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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


A couple more Skag variant breeds from Borderlands as a request from my deviantart page.

Barf Skag
These skags develop slightly different from adults, easily distinguished by their pinkish body and light brown armour on their back. Somewhat similar to Spitter Skag, they spit, or vomit a glob of 'puke' that is mildly acidic, but is sticky, causing temporary blindness and can inhibit movement until it dries and wears off, or is removed. They appear weaker than normal adult skags, just like their spitter kin, however they avoid melee combat even more.

Skag, Barf
Type: Animal
Size: Medium
CR: 3
Hit Points: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Mas: 14
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 40 ft, burrow 15 ft
Defense: 16 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
BAB/Grp: +3/+4
FS/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: +3 melee Bite (1d6) or +3 melee tongue (1d4 bludgeoning), or +6 ranged Barf Spit (1d4 acid + special)
Full Attack: +3 melee Tongue (1d43), -1 2 Claw (1d6)
Special Attacks: Pounce
Special Qualities: Scent, Low-light vision, kinetic resistance 5, Acid Resistance 5.
Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +7, Will +0
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 4
Skills: Hide +4*, Listen +4, Move Silently +2, Spot +4
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Medium)

Pounce (Ex): If a skag leaps upon a foe, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action, typically a tongue and two claw attacks.
Camouflage (Ex): When in rocky areas gain natural +4 to Hide checks.
Kinetic Resistance (Ex): The armour plating of the skag protect it from kinetic forms of attack (ballistic, crushing, slam, bludgeoning, slashing and piercing), giving it resistance 5 to these kind of attacks.
Tongue (Ex): As the skag gets older, its tongue gets longer and stronger, allowing it to whip and grab targets. Adult tongues have a reach of 5 feet.
Acid Resistance (Ex): The barf skag has Acid Resistance 5.
Barf Spit (Ex): The barf skag can spit a blog of vomit with a range increment of 50 feet, out to 5 increments, dealing 1d4 acid damage plus the target has to make a Reflex save 15 or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds plus have speed reduced by half. A successful save only reduces speed by 10 feet and suffers -2 to attack rolls and skill checks for 1d4 rounds. A barf skag can spit barf up to 10 times at any given time, and must eat at least 5 lbs of food, which can include organic and inorganic matter to replenish 1 use of its spit.

Barf Skags are usually found in small groups (1d4) or 1 or 2 with 1d4 adults, they usually will flank and keep out of melee range where they can use their spit to hit and immobilize prey.

Chubby Skag
Chubby skag are a rare, large, heavy and muscular breed of skag, usually found only in large packs and in areas with large food sources. They are more rare than Alpha Skag, and are used to defend dens or to fight off extremely powerful threats to the den. They are slightly bigger than Alphas, and stronger, but they are not as intelligent or cunning as Alphas.

Skag, Chubby
Type: Animal
Size: Large
CR: 6
Hit Points: 10d8+18 (75 hp)
Mas: 16
Init: +1 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 50 ft, burrow 15 ft
Defense: 20 (-1 size +1 Dex, +9 natural)
BAB/Grp: +7/+2 /+ 15
FS/Reach: 5 ft by 10 ft / 5 ft, tongue 15 ft
Attacks: +13 melee Bite (1d10+6) or +13 melee tongue (1d8+6 bludgeoning)
Full Attack: +13 melee Tongue (1d8+6) and +8 2 Claw (1d12+6)
Special Attacks: Pounce, Rake, Charge
Special Qualities: Scent, Low-light vision, kinetic resistance 16, Improved Grab, Armour Breaker, Powerhouse, Powerful Attacks, Fast Heal 3
Saves: Fort +10, Reflex +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 3, Wis 8, Cha 4
Skills: Hide +4*, Listen +4, Move Silently +2, Spot +4
Feats: Power Attack
Advancement: 10-14 HD (Large)

