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Converting monsters from the second edition Monstrous Compendiums

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Creature Cataloguer
This thread continues my idea of “cooperative conversions” started in this thread, converting a series of monsters from similar sources. For this thread, we will be focusing on monsters that appeared in various Monstrous Compendiums and Annuals.

What I will do is first post the creature’s original stats and flavor text. Then, I will post a basic outline of the things I think it needs, and then I will give you an opportunity to suggest stats and ideas on how powers and abilities should work. Then, I will add more to it and we will continue to discuss it until I feel it’s done and time to move on to the next. As we work on these creatures, they will be posted in this thread, and after 10 conversions are complete they will be added to the Creature Catalog. You may comment on monsters already finished, of course.

The following is a list of monsters from Monstrous Compendiums that haven’t yet appeared in official WotC products, the Tome of Horrors, or the Creature Catalog. You may feel free to make suggestions, but ultimately I will pick what to convert and when. If I’m missing any monsters from this list or if any of these have appeared elsewhere already, feel free to inform me.

I left out most of the creatures from the original Monstrous Compendiums, as these would fit better in threads for specific-world monsters. In fact, many of the monsters from the Annuals would also fit better in other threads, but I will deal with that on a case by case basis.

MC14 - Fiend Folio, 2nd Edition
Scathe (Scathe, Larvae)
Thunder Children

MCA1 - Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One, 1994

Al-Jahar ("Dazzle")
Bird, Talking
Cat, Winged (Greater, Lesser)
Crypt Servant
Dog, Saluqi
Dragon, Linnorm, Forest (DR182)
Dragon, Linnorm, Land (DR182)
Dragon, Linnorm, Rain (DR183)
Elemental Vermin (Air/"Duster", Earth/"Crawler", Fire/"Flameling", Water/"Spitter")
Genie, Tasked, Administrator
Genie, Tasked, Deceiver
Genie, Tasked, Harim Servant
Genie, Tasked, Messenger
Genie, Tasked, Miner
Genie, Tasked, Oathbinder
Gnasher (Normal, Winged) (DrMn)
Golem, Hammer (DR193)
Golem, Metagolem (DR159)
Jarbo (DN35)
Lich, Psionic (RLMC3)
Lycanthrope, Loup du Noir
Lycanthrope, Werejaguar (RR7)
Nautilus, Giant (DR193)
Noran (DrMn)
Parasite (Bloodring, Wizard Lice, Vilirij)
Rautym (DrMn)
Snake, Giant Cobra
Snake, Stone (DrMn)
Spectral Wizard
Spider, Brain (DrMn)
Suwyze (DrMn)
Tick, Heart
Tree, Singing
Troll, Snow
Undead Dwarf (DrMn)
Undead Lake Monster (CsFrl as "Aggie")
Wolf, Zombie (RLMC3)

MCA2 - Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two, 1995

EoE - Elves of Evermeet (FR accessory)
RoU2 - Ruins of Undermountain II (FR boxed set)
Spbd - Spellbound (FR boxed set)
CoS - City of Splendors (FR boxed set)
NtB - Night Below (AD&D boxed set)

Amiq Rasol
Arch-Shadow (also Demi-Shade) (Secret of Spiderhaunt, Return of Randal Morn)
Automaton, Trobriand's (Ferragam, Silversann, Thanatar) (RoU2)
Bi-Nou (Bi-Nou, Rockworm, Rocklord) (RoU2)
Cat, Great - Cath Shee (EoE)
Cat, Crypt (Normal, Large)
Centaur-Kin, Dorvesh (PL95)
Centaur-Kin, Gnoat (PL95)
Centaur-Kin, Ha'pony (PL95)
Centaur-Kin, Zebranaur (PL95)
Chronolily (9294 Dragon's Rest)
Dragon, Brine
Dragon-kin, Sea Wyrm
Ekimmu (DR210)
Elemental, Nature (RoZK)
Fish, Subterranean (Wattley, Lemon Fish, Irridescent Plecoe) (RoU2)
Flareater (RoU2)
Ghost, Casura (DR210)
Ghost, Ker (DR210)
Ghul-Kin (Soultaker, Witherer)
Golem, Burning Man (DR209)
Golem, Phantom Flyer (DR209)
Human, Dragon Slayer
Human, Vistana
Kholiathra (EoE)
Leucrotta, Greater (CoS)
Lurker, Shadow (RoU2)
Lycanthrope, Werepanther
Mold (Deep Mold, Gray Mold, Death Mold) (RoU2)
Mummy, Creature (Animal, Monster)
Palimpest (CoS)
Peltast (HoHK, CoS)
Plant, Dangerous (Firethorn)
Pudding, Subterranean (Stone, Gray, Dense) (RoU2)
Snake, Serpent (Herald, Teak)
Snake, Serpent Vine (RoU2)
Sprite, Seelie Faerie (Spbd as seelie sprite)
Sprite, Unseelie Faerie (Spbd as unseelie sprite)
Turtle, Giant (Giant Sea, Giant Snapping)
Vizier's Turban

