D&D General Conscripted to Faerun


We'll just have to get used to posca (vinegar in our water).

Or just spend those 12 weeks of training in Faerun and use it to adapt. It sucks to train sick, but it's better than having runs in the field.

This topic made me wonder. Can Prestidigitation be used to clean one's posterior? Cause that's mighty handy. Specially cause we aren't allowed to bring baby wipes.

Also, patroling. 5 people, with everyone taking one 2 hour shift, that's 10 hours a day for sleep. At least another 4 for cooking, light foraging, basic hygiene, setting up and breaking camp. So we are looking at what, 10 hours work days (8 h of walking, 30-40 min midday brake for decent meal and 10 min brakes after every hour of walking)? Not that bad with normal walking pace.

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At 50, I've gone from the lean 145 I was in high school to a burly 185. I am stronger now than I have ever been in my life. I'm not going to run a sub-6-minute mile now, but I can jog for 20 minutes and still run a sub 15-second 100 m sprint. Nothing compared to my teens and twenties, but still pretty good.

With weeks of dedicated training, I could handle the 90-lbs of gear I listed, provided we took regular breaks during our patrol. But I always assumed PCs rested about 10 minutes per hour while traveling. :)

I'm 107kg at 182cm.

At my leanest I was around 90-95. That was when I could do a 2 mile run, carry a 50 pound pack up a mountain, lift 100kg+, carry two 50itre beer kegs things like that. That was 1997.

10kg to go to my 1997 weight. 15 to 1995 weight. Not even trying that hard just cut the fast food and beer bit of calorie counting and walking.


Where is that Singe?
Not even trying that hard just cut the fast food and beer bit of calorie counting and walking.
Best things to start with, certainly! I'm sure you'll get there, so keep going! :)

FWIW, I'm 172 cm at 84 kg. I was up to 100 kg a few years ago when I decided to turn things around. My dad is on a lot of medication due to his weight, smoking, and other health issues---I've never smoked, but yeah things like high cholesterol made me realize I had to change.

It's hard to say I'm in the "best shape" of my life, but probably the best shape since I was 25. I just wished I hadn't waited so long.


Best things to start with, certainly! I'm sure you'll get there, so keep going! :)

FWIW, I'm 172 cm at 84 kg. I was up to 100 kg a few years ago when I decided to turn things around. My dad is on a lot of medication due to his weight, smoking, and other health issues---I've never smoked, but yeah things like high cholesterol made me realize I had to change.

It's hard to say I'm in the "best shape" of my life, but probably the best shape since I was 25. I just wished I hadn't waited so long.

Yeah I've got some health issues myself nothing major. Blood pressure I fixed in 6 weeks.

Getting the next 10kg is harder it seems might have to get more active again or start thinking about real sacrifices.

Watching friends parents and some of the worst offenders Gen X is a bit of incentive.

Diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol even weight on joints.


Where is that Singe?
Getting the next 10kg is harder it seems might have to get more active again or start thinking about real sacrifices.
It does. But remember to allow yourself a day of rest and cheating once in a while. Make it a scheduled thing if you can, instead of haphazard. For me, it is Saturdays (when I typically game), I do some light stretching and yoga, enjoy soda and pizza in moderation, etc.

Anyway, a bit off topic. :)


It does. But remember to allow yourself a day of rest and cheating once in a while. Make it a scheduled thing if you can, instead of haphazard. For me, it is Saturdays (when I typically game), I do some light stretching and yoga, enjoy soda and pizza in moderation, etc.

Anyway, a bit off topic. :)

I do that's Sundays with breakfast.

Pizzas pretty much off the menu. Once smooth we'll get burger and fries is snout the most decadent we go.


Dine out breakfast. Or




If my butt got carted off to Faerun, I ‘d be dead by the second day. Was never more than average in shape, and the last few years have done me in far more than I would have liked. 53 now, and pulling back from 300 lbs. towards I hope something reasonable (If I’m lucky, I hope to lose over a hundred, but it’s a war).

Let me at least pretend I have a chance, like I would have back in 20’s.


If my butt got carted off to Faerun, I ‘d be dead by the second day. Was never more than average in shape, and the last few years have done me in far more than I would have liked. 53 now, and pulling back from 300 lbs. towards I hope something reasonable (If I’m lucky, I hope to lose over a hundred, but it’s a war).

Let me at least pretend I have a chance, like I would have back in 20’s.

The 6 weeks PT includes diet;)

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