[Contest] Legendary Class


Was looking at the description posted. It all sounds like a decent idea but wonder how playable it is. The character has to 'declare' his intentions to join the class two levels before, and fufill a number of quests. Will other PCs be interested? What if two PCs want to become Legendary and have to take part in different quests?

The description is at http://www.d20reviews.com/bits/lc.pdf

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First Post
sooo... what is the contest?

legendary? how come the HD is still only 10?

and arent some of those things just "epic"?



They had a preview of some in last Dungeon/Polyhedron. The non-spellcasting one looked pretty playable and interesting, but the spellcasting one I had reservations about. I think classes that sacrifice more than a few levels of spellcasting advancement sacrifice too much.

But the concept is interesting. Part of the pull of D&D is looking forward to getting that next level. Legendary classes extend this phenomenon by having you plan and anticipate several levels in advance.


I wonder if they're looking for modern classes. I could submit my Elvis Impersonator class (I'd have to modify it from prestige to legendary).


Hmmm, the way they are handling these classes is not unlike how basic D&D used to handle Immortality. Characters would have to do a bunch of things before they could become an Immortal.

Though some of the things you had to do to become an Immortal was just insane.


WotC's bitch
I don't see the point of "legendary" classes. From what I read in the pdf, they're simply prestige classes that grant insanely powerful abilities.

Yes, there's the bit about stiff entry requirements, but 1) conceptually that's no different to what prestige classes could handle; 2) trading inconvenience now for power later has always been iffy in my book. It's the same rationale used to justify how mages in 1E were wimps at low level, rising to become demigods later on.

The only twist is the rule that you have to meet the prereqs to continue level advancement.

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