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Converting monsters from Dungeon Magazine

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Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
Attack: Tentacle rake +6 melee (1d4+5) or stinger +6 ranged (1d4+2 plus paralysis)?

stinger should be +2 to hit, because the Dex is lower than Str.

Any idea what Treasure Type U was in old D&D?

This creature resembles a gigantic slug, with a toothy maw surrounded by four 10-foot long, clawed tentacles. On top of the creature are four short eyestalks. Beneath its mouth is a small opening, with an elongated tube protruding out from it. The creature’s slimy hide is rubbery and grey.

The tyrannabyss is a foul hunter that inhabits coastal saltwater areas, especially reefs and rocky shoals. It is usually content as a bottom feeder, prowling the sea floor in search of prey. It is smart enough to know, however, that land creatures are a good source of food, and explores buildings near the shore for an easy meal. These creatures also cling to the bottom of ships with their numerous suckers, to prey on the boat’s crew.

A tyrannabyss has a circular mouth, with rows of rasping teeth that are meant more for grinding and sawing than biting. Below this mouth is the tube from which the tyrannabyss fires its harpoon-like barbed sting. The creature’s hide is covered in a thick mucuous that leaves a trail of foul-smelling slime while moving on land. A tyrannabyss is able to swim quite rapidly for short distances by undulating its huge body.

A tyrannabyss is 20 feet long and weighs about 1,000 pounds.

A tyrannabyss prefers to attack using surprise, and uses its eyestalks to peek around corners, through doors, and above the surface of the water. When a victim approaches, it surges out from hiding, firing its stinger at the nearest target. If it impales a victim, the tyrannabyss will dive into the water. In melee, a tyrannabyss tries to grab a foe with its tentacles, and dive into the water – a drowned opponent does not resist. By holding a victim in place with its tentacles, a tyrannabyss is able to cut through the armor with its mouth to get to the soft flesh below.

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Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
stinger should be +2 to hit, because the Dex is lower than Str.
D'oh! I was even thinking that while I was typing it incorrectly. :O

BOZ said:
Any idea what Treasure Type U was in old D&D?
No idea. It would be really nice if we could post a thread with all the old treasure tables to reference while doing conversions.

Nice description. :)


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
No idea. It would be really nice if we could post a thread with all the old treasure tables to reference while doing conversions.

Well, if I based type U off of the AD&D table, that was no coins, 90% chance of 2-16 games, 80% chance of 1-6 art objects, and 70% chance of 1 magic item. So… “no coins, 50% goods, 10% items”?


Monster Junkie
That sounds fine, although really, I'd think treasure would be incidental, and thus standard would work too.


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
That sounds fine, although really, I'd think treasure would be incidental, and thus standard would work too.

No, Standard seems like it would be a bit more than incidental. I think a 10% across the board should do it.

OK, updating in homebrews, and moving along…

it has only 8 skill ranks. It has a +4 bonus to Hide for camouflage, which is not enough to offset the –8 it takes for size – it has a +1 Dex, but I don’t want to use up all the ranks just to give it a decent Hide check. For ranks, maybe Hide 2, Listen 3, Spot 3.

It is a big sneaky hidey type of fellow, so maybe Stealthy as a bonus feat or even in place of Power Attack?

For rearming the stinger, do we just want to bite the bullet and say it takes 3 rounds? 30 minutes seems awfully excessive. ;)

Are these values OK?
A creature impaled by a broken stinger takes (1d6) points of damage per round automatically until the stinger is removed. Removing a stinger (a full-round action) deals (2d8) points of damage to the victim, but if the character removing the stinger makes a successful Heal check (DC 20), this damage is reduced to (1d4) points.

2d6 fine?
Paralysis (Ex): Living creatures hit by a tyrannabyss’ stinger must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or be paralyzed (for X rounds). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Base damage 4d6 OK or a bit much? Should the damage bonus be Str (+5) or Str + 1/2 (+7)?
Rend Armor (Ex): On a successful grapple check, a tyrannabyss pulls a character to its mouth, which rips apart any armor worn by its foe. This attack deals (4d6+18) points of damage to the opponent’s armor. Armor reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed. Damaged armor may be repaired with a successful Craft (armorsmithing) check. Creatures not wearing armor, or whose armor has been destroyed by this ability, are unaffected by this special attack, but instead take automatic bite damage each round.