Pounce (Ex): If a skag leaps upon a foe, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action, typically a tongue and two claw attacks.
Camouflage (Ex): When in rocky areas gain natural +4 to Hide checks.
Rake (Ex): If the skag successfully grabs its prey (seem Improved Grab), it can make two rake attacks (+11 melee) with it claws as part of a full attack. Each successful rake attack deals 1d8+5.
Kinetic Resistance (Ex): The armour plating of the skag protect it from kinetic forms of attack (ballistic, crushing, slam, bludgeoning, slashing and piercing), giving it resistance 16 to these kind of attacks.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the skag must hit with its tongue attack, if it gets a hold, it can rake.
Tongue (Ex): As the skag gets older, its tongue gets longer and stronger, allowing it to whip and grab targets. Alpha skag tongues have a reach of 15 feet.
Charge (Ex): As a full attack, the skag can charge a target, at +8 melee, but suffering -2 to Defense, with a speed of 80 ft, dealing 3d6 bludgeoning damage plus the target must make a Fort save DC 10 + 1/2 damage dealt or be knocked prone. A failed save by 5 or more the target is knocked prone 1d4x5 feet back.
Armour Breaker (Ex): The armour and claws of the chubby skag is shaped to allow it to pierce armour, able to ignore 6 points of DR/Hardness on a charge attack. Its claw or rake attacks can ignore 4 points of DR/Hardness.
Powerful Attacks (Ex): If the chubby skag uses the Power Attack feat, it adds double its strength bonus instead of the normal 1.5.
Powerhouse (Ex): Chubby skag have an incredible ability to seemingly store up energy then release it as increased strength to deal massive damage in their attacks. If the chubby does nothing for a round and seems to build up kinetic energy, during this time the chubby skag can't move, rendering it immobile. The chubby skag must use this stored energy within 2 rounds or it disipates, but when used, all attacks have double damage (for example claw does 2d12), and triples its strength modifier. Can only be used once every 1d4+1 rounds.
Fast Heal (Ex): The Chubby skag has incredible healing abilities, able to heal 3 hit points each round.

Chubby Skag are the heavy combatants, incredibly eager to engage in melee combat. They will usually use their powerhouse ability to increase their attack for their pounce or for a charge, delivering a potent first strike. If a target proves to be resilient, they will back out of melee range then use their powerhouse ability to charge for another powerful charge attack while other skag distract the target while it charges. Chubby Skag are very rarely found individually, and usually found with a minimum of 4 other adults or other skag, or in defense of a den with at least 1d12+4 other skag.

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Quantradyne APOD-33 Dropship

The Quatradyne is a heavily armoured tactical transport equipped for both atmospheric and deep space flight, utilizing twin engines fed hypergolic tanks that result in plasma exhaust, the engines are capable of changing their angles to allow it to hover to change direction quickly at slower speeds. Dropships are designed to carry anything from troops to siege tanks in both safety and speed. Landings are usually carried out conventionally through easy access from front and aft ramps and its base can descend from the ship. Troops can also rappel down using ropes, as well as side doors, but deployment through the side doors is slower. Later models were fitted with extraction fields and maglev lines in case the terrain is too difficult to land on, making for faster pickup and drop off of troops.
Loaded troops can fire their weapons through weapon ports that can be environmentally sealed to allow them to use them even in space. Internally there is room for 12 armoured troops, or can carry a vehicle underneath, up to a siege tank. Some models can carry more troops, and earlier experiments armed the ships, but it cut into transportation capabilities. Troops inside can connect to the ship's power bus and view the dropship's surroundings through the ship's sensors, allowing the troops to see the situation on the ground before they exit the ship. Dropships also hold additional ammunition packs and a stim pack dispenser. Signal boosters are installed, which automatically reroutes the communications of ground forces in range through them in order to allow for better communications range.
The ships are manned by a pilot and a co-pilot, although they can be piloted by a single person in an emergency.

Quatradyne APOD-33 Dropship (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Dropship
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3000 ft
Defense: 6
Flat-Footed Defense: 6
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 10d20 (200 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 59 ft
Weight: 120,000 lbs
Targeting System Bonus:
Crew: 1-2
Passenger Capacity: 12
Cargo Capacity: 6000 lbs internally or external cargo (vehicles such as vulture bikes to a siege tank)
Grapple Modifier: +12
Base PDC: 52
Restriction: Res +2

Attack: None

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Firing ports, Extraction Field
Engines: Ion Engine
Armour: Neo-Steel
Defense Systems: Chaff launcher, radiation shielding
Sensors: Class II Sensor Array
Communications: Radio transceiver
Weapons: none
Grappling Systems: Grapplers

