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Converted Campaign settings I'd like to see...

Undead Pete

First Post
This is utterly wishful, but I've been thinking about what novels/series I'd like to see as a d20 campaign setting, namely....

  • Brian Lumley's Necroscope series (especially the Vampire World)
  • China Mieville's Perdido Street Station and The Scar
  • Neil Gaiman's Small Gods
  • Thieves' World
  • The Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton
  • Jack Chalker's Wellworld
  • A complete expanded Hyborian setting, like the one on Conan d20, but encompassing the entire world, expanding on what Robert E. Howard created
  • James Axler's Deathlands and Outlanders (yes, I know it's utterly cheesy...)
  • Orson Scott Card's Alvin Maker series
  • Gene Wolfe's Urth of the New Sun
  • Stephen King's Gunslinger
  • Terry Goodkind's The Sword of Truth
  • Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars series

....and many more.

Which one's would you like to see? :cool:
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Hand of Evil

Zelzany's Dilvish the Damned books, Madwand or even Lord of Light (love a hindu/India setting).

Alan Dean Foster's Commonweath

Would love to see a D20 of the Warhammer world.

Have to agree to Warhammer World and Barsoom. I'd also like to see a more complete Middle-earth: I know we've got the non-d20 game coming out, and the Middle-earth d20 site has done some cool stuff, but I'd like to see more! :)

EDIT: Not to hijack here, but I noticed you put the Necroscape at the top of the list. I've almost picked those up a few times at the book store. Are they pretty good?
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I'd like to see Lankhmar done right. A lot of the 2nd ed supplements were terrible. Apart from bad editing, bad content, and missing material (as in material referred to in the same supplement that didn't exist), one author in particular just ignored some of the more important elements of the setting and did the complete opposite.

I'd like to see a Magic: The Gathering expansion, complete with a mana-based magic system and group combat rules (though chainmail may have filled the bill)

Other than that, I'll second Thieve's World, though I got hold of the old boxed set and the TW companion, and haven't had too much trouble doing conversions.

Oh, and a good fairy world, like the old Tall Tales of the Wee Folk or the movie Legend. I'm working one now to drop into the middle of a huge forest in my home-brew.
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First Post
Undead Pete said:
  • Neil Gaiman's Small Gods
  • Thieves' World

Chaosium put out a Thieves' World RPG many moons ago. If you could dig a copy up, I'm sure a homebrew conversion would be simple enough.

For Small Gods check out GURPS: Discworld and GURPS: Discworld Also

Balsamic Dragon

First Post
Slight typo, I think:

Neil Gaiman put out a book called American Gods (i think)
while Small Gods would be the Terry Pratchet Diskworld book. The GURPS Diskworld supplement is Excellent, btw, not withstanding the general suckiness of the GURPS system ;)

I second the motion for Gene Wolfe's books (also a GURPs game, not quite as good as Diskworld, but neat).

I'd also like to see a d20 game based on the C.J. Cherryh universe (Cyteen, Downbelow Station). Straight science fiction, good stuff.

And for nostalgia's sake, and for younger gamers, a d20 game based on Anne McCaffrey's Pern.

Balsamic Dragon


First Post
Neil Gaiman put out a book called American Gods (i think)

By gum, you're right!

I missed that entirely. I guess I had Good Omens[/i] in my head (a Pratchett/Gaiman collaboration). There are some similiarities between American Gods & Small Gods as well, concept-wise.


Re: Re: Converted Campaign settings I'd like to see...

kengar said:

Chaosium put out a Thieves' World RPG many moons ago. If you could dig a copy up, I'm sure a homebrew conversion would be simple enough.

For Small Gods check out GURPS: Discworld and GURPS: Discworld Also

Chaosium's Thieves' World is a setting, not a full RPG. They included stats for several systems, including AD&D 1st edition, which makes conversion a trivial task.


First Post
I'd love to see most of the worlds created by Weiss/Hickman put into D&D.

Especially Rose of the Prophet. A more perfect-for-D&D-fiction-setting you will not find. ;)

Death Gate would be a kick-ass setting for D&D as well, especially if set on the worlds of fire and air, but I'd have problems with Sartan/Patryn PCs in a D&D setting.

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