MCA3 - Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three, 1996

RoZK - Ruins of Zhentil Keep (FR boxed set)
PoCh - Planes of Chaos (PS boxed set)
PoL - Planes of Law (PS boxed set)
PoCo - Planes of Conflict (PS boxed set)
Chron - Chronomancer (AD&D suppelement)
PFtM - Pages From the Mages (FR supplement)
Neth - Netheri: Empire of Magic (FR boxed set)

Beetle (Stink)
Cat, Great, Snow Tiger (Spbd)
Chronovoid (Chron)
Dog, Temporal (Chron)
Dragon, Cerilian
Dream Spawn, Greater - Ennui
Dream Spawn, Lesser - Morph
Elemental Fire-Kin - Tome Guardian (PFtM)
Ethyk (PoCo)
Gargoyle (Archer, Spouter, Stone Lion) (DR223)
Giant, Cerilian (Forest, Ice)
Goblin, Cerilian
Golem, Magic (RoZK)
Head, Arcane
Human, Cerliian (Anurien/Knight, Brecht/Tradesman, Khinasi/Soldier, Rjurik/Berserker, Vos/Mercenary)
Imp, Chaos (PoCh)
Life-Shaped Creations: Guardians (Climbdog, Darkstrike, Protector, Shieldbug, Watcher)
Life-Shaped Creations: Transport (Ber-ethern, Yihn-eflan, Gon-evauth, Dhev-sahr)
Lycanthrope, Werespider
Magedoom (RoZK)
Mist, Scarlet Dancer (RoZK)
Orc, Neo-Orog (Red, Black) (Spbd)
Owlbear (Arctic, Winged) (DR214)
Snake, Messenger (RoZK)
Spirit, Forest - Wood Man (Spbd)
Temporal Glider (Chron)
Temporal Stalker (Chron)
Tether Beast (Chron)
Time Dimensional (Common, Noble, Royal) (MM2 as time elemental, Chron);
Undead Dragon Slayer (DR205)
Vortex Spider (Chron)

MCA4 - Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Four, 1998

R7P - Rod of Seven Parts
GFP - Gates of Firestorm Peak
DRAn# - Dragon Annual #
T:tM - Taladas: the Minotaurs (DL boxed set)
MLoLS - Mind Lords of the Last Sea (DS)
Req - Requiem (RL)