Standard Neo-Steel plating is composed of high-purity mineral ores fused with the natural Mineral Field crystals so common in the Korpulu sector. It provides increased protection, though marks a noticeable increase in mass; loss of mobility results.
Hardness: 30
Tactical Speed Penalty: -500 Feet (-1 Square)
Weight: 1/8th of the Starship
PDC: 10+1/2 of the Starship
Restriction: None

Firing Ports
The ship is equipped with special firing ports that allow passengers to fire their weapons at anything attacking the equipped ship. The drop ship has 8 ports in total, allowing 2 firing forward, two each side and 2 to the rear, but suffer -2 to attack rolls. The ports are designed to allow C-10, C-14, C-20 and similar Terran weapons used by Space Marines and Ghosts.

Extraction Field
Extraction fields are devices that uses technology similar to gravity accelerators, that allow equipped ships to lift objects to the ship while it is still airborne. However this requires the ship to remain motionless, as well as those caught in the beam. This limits its use for quick dustoffs. The beam has a range of 90 feet,can lift an object of medium size (such as a marine in armour) at a rate of 30 feet as a move action, or 60 ft as a full round action. Large objects and vehicles take longer, moving 30 ft as a full round action.


Armed Dropship
The armed dropship sacrifices the ability to carry any external cargo or vehicles to mount weapons to allow the ship to defend itself and attack ground targets before landing and releasing its troops. The Armed Dropship mounts a battery of three gauss guns plus two missile launchers.
Make the following changes to create an Armed Dropship:
Increase hit die/points to 11d20 (220 hit points);
Remove Grapplers & ability to carry vehicles externally;
Add battery of 3 Gauss guns;
Add Targeting System;
Increase attack bonus +2 (targeting system), +4 when firing Gauss guns;
Add two CHE missile launchers with total of 16 missiles per launcher;
Increase PDC to 53;
Increase Restriction to Military +3
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G-226 Medical Transport aka Medivac

The G-226 Medical Transport is transport ship based on the APOD-33 Dropship, only larger, fitted with a state-of-the-art medical bay and triage station that uses auto-sutures and laser scalpels to seal wounds and repair tissue almost as fast as its mangled. The medical bay and triage station are in the rear of the ship, so there is only a large loading ramp at the front of the ship. Despite the additional size, weight and equipment, the more powerful engines allow provide no lose in speed and is actually faster than the old APOD-33 drop ship, plus an array of stabilizers and gyroscopes housed in the airframe that allow the ship to maintain a level flight path.
To allow the ship to be versatile, the Medivac ship can carry drops and vehicles under it like the older dropship, and can carry even the massive thor. To aid in rapid unloading and loading, the medivac is fitted with a gravity tube, a great improvement over the extraction fields of the older APOD-33s

G-226 Medical Transport (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Dropship
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 2
Flat-Footed Defense: 2
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 30
Hit Dice: 13d20 (260 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 77 ft
Weight: 920,000 lbs
Targeting System Bonus:
Crew: 1-2 pilots +2 to 4 medical personnel
Passenger Capacity: Up to 30 standing or 12 standing/sitting and up to 10 patients in beds, or 20 in beds
Cargo Capacity: 3000 lbs internally or external cargo (vehicles such as vulture bikes to a siege tank)
Grapple Modifier: +12
Base PDC: 54
Restriction: Res +2

Attack: None

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Firing ports, Gravity Tube, Medical Bay & Triage
Engines: Ion Engine
Armour: Neo-Steel
Defense Systems: Chaff launcher, radiation shielding
Sensors: Class II Sensor Array
Communications: Radio transceiver
Weapons: none
Grappling Systems: Grapplers

Standard Neo-Steel plating is composed of high-purity mineral ores fused with the natural Mineral Field crystals so common in the Korpulu sector. It provides increased protection, though marks a noticeable increase in mass; loss of mobility results.
Hardness: 30
Tactical Speed Penalty: -500 Feet (-1 Square)
Weight: 1/8th of the Starship
PDC: 10+1/2 of the Starship
Restriction: None

Firing Ports
The ship is equipped with special firing ports that allow passengers to fire their weapons at anything attacking the equipped ship. The drop ship has 8 ports in total, allowing 2 firing forward, two each side and 2 to the rear, but suffer -2 to attack rolls. The ports are designed to allow C-10, C-14, C-20 and similar Terran weapons used by Space Marines and Ghosts.

