Constables of the 14th Ward

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Raul round 5

Raul reaches into his robes as he circles the webbed swarm, moving into the street to keep civilians from getting too close to the chattering vermin. With a deliberate low aim, Raul snaps a throwing star into the swarm, impaling several creatures entangled in the web.

Reaching for shuriken to throw into the swarm as a free action, Raul moves in a counter-clockwise fashion to D20 to E21 (he has move 40'), throwing two a shuriken into the swarm as a flurry of blows from less than 10'.
1d20+5-> [17,5] = (22) +1 = 23 (single attack instead of two)
1d20+5-> [9,5] = (14)
Swarm is AC14, so both hits a hit
Damage: 1d2-> [2] = (2)
1d2-> [2] = (2)

Scratch two one shuriken....
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First Post
Moru Sen, human conjurer

pathfinderq1 said:
Thea had to avoid a momentary flash of a smile- now the swarm was out in the open, and clear of innocents. Almost casually, she lofted the alchemical falsk towards the center of the web-shrouded mass of vermin. "Look out below!," she shouted as she let loose, giving her fellow constables a perhaps-belated warning.

As Thea's flask arcs in the air and crashes with a flash of flame, Moru's smile broadens. "Gotta love flammable traps," he says. "Much more efficient than my flint and steel method, Thea. Good show."

As the webbing ignites and the swarm squeals, Moru returns his flint and steel to his bag, moving forward, holding the word of dismissal until the flames have burned through all the webbing in contact with the swarm.

[sblock=OOC]Web is flammable, so wherever the splash hits, the webs catch fire and do 2d4 fire damage to the swarm on top of the regular alchemist's fire damage. :)

Moru will move forward to E16, and dismiss the spell when the burning webbing has done all the damage it can, which should effectively snuff the flames, since they'll no longer have feul.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

SoulFetter remains at the edge of the webbing and flames, catching any of the swarm that make their escape and warding citizens away if they come too close. He'll also try to keep an eye down the alley so he knows where the rest of the squad are.


With the rats dead and the swarm moving on, and being dealt with, Jonas hurries over tot he manhole to try to catch a glimse of Thornapple.


Round 5

Thea had to avoid a momentary flash of a smile- now the swarm was out in the open, and clear of innocents. Almost casually, she lofted the alchemical flask towards the center of the web-shrouded mass of vermin. "Look out below!," she shouted as she let loose, giving her fellow constables a perhaps-belated warning. The webbed swarm proves an easy target for the tumbling flask. It lands in the center of the swarm with a whoosh of flame that splashes out to cover the whole swarm. (14 points of damage).

With the rats dead and the swarm moving on, and being dealt with, Jonas hurries over to the manhole to try to catch a glimpse of Thornapple.

As Thea's flask arcs in the air and crashes with a flash of flame, Moru's smile broadens. "Gotta love flammable traps," he says. "Much more efficient than my flint and steel method, Thea. Good show." As the webbing ignites and the swarm squeals, Moru returns his flint and steel to his bag, moving forward, holding the word of dismissal until the flames have burned through all the webbing in contact with the swarm. The webs burn quickly and the parts touching the swarm are ignited from the splashes of fire (10 more points of damage).

Having looked the area over and seen the plight of Rahvin, Andrew walks over to him and quietly says, "Here let me relive some of this pain," and casts a cure light wound on Rahvin (6 points of damage healed).

The swarm still burns from the alchemist's fire. The creatures within begin a panicked frenzy and manage to move only slightly as death throes consume them.

"Thanks for the assist Alarion!" says Darius, turning to see how his fellow constables are faring. Spying the bloated departing stirge, Darius drops his sword and quickly lifts the bow from his back with his left hand while drawing and nocking an arrow with his right. Sighting carefully to avoid Alarion, Moru, and Rahvin, Darius lets the stirge come into his sights before letting the arrow fly, concentrating as if he were back on the practice range. Though he does not wish to harm his fellow constables, the thought of this vile beast reproducing pushes him to make an attempt to down the creature. "Alarion, duck!" he calls softly. The arrow finds its mark and the Stirge is pierced. A gout of Rahvin's blood poors out of the the falling Stirge as its body falls to the roof of the building below. (sblock for Darius, 'The Stirge was 20' up by the time you fired so no need for a penalty as the creature was no longer in melee when shot.)

