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D&D 4E Cones in 4e

Exen Trik

First Post
I always liked cone shaped areas of effect, and was disappointed at their absence in 4e. After some overly complicated designs, I have come up with something simple: have a cone be similar to a blast but with an extra targeted square between the user and the area. A Cone 3 would be a 3x3 square with one square adjacent to it and to the user. You can place the square anywhere adjacent to the user, as long as the line of sight center of the area passes through the targeted square adjacent to the user.

The basic Cone shapes:
- - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   
- - c c c - -   - - - - - - -   - - - c c c -   
- - c c c - -   - - - c c c -   - - - c c c -   
- - c c c - -   - X c c c c -   - - - c c c -   
- - - c - - -   - - - c c c -   - - c - - - -   
- - - X - - -   - - - - - - -   - X - - - - -   
- - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -

Some other set ups:
- - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   
- c c c - - -   - - c c c - -  
- c c c - - -   - - c c c - -  
- c c c - - -   - - c c c - -  
- c - - - - -   - - c - - - -   
- X - - - - -   - X - - - - -   
- - - - - - -   - - - - - - -

What you can't do:
- - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   
- - c c c - -   - c c c - - -   - - - - - - -
- - c c c - -   - c c c - - -   - - c c c - -
- - c c c - -   - c c c - - -   - - c c c - -
- c - - - - -   - - c - - - -   - c c c c - -  
- X - - - - -   - X - - - - -   - X - - - - -
- - - - - - -   - - - - - - -   - - - - - - -

As to how to implement this... of course some powers can be made from scratch, but it would be handy to convert some existing powers like breath weapons to cones. But it's a little hard just to plug this into existing powers since a Cone 3 is more than just a little better than a Blast 3, effecting one more square further and one more total. On the other hand, a Cone 3 effects a good deal less area than a Blast 5, but depending on the situation the cone might still be better...

Perhaps make a Cone 3 equal to a Blast 5, but give attacks against targets in the one adjacent square a hit bonus? Not sure about this, I'd like to hear others thoughts on the balance issues here.

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Kind of off topic, but i love this gif I stole: Burning-Hands.gif


First Post
One big difference between a blast 3 and the cone as you've represented it, is that I would make the cone a ranged or area attack, thus provoking opportunity attacks, whereas a close blast does not provoke.

Make the cone provoke, and I think it's a great type of attack to build powers around. I think both the cone and the line need to be given rules for 4E.



First Post
Gamist Perspective
I always thought the regular 3x3 (or n by n) close blast was simplified cone in the the way the burst-n was a simplified sphere.

StoryTellingist Perspective
You could describe a close blast being conical, but apply the game effects to the regulation square.

Simulationist Perspective
If you use hexes (I recommend this for outdoor combat), use this for a close burst (just like in Hero system):

+ + + + + + + + + + +
.+ + * * * * * + + +
+ + + * * * * + + + +
.+ + + * * * + + + +
+ + + + * * + + + + +
.+ + + + @ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
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Exen Trik

First Post
Thank's for the feedback, everyone!

Kind of off topic, but i love this gif I stole:
Hah, that's an awesome pic. I think burning hands is the single best example of a blast area. Has just the right look and feel for a fan of flames.

I like this. Could be cool for the Martial Controller. Maybe some 'Cone of Arrow' attacks or something.
That's a good example of an appropriate power for it. A normal blast would point sharply to other adjacent squares, which would seem like an odd place to fire part of a volley.

One big difference between a blast 3 and the cone as you've represented it, is that I would make the cone a ranged or area attack, thus provoking opportunity attacks, whereas a close blast does not provoke.
I like this, a good trade off for the close range usefulness. Fits the theme too, as you probably wouldn't want to be quite as much in the thick of it with a cone as with a blast. Hanging back a square and blasting from behind your parties defender should be the default strategy. Makes it kinda strikerish.

On the other hand, the idea of a cone used point blank is also kinda fun: "I cast the Cone of Cold up the sleeping red dragons nose". A feat to play up that kind of method seems like a good idea. I'll work on something for that later.

...and the line need to be given rules for 4E.
I think just using a close burst with the line of sight rules would be enough for this, no need to define an area more than that. Just point to one square in range and see what gets in the way.

Gamist Perspective
I always thought the regular 3x3 (or n by n) close blast was simplified cone in the the way the burst-n was a simplified sphere.

StoryTellingist Perspective
You could describe a close blast being conical, but apply the game effects to the regulation square.
That's correct, the cone has been replaced in 4e by the blast. That change was in the name of simplicity, which is a cause I support. But mechanically and in flavor it isn't quite the same, simply because cones shtick of the cone was hitting the spot adjacent and continuing to a larger area behind. Blasts don't really do that, except if you point it diagonally (which itself is a rather odd seeming quirk of the rules).

Simulationist Perspective
If you use hexes (I recommend this for outdoor combat), use this for a close burst (just like in Hero system):
If I was going to go simulationist, I'd present a complicated hex-and-triangle based system and completely revise 4e in order to use it.

But I won't, because I'm not quite that crazy. :p


Have you thought about using walls.

W * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *   
W W * * *     * W W * *     * * * W W
* W W * *     * C W W *     * * W W *   
* * W * *     * * * W W     * W W * *                 
* * C * *     * * * * *     C * * * *
is the caster C w is the wall
the examples use a wall 6
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