Converting Oriental Adventures creatures


Well, if it's mostly a cleric, I probably wouldn't even have Martial Artistry or Training, maybe just Imp. Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. But I could see giving it Martial Artistry with the powers of a quite low-level monk if you'd prefer, not that there's much difference. Does that work for you?

If it were a normal character I'd agree with you, but all the Seven Swords are weapon masters with multiple special martial abilities - even the one that's a wizard! - although at least in that one's case it could be its weapon.

Anyhow, in this case I'd go for:

Martial Training (Ex): The Paper Warrior was a master martial artist in life, and retains the martial skills it once possessed. The Paper Warrior possesses the base attack bonus of a cleric of a level equal to its Hit Dice, and qualifies for fighter feats as if had fighter levels equal to its BAB. It gains an dodge bonus to AC equal to its Intelligence bonus.

Do you think we should also change "The Shadow Walker was a masterful fighter in life" to "The Shadow Walker was a master martial artist in life" for the sake of consistency?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Looking good. IUS as a bonus feat, I guess? As for the ki power, should it just be the monk's ki strike ability? Or something more?


Looking good. IUS as a bonus feat, I guess?

Yes, I'd just give it Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.

As for the ki power, should it just be the monk's ki strike ability? Or something more?

A 1E Shukenja's ki power is "improves his saving throw by +3. He can do this a number of times per day equal to his level. The decision to use the ki power can be made at any point during a round, unless the die has already been rolled for the saving throw."

That's pretty straightforward:

Ki (Ex): Eight times per day as a free action the Paper Warrior can gain a +3 morale bonus to its next saving throw. The Paper Warrior cannot use this ability on a saving throw it has already attempted; it must release its ki before the dice are rolled.

We could simplify and strengthen it so it's "+3 on all saves", or "can add +3 after making the roll" or even "can automatically succeed on 8 saves (no roll required)".

Hmm… I kind of like the last two options. It'd give the Paper Warrior a bit more longevity when being mobbed by a party of PCs.


Extradimensional Explorer
That last auto-succeed option seems a bit overpowered compared to most 3e reroll/bonus abilities. Besides, how likely is it to need 8 saves like that in one combat? I could go with the +3 after the roll if we cut it to # times = Wis bonus, or 3/day. The "before rolling" mechanic just means it can't make sure it saves against everything, so we should reduce the number of times in compensation, I think.


That last auto-succeed option seems a bit overpowered compared to most 3e reroll/bonus abilities. Besides, how likely is it to need 8 saves like that in one combat? I could go with the +3 after the roll if we cut it to # times = Wis bonus, or 3/day. The "before rolling" mechanic just means it can't make sure it saves against everything, so we should reduce the number of times in compensation, I think.

So you fancy:

Ki (Ex): Three times per day as a free action the Paper Warrior can gain a +3 morale bonus to a single saving throw. The Paper Warrior can use this ability immediately after a failed saving throw in the hope the bonus will allow it to succeed. If the Paper Warrior took any action after attempting a saving throw it cannot use this ki power upon it.

I can go along with that.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, that seems good.

Let's try to remove some of the blanks. According to the original monster description, his weakness is his desk. Based on the previous ones (jeez, we've been working on these a long time!), we should just assign AC, hardness, break DC, and weight to the desk and say that he takes damage that's dealt to the desk. (Or did we already decide to make it the quill, and I forgot?)

Special Weakness - Desk (Ex): Each of the seven swords have a different special weakness. The Paper Warrior's is that its existence is tied to the desk where its quill pen rests. This desk is made of mahogany and has AC X, hardness Y, break DC Z, and weighs W lbs. Any damage done to the desk is also inflicted upon the Paper Warrior. Should the Paper Warrior be destroyed, the desk is also destroyed.

X=3 based on a Medium desk
Y=6 like the General's sword rest?
Z=23 like a treasure chest?
W=200 lb?

Any other SQs while we fill in those blanks? It does mention he gets +3 on saves, but I'd be inclined to handle those through feats.

His original AC was 15, but that seems a bit light. Could we get him a masterwork chain shirt or even mithral chain shirt?


Yes, that seems good.

Let's try to remove some of the blanks. According to the original monster description, his weakness is his desk. Based on the previous ones (jeez, we've been working on these a long time!), we should just assign AC, hardness, break DC, and weight to the desk and say that he takes damage that's dealt to the desk. (Or did we already decide to make it the quill, and I forgot?)

No that was just a mistake. Let's keep it the desk.

Special Weakness - Desk (Ex): Each of the seven swords have a different special weakness. The Paper Warrior's is that its existence is tied to the desk where its quill pen rests. This desk is made of mahogany and has AC X, hardness Y, break DC Z, and weighs W lbs. Any damage done to the desk is also inflicted upon the Paper Warrior. Should the Paper Warrior be destroyed, the desk is also destroyed.

X=3 based on a Medium desk
Y=6 like the General's sword rest?
Z=23 like a treasure chest?
W=200 lb?

I was visualizing a small traditional writing desk about the same dimensions as a TV dinner tray - see here or here, but reading the description it says "a large mahogany table".

I'd give it the same Break DC of 30 as the General's Sword rest (which would make it supernaturally tough going by the break DC) since it does have the same hit points as the Paper Warrior. If that bothers you I would be OK reducing the Break DC a few points as the Paper Warrior is a more fragile character class and lower level than the General.

The rest of the numbers are acceptable.

Any other SQs while we fill in those blanks? It does mention he gets +3 on saves, but I'd be inclined to handle those through feats.

I'd rather special-ability that. If only because the standard Feats give +2 to a save.

His original AC was 15, but that seems a bit light. Could we get him a masterwork chain shirt or even mithral chain shirt?

A chain shirt would give it a 20% spell failure chance or 10% if its mithral. I'd rather give it something that doesn't impose spell failure such as bracers of armor, having a shield of faith
up or an arbitrary natural armour bonus.

The original character has the ironskin martial arts ability which grants +2 to AC when not wearing any armour.

In 3E terms it's pretty much the Monk's AC bonus ability.

If they bothered giving it the ability it implies the Paper Warrior doesn't wear any armour.

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