Rahvin’s head clears quickly. The rats’ infernal noise has thankfully stopped. The wave of momentary nausea induced by the vermin passes swiftly, and the weakness resulting from blood loss is greatly alleviated by Andrew’s healing magicks. Getting his second wind, Rahvin looks around him, reassessing the situation. “My thanks, Andrew, Alarion, for your timely aid. Morwyn bless you, Andrew. What of the passersby? Are they safe?” he asks, his concern no longer for himself, but for those he is sworn to protect. Reassured that innocents are out of harm’s way, Rahvin’s mind returns to their original objective. “It seems Thea is dealing with the vermin, and Darius is taking care of the stirge,” he says, thinking out loud, “And where is Thornapple?” he whispers, almost to himself. Stormcrow moves cautiously towards the manhole at the northern end of the alley, truncheon in hand, listening and alert for any sign of their quarry…

Raul reaches into his robes as he circles the webbed swarm, moving into the street to keep civilians from getting too close to the chattering vermin. With a deliberate low aim, Raul snaps a throwing star into the swarm, impaling several creatures entangled in the web (2 points of damage).

Seeing that the spellcasters have the swarm of strays and vermin well in hand, Alarion jogs to Rahvin's side, scarlet drops falling from his blade. The former spy looks weak and dizzy. "Are you well, friend?" He again lifts his sword, alert for any foes.

SoulFetter remains at the edge of the webbing and flames, catching any of the swarm that make their escape and warding citizens away if they come too close. He'll also try to keep an eye down the alley so he knows where the rest of the squad are.

Once the webs that actually hold the swarm have burned away, Moru Sen releases his spell, and the remaining traces of the webs vanish.

[sblock=Jonas and Rahvin] The cover is heavy iron and closed. No sound can be heard above the din of combat behind you.[/sblock]


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Round 6

As the alchemist's fire continues to burn the swarm finally breaks up. The animals and vermin scattering in every direction. Soulfetter and Raul are ready and manage to kill a few, but with dozens of dogs, cats, and rats as well as scores of vermin running all around most of the remaining creatures escape.

OOC: This happens at the very top of the round so please post your actions for round 6 except for Soulfetter and Raul who had already planned actions.


First Post
Moru Sen, human conjurer

Scotley said:
As the alchemist's fire continues to burn the swarm finally breaks up. The animals and vermin scattering in every direction. Soulfetter and Raul are ready and manage to kill a few, but with dozens of dogs, cats, and rats as well as scores of vermin running all around most of the remaining creatures escape.

OOC: This happens at the very top of the round so please post your actions for round 6 except for Soulfetter and Raul who had already planned actions.

Moru wrinkles his nose at the smell of burnt vermin. Realizing the ambush seems dispersed, he moves across the street to check on the mother and child. Thankfully, the unattractive slickness from his first spell is dissapating as he moves, so that by the time he reaches them, he's a little more presentable as he says, "Sorry about the ruckus ladies, but I think things are calmed back down now. You two all right?"


First Post
[highlight]Darius says "You fellows beware traps! Teddy the Terrorist is evidently a nasty character. Does anybody know what degree of talent is required to fly like that? Seriously, I want to know."[/highlight] Darius picks up his sword, wipes the blood off the blade and re-sheathes it. Readying his bow with another arrow, Darius steps over to the sewer grate, peers between the bars, and checks to see if the grate can be moved aside.

[sblock=OOC]As he moves over to the grate, Darius watches for movement in the shadows underneath. He's pissed, so if he sees anything bigger than a child moving in the darkness below the grate, he takes a shot at it: possible arrow shot (1d20+8=10, 1d6+3=6)[/sblock]
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