Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


If attack/damage means "attack or damage," then yes.

So options like
  • Attack For every empowerment point expended, the goatling gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its next attack roll (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make an attack roll within one round, the empowerment point is wasted.
  • Damage For every one/two?? empowerment point expended, the goatling gains a +1 enhancement bonus to damage rolls (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make a damage roll within one round, the empowerment point is wasted.

How about making it "within three rounds" for the red bit, to allow for a bit of leeway and homage the original's three round duration?

Also, shouldn't the Damage section have "the goatling gains a +1 enhancement bonus to it next damage roll" instead of the above?

I'm undecided on whether to make it one or two EP for the damage empowerment.

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Extradimensional Explorer
OK, I can do within three rounds.

I did mean it's next damage roll, just had a copy/paste glitch. I think I'm ok with cutting the cost for damage down to 1 EP since it's harder to get the damage roll.

I also want to make it more clear that it can't spend an EP on something else and get these benefits.

  • Attack: The goatling can expend one empowerment point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to its next attack roll (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make an attack roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
  • Damage: The goatling can expend one empowerment point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to damage rolls (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make a damage roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.

How's that?


OK, I can do within three rounds. I did mean it's next damage roll, just had a copy/paste glitch. I think I'm ok with cutting the cost for damage down to 1 EP since it's harder to get the damage roll. I also want to make it more clear that it can't spend an EP on something else and get these benefits.
  • Attack: The goatling can expend one empowerment point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to its next attack roll (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make an attack roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
  • Damage: The goatling can expend one empowerment point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to damage rolls (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make a damage roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
How's that?

The wording might allow for the bonus to apply to multiple damage rolls. I was thinking:

  • Attack: The goatling can expend one empowerment point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to its next attack roll (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make an attack roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.
  • Damage: The goatling can expend one empowerment point to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to its next damage roll (including spells and natural weapons, maximum bonus +5). If the goatling does not make a damage roll within three rounds, the empowerment point is wasted.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, that's what I meant to type, must just have forgotten to make the correction.

Next one is an +1 AC boost with a 2 EP cost. I'm ok with that lasting 3 rounds, I think, but I'm not sure how I'd type the bonus. Circumstance? Well, here's a draft:

  • Armor Class: The goatling can expend two empowerment points to gain a +1 circumstance ?? bonus to armor class for three ?? rounds.


Yeah, that's what I meant to type, must just have forgotten to make the correction.

I'll update the Goatling Working Draft so we can keep track of where we are with the conversion.

Next one is an +1 AC boost with a 2 EP cost. I'm ok with that lasting 3 rounds, I think, but I'm not sure how I'd type the bonus. Circumstance? Well, here's a draft:

  • Armor Class: The goatling can expend two empowerment points to gain a +1 circumstance ?? bonus to armor class for three ?? rounds.

A more important question is does the AC bonus increase its armour bonus or natural armour bonus, or is it a more exotic bonus like a deflection bonus?

Basically, do we want it to increase touch AC?

As for whether to make it a circumstance bonus, I'd rather make most or all of the Discerp bonuses enhancement, partially for consistency and partially to keep down stacking.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, if it's an enhancement bonus, then that's just a typical magical bonus to AC, which presumably (a) does not increase touch AC (I think) and (b) does not stack with an enhancement bonus on the goatling's armor (but does with the shield, as per usual armor enhancement bonus). Does that work?


Well, if it's an enhancement bonus, then that's just a typical magical bonus to AC, which presumably (a) does not increase touch AC (I think) and (b) does not stack with an enhancement bonus on the goatling's armor (but does with the shield, as per usual armor enhancement bonus). Does that work?

Hmm, well most advanced goatlings are likely to have magic armour, so an enhancement to armour bonus would be of limited use unless they're spending lots of EPs on it.

The cost is pretty expensive if we keep the 2 EPs per +1 too.

How about we make it an enhancement bonus to natural armour, like an amulet of natural armour? That'd sort of make sense (as the goatling is empowering an aspect of itself, not something its carrying), and it would still cut down on some stacking.


Extradimensional Explorer
That would work for me.

  • Armor Class: The goatling can expend two empowerment points to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural armor for three rounds.

How's that?


Extradimensional Explorer
The next item as given originally is

  • Saving Throws: The goatling can expend two empowerment points to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to all saving throws for three rounds.

I have a feeling that +1 to all saves for three rounds is a bit too powerful. Maybe make it apply to only one type of save? Or, what's probably easier, cut the duration to 1 round.

Do we need to go back and put a max of how large a bonus can apply for each type of EP use?

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