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I started making this campaign a while back and I was fairly happy with the beginning but could never figure out where I wanted it to "go".
Now, with the advent of 4E, I would really like to convert what I have, make what I have even better and flesh out the remainder. Problem is my creative juices are flowing about as fast as a brick. Uphill. Against the wind.
So i am looking for inspiration on how to get started doing all that. Any feedback appreciated.

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Arcadian Knight
I don't think anyone can crawl inside your head by way of the web and figure out where you have imagination stream blockage,without far more information than you are giving, did you forget to post a link to a web page about what you have so far?


First Post
I don't think anyone can crawl inside your head by way of the web and figure out where you have imagination stream blockage,without far more information than you are giving, did you forget to post a link to a web page about what you have so far?

Darn. I was really hoping for that, too. JK :p

The problem is i'm not sure where to start, but, here goes:

Recent History

4604ac (after collapse)
King Ker of Messar and King Perrin of Nelgar are chatting over dinner, one of them makes a comment to the effect of “I can’t believe you eat this food” and the other replies “better that the piss-rot your folks eat”. This does not go over well, needless to say. Shouting occurs, plates are thrown, eventually swords are drawn and Ker is killed. The kingdom of Messar declares open war on the kingdom of Nelgar. This is the unfortunate start of what will become known as The Generations War.

King Perrin dies on what become known as the Blood Plains. The Elves decide that, until the Humans come to their senses, they are leaving the humans to their own devices. They disappear into the woods and forests, and are not seen again.

In what will become a staggering blow to the war effort in both Messar and Nelgar, the Dwarvish clans decide that they, too, have had quite enough of human stupidity, crawl back into their underground homes and seal the doors tight.

Someone somewhere notices that the summers have been getting gradually shorter and cooler, and the winters longer and colder.

4859ac (9th month)
Peace negotiations begin between Messar and Nelgar, mostly because of the fact that the summers have gotten so mild and short that it is becoming increasingly difficult for either kingdom to feed their populations. Lack of food is beginning to be a problem.

4860ac (3rd month)
The Generations War is finally over. After over 250 years of bloody conflict between the mountainous Nelgar kingdom and the coastal Messar kingdom, peace finally roams the land. Young prince Lenric of Nelgar has wed the lovely but mysterious Xar (pronounced Shar) of the Messar kingdom. There are rumors that they even might love each other, a luxury indeed in political marriages. The newly formed kingdom is named Nessra.

4860ac (6th month)
Spring just arrived, after a long and brutally cold Winter. There are rumors that it is even worse the farther north you go, and everyone knows that north of the Hama River is Orc territory. The general populace is worried about possible invasion of an already weakened kingdom.

4860ac (7th month)
Still no signs of a real summer and many are dying from a lack of food or proper shelter. Prince Lenric calls a ducal conference to discuss plans for the defense of the kingdom should it be necessary.

4860ac (8th month)
There was really no summer at all this year; it went straight from spring to fall. In some of the higher regions the winters snow never melted and the court seers are predicting another long, cold winter. The sick, hungry, and dying now outnumber the healthy by almost two-to-one.
It’s been 2 weeks since the ducal counsel convened, and Duke Baerd has not shown up or been seen anywhere in the area. Duke Baerd has never been a friend of Messar and never very punctual, but this is inexcusable. Duke Baerd lives on the border between Nessar and Orc territory, and any information he may have is desperately needed to judge the mood of the violent, often brutal orcs.

Unknown to the human population, the Orcs and goblins have formed an alliance with the Frost Giants and a Frost Giant Archmage has created a arcane device to generate cold on a massive scale, cooling the area around it and, effectively, creating "global cooling". Duke Baerd, his family and all his men are the first human casualties of the oncoming horde.
The first adventure was a trip to the fort to find this out and that the orcs are coming in massive numbers.

That was really as far as I got.


First Post
Well I can't figure out if you're having trouble turning your setting into an adventure (which is a rules-independent issue), or having trouble conceptualizing setting elements in 4E terms.



First Post
Well I can't figure out if you're having trouble turning your setting into an adventure (which is a rules-independent issue), or having trouble conceptualizing setting elements in 4E terms.


The answer is "yes". That is EXACTLY what I am having problems with.
I'll tell you what, right now I'm so confused I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt. :)
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First Post
Well if you have specific rules elements that you need 4E-ized, I'd expect people would be more capable/willing to help out there. Is there a specific monster or NPC you need converted to 4E? (This isn't really my thing, but I've seen a lot of posters help out with stuff like this.)

If you want someone to read through your setting and find an adventure path/campaign arc . . . well that might be a little tougher. But you could hope.