Anemone, Giant Sea (DR116)
Bainligor (DR227)
Carapace (DR227)
Children of the Sea (Child of the Sea, Accantus) (T:tM)
Clam, Giant (Giant Clam/Oyster, Carnivorous Scallop) (DR116)
Clockwork Swordsman (Red Steel Online MC)
Coral (Brain Coral, Coral Worm) (Brain-DR116, Worm-LNA2 Newhon)
Darklore (Hellbound: The Bloodwar)
Dolphin - Athasian (MLoLS)
Dragon, Neutral - Moonstone Dragon
Dragon, Prismatic (DN51)
Dragon-Kin, Albino Wyrm (DR227)
Dream Stalker (Req)
Fish, Athasian (Kreel, Puddingfish, Athasian Shark, Skyfish) (MLoLS)
Fish, Deep Ocean (Angler Fish, Death Minnow, Gulper, Viperfish (DR235)
Fish, Tropical (Giant Grouper, Morena, Porcupine Fish, Electric Ray) (DR116)
Fraal (Alternity Player's Handbook)
Giant - Crag Giant, Fhoimorien (Crag-MLoLS, Fhoim-Warlock of the Stonecrowns)
Gibberling, Brood (Far Realm) (GFP)
Hound of Law (R7P)
Human, Amazon (PL22)
Human, Pygmy (DN56)
Mercurial (Doors to the Unknown - PS accessory)
Mold, Chromatic (DR227)
Mummy, Bog (DR238, Req)
Octopus, Octo-jelly (Octo-jelly, Octo-Hide) (DRAn1)
Sea Demon (DR48)
Sea Hermit (Red Steel Online MC)
Sea Serpent ("Sea Glutton") (Red Steel Online MC)
Sea Worm ("Echyan") (Red Steel Online MC)
Shadowrath (RoMD, CoS)
Siren, Ravenloft (Req)
Skeleton, Variant (Dust, Spike, Obsidian) (DR234)
Snake - Mahogany Constrictor (The Sword of Roele)
Spectral Scion (Highlands of Rjurik)
Squid, Shark (MLoLS)
Starfish, Giant - Giant Sunstar (RA2-Ship of Horror)
Troll Mutate (Far Realm) (GFP)
Vampire, Cerebral (Bleak House)
Varkha (DRAn1)
Wizshade (MC7, also Volo's Guide to All Things Magical)
Worm, Lukhorn (DRAn1)
Zombie, Mud (Death Ascendent)
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Creature Cataloguer
how could I forget? ;)

first up on the firing squad – the gacholoth from MCA4! :)

Yugoloth, Lesser - Gacholoth

DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very (11- 12)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil

THAC0: 11
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws or 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d6/2d6 or 1d10
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Acid touch, shock
SPECIAL DEFENCES: +1 or better weapon to hit
SIZE: L (8' tall)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: 18,000

Gacholoths are the infiltrators and terrorists of the Blood War. They use their abilities to cause havoc and spread panic behind enemy lines. They also might spend months, years, even centuries, serving in the army of a temporary master with unquestioned loyalty, while secretly waiting for the best moment to reveal their true allegiance and begin a reign of slaughter and terror.

Gacholoths have a roughly humanoid appearance. Their bodies are an ebony black, and they have four long and powerful legs, each tipped with three sharp claws to aid in climbing. Their well-muscled torsos have two arms, each ending in a hand with four fingers that are tipped with savage, retractable claws. Gacholoth skulls are bony, their ears are triangular and flare back; it thick shock of dark hair flows back from a receding hairline. Sharp fangs thrust forward prominently, while the sunken eyes are cold and inhuman. Something about their skull structure suggests sahuagin.

Gacholoths communicate using telepathy.

Combat: Gacholoths can see 90 feet in normal darkness. Their four powerful legs enable them to move with blinding speed on any surface, climbing walls and ceilings without hindrance. They can fight from any angle without disorientation, even hanging upside down.

As a consequence of their speed and maneuverability, gacholoths have a +5 bonus to their initiative in the first round of combat (initiative in subsequent rounds is determined normally). Gacholoths often strike swiftly and savagely before their opponents can react, then immediately withdraw from combat until another opening presents itself.

Their sudden attack has another effect. Anyone attacked by a gacholoth for the first time (whether hit or not) must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or go into shock. This shock is a fear attack that induces irrational terror; the victim drops all hand-held items and is rooted to the spot for 1d6 rounds. Regardless of whether or not the victim makes his saving throw, no subsequent attack by the same gacholoth will cause this shock effect.

Gacholoths do not carry weapons, magical or otherwise, preferring to rely on the speed and ferocity of their natural weapons. The gacholoth either strikes with both claws (70% of the time) or bites (30% of the time). A bite inflicts 1d10 points of damage, while the claws inflict 2d6 points of damage. The claws also secrete a stinging, acidic venom. Any creature hit by a claw attack must make a successful saving throw vs. poison or take an additional 1d6 points of acid damage.