Gravity Tube
Gravity Tubes are advanced versions of the extraction fields used by the dropship, that allow equipped ships to lift objects to the ship while it is still airborne. Unlike the extraction fields, anyone in a gravity tube field might be immobile, but they are able to still fire their weapon, which can aid in protecting the ship. The beam has a range of 120 feet, can lift an object of medium size (such as a marine in armour) at a rate of 60 feet as a move action, or 120 ft as a full round action. Large objects and vehicles take longer, moving 30 ft as a standard action for large, 15 feet as a standard action for gargantuan, 10 feet per round for colossal sized objects.

Ranged Auto-Sutures and Laser Scalpels
This device allows a medic onboard the ship to remotely provide some healing for an ally if they are not able to get them on board the Medivac, or the medivac is full. A person operating this device needs to make a ranged touch attack, with a range increment of 20 feet out to 5 increments, which can heal any organic living target for 1d6 points of damage on a successful hit. If the user has 4 ranks or more in Treat Injury skill, gains +1 to the ranged attack roll and can heal a bonus +2 hit points per strike.

Medical Bay & Triage
The Medivac has a built in medical bay and triage to allow on board medics to treat the wounded quickly. Advanced First Aid and Surgical kits with at least enough supplies for to treat various conditions up to 20 times, plus have enough supplies to heal up to 100 hit points.

Hydrogen Injectors
The ship can be fitted with an afterburner system. The pilot can perform the afterburn maneuver, increasing speed by 1000 ft.
PDC: 35

Advanced Healing AI
The medivac is fitted with an advanced AI that can aid in healing allies. Grants +2 to all heal checks by on board medics. The AI can also make use of the Ranged Auto-Sutures and Laser Scalpels, allowing a medic and the AI to heal 2 people at once. The AI has a ranged attack bonus of +5. Alternatively the AI can attempt to heal 2 people at once by itself, but each ranged attack roll is only made at +3.
PDC: 34

Regenerative Bio-Steel
The ship's hull is replaced with a regenerative bio-steel that slowly repairs damage over time using internal nanobots. The ship can repair 1d6 hit points per round as long as the ship is above 50 hit points.
PDC: 65
Res: Mil +4

Vanadium Plating
Additional armour plating made of Vanadium. Adds +1 to ship's Defense from armour, plus grants bonus hit points equal to 10% of the ship, but slows the ship by 250 ft. Can be added a total of 4 time with all bonuses and penalties stacking.
PDC: 41
Res: Mil +4


Wraith Fighter
The Wraith is a Terran space superiority fighter that was first developed during the Guild Wars in the Koprulu Sector, then used in the first Great War with the Zerg and Protoss, but was not used as much in the Second Great War.
It has a three winged design, with the upper two wings angling down, while the third wing points down from the bottom of the hull. The end of the wings mount lasers and under the upper wings are missiles, the primary weapons. While the weapons are excellent for anti-air purposes, they are weak against ground targets, plus the light armour of the craft makes it vulnerable to sustained attacks. Wraiths uses their high speed and maneuverability to avoid damage, while later and present models also include a potent displacement field that renders it virtually invisible.
Capable of both atmospheric and deep space flight, they can withstand planetary entry and can reach orbit under their own power, however they lack any means of interstellar travel, and must be carried aboard larger ships.

CF/A-17 Wraith
The first version of the Wraith was armed with only air-to-air missiles as its primary missile was attacking capital ships and other fighters. This version was used during the Guild Wars production of this version is rare except for export, and is considered obsolete.

CF/A-17 Wraith (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 6
Flat-Footed Defense: 6
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 16
Hit Dice: 7d20 (140 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 25 ft
Weight: 37,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 30 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 45
Restriction: Mil +3

2 Fire-linked CHE missile launchers -2 ranged (9d12)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Improved maneuverability
Engines: Thrusters, Ion engine
Armour: Light Neo-Steel
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding, Chaff launcher (6 bundles)
Sensors: Class II sensor system, targeting system
Communications: Radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 CHE missile launchers (16 missiles each)
Grappling Systems: None

CF/A-17G Wraith
The CF/A-17G Wraith is an upgraded version and has become the standard version of the Wraith. Improvements include the addition of a laser on the lower wing to allow it to attack ground targets. The CHE missiles were replaced with Gemini Missiles for improved anti-air combat. Other improvements includes the ability to hover, a cloaking device is installed, allowing for improved survivability, and improved sensors.