First Post
Well if you have specific rules elements that you need 4E-ized, I'd expect people would be more capable/willing to help out there. Is there a specific monster or NPC you need converted to 4E? (This isn't really my thing, but I've seen a lot of posters help out with stuff like this.)

If you want someone to read through your setting and find an adventure path/campaign arc . . . well that might be a little tougher. But you could hope.


I guess what I am looking for is a brain-crutch with help or advice on how to get the setting set up for 4e and then getting the campaign idea "compartmentalized" into adventures.

-Things that NEED to happen:
Duke Baerd needs to be found and the Orc threat identified. This essentially sets up the rest of the campaign. ( This was the only "adventure" I ever really finished and now I'm not very happy with it.)
The big finale where the players meet the frostgiant baddies.

-Things that I WANT to happen:
The Elves should be approached to join the humans in fighting back the hoard (maybe a adventure surrounding a skill challenge to regain their trust. There would need to be a side-trek to get info on where the city is, maybe even a trip into the Feywild.)
The Dwarves should be approached (to join the humans in fighting back the hoard (maybe a adventure surrounding a skill challenge to regain their trust.).
The kingdom to the south should be approached for possible aid and refuge for those who cant stay to defend the kingdom.

- Monsters
I had created some custom monsters for this to accentuate the setting:
Snow and ice mephits (ice being the stronger)
Snow beasts (animated snow drifts)
Ice golems

As you can see this is all very sketchy and not terribly complete.


First Post
Here's a quick idea I got from reading your post:

The PCs are tasked to find either the elves or dwarves and try to get their help (perhaps the PCs get to choose). Another group sent by the kingdom/whatever goes to garner help from the other race (elves/dwarves). When the PCs return successful, they learn that the group who went to get help from the other race hasn't been heard from. In addition to needing to still talk to that race (elves/dwarves), they have to find the missing party. Perhaps they were taken/attacked by frost giants or whatever, giving the PCs more advancement into that aspect of the story.



First Post
First of all, I think your idea for epic conflict (turning the world cold) is a great idea. Nothing spells 'epic campaign' like total annihilation... and it's refreshing to see some villains who are NOT necromancers trying to raise the dead or summon demons or destroy the soul of the world, etc. So kudos to your initial creativity!

That said, from the limited information I am getting from your posts it seems you may be having a problem with story details- specifically the motives of each faction. It seems you have an idea of how you'd like to have the campaign play out... but you don't have a concrete story to give your players to inspire them to advance the story the way you want them to.

Here are some questions I have that might lead you to some interesting conclusions and mental avenues if you answer them in story terms:

Why did the Elves and Dwarves just leave the humans to war? Aren't they invested in the world? Do they have access to other lands/planes/dimensions that make it easier for them to just abandon this world rather than take a stand in it?

Are the elves/dwarves affected by the cold?

Considering the above questions, why would they help the humans now, when before they were so quick to isolate themselves?

Why are the Frost Giants making the world cold? What is their overall aim?

How did they get the knowledge/power/skill to develop such a device?

Why are the orcs helping them? What is their relation to the Frost Giants? Are they willing allies or were they coerced?

What has the 'kingdom to the south' been doing the entire time during the Generations war, the inevitable orc invasion, and during the increasingly harsh winters?

How are they involved politically, socially, metaphysically with the other factions of the world?

How does baerd fit into this scheme? Is his disappearance just a dingus (plot device to further the story) or is he secretly working with the Orcs and Giants? If so, why?

Additionally, it may be helpful to consider what resources the player characters (and the kingdom of Nessra in general) possess. If you have a better idea of what alternatives the characters can pursue, then it will be easier for you to give them choices (and eventually compartmentalized adventure paths). After exhausting these resources, the characters will have to begrudgingly ask for outside assistance.

Does Nessra have powerful wizards? Does it have an extensive arcane library or "laboratories" ? Anything that might indicate the nature of the harsh cold as magical? Anything that might indicate an ancient relic (or perhaps a foreign culture in a distant land) that may possess the means to end this cold?

Does Nessra have the ability to open portals to other realms that may provide the players with distant locales, cultures and magic relics that might help stave off this artifical cold?

How technologically advanced is Nessra?

Once it is discovered that Frost Giants are behind this... what can the players do to better prepare themsevles to battle them?

Also, keep in mind it is not very heroic or adventurous to task your players with going to the next kingdom over to request that their better, more powerful heroes go on a quest to save the world. You always want to be enabling the player characters to finish the quest themselves- not making them errand boys for the REAL heroes.
To this end, decide why you want the players to request the aid of the elves and dwarves- and what aid they will provide, if any.

Remember, you dont' have to have this all sorted out now. These are just questions to get the gears rolling again. Additionally, here is a great website that may give you ideas for actual adventure paths. Every DM should have this page book marked:


Hope this helps.