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
No, Standard seems like it would be a bit more than incidental. I think a 10% across the board should do it.

BOZ said:
it has only 8 skill ranks. It has a +4 bonus to Hide for camouflage, which is not enough to offset the –8 it takes for size – it has a +1 Dex, but I don’t want to use up all the ranks just to give it a decent Hide check. For ranks, maybe Hide 2, Listen 3, Spot 3.

It is a big sneaky hidey type of fellow, so maybe Stealthy as a bonus feat or even in place of Power Attack?
Those ranks are fine. Stealthy instead of Power Attack.

BOZ said:
For rearming the stinger, do we just want to bite the bullet and say it takes 3 rounds? 30 minutes seems awfully excessive. ;)
3 rounds.

BOZ said:
Are these values OK?
A creature impaled by a broken stinger takes (1d6) points of damage per round automatically until the stinger is removed. Removing a stinger (a full-round action) deals (2d8) points of damage to the victim, but if the character removing the stinger makes a successful Heal check (DC 20), this damage is reduced to (1d4) points.
I think these values are fine.

BOZ said:
2d6 fine?
Paralysis (Ex): Living creatures hit by a tyrannabyss’ stinger must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude save or be paralyzed (for X rounds). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Yeah, 2d6 is fine. A carrion crawler's is 2d4, and it has two less HD than t-byss.

BOZ said:
Base damage 4d6 OK or a bit much? Should the damage bonus be Str (+5) or Str + 1/2 (+7)?

Rend Armor (Ex): On a successful grapple check, a tyrannabyss pulls a character to its mouth, which rips apart any armor worn by its foe. This attack deals (4d6+18) points of damage to the opponent’s armor. Armor reduced to 0 hit points is destroyed. Damaged armor may be repaired with a successful Craft (armorsmithing) check. Creatures not wearing armor, or whose armor has been destroyed by this ability, are unaffected by this special attack, but instead take automatic bite damage each round.
4d6 does seem a bit much for a 5-HD critter. 2d6 is probably more reasonable.

I think it should be Str and 1/2.


Creature Cataloguer
Shade said:
Those ranks are fine. Stealthy instead of Power Attack.

OK, I'll agree with that. But don't you think it might need more of a bonus, since stealth is its main tactic?

I agree with the rest of what you said.


Monster Junkie
Bump the Hide bonus to +8, that'll help. We could also give it an additional situational Hide bonus when on the bottom of a body of water.


Creature Cataloguer
“It takes 3 full rounds to rearm the stinger; in the meantime, the tyrannabyss cannot use this attack again.”

Hmm… would we need to say anything like “cannot move” or “cannot attack” while it is rearming? Or should we let a DM assume that it can do this without interfering with its other actions? Should I add “3 full rounds to rearm the stinger (unless the stinger is broken or currently impaling a creature)”?

Shade said:
Bump the Hide bonus to +8, that'll help. We could also give it an additional situational Hide bonus when on the bottom of a body of water.

A tyrannabyss has the ability to assume the coloration of its surroundings, providing a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. *When fully submerged in water, a tyrannabyss gains an additional +8 circumstance bonus on Hide checks made against landbound opponents.

Skills: Hide –1*, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Swim +13
Feats: Multiattack, Stealthy


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
“It takes 3 full rounds to rearm the stinger; in the meantime, the tyrannabyss cannot use this attack again.”

Hmm… would we need to say anything like “cannot move” or “cannot attack” while it is rearming? Or should we let a DM assume that it can do this without interfering with its other actions? Should I add “3 full rounds to rearm the stinger (unless the stinger is broken or currently impaling a creature)”?
I think limiting it to no move or attack actions would be too much. You can add that clarifying bit.

BOZ said:
A tyrannabyss has the ability to assume the coloration of its surroundings, providing a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. *When fully submerged in water, a tyrannabyss gains an additional +8 circumstance bonus on Hide checks made against landbound opponents.
OR, simplify it further, borrowing from another core critter:

*Dragon turtles have a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks when submerged.

BOZ said:
Skills: Hide –1*, Listen +3, Move Silently +3, Spot +3, Swim +13
Feats: Multiattack, Stealthy
It looks good to me.

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