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Converting Forgotten Realms monsters

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Extradimensional Explorer
A haun is only capable of a slow slither. However, once per turn it can compress its body, and release enough energy to leap up or forward. In this manner, it can leap forward up to 18 feet (3d6 feet) or upward up to 9 feet (1d6 +3 feet). A haun can burrow through ice at half its normal slithering speed.

Maybe this doesn't seem so psionic after all. Want to borrow leap from the cave locust? We can go with 20 ft horizontal or 10 ft vertical.

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Monster Junkie
Sounds good.

Level Dis/Sci/Dev Attack/Defense Score PSPs
3 2/2/7 II/M- = Int 120
Psychokenesis--Sciences: telekinesis. Devotions: animate objects, inertial barrier.
Telepathy-Sciences: mindlink. Devotions: aversion (to worms) contact, inflict pain, invisibility, repugnance.
(*) For use with the Complete Psionics Handbook; non-psionic alternatives are given in the Combat Section.

Telekinesis = Telekinetic Force
Animate Object = Control Object
Inertial Barrier = same
Mindlink = same
Aversion = same
Inflict Pain = same
Invisibility = ?
Repugnance = ?


Extradimensional Explorer
Maybe concealing amorpha (or greater version) for invisibility? Aversion for repulsion (maybe the haun is the thing the target is averted from)?


Monster Junkie
The best hauns can physically do is force an opponent to fall over another haun strategically placed behind him, and try to bite him when on the floor.

That sounds more like telekinetic maneuver than telekinetic force.


Psi-Like Abilities: At will—mindlink; 3/day—aversion (DC x), concealing amorpha, control object, inflict pain (DC 11); 1/day—inertial barrier, telekinetic manuever. Manifester level x. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

We can heighten the manifester level/augment for certain abilities if we are so inclined.


Monster Junkie

Suggested manifester and caster levels?

EDIT: We have a problem. Neither mindlink nor telepathic bond (or even telepathy, for that matter) will work on the mindless haundars. We'll need a special ability that allows them to communicate with their haundar hosts (or raise haundar Int to 3 so telepathy works on them).
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Extradimensional Explorer
I'm going to somewhat arbitrarily say that we should pick ML/CL of 5.

I get the impression that mindlink is mostly for controlling the haundar, so let's bump the haundar Int to 3. Now we need to add skills and feats. Let's max out Spot for the skill (those eyestalks should be good for something). Some feat suggestions: Ability Focus (spit acid burst), Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Snatch, Flyby Attack, Hover, Power Attack?


Monster Junkie
Sounds good. Here's the updated Haundar.

I went with Skill Focus (Spot) rather than Alertness, since Listen +2 is kind of pointless at that CR. ;)

Updated Haun, too.
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Extradimensional Explorer
The haundar looks fine. Or else we can go with a 12/11 split on Spot/Listen with Alertness. Your call.

Haun is looking good. Any SAs left? I'd say weight=10 to 15lb. Let's give them Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.


Monster Junkie
The only other SA we might need is some sort of "burrow into flesh" ability to explain how they get into a haundar.

Skills: 20

Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), 1 more

Environment: Cold deserts?

Challenge Rating: x

Treasure: x (Type W is a lair treasure of 5-30 1,000s of gold, 1-8 1,000s of platinum, 2-16 gems, 1-8 objects, Any 2 magic items)

Alignment: Usually chaotic, often evil?

Advancement: By character class (favored class: psion)?
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