CF/A-17G Wraith (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4000 ft
Defense: 6
Flat-Footed Defense: 6
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 16
Hit Dice: 8d20 (160 hp)
Initiative Modifier:
Pilot's Class Bonus:
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 25 ft
Weight: 39,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 30 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 48
Restriction: Mil +3

2 Fire-linked Gemini missile launchers -2 ranged (9d12);
Or 1 Burst laser -2 ranged (6d8)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Improved thrust, improved maneuverability
Engines: Thrusters, Ion engine
Armour: Light Neo-Steel
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding, Chaff launcher (6 bundles), Cloaking screen
Sensors: Class III sensor system, targeting system
Communications: Radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 Gemini missile launchers (20 missiles each), 1 burst laser
Grappling Systems: None

Cloaking Screen
This device wraps light and energy around the ship's hull, rendering the ship invisible to visual and electronic sensors. A cloaked ship has total concealment, to attack a cloaked ship attacker must guess in which square the ship currently is (through some means of sensors, or guessing), and even if accurate, there is a 50% chance the attack misses. Can't be used in conjunction with chaff, or any other fields.
A wraith can only remain cloaked for 10 rounds under combat conditions, or 10 minutes while moving at cruising speeds, after which requires a 10 minute cool down.

Improved Maneuverability
The Wraith is designed to be incredibly maneuverable, allowing it to avoid enemy fire. Grants +4 to Pilot checks for performing stunt maneuvers.

Light Neo-Steel
Light Neo-Steel plating is composed of impure mineral ores such as iron fused with the natural Mineral Field crystals so common in the Korpulu sector. It provides minimal protection, but remains cheap and light, ideal for the Terran armada.
Hardness: 16
Tactical Speed Penalty: None
Weight: 1/10th of the Starship
PDC: 5+1/2 of the Starship
Restriction: None

Gemini Missiles
Gemini missiles are designed for use against other aircraft and starships. Against such targets they grant +2 to attack rolls, but suffer -2 and critical is only on a natural roll of 20, to attack targets on the ground.
NameDamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrRate of FireMin Ship SizePDCRes
Gemini Missiles12d819-20Ballistic/fire-SemiHuge29Mil(+3)

Burst Laser
The burst laser on the Wraith is a standard laser with semi and automatic fire capability, gains +2 to attack rolls against ground targets, plus the Reflex DC for the Autofire attack is 17 instead of the normal 15. If the autofire is used against a target of Huge size or more, and it fails the save, the target suffers double damage. Against airborne or space craft suffers -4 to attack rolls.
PDC: 30
Res: Mil +3


DF/A-19 Wraith Mk2
The DF/A-19 Wraith Mk2 is an upgraded version, possessing greater resilience and more powerful weapons without a loss of speed. Originally used by the mercenary group "Unholy" Tara's Stalkers. Mounts three burst lasers, with the additional two mounted on the ends of the upper wings. The engines are upgraded and the armour is upgraded to standard Neo-Steel. The Gemini missiles are upgraded to Gemini Mk2 and the engines are upgraded to compensate for the additional weight of armour and weapons.
Make the following changes on a CF/A-19G to make a DF/A-19 Wraith Mk2:
Increase hit dice to 10d20 (200 hit points);
Replace Light Neo-Steel armour with Neo-Steel armour;
Increase Hardness to 30;
Add 2 additional Improved Thrust (+500 ft);
Add 2 additional Burst Lasers (fire-liked and battery changes damage to 9d8 plus Reflex save DC increases to 19 additional +1 to attack rolls);
Replace Gemini Missiles with Gemini Mk2 Missiles;
PDC: 50

CF/B-19 Wraith
This version of the Wraith was the last in production, seen in use during the start of the Second Great War, but fell out of favour as the Banshee and Viking were seen as better alternatives. It boasts three heavy burst lasers, can mount either Gemini or Gemini mk2 missiles, depending on availability, with expanded magazines for a greater payload.
Make the following changes to a CF/A-19 Wraith to make a CF/B-19 Wraith:
Increase hit dies to 12d20 (240 hit points)
Replace Light Neo-Steel armour with Neo-Steel;
Increase hardness to 30;
Add 2 additional Improved Thrust (+500 ft);
Replace burst laser with 3 heavy burst lasers (fire-linked battery deals 12d8 fire, Reflex save DC increases to 20, plus additional +1 to attack roll);
Can fire Gemini or Gemini Mk2 missiles;
Missile magazines increased to 24 missiles each (total of 48);
PDC 51
Res: Mil +4