First Post
Why did the Elves and Dwarves just leave the humans to war? Aren't they invested in the world? Do they have access to other lands/planes/dimensions that make it easier for them to just abandon this world rather than take a stand in it?
At the time the Elves and Dwarves "left the humans to war", it was men against men and neither wanted to become the "common enemy". Self preservation more than anything else. Elves (now) had access to the feywild and dwarves didn't need much more than they could provide on their own.

Are the elves/dwarves affected by the cold?
Elves yes to a lesser degree and Dwarves not so much.

Considering the above questions, why would they help the humans now, when before they were so quick to isolate themselves?
"The war of men is over. The war for [middle earth] has just begun." Seriously though, They have been separated long enough that they no longer really know what is happening outside their own lands.

Why are the Frost Giants making the world cold? What is their overall aim?
To destroy the world of men and remake it as their own paradise.

How did they get the knowledge/power/skill to develop such a device?
This one I haven't quite figured out yet. Maybe the archmage is tapping into some elemental force that isn't so much "generating" cold as "sucking the heat out"...

Why are the orcs helping them? What is their relation to the Frost Giants? Are they willing allies or were they coerced?
The answer to the second question is both. The giants gave them an ultimatum to help and be part of the new reign or be wiped off the face of the earth with the rest of the "lesser creatures"

What has the 'kingdom to the south' been doing the entire time during the Generations war, the inevitable orc invasion, and during the increasingly harsh winters?
The Republic of Juhan, until recently, has been keeping to themselves and advancing their technology. If Nessra is 12th century, Juhan is 16th. They are have crude steam tech, Steel instead of iron, etc.

How are they involved politically, socially, metaphysically with the other factions of the world?
Lessee, Politically: Juhan has advanced from Monarchy to a multi-body republic (most of whom have been bought by criminals), they have a few diplomats but most of them are involved in trade talks with other nations. Nessra is largely considered a cultural and technological backwater that nobody really has paid any attention to for many years.
Not sure what you mean by socially or metaphysically.

How does baerd fit into this scheme? Is his disappearance just a dingus (plot device to further the story) or is he secretly working with the Orcs and Giants? If so, why?
He was one of the old kingdoms staunchest supporters and (to the characters) the fact that he did not come to council is troubling to say the least. As far as the plot goes, he's a dingus, used to introduce the overall plot of the campaign, a few minor players and hint at the major players.

Does Nessra have powerful wizards? Does it have an extensive arcane library or "laboratories" ? Anything that might indicate the nature of the harsh cold as magical? Anything that might indicate an ancient relic (or perhaps a foreign culture in a distant land) that may possess the means to end this cold?
Nessra has no really powerful wizards left. The really powerful were long ago killed in the war, along with most of the "heroes". There are a few mouldering remains dotted around the landscape, stumps of wizards towers, etc. As the campaign starts, no one knows what is causing the cold, only that they need to find out and quickly.

Does Nessra have the ability to open portals to other realms that may provide the players with distant locales, cultures and magic relics that might help stave off this artifical cold?
How technologically advanced is Nessra?
Once it is discovered that Frost Giants are behind this... what can the players do to better prepare themsevles to battle them?

Currently, there are established "travel ports" (teleportation circles) to the city of Lind on the sea which has the major remaining library and the town of Denton on the southern border (Juhan would not permit teleportation into their territory).
Nessra is technologically inferior to all of the nations they have tried to trade with, primarily iron weapons, etc.
Once it is discovered that Frost giants are involved, the PC's need to recover the lost level of magic needed to create items of power, find them or buy them. The also need to work with Prince Lenric to establish a reasonable fighting force, hopefully including elves and dwarves, to hold off the advancing Orc horde while they then go "behind enemy lines" to deal with the source of the problem: the Giants and their arcane device.

Also, keep in mind it is not very heroic or adventurous to task your players with going to the next kingdom over to request that their better, more powerful heroes go on a quest to save the world. You always want to be enabling the player characters to finish the quest themselves- not making them errand boys for the REAL heroes.
To this end, decide why you want the players to request the aid of the elves and dwarves- and what aid they will provide, if any.
Not so much "Come save us" as "Come help us save everyone". They would requesting aid because there are not enough healthy men left to field an army large enough to even fight a delaying action against the Orcs and Goblins. Also, the Elvish nations are reputed to have many and great magical resources no longer available to men.

Remember, you dont' have to have this all sorted out now. These are just questions to get the gears rolling again. Additionally, here is a great website that may give you ideas for actual adventure paths. Every DM should have this page book marked:


Hope this helps.
EVERYTHING helps. All this made me think about this stuff and help solidify some of it. I appreciate everyone who has looked at this thread and al of those who've replied.

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