As with other yugoloths the gacholoth has the following spell-like abilities: alter self, animate dead, cause disease, charm person, improved phantasmal force, produce flame, and gate (50% chance for one gacholoth, 1/day). In addition, gacholoths have the following powers, at 5th-level spell use, usable once per round, at will: darkness 15' radius, feather fall, magic missile, and mirror image.

Gacholoths are unaffected by acid, poison and charm spells. They take half damage from gas attacks, including poison gases, but double damage from cold-based attacks.

Habitat/Society: The gacholoths' fondness for deceit and terror make them favored troops in yugoloth conflicts, and many have risen to minor positions of power as a result.

Gacholoths have a particular interest in the workings of the Prime Material plane and will take an opportunity to enter that plane and indulge in a reign of bloodletting. They often use their shock ability to play with their victims, paralyzing them and making a leisurely job of it.

Gacholoths consider themselves to be the great betrayers and terrorists of the Outer Planes and will not allow others of similar skill to outdo them. For example, they have an intense hatred of succubi and erinyes, taking pleasure in torturing to death any of these they capture. Gacholoths often clash with cambions, and nearly always become their bitter rivals.

Ecology: The origin of the gacholoths is unknown. All of them appear to be male; no distinctly female versions have ever been sighted. The faint resemblance to sahuagin suggests some long-lost connection between these creatures and the "devil men of the deep," but hard evidence has yet to be discovered.

- From DUNGEON Magazine #49

here are some preliminary stats for the gacholoth:

Yugoloth, Gacholoth
Medium Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Yugoloth)
Hit Dice: 9d8+X (X hp)
Initiative: +X
Speed: 60 ft (12 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (+X Dex, +X natural), touch X, flat-footed X
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+X
Attack: Claw +X melee (2d6+X)
Full Attack: 2 claws +X melee (2d6+X) or bite +X melee (1d10+X)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Acid touch (venom from claws), shock (fear/frightful presence?), spell-like abilities, summon yugoloth, (+5 initiative bonus in 1st round)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction X/X, darkvision 90 ft, immunity to acid and poison, (immune to charms), resistance to fire 10 and electricity 10, spell resistance 19, telepathy, (spider climb-like ability), (double damage from cold), (half damage from gas)
Saves: Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
Abilities: Str X Dex X Con X Int 12 Wis X Cha X
Skills: (Climb bonus?) 108 total ranks
Feats: 4

Environment: Grey Waste of Hades
Organization: Solitary or (1-3)
Challenge Rating: X
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 11-18 HD (Medium); 19-27 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +X


Originally found in Dungeon Magazine #49 (“The Dark Place”, September/October 1994, Lee Shepherd), and Monstrous Compendium Annual Four (1998).


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
As a consequence of their speed and maneuverability, gacholoths have a +5 bonus to their initiative in the first round of combat (initiative in subsequent rounds is determined normally). Gacholoths often strike swiftly and savagely before their opponents can react, then immediately withdraw from combat until another opening presents itself.

This screams out Improved Initiative and Spring Attack. Whether we want to go up the Dodge tree or just make Spring Attack a bonus feat would be worth debating. I'd prefer making it a bonus feat.


Monster Junkie
Some random thoughts...

I'd change "double damage from cold" to the vulnerability to cold quality.

This suggests a climb speed equal to its land speed: "Their four powerful legs enable them to move with blinding speed on any surface, climbing walls and ceilings without hindrance." And this suggests a spider climb ability: "They can fight from any angle without disorientation, even hanging upside down."

Did all 2E yugoloths have the "half damage from gas" trait? If so, I'd follow the others with simply poison immunity.

For stats, it seems like it would have a high Cha for its infiltration role.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—deeper darkness, feather fall, magic missle, mirror image; x/day—alter self, animate dead, charm person, contagion, produce flame. Caster level 5th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Is there a 3E equivalent to improved phantasmal force?

Summon Yugoloth (Sp): Once per day, a gacholoth can attempt to summon another gacholoth with a 50% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a ?-level spell.


Monster Junkie
BOZ said:
i do beleive Minor Image does that now. :)

Cool. I know very little about the Illusion school...its always the school that gets dumped for my specialist wizards (after Enchantment). :p


Creature Cataloguer
how's this for ability scores?

Str 19 Dex 14 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 16

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