Gemini Mk2 Missiles
Gemini Mk2 missiles are upgraded Gemini missiles with improved warheads and targeting systems. Against air and space targets they grant +4 to attack rolls and critical damage is x3, but suffer -2 and critical is only on a natural roll of 20, to attack targets on the ground.
NameDamageCriticalDamage TypeRange IncrRate of FireMin Ship SizePDCRes
Gemini Missiles16d819-20Ballistic/fire-SemiHuge31Mil(+3)

Heavy Burst Laser
The burst laser on the Wraith is a heavy laser with semi and automatic fire capability, gains +3 to attack rolls against ground targets, plus the Reflex DC for the Autofire attack is 18 instead of the normal 15. If the autofire is used against a target of Huge size or more, and it fails the save, the target suffers double damage. Against airborne or space craft suffers -5 to attack rolls.
PDC: 32
Res: Mil +3

Apollo Reactor
The Apollo reactors are high yield uranium reactors are improved reactors fitted to Wraith fighters, allowing them operate their cloaking fields longer, and even have shields installed.
A wraith with an Apollo reactor can remain cloaked for 15 rounds (1.5 minutes) under combat conditions, or 15 minutes while traveling at cruising speeds.
PDC: 35

Tomahawk Power Cells
Improved power cells that help reduce the cool down for the cloaking screen. Reduces the cool down time of the cloaking screen by half, down to 5 minutes. The cool down can be reduced to 1 minute, but the cloak will require 1 hour cool down after that use.
PDC: 30

Displacement Field
A special field that can be used in conjunction with the cloaking field. While active, and an attack would hit, there is an additional 20% chance the attack misses. However while the displacement field is active, the operational time the cloak can remain active is reduced by half.
PDC: 39
Res: Mil (+3)

Cellular Reactor
A powerful reactor that was developed from studying the Zerg. These powerful reactors grant lots of power for the cloak and any shields that could be installed. The cloaking screen can be activated for 30 rounds (3 min) under combat conditions, or 30 minutes at cruising speeds.
PDC: 39

Regenerative Bio-Steel
The ship's hull is replaced with a regenerative bio-steel that slowly repairs damage over time using internal nanobots. The ship can repair 1d6 hit points per round as long as the ship is above 50 hit points.
PDC: 65
Res: Mil +3

Vanadium Plating
Additional armour plating made of Vanadium. Adds +1 to ship's Defense from armour, plus grants bonus hit points equal to 10% of the ship, but slows the ship by 250 ft. Can be added a total of 4 time with all bonuses and penalties stacking.
PDC: 41
Res: Mil +3

Pulse Amplifier
An upgrade developed by Rory Swann, making it a difficult upgrade to acquire, but a powerful upgrade. This device uses the energy of the ship's movement to enhance the damage of its weapons. As long as the ship moves at least 2000 ft before firing, the Wraith's missiles deal double damage and the lasers deal triple damage that round. This upgrade can only be used 5 times in a row before requiring a 5 minute cool down.
PDC: 50
Res: Rare +5
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Lord Zack

I wonder if there might be a paramilitary version or some other version with a lower restriction level? I mean even on Coreline a motorhome with a tank gun seems like the thing you want to regulate.
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I wonder if there might be a paramilitary version or some other version with a lower restriction level? I mean even on Coreline a motorhome with a tank gun seems like the thing you want to regulate.

Technically.. using current laws.. it's outright illegal for civilians, so at least Military Restriction..
I don't think we've covered how some laws would have to change due to metahumans, super powers, various augmentations (technological, biological, magical), powerful classes (magical girls for example) or races.
I forget, did we do something like Superhero Registration Act (ala Marvel comics), or Seqovia (or however it's spelt) Accords from the MCU, for Coreline? I mean.. do places require anyone that has abilities above peak normal human abilities to register what their powers or abilities, physical levels are? Do places require anyone with a cