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(completely OT) I finally got a console, PS2, and I have no idea what to get for it.


Grand Theft Auto 3, you probably know what that is. Fun game. Pretty violent, and gory, so avoid it if you don't like that. But then, you're posting to a D&D forum, so your imagination and real v fantasy separation is probably under control. :)

Devil May Cry is fantastic. I just bought a PS2 a couple of weeks ago, so I've been renting games from blockbuster to try them out (5 bucks or so to rent and try for a week vs 50 bucks new or 30 or so used, I think it's worth it). This is the game that had me throw it into pause and rush out to drive to the Target down the street before it closed, so I could buy a memory card and save my game. Sword fighting, evil devils, bigass guns, cool powers. I love it. My rent on this one is almost up, I have to return it, but I borrowed a friend's to keep playing, and I'll probably end up buying it. And the bosses, mmm, there's some good evil.

Both of these games have sequels coming out, btw, Sin City for GTA, I dunno when. DMC 2 comes out in January I think.

I tried Way of the Samurai, it's ok. You run around with a sword and fight other guys with swords. Good atmosphere, ok gameplay, some of the combos are lots of button-pushing. It's not fantastic enough- it's just guys with swords. Eh. I'm not buying it.

There's a newish tetris game that's great when you get back from the bar with a couple of buzzed friends and want to sit around and goof off. 'Next Tetris', he says it's called.

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Aaron L

Devil May Cry is really really amazing. Can't wait for DMC 2.

Way of the Samurai was neat, but I got lost in the story and ended up just killing everyone when those gang fights started. Got a lot of swords to choose from, anyway.


Soul Reaver 2! If it's even half as good as the first one it's still worth it. I'm thinking of getting it for my PC as I don't have a PS2.


First Post
It dependson your gaming taste.

Racing - Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec / The greatest racing game on any console to date.

Fighting - Tekken Tag / More characters than Tekken 4 and a great all around fighting game.

RPG - Final Fantasy 10 / Great game with amazing graphics.

Horror - Silent Hill 2 / Creepy and stunning to look at. The Story is great with a twist of evil.

Action - Grand Theft Auto 3 / The freedom in amazing. The missions are challenging and can be done any way you see fit. When not doing jobs for the mob you can drive taxi, play cop and even fight fires with the fire truck. The best game on the PS2 IMO.

Note: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City comes out on the 29th of this month. It's going to be bigger and more amazing than GTA3.

Hope this helps.


First Post
Grand Theft Auto 3 is comprable to a solid R-rated movie. Tons of violence (it IS a mafia game, after all), a good bit of language (but nothing too over the top), and a bit of sexual content (the most notorious example of which is being able to pick up streetwalkers to refill your health). You're at a unique situation where GTA 3 is concerned. Prices for it are about to plummet, because it's quasi-sequel, the 80's-themed Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is due out in a week or so. Previews indicate that it's a major upgrade from GTA 3 in terms of graphics and new things you can do (such as fire at passengers inside automobiles, steal helicopters, and drive motorcycles). I would recommend renting GTA3 first, to see if you like the style of game, then buying either a used copy of GTA3 or Vice City new when it comes out, depending on your budget. Be warned, it's an extremely addictive game.

I'll have to second (or third) the recommendations of Final Fantasy X and Robotech: Battlecry, if you're into those sorts of things. And keep in mind the fact that you can play PS1 games as well. You might want to check out www.gamefaqs.com , they have archived FAQs, reviews, and more for almost every game ever made, and is an invaluable resource for the video gamer.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Ico.

It wasn't really popular, but it was the most atmospheric game I've ever played. Really neat adventure game, too. Never got to finish it though, as my roommate's PS2 went to Iowa with him. ::sigh::


Some of my favorites for my PS2:

Dead or Alive 2 (DoA2): Some people say it's justs a T&A game, but it's alot deaper than that. It's my favorite fighting game, personaly. 3 is out for the Xbox, but 2 was still a great game.

Dynasty Warriors 2,3, and Tactics: 2&3 are just button mashers, but fun ones... Tactics is a pretty fun little tactical game, though it's sorta simplistic.

Grand Theft Auto 3: It's out for the PC too, but its the same game either way, just different controls.

Ring of Red: Ok, some people don't like this game, I'll admit. It's very strange. It's a turn-based tactical mecha-combat & small squad game. It's alot like Gear Krieg, if you are familiar with that excelent game from Dream Pod 9 (dp9.com). It's alot of fun, but very... different. Also got a pretty cool story to it.

Moble Suit Gundam: Federation Vrs. Zeon. A fun third-person action game, some good two-player action.

Zone of the Enders: Another third-person mech combat game, but a TOTALY different game than MSG:FvZ. wheras that game is mostly land-based, with a fairly slow-moving mech, and a huge focus on making sure an enemy never gets in close (You can fight in melee in FvZ, but it's not the best idea), ZoE is just about the exact oposite. Your flying almost all the time (You can move on the ground, but there is no real reason to, except a few places when your in tunnels and stuff), acrobat combat (Flipping, rolling, jetting, you name it...), intense multi-opponent battles, great melee combat... Also has a fairly good verses mode. Also a much more interactive environment... Nothing like fighting over a residential district, getting grabbed by an enemy 'frame, thrown (Yes, you can grab other 'frames and throw them) into the ground, crushing a house beneath you, and then seeing the "innocents killed" counter go up, then flipping back up and knocking him into and through an abandoned church. Or not watching your fire and blowing a school or something.

And like someone else said... any PS1 game is open to you. Some suggestions for that would include:

Breath of Fire 3
Final Fantasy (Anything with the words Final Fantasy is decent, some are downright great)


First Post
Well, if we're bringing in PS1 (Kibbitz looks around), here a list:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Tales of Eternia (renamed to Tales of Destiny II, ick
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

And I do like DOA2 over Tekken 4/Tag :D

More PS2 stuff to mess with:
If you've never played the Dreamcast or PC version and don't plan on getting them, Grandia II is quite enjoyable.

Some of my friends recommend Shadow Hearts as a console RPG with somewhat different atmosphere compared to your normal RPG.

For fighting games, if you don't mind 2D stuff, Guilty Gear X (Plus) is wonderful, assuming there's a US version.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
For me and my family, it is ALL ABOUT SSX.

Every living minute of PS2 for me is SSX.

Damn I love that game.


HellHound said:
For me and my family, it is ALL ABOUT SSX.

GOD did I read that wrong at first...

/me hits his head with the Talislanta tome to try to get the strange image out of his head

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