the Tome of Channeling (Dreamscarred Press). It revolves around spheres of magic ... but I think they are pretty similar to your realms. I do think the mechanics in your system are a bit more streamlined and functional - but it might be worth checking out that product as a comparison as well as a place for ideas. Plus, you can get it in pdf format.

Really? I never really looked into the Tome of Channeling, though I think I've heard of it. I'm going to have to take a look at that, I might be able to incorperate some last minute stuff into the game.

As for combining elements of different classes together (like wilder and psychic warrior as you Aetheric Warrior tries) if you look inmysig you'll find a product called Complete Control. What it is meant to do is break down every aspect of a character's class into distinct XP costs. Thus, a GM could easily use this breakdown to design new classes and be reasonably sure that their class is balanced.

Ooo, that's pretty cool, I'll have to take a look at that. It might be difficult to do some of the calculations correctly though, considering how characters start with very limited spell lists in my system, and then the spell lists get huge by level 20, lol.

Honestly, the class system in D&D has been bothering me a bit lately too, so maybe that'll give me some ideas for an exp point buy system in future campaigns ;)


First Post
A few suggestions for follow up


You have some interesting twists in your system of magic. Parts of it remind me of the domain casters listed in Unearthed Arcana. A couple other publications that you might want to look at are Wild Magic and Elements of Magic which, I believe, were both published by ENWorld Press! Wild Magic has some rules that deal with situations similar to your wild surges and Elements of Magic allows a more flexible system of spell paths or themes for spellcasters.

I've thought about blowing up the D&D magic system myself and replacing it with one of my own creation using those two publications I mentioned and a couple of others for source material, but (1) I have a hard enough time getting anyone in my group to play a spellcaster, I'm usually the wizard, and (2) every time I even hint at trying a new rules system they come at me with torches and pitchforks. Hence my tweaking of the existing magic system as delineated in my thread.

Anyway, keep at it. Don't be afraid to refine or change parts of your system. Since it is the first time you've tried it, your players should understand if you have to iron out some wrinkles. Good luck.


Nonlethal Force

First Post
A couple other publications that you might want to look at are Wild Magic and Elements of Magic which, I believe, were both published by ENWorld Press!

Oh, I absolutely second these. EoM especially is a deep and rich (and kind of psionics-feel) system. The only problem that I have is that is is too deep and rich for my games to be useful. However, Mythic Earth (which came out of the EoM line is a much streamlined version of EoM. But yes, EoM especially is a col system.


Really? I never really looked into the Tome of Channeling, though I think I've heard of it. I'm going to have to take a look at that, I might be able to incorperate some last minute stuff into the game.

Its a good read. Ultimately I don't use it in my games because its mechanics for finding DCs are too complex to be truly generally useful. But if you are reading for ideas on how to structure your realms and balance them, I think it would be a fun read for you.

Ooo, that's pretty cool, I'll have to take a look at that. It might be difficult to do some of the calculations correctly though, considering how characters start with very limited spell lists in my system, and then the spell lists get huge by level 20, lol.

If you buy it, go over the the DSP forums and find the Mentalis Design subforum (or follow the link I gave you earlier for the Excel Calculator. In that forum you can ask tons of questions about CC. And I haunt that forum often, so I'll be sure to be able to give you help if you need it. In fact, if you do buy CC and are looking to convert your system, I'll be more than happy to help you do so. Oh, and within CC I've already done the convertions for the Tome of Channeling, so that could also help you. In general, though, if you want input with your ideas about the realms ... just post 'em where I can see them and I'll give you my thoughts!


First Post
You have some interesting twists in your system of magic. Parts of it remind me of the domain casters listed in Unearthed Arcana. A couple other publications that you might want to look at are Wild Magic and Elements of Magic which, I believe, were both published by ENWorld Press! Wild Magic has some rules that deal with situations similar to your wild surges and Elements of Magic allows a more flexible system of spell paths or themes for spellcasters.

Thanks! Yea, I was actually looking at the domain casters in Unearthed Arcana for ideas too, though I ultimately decided to not go with them because the domain casters still have full access to the rest of their spell lists I think. Hmm, Wild Magic and Elements of Magic? I'm getting quite a book list to read, I'll have to take a look at those too, haha. A system simmilar to wild surges without being as random/(likely to backfire) could be interesting, hmmm.

I've thought about blowing up the D&D magic system myself and replacing it with one of my own creation using those two publications I mentioned and a couple of others for source material, but (1) I have a hard enough time getting anyone in my group to play a spellcaster, I'm usually the wizard, and (2) every time I even hint at trying a new rules system they come at me with torches and pitchforks. Hence my tweaking of the existing magic system as delineated in my thread.

Lol, I guess I'm lucky in that the people in my group aren't really hardcore players, so they don't care if I twist the rules a bit as long as they make sense ;)

If you buy it, go over the the DSP forums and find the Mentalis Design subforum (or follow the link I gave you earlier for the Excel Calculator. In that forum you can ask tons of questions about CC. And I haunt that forum often, so I'll be sure to be able to give you help if you need it. In fact, if you do buy CC and are looking to convert your system, I'll be more than happy to help you do so. Oh, and within CC I've already done the convertions for the Tome of Channeling, so that could also help you. In general, though, if you want input with your ideas about the realms ... just post 'em where I can see them and I'll give you my thoughts!

Cool :D Yea, I'll have to take a look at CC and see if it'll help me with designing classes. Luckily, that Aetheric Warrior class isn't being used by anyone yet, so I can mess with it as much as I want, muaha.


First Post
Aetheric Realms and Powers List

Here's the wip of my realms list, for those of you who are interested. I didn't type it all up myself, I grabbed a lot of the descriptions from dandwiki to speed things up (and that also gave me convenient links to the full spell descriptions). I'm assuming that since the stuff from dandwiki was all SRD that it isn't a problem posting it here. They aren't completely balanced yet, and not all of them meet the 20 power limit that I was aiming for.Some of the powers listed aren't from the SRD, and belong to Complete Psionic. A few others were custom made by me, but the description should give the the general idea of what I was making. I also grabbed a few wizard and cleric spells and added them to the spell lists as well.

Oh, and to avoid trouble over finding the correct spells....a lot of them still say 'magic' or 'psionic', lol. In my campain everything is aether.

Aetheric Realms and Powers

When a character gains the ability to manifest aetheric power, the powers he can learn every time he gains a level in his manifester class are limited by his available realms. Below is a list of commonly available realms to choose from.

Light and Darkness
Natural World
Pain and Suffering
Physical Power
General Powers
These are powers which can be chosen by any character.

1 Metaphysical Claw:A Your natural weapon gains +1 bonus.
1 Metaphysical Weapon:A Weapon gains +1 bonus.
2 Identify: Learn the properties of an aetheric item.
3 Dispel Psionics, limited:A Cancels psionic powers and effects from realms you have access to.
4 Claw of Energy: Your claws deal additional energy damage from one of your realms.
4 Weapon of Energy: Weapon deals additional energy damage from one of your realms.
5 Incarnate:XMake some powers permanent.
5 Energy Manipulation:* A You can directly manipulate an energy source from one of your realms as it appears.
6 Contingency, Psionic:XSets trigger condition for another power.
9 Psychic Chirurgery (Transfer Knowledge):X You impart knowledge of new powers.

Aether Realm
Granted Ability: When manifesting a power which has the cold, electricity, fire, or sonic descriptor, you may instead replace that energy type with aether. This makes the power do untyped damage with no modifications to damage or saving throws. For example, you could change Weapon of Energy (Cold) into Weapon of Energy (Aether) to make it do untyped damage. Also, for the purpose of determining bonus power points for the class that gives you this realm, treat your key ability score as 2 points higher.
1 Aetheric Bolt: AC Fires a bolt of aetheric energy at target for 1d6+1 damage.
1 Aether Shield: AC Shield negates 1 point of damage for 2 power points.
1 Detect Psionics: You detect the presence of psionics.
2 Bestow Power:A Subject receives 2 power points.
3 Dispel Psionics:A Cancels psionic powers and effects.
3 Energy Burst (Aether): Deal 5d6 energy damage in 40-ft. burst.
3 Energy Cone (Aether): Deal 5d6 energy damage in 60-ft. cone.
4 Aetheric Missiles: AC Missles of aetheric force blasts target for 2d6, half damage to nearby creatures.
4 Intellect Fortress:A Those inside fortress take only half damage from all powers and psi-like abilities until your next action.
5 Catapsi:A Psychic static inhibits power manifestation.
5 Energy Current (Aether):A Deal 9d6 damage to one foe and half to another foe as long as you concentrate.
5 Metaconcert:A Mental concert of two or more increases the total power of the participants.
5 Power Resistance: Grant PR equal to 12 + level.
6 Dispelling Buffer: You are buffered from one dispel psionics effect.
6 Null Psionics Field: Create a field where psionic power does not function.
7 Energy Wave (Aether): Deal 13d4 damage of your chosen energy type in 120-ft. cone.
7 Reddopsi: Powers targeting you rebound on manifester.
9 Apopsi:X You delete target’s psionic powers.

Communication Realm
Granted Ability: While focused, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks and can use the Diplomacy skill more quickly and skillfully than others. When making a rushed Diplomacy check as a full round action, you take only a -5 penalty.
1 Attraction:A Subject has an attraction you specify.
1 Mindlink:A You forge a limited mental bond with another creature.
1 Missive:A Send a one-way telepathic message to subject.
1 Sense Link:A You sense what the subject senses (single sense).
1 Telempathic Projection: Alter the subject’s mood.
2 Detect Hostile Intent: You can detect hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you.
2 Missive, Mass:A You send a one-way telepathic message to an area.
2 Read Thoughts: Detect surface thoughts of creatures in range.
2 Suggestion, Psionic:A Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
2 Tongues, Psionic: You can communicate with intelligent creatures.
4 Correspond: Hold mental conversation with another creature at any distance.
4 Detect Remote Viewing: You know when others spy on you remotely.
5 Remote Viewing: See, hear, and potentially interact with subjects at a distance.
5 Metaconcert:A Mental concert of two or more increases the total power of the participants.
5 Mind Probe: You discover the subject’s secret thoughts.
5 Shatter Mind Blank: Cancels target’s mind blank effect.
6 Mind Switch:AX You switch minds with another.
7 Brain Spider: Eavesdrop on thoughts of up to eight other creatures.
9 Mind Switch, True:X A permanent brain swap.
9 Metafaculty:X You learn details about any one creature.

Consumption Realm
Granted Ability: You can expend your focus as an immediate action to gain 5 temporary hit points when someone within 10 feet is wounded. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 minute.
1 Hungry Touch: Your touch deals 1d6 damage while you heal.
2 Feat Leech:A Borrow another’s psionic or metapsionic feats.
2 Strength of My Enemy:A Siphon away your enemy’s strength and grow stronger.
3 Claws of the Vampire: Heal half of your claw’s base damage.
3 Vampiric Blade: You heal half of your base weapon damage.
4 Energy Adaptation: Your body converts energy to harmless light.
4 Power Leech: Drain 1d6 power points/round while you maintain concentration; you gain 1/round.
4 Psychic Vampire: Touch attack drains 2 power points/level from foe.
5 Leech Field:A Leech power points each time you make a saving throw.
7 Power Thief*: Steal and quickly use one power from a target.
7 Decerebrate: Remove portion of subject’s brain stem.
7 Energy Conversion: Offensively channel energy you’ve absorbed.
8 Fusion:XYou combine your abilities and form with another.
9 Assimilate: Incorporate creature into your own body.

Creation Realm
Granted Ability: You gain the Entopic Form feat as a bonus feat and learn the feat of your choice.

1 Astral Construct: Creates astral construct to fight for you.
1 Call(Create) Weaponry: Create temporary weapon.
1 Call(Create) Armor: Create chosen type of armor in your hand.
1 Call(Create) Item: Create chosen item.
1 Crystal Shard: Ranged touch attack for 1d6 points of piercing damage.
1 Ecto Protection: An astral construct gains bonus against dismiss ectoplasm.
1 Entangling Ectoplasm: You entangle a foe in sticky goo.
1 Minor Creation, Psionic: Creates one cloth or wood object.
2 Psionic Repair Damage: Repairs construct of 3d8 hit points +1 hp/level.
2 Swarm of Crystals: Crystal shards are sprayed forth doing 3d4 slashing damage.
3 Concealing Amorpha, Greater: Quasi-real membrane grants you total concealment.
3 Ectoplasmic Cocoon: You encapsulate a foe so it can’t move.
4 Black Tentacles: Tentacles grapple all within 20 ft. spread.
4 Fabricate, Psionic: Transforms raw goods to finished items.
5 Ectoplasmic Shambler: Foglike predator deals 1 point of damage/two levels each round to an area.
5 Hail of CrystalsA: A crystal explodes in an area, dealing 9d4 slashing damage.
6 Crystallize: Turn subject permanently to crystal.
6 Fabricate, Greater Psionic: Transforms a lot of raw goods to finished items.
8 Astral Seed: You plant the seed of your rebirth from the Astral Plane.
8 Matter Manipulation:XIncrease or decrease an object’s base hardness by 5.
9 True Creation:X As psionic major creation, except items are completely real.

Deception Realm
Granted Ability: As an immediate action, you can expend your psionic focus to displace yourself until your next action. While you are displaced, any attacks that target you have a 50% chance to miss you entirely.
1 Conceal Thoughts: You conceal your motives.
1 Primal Fear* A: Target is shaken for 1 round
2 Aversion:A Subject has aversion you specify.
2 Cloud Mind: You erase knowledge of your presence from target’s mind.
2 Concealing Amorpha: Quasi-real membrane grants you concealment.
2 Suggestion, Psionic:A Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
3 Concealing Amorpha, Greater: Quasi-real membrane grants you total concealment.
3 Escape Detection: You become difficult to detect with clairsentience powers.
3 False Sensory Input:A Subject sees what isn’t there.
3 Mind Trap:A Drain 1d6 power points from anyone who attacks you with a telepathy power.
4 Modify Memory, Psionic: Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories.
4 Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
6 Cloud Mind, Mass: Erase knowledge of your presence from the minds of one creature/level.
7 Insanity:A Subject is permanently confused.
8 Bend Reality:XAlters reality within power limits.
9 Microcosm:A Creature or creature lives forevermore in world of his own imagination.
9 Weird: As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.

Destruction Realm
Granted Ability: You have the Improved Sunder feat as long as you are focused. If you expend your focus as part of a sunder attempt, the hardness of the object you are sundering is treated as 4 less.
1 Dissipating Touch: Touch deals 1d6 damage.
2 Acid Arrow: Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/three levels.
2 Dissolving Weapon: Your weapon deals 4d6 acid damage.
2 Dissolving Touch: Your touch deals 4d6 acid damage.
3 Dispel Psionics: Cancels psionic powers and effects.
3 Dismiss Ectoplasm: Dissipates ectoplasmic targets and effects.
3 Eradicate Invisibility: Negate invisibility in 50-ft. burst.
4 Mindwipe:A Subject’s recent experiences wiped away, bestowing negative levels.
5 Psychic Crush:A Brutally crush subject’s mental essence, reducing subject to –1 hit points.
6 Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage.
6 Disintegrate: Turn one creature or object to dust.
7 Decerebrate: Remove portion of subject’s brain stem.
7 Ultrablast: Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft. radius.
9 Apopsi: You delete target’s psionic powers.
9 Intellect Bomb: Causes your target’s head to explode.
9 Implosion: Kills one creature/round.

Dimensional Realm
Granted Ability: While focused, you gain a +10-foot bonus to your speed. You can expend your focus to add your manifester level to a roll made to resist being grappled.
1 Dimensional Hop*: Swiftly teleport a short distance.
1 Detect Teleportation: Know when teleportation powers are used in close range.
2 Dimension Swap: You and ally or two allies switch positions.
2 Hustle: Instantly gain a move action.
3 Blink: You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.
3 Freedom of Movement, Psionic: You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile.
4 Anchored Navigation:A Establish a mishap-free teleport beacon.
4 Dimension Door, Psionic:A Teleports you short distance.
5 Baleful Teleport:A Destructive teleport deals 9d6 damage.
5 Teleport, Psionic: Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level.
5 Teleport Trigger: Predetermined event triggers teleport.
6 Inconsistent Location* A: You can teleport your move distance as a swift action for a minute.
6Retrieve: Teleport to your hand an item you can see.
7 Ethereal Jaunt, Psionic: Become ethereal for 1 round/level.
7 Evade Burst:A You take no damage from a burst on a successful Reflex save.
7 Fission: You briefly duplicate yourself.
8 Teleport, Psionic Greater: As psionic teleport, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.
8 Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated place.
9 Etherealness, Psionic: Become ethereal for 1 min./level.
9 Teleportation Circle, Psionic: Circle teleports any creatures inside to designated spot.

Domination Realm
Granted Ability: While you are focused, you gain a +4 bonus to saves against any power in the domination realm.

1 Charm, Psionic:A Makes one person your friend.
1 Daze, Psionic:A Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action.
1 Deja Vu:A Your target repeats his last action.
2 Brain Lock:A Subject cannot move or take any mental actions.
2 Ego Whip:A Deal 1d4 Cha damage and daze for 1 round.
2 Id Insinuation:A Swift tendrils of thought disrupt and confuse your target.
2 Mental Disruption:A Daze creatures within 10 feet for 1 round.
2 Suggestion, Psionic:A Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
3 Crisis of BreathA: Disrupt subject’s breathing.
4 Death Urge:A Implant a self-destructive compulsion.
4 Dominate, Psionic:A Control target telepathically.
4 Geas, Lesser: Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
4 Personality Parasite: Subject’s mind calves self-antagonistic splinter personality for 1 round/level.
6 Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.
6 Mind Switch:AX You switch minds with another.
7 Crisis of LifeA: Stop subject’s heart.
8 Mind Seed:X Subject slowly becomes you.
9 Dominate Monster: As dominate person, but any creature.

Earth Realm
Granted Ability: When you are psionically focused, you gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and checks to resist bull rush attempts.
1 Crystal Shard:A Ranged touch attack for 1d6 points of piercing damage.
1 Stomp:A Subjects fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage.
2 Earth Walk*: Move easily in all directions while on earthen surface.
2 Crystalstorm *: Crystal spray deals 2d4 damage + 1d4 Con damage.
2 Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud.
3 Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone.
3 Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
4 Inertial Barrier: Gain DR 5/–.
4 Rusting Grasp: Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.
4 Spike Stones: Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed.
4StoneskinM: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
5 Hail of CrystalsA: A crystal explodes in an area, dealing 9d4 slashing damage.
5 Major (Earth) Creation, Psionic: As psionic minor creation, but stone and metal only.
5 Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
6 Flesh to Stone/Stone to Flesh: Turns subject creature into statue or restores petrified creature.
6 Wall of IronM: 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.
7 Eyes of the Basilisk*: Turn one creature per round to stone with a glance.
8 Iron Body, Psionic: Your body becomes living iron.
9 Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
9 Elemental (Earth) Swarm: Summons multiple water elementals.

Fire Realm
Granted Ability: When you are psionically focused, your melee attacks deal an extra 1 point of fire damage.
1 Control Flames:A Take control of nearby open flame.
1 Matter Agitation: You heat a creature or object.
2 Energy (Fire and Cold) Adaptation, Specified: Gain resistance 10 against one energy type.
2 Energy (Fire) Emanation*: Deal 1d6 points of fire damage to surrounding creatures.
2 Infrared vision: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
3 Energy (Fire) Burst: Deal 5d6 fire damage in a 40-ft. burst.
3 Energy (Fire) Wall: Create a wall of fire.
4 Energy (Fire) Ball: Deal 7d6 energy damage in 20-ft. radius.
4 Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
5 Energy (Fire) Current: Deal 9d6 fire damage to one foe and half to another foe as long as you concentrate.
5 Fiery Discorporation:A Cheat death by discorporating into nearby fire for one day.
6 Energy (Fire) Barrage*: Decimate foes with a barrage of fire explosions.
7 Energy (Fire) Wave: Deal 13d4 fire damage in a 120-ft. cone.
8 Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round.
9 Elemental (Fire) Swarm: Summons multiple fire elementals.
9 Meteor Swarm: Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.

Force Realm
Granted Ability: While focused, you gain a +1 deflection bonus to your armor class.
1 Control Object: Telekinetically animate a small object.
1 Force Screen:A Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC.
1 Deflection Field*: Provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC.
2 Concussion Blast:A Deal 1d6 force damage to target.
2 Power Claws:*A Your natural weapon deals force damage on its next hit.
2 Power Weapon:*A Your weapon deals force damage on its next hit.
3 Telekinetic Force:A Move an object with the sustained force of your mind.
3 Telekinetic Thrust:A Hurl objects with the force of your mind.
3 Touchsight:A Your telekinetic field tells you where everything is.
4 Control Body:A Take rudimentary control of your foe’s limbs.
4 Inertial Barrier: Gain DR 5/–.
4 Psychokinetic Weapon:*A You animate a weapon to attack your foes.
4 Telekinetic Maneuver:A Telekinetically bull rush, disarm, grapple, or trip your target.
5 Stomp, Greater: *A You stomp your foot to create a shockwave for 7d6 points of damage.
6 Concussive Detonation*A: Burst of force damages targets in area.
7 Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward.
8 Telekinetic Sphere, Psionic: Mobile force globe encapsulates creature and moves it.

Guardian Realm
Granted Ability: You can expend your focus as an immediate action to take the damage dealt to an adjacent ally by a single melee attack. You must declare the use of this ability after you know the result of the attack roll against your ally, but before damage is rolled.
1 Deaden Blow:* A A weapon deals nonlethal damage rather than lethal.
1 Empty Mind: Gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.
1 Thicken Skin:A Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level.
2 Damp Power:* Variable numeric effects of enemy powers are minimized against you.
2 Energy Adaptation, Specified:A Gain resistance 10 to one energy type.
2 Knock, Psionic: Opens locked or psionically sealed door.
2 Psionic Lock: Secure a door, chest, or portal.
3 Dispel Psionics:A Cancels psionic powers and effects.
4 Energy Adaptation: Your body converts energy to harmless light.
4 Immovability: You are almost impossible to move and gain DR 15/–.
4 Wall of Ectoplasm: You create a protective barrier.
5 Protection from Psionics:* Gain +3 insight bonus on saves against powers and psi-like abilities.
6 Dispelling Buffer: Subject is buffered from one dispel psionics effect.
6 Mind over Energy: Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type.
6 Mind Blank, Personal: You are immune to scrying and mental effects.
7 Reddopsi: Powers targeting you rebound on manifester.
8 Iron Body, Psionic: Your body becomes living iron.
8 Mind Blank, Psionic: Subject immune to mental/emotional effects, scrying, and remote viewing.
9 Timeless Body: Ignore all harmful, and helpful, effects for 1 round.

Life Realm
Granted Ability: If you expend your focus as a swift action as you manifest a power from this Realm, your manifester level for that power is considered 1 higher (thus increasing the number of points you can spend on manifesting the power, among other benefits.
1 Touch of Health*: Channel positive energy to cure damage or deal damage to undead.
1 Vigor:A Gain 5 temporary hit points.
2 Body Adjustment:A Heal 1d12 damage, may be used on touch targets.
2 Body Purification:A Restore 2 points of ability damage, may be used on touch targets.
2 From the Brink*: You stabilize a dying target.
3 Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
3 Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject.
4 Stygian Ward*: Grant immunity to death spells and negative energy effects.
5 Restore Extremity: Return a lost digit, limb, or other appendage to subject.
5 Revivify: Return the dead to life before the psyche leaves the corpse.
6 Mend Wounds*: Cure nonundead of 55 damage, or deal 55 damage to undead.
6 Restoration, Psionic: Restores level and ability score drains.
6 Suspend Life: Put yourself in a state akin to suspended animation.
8 True Metabolism: You regenerate 10 hit points/round.
9 Affinity Field, Healing: Healing effects that affect you also affect others.
9 Regenerate: Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).
9 Psychic Chirurgery (Repair):X You repair psychic damage.

Light and Darkness Realm
Granted Ability: When you gain this Realm, choose whether you gain low-light vision or darkvision up to 60 feet. If you already have both, you can double the range of your low-light vision or add 30 feet to the range of your darkvision.
1 Color Spray: Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.
1 Control Light: Adjust ambient light levels. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can create the effects of a daylight or darkness spell.
1 Disguise Self: Disguise own appearance.
1 Entropic Shield: Ranged attacks against you have 20% miss chance.
1 Illusionary image: AC Creates minor illusion of your design as Silent Image. Can be heavily augmented to gain effects of Major Image or Persistent Image.
2 Claws of Darkness:* Gain claw attacks and slow grappled targets.
2 Elfsight: Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Search and Spot checks, and notice secret doors.
2 Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8).
2 Invisibility: Subject invisible 1 min./level or until it attacks. Pay 4 pp to cast Invisibility, Greater instead.
3 Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50%.
3 Eradicate Invisibility: Negate invisibility in 50-ft. burst.
3 Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible.
4 Light Beam*: Deal 5d6 damage in a 120-ft line.
4 Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.
6 Shadow Walk: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
7 Invisibility, Mass: As invisibility, but affects all in range.
8 Light Burst:* Deal 15d6 damage to surrounding creatures.
8 Scintillating Pattern: Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious.
8Shadow Body: You become a living shadow (not the creature).

Natural World Realm
Granted Ability: You gain the wild empathy class feature, except the result is determined by 1d20 + manifester level + your Cha modifier.
1 Calm Animals: Calms (2d4 + level) HD of animals.
1 Chameleon: Gain +10 enhancement bonus on Hide checks.
1 Prevenom:A Your claws gain a poison coating.
1 Prevenom Weapon:A Your weapon is mildly venomous.
2 Animal Affinity:A Gain +4 enhancement to one ability.
2 Psionic Lion's Charge:A You can make full attack in same round you charge.
2 Psionic Scent: Gain the scent ability.
3 Dominate (Animals), Psionic:A Control target animal, magical beast, or dragon telepathically. Costs 2 fewer points than normal.
3 Speak with Plants: You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures.
4 Truevenom: Your natural weapons are covered in horrible poison.
4 Truevenom Weapon: Your weapon is horribly poisonous.
5 Heal Animal Companion: C Completely heal and cure animal companion.
5 Oak Body:A Your body becomes as hard as oak.
7 Animate Plants: One or more trees animate and fight for you.
8 Control Plants: Control actions of one or more plant creatures.
9 Shambler: Summons 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you.

Metabolism Ream
Granted Ability: You heal at a rate of 1 hit point every hour. This rate increases to 1 hit point every 10 minutes at manifester level 5th, 1 every minute at manifester level 10th, and 1 every round at manifester level 17th.
1 Biofeedback:A Gain DR 2/–.
1 Synesthete: You receive one kind of sense when another sense is stimulated.
1 Thicken Skin:A Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level.
2 Animal Affinity:A Gain +4 enhancement to one ability.
2 Body Adjustment:A Heal 1d12 damage.
2 Body Purification:A Restore 2 points of ability damage.
2 Hustle: Instantly gain a move action.
2 Sustenance: You can go without food and water for one day.
3 Claws of the Vampire: Heal half of your claw’s base damage.
3 Graft Weapon: Your hand is replaced seamlessly by your weapon.
3 Vampiric Blade: You heal half of your base weapon damage.
5 Adapt Body: Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments.
5 Psychofeedback: Boost Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution at the expense of one or more other scores.
5 Restore Extremity: Return a lost digit, limb, or other appendage to subject.
6 Suspend Life: Put yourself in a state akin to suspended animation.
7 Oak Body:A Your body becomes as hard as oak.
8 Fusion:XYou combine your abilities and form with another.
8 True Metabolism: You regenerate 10 hit points/round.
9 Assimilate: Incorporate creature into your own body.

Pain and Suffering Realm
Granted Ability: As an immediate action, you can expend your focus to share the pain of the next melee attack that deals damage to you. The attacker takes damage equal to half the damage it deals to you.

1 Disable:A Subjects incorrectly believe they are disabled.
2 Inflict Pain:A Telepathic stab gives your foe –4 on attack rolls, or –2 if he makes the save.
2 Empathic Transfer:A Transfer another’s wounds to yourself.
2 Recall Agony:A Foe takes 2d6 damage.
2 Painful Strike:A Your natural weapons deal an extra 1d6 nonlethal damage.
2 Share Pain: Willing subject takes some of your damage.
3 Share Pain, Forced:A Unwilling subject takes some of your damage.
3 Crisis of BreathA: Disrupt subject’s breathing.
3 Empathic Feedback:A When you are hit in melee, your attacker takes damage.
3 Empathic Transfer, Hostile:A Your touch transfers your hurt to another.
5 Psychotic Break: Targets viciously attack closest creature.
3 Fate Link:A You link the fates of two targets.
5 Psychic Crush:A Brutally crush subject’s mental essence, reducing subject to –1 hit points.
5 Restore Extremity: Return a lost digit, limb, or other appendage to subject.
6 Fuse Flesh:A Fuse subject’s flesh, creating a helpless mass.
7 Crisis of LifeA: Stop subject’s heart.
8 Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
8 Recall Death: Subject dies or takes 5d6 damage.
9 Affinity Field, Pain: Negative effects that affect you also affect others.

Physical Power Realm
Granted Ability: As a free action, you can expend your focus to gain a +2 bonus to Str, Dex, or Con for 1 round.
1 Adrenaline Boost:* A Receive a temporary Str and Dex boost.
1 Biofeedback:A Gain DR 2/–.
1 Grip of Iron:A Your iron grip gives +4 bonus on grapple checks.
1 Stomp:A Subjects fall prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage.
1 Vigor:A Gain 5 temporary hit points.
2 Animal Affinity:A Gain +4 enhancement to one ability.
2 Psionic Lion's Charge:A You can make full attack in same round you charge.
2 Prowess: Instantly gain another attack of opportunity.
3 Keen Edge, Psionic: Doubles normal weapon’s threat range.
4 Immovability: You are almost impossible to move and gain DR 15/–.
5 Empower Weapon:* Store a power in your weapon up to your manifester level -4.
5 Oak Body:A Your body becomes as hard as oak.
5 Psychofeedback: Boost Str, Dex, or Con at the expense of one or more other scores.
8 Spirit of War*: Confer +4 on attack rolls and damage rolls, +10 to one save, and confirm one critical threat.
8 True Metabolism: You regenerate 10 hit points/round.

Sound Realm
Granted Ability: You can expend your focus as you are manifesting a power to negate any sounds caused by it as long as the power itself isn’t sound based.
1 Create Sound: Create the sound you desire.
1 Distract: Target gets –4 bonus on Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
1 Energy (Sound) Ray: Deal 1d6 energy sonic damage.
2 Energy (Sound) Stun: Deal 1d6 damage and stun target if it fails both saves.
2 Control Sound: Create very specific sounds.
2 Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
2 Silence: Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.
3 Energy (Sound) Cone: Deal 5d6 energy damage in 60-ft. cone.
3 Energy (Sound) Burst: Deal 5d6 energy damage in 40-ft. burst.
3 Sound Blast: AC Beam of sonic energy deals 1d6 points of damage per pp spent, and bull rushes targets.
3 Touchsight (Echolocation): Your sound field tells you where everything is.
4 Energy (Sound) Ball: Deal 7d6 energy damage in 20-ft. radius.
4 Zone of Silence: Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations.
5 Dirge of Discord: C Target suffers -4 penalty to attack rolls and concentration checks, -8 Dex, halved movement.
5 Energy (Sound) Current:A Deal 9d6 sound damage to one foe and half to another foe as long as you concentrate.
6 Sympathetic Vibration: Deals 2d10 damage/round to freestanding structure.
7 Energy (Sound) Wave: Deal 13d4 damage of your chosen energy type in 120-ft. cone.
7 Ultrablast (Sound): Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft. radius.
8 Shout, Greater: Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects.
Shifter Realm
Granted Ability: When you take this realm choose one animal, magical animal, or dragon type creature. When casting Metamorphosis or Greater Metamorphosis, you can only change into the chosen creature. While you are focused, you gain a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks involving this creature type.
1 Bite of the Wolf: Gain bite attack for 1d8 damage.
1 Claws of the Beast:A Your hands become deadly claws.
1 Compression:A You grow smaller.
1 Elfsight: Gain low-light vision, +2 bonus on Search and Spot checks, and notice secret doors.
1 Expansion:A Become one size category larger.
1 Metaphysical Claw:A Your natural weapon gains +1 bonus.
1 Prevenom:A Your claws gain a poison coating.
1 Thicken Skin:A Gain +1 enhancement bonus to your AC for 10 min./level.
2 Animal Affinity:A Gain +4 enhancement to one ability.
2 Darkvision, Psionic: See 60 ft. in total darkness.
2 Psionic Scent: Gain the scent ability.
3 Duodimensional Claw: Increases your natural weapon’s threat range.
3 Exhalation of the Black Dragon:A Your acid breath deals 3d6 damage to a close target.
4 Metamorphosis (specified): Assume shape of creature or object.
4 Truevenom: Your natural weapons are covered in horrible poison.
5 Adapt Body: Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments.
6 Breath of the Black Dragon:A Breathe acid for 11d6 damage.
6 Form of Doom:A You transform into a frightening tentacled beast.
8 True Metabolism: You regenerate 10 hit points/round.
9 Metamorphosis, Greater (specified):XAssume shape of any nonunique creature or object each round.

Storm Realm
Granted Ability: When you are psionically focused, you can treat any fall as if the distance were 20 feet less.
1 Deflection Field*: Provides +4 deflection bonus to AC.
1 Energy Ray (Electricity): Deal 1d6 energy (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) damage.
2 Control Air: You have control over wind speed and direction.
2 Energy Adaptation, Electricity: Gain resistance 10 against one energy type.
2 Energy Missile: Deal 3d6 energy damage to up to five subjects.
3 Ectoplasmic (Air) Form: You gain benefits of being insubstantial and can fly slowly.
3 Energy Bolt (Electricity): Deal 5d6 energy damage in 120-ft. line.
3 Energy Retort (Electricity): Burst of energy automatically targets your attacker for 4d6 damage once
3 Telekinetic (Air) Force:A Move an object with the sustained force of your mind.
3 Telekinetic (Air) Thrust:A Hurl objects with the force of your mind.
4 Energy Adaptation (Electricity): Your body converts energy to harmless light.
4 Energy Ball (Electricity): Deal 7d6 energy damage in 20-ft. radius.
5 Energy Current (Electricity):A Deal 9d6 damage to one foe and half to another foe as long as you concentrate.
5 Telekinetic (Air) Buffer*: Use the wind to force creatures away from you.
7 Ethereal Jaunt, Psionic: Become ethereal for 1 round/ level.
7 Energy Conversion (Electricity): Offensively channel energy you’ve absorbed.
7 Energy Wave (Electricity): Deal 13d4 damage of your chosen energy type in 120-ft. cone.
9 Elemental (Air) Swarm: Summons multiple water elementals.
9 Tornado Blast: Vortex of air subjects your foes to 17d6 damage and moves them.

Seer Realm
Granted Ability: Once per day, you can expend your focus to add a bonus on one d20 roll equal to your level in the class that allowed you to access this ability.
1 Precognition: Gain +2 insight bonus to one roll.
1 Precognition, Defensive:A Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.
1 Precognition, Offensive:A Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls.
1 Prescience, Offensive:A Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls.
1 Destiny Dissonance: Your dissonant touch sickens a foe.
2 Clairvoyant Sense: See and hear a distant location.
2 Object Reading:A Learn details about an object’s previous owner.
2 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions: You can find out about an area’s past.
3 Danger Sense: Gain +4 bonus against traps.
3 Realized Potential:* Target gains +1 attack & saves, and +2 to skill checks
3 Ubiquitous Vision: You have all-around vision.
4 Remote Viewing:X See, hear, and potentially interact with subjects at a distance.
5 Clairtangent Hand:A Emulate far hand at a distance (requires force realm).
5 Second Chance:X Gain a reroll.
6 Precognition, Greater: Gain +4 insight bonus to one roll.
8 Hypercognition: You can deduce almost anything.
9 Metafaculty:X You learn details about any one creature.

Time Realm
Granted Ability: You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day, you can expend your focus as an immediate action to delay the onset of one damaging attack or effect. Instead of taking the damage immediately, as normal, you take it 1 round later. If, in the intervening turn, you gain some immunity that would have protected you from the damage, it does not protect you from the delayed damage. You are subject to the damage as if you had taken it when the blow of effect had struck.
1 Burst: Gain +10 ft. to speed this round.
1 Deceleration:A Target’s speed is halved.
2 Prowess: Instantly gain another attack of opportunity.
2 Sustenance: Go without food and water for one day.
3 Fate Link:A You link the fates of two targets.
3 Hustle: Instantly gain a move action.
3 Time Hop:A Subject hops forward in time 1 round/level.
4 Quintessence: You collapse a bit of time into a physical substance.
5 Anticipatory Strike*: Take your action out of initiative order.
5 Second Chance:X Gain a reroll.
6 Precognition, Greater: Gain +4 insight bonus to one roll.
6 Suspend Life: Put yourself in a state akin to suspended animation.
6 Temporal Acceleration:A Your time frame accelerates for 1 round.
7 Fate of One: Reroll any roll you just failed.
8 Time Hop, Mass:A Willing subjects hop forward in time.
9 Time RegressionX: Relive the last round.
9 Time Stop: You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.
9 Timeless Body: Ignore all harmful, and helpful, effects for 1 round.

Water Realm
Granted Ability: When you are psionically focused, you gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
1 Float: You buoy yourself in water or other liquid.
1 Skate: Subject slides skillfully along the ground.
1 Minor Creation, Psionic (Water): Creates a volume of water.
2 Control Object (Water): Telekinetically animate a small amount of water or ice.
2 Energy (Fire and Cold) Adaptation : Gain resistance 10 against one energy type.
2 Energy (Ice) Push:A Deal 2d6 damage and knock subject back.
2 Energy (Ice) Stun:A Deal 1d6 damage and stun target if it fails both saves.
2 Body Equilibrium: You can walk on nonsolid surfaces.
3 Energy (Ice) Lance*: Lance of cold deals 5d6 damage plus chills target.
4 Energy (Ice) Flash*: Touch deals 5d6 cold damage to foe.
4 Solid Fog: Blocks vision and slows movement.
4 Wall of Ectoplasm (Ice): You create a protective barrier.
5 Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage.
5 Energy (Ice) Current:A Deal 9d6 damage to one foe and half to another foe as long as you concentrate.
7 Energy (Cold) Conversion: Offensively channel energy you’ve absorbed.
7 Simulacrum: Creates partially real double of a creature.
8 Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
8 True Metabolism: You regenerate 10 hit points/round.
9 Elemental (Water) Swarm: Summons multiple water elementals.
9 Storm of Vengeance: Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.

* Found in Complete Psionic.
A Can be augmented with additional pp.
C Custom powers, see “Additional Powers” document.

Combining Realms

If a single manifester has a certain combination of realms, he can sometimes combine them together to create greater effects. For example, a person with the ‘Light and Darkness’ and ‘Sound’ realms could learn Major Image, Persistent Image, Project Image, which combines silent image with sounds.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Wow. Some really cool thoughts there. Before I get to what I like, I have a stray comment. I notice that you have a Fire Realm but not Cold Realm. Now, I do know that your water realm does take on some cold powers so that's cool. And I understand that fire and water are opposites. But from a D&D traditionalist perspective, fire and cold are opposites. Don't take this as criticism, though. Just a comment.

Now, do let me say that I absolutely love the following concepts of realms: Domination, Shifter, and Time. They just struck as inventive an unique. Sure, everyone expects realms like fire, sonic, ice, etc. But these struck me as nice an inventive. Just some comments.


First Post
Haha, I can only take full credit for the Shifter one there, because Time was already in the Complete Psionic book (even if I was already working on a time/space realm before I got the book) and domination was inspired by a cleric domain available to evil dragon worshiping clerics in the Draconomicon I believe. Yea, I took many of the mantle lists in that book and used them as a base for organizing the powers I had already been designing, and basically doubled the number of powers listed in them (I ended up combining a few mantles to do that). I removed mantles which seemed too psionic or were alignment based (good, evil, law and so on).

Other than shifter, I think I can only take full credit for sound, aether, and dimension. The mantles were one of the few things the complete psionic really did right, they had almost everything covered.

I put Shifter in because the campaign I'm running is actually based on a story that I'm writing, and the main character's a shifter...so I needed some way to reflect his powers, lol. I had originally been thinking of using the lycantherope classes for shifters, but those take way too long to develop when you're leveling a character.

Yea, I had been thinking of making a cold based realm, but I was worried it might be a little limited. Then again, it would only be about as limited as the fire realm, lolz.

I took a look at some of those books you guys were recommending, sounds like it definitely would have brought the campaign closer to what I was trying to do, though I can only imagine how hard it would have been to roleplay, lol XD I might still get one though, I'm just iffy about spending more money after buying like 8 books in the past month XD

That complete control one though, that's really tempting...

Edit: Hmm, I realized a problem. I don't actually own the core book which gives the D&D experience system (it isn't in the SRD so I'm using the free unearthed arcana one instead), so I wouldn't be able to calculate the experience points for your complete control books very easily XD

Bah, I wish the used 3.5 core books weren't so expensive. The others were like $10 each.
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Well, I finally found some exp charts online, so I went ahead and bought 'complete control' for some help with class generation. It is pretty interesting, and seems to work pretty well. Though, mimicking some of the base classes seems to cost a bit more than the exp needed to reach level 20 when I plugged your numbers into a spreadsheet (fighter cost 200,000; psion and psychic warrior were around 220,000-230,000). However, it is consistent enough that it will give me a general idea of whether or not a class that I make is too powerful.

It turns out that 'Aetheric Warrior' class that I made only cost 180,000 exp, probably because of his low caster level. I'll either have to boost his spellcasting or give him a few more special abilities.

Edit: Oh, it turns out that I miscalculated the AW's spellcasting power, so he's actually about right at 200,000. I'm thinking of adjusting him a bit more though because wild surge really isn't that good.
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