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Constables of the 14th Ward


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Moru Sen, human conjurer

Helfdan said:
Alarion of Tovarre

"Let us escort our wayward halfling to his home, nay? His goodwife mmust still be pining for his return. Then to master Ignatius... " Alarion smiles. "I am sure he will be quite joyous once he hears of our parley with the Orc chief."

Moru raises an eyebrow. "I'm not entirely sure Iggy's ever been joyous, but we'll hope he yells at us less since we were successful recovering our mapmaker," the wizard says. A short chittering from his backpack suggests Retbi agrees.

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Alarion, Moru, Retbi, and the rest of the constable team all simultaneously realize that Ignatious Ironshirt would want to clap his own eyes upon Krado Lyman, the Wayward Halfling Cartographer, before you escort him home. As luck would have it, you are approaching Lauralie Summerhome from the Northeast, so the nearest gate into the city is the western gate in the Fourteenth, on the street that goes very near the Magistrate's Office.

When you approach the gate into the 14th Ward, the guardsmen spontaeously break into cheers and shower you with accolades: "Look, here they come, the Heroes of the Fourteenth Ward! Huzzah!!"

As you pass through the gates, a small following tags along behind you. In due course, you approach the Magistrate's Office, and get up to the door.

OOC: Anyone have anything yet? What kind of entrance will you make?
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[sblock=OOC]Alarion would proceed directly to Iggy's office and see if he is available. [/sblock]

The knight leans towards Darius and whispers. "This is quite the reception.... think you the freed prisoners reported their escape?"


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With a sigh, Thea put aside for the moment her thoughts of a hot bath and a comfortable bed. There were duties to be attended to, and it really wouldn't do to keep Magistrate Ironshirt waiting any longer than necessary. With a few terse words in Sylvanoptera, and a swirling gesture she called forth a minor magic, expunging the dirt and grime from her uniform. A mirror retrieved from her Haversack allowed her to check the effect of her spell, and then she turned to her fellow constables. "Ah, well, then. Into the dragons' mouth- or the dwarf's, I suppose. Does anyone else want to be freshened up a bit?"

OOC: Once we're back in town, Thea will cast Prestidigitation, and make herself a bit more presentable before our report. Also, if she can find a reputable (known) person about, she'll send them off as a messenger to let Krado's wife know he has been found, and will be home after a visit to the constabulary.


First Post
Moru Sen, human conjurer

pathfinderq1 said:
"Ah, well, then. Into the dragons' mouth- or the dwarf's, I suppose. Does anyone else want to be freshened up a bit?"

"Yes, please," Moru says, presenting himself. Retbi scrambles out of the backpack and stands on his wizard's shoulders as the spell shines up his fur.


Walking in the Fourteenth Ward

The cheers and hooplah dwindle and vanish as suddenly as they appeared, making you all wonder if, perhaps, they were contrived. On your way to the Magistrate's Building, however, you do see several citizens and storekeepers with whom you are acquainted, and they all greet you with broad smiles and pleasant greetings. In due course, you reach the Magisterial Demesne, and steeling yourself, enter.

A familiar sight greets you as you enter: the dedicated Elke Weiss seated behind her desk, writing furiously, trying to keep up with the "stream of consciousness" ramblings of Ignatious Ironshirt who is pacing around the room at his usual methodical tempo. When the door opens, he stops and looks at you. "Welllll, look, Elke, who decided to finally grace us with their presence! It's our Alphas!" But his gruff facade melts away quickly as he does a quick, silent nose count of the squad, and you sense that he is very relieved that you all made it back in one piece. "Well, bless my soul! You, my Good Halfling Sir, must be Krado Lyman! I am indeed very pleased to make your acquaintance! And then, aside to Elke, "I can't WAIT to rub Charley Festus's nose in THIS one!" When he says this, Elke looks up and smiles at the Squad sweetly, her gaze lingering just a bit too long on Darius, and her eyelashes fluttering just a bit too much.

You notice that, strangely, the door to Iggy's office is standing ajar. He ALWAYS slams, errr closes it when he comes out to yell at, errr talk to Elke.
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As Magistrate Ironshirt counts noses, you discover that your Orcish escorts have vanished before entering the building. No doubt a wise course of action.


Now that you think about it, you're not absolutely positive that you have seen them since you entered the city.....
[sblock=OOPS]DM oversight! I pray forgiveness?[/sblock]


"Perhaps sir, the Bravos could take Mr. Lyman home while we debrief you. I am sure his wife misses him and he misses the comforts of the city." suggests Jonas

Voidrunner's Codex

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