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I think it is certainly emblematic of one of the main problems with PbP gaming here at ENWorld in that every game that is created is defined as a "campaign".

Why do we continue to do that to ourselves? We all know that most of these things will last only maybe a month to six months max... so we should just be honest with ourselves when we create these games that we DM.

We would all be doing ourselves a favor by just deciding as a community that if we decide to DM a PbP here at ENWorld, we should just say we're DMing an "adventure". Make it easy on ourselves. Start with a single adventure that might be a quick module or something... something that might only take three months to complete. We will still get plenty of people who will sign up to play it, because even simple adventures are fun. And THEN... if the party is able to complete the adventure and the DM is still going strong with the adventure, maybe the group as a whole can decide "you know what? Let's continue the game into a second part." And then the group can move onto a next part with the knowledge that they are not beholden to "two more years of this" or whatever stupid ideas we put into our own heads.

Let's make a collective decision to stop putting ourselves under the undo pressure of thinking that our "campaign" game is going to span three years and thousands upon thousands of posts. Because except in rarest situations, that NEVER happens. And it makes us feel guilty enough to do what Malvoisin has done, which is disappear for a time and then re-emerge under a different screen name.

Our collective need to make the games we DM seem "epic" or "important" is killing our desire to actually play them. Small does not mean "bad", just like huge does not mean "good". Let us stick with small... and when our success rate at finishing "small" games reaches 75%... then we can start becoming "huge" again.
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DEFCON 1 said:
I think it is certainly emblematic of one of the main problems with PbP gaming here at ENWorld in that every game that is created is defined as a "campaign".

Why do we continue to do that to ourselves? We all know that most of these things will last only maybe a month to six months max... so we should just be honest with ourselves when we create these games that we DM.

We would all be doing ourselves a favor by just deciding as a community that if we decide to DM a PbP here at ENWorld, we should just say we're DMing an "adventure". Make it easy on ourselves. Start with a single adventure that might be a quick module or something... something that might only take three months to complete. We will still get plenty of people who will sign up to play it, because even simple advenrtures are fun. And THEN... if the party is able to complete the adventure and the DM is still going strong with the adventure, maybe the group as a whole can decide "you know what? Let's continue the game into a second part." And then the group

Let's make a collective decision to stop putting ourselves under the undo pressure of thinking that our "campaign" game is going to span three years and thousands upon thousands of posts. Because except in rarest situations, that NEVER happens. And it makes us feel guilty enough to do what Malvoisin has done, which is disappear for a time and then re-emerge under a different screen name.

Our collective need to make the games we DM seem "epic" or "important" is killing our desire to actually play them. Small does not mean "bad", just like huge does not mean "good". Let us stick with small... and when our success rate at finishing "small" games reaches 75%... then we can start becoming "huge" again.

I disagree. The very nature of PBP is slow and tedious, but that doesn't mean you can't run a successful campaign. The two games I run are coming up on two years straight, without any long breaks. I'm not sure they qualify as "campaigns" yet per se, but that is mainly because of the incredibly long nature of the supermodules I am running. Effectively, the PCs are on their 3rd "adventure."

I think the problem comes from a lack of commitment. And I think this goes both ways. I as a DM have made a commitment to my players, and I don't intend to let them down. At the same time, I expect that if a player decides to play in one of my games, he won't disappear for a long hiatus without telling me. A game can be kept going with a single post per week if necesary, and how hard is that really? I know that even the people that disappear haven't lost their internet connections...hell, half of them I still see come on these boards and post daily.

I think that more people need to take their commitments serious. Sure real life jumps up and bites all of us in the butt from time to time. Sure, we all get burnt out from time to time. But that is the great thing about PBP. You don't have to allocate 4 or 6 hours out of your day to sit down and play. You can keep a game going simply with a few minutes work per week (obviously, DMing takes a bit more time than playing). And if you take a month off, it is easy to come back and start the game up again because there is a written log of the entire adventure!

Now, with that said, I would have no problem playing short adventures, and have done so here before. Vigwyn the Unruly ran an incredible short adventure that he took from start to finish in only six months. It was a blast. And when that game ended, I took my PC from there and am now using him in one of s@squ@tch's adventures. If that turns into a campaign, so much the better. If it doesn't, I may just use that PC in another adventure when this one finishes.

I hope this post doesn't come off as harsh. I consider all of you that I game / have gamed with to be friends. I just have an incredibly commited personality :)


First Post
Interesting discussion from DEFCON1 and Rhun on the lenghts of 'adventures' vs. 'campaigns', and the issue of commitment.

I agree with some of the points raised by both of you, but I'm more inclined to Rhun's position rather than that of DEFCON1 or, as previously brought up, Scotley.

Long-term games are possible, though perhaps exceptional. Ultimately, it is in the area of commitment that I let down all of my players (and occasionally DMs...Insight and s@squ@tch, most recently). I should have been up front about needing to take a break. It is for that which I apologize...not for my ambition in trying to take on large campaigns.

I guess my eyes are often bigger than my stomach, to use a metaphor from the culinary world.

And, did Rhun just say he needs to be committed? I think he did! :)


First Post
Vanifae said:
I have had two aliases on this site.
You're the former Tokiwong, right? So, at least in one case, it was an announced change of alias.

Still...interesting to note.
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First Post
Malvoisin said:
You're the former Toki Wong, right? So, at least in one case, it was an announced change of alias.

Still...interesting to note.
Correct I was formerly Tokiwong.

I have run one game that lasted quite a long time, but as with all things it was its time.


First Post
Malvoisin said:
And, did Rhun just say he needs to be committed? I think he did! :)

This may well be true. I am slightly addicted to EN World, after all.

Vanifae said:
Correct I was formerly Tokiwong.

You should have selected a symbol for your name, and we could have referred to you as "the Dungeon Master formerly known as Tokiwong."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
I've got two: Albatross and Sebastian.
Good to have you back and the explanation is appreciated.

Welcome back.

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