D&D 3E/3.5 CONVERTING MODULES to 3.0/3.5


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I haveevery adventure module ever published and willing to convert them to current editions of D20 D&D. If you want a module converted to 3.0/3.5, please talk to me and I will tell you what I have converted and how long it will take me to convert one to the current rules...

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Zepherus Bane

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I don't know where you could possibly find the time to convert everything but I'm looking for Nightmare Keep if you have worked on that one. It was 2nd ed. Forgotten Realms module for 18-20th lev. characters. I need it in 3.5.

Well if your willing how abouit converting the following modules to 3.5 if you have them:

Egg of the Phoenix (1st ed)
The Sentinel (1st ed)
The Gauntlet (1st ed)
more to come as I find my copies.
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I have already converted The Sentinel to 3.0...

I am going to work right now but I will send you a draft of it. If you like it, let me know and I will send you the whole module with maps... If you really like it, I will convert the Gauntlet which is actually next on my list...


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Hmmm, I wasn't allowed to PM you. I am also interested in Gauntlet and Sentinel. Several excellent game sessions with those modules. Egg of the Phoenix was great as well. Have you done the Bloodstone modules? How about Lich Lords by Role aids?

Anyway, email me at borzoi no space here addict at yahoo dot com. Make sure you let me know what you are emailing me about. I delete anything I don't recognize.

edit: BTW, the "no space here" means remove those words and put the preceding word and the following/trailing word together for my email address.
Just wanted to make sure you are aware of the "wierd" format.
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I have the modules Lord of the Iron Fortress and Bastion of Broken Souls.
Both of them are 3.0 edition D&D.
Me and me friends all play by the 3.5 edition rules.
So if you have the time, could you convert at least Bastion of Broken Souls from 3.0 to 3.5.

In advance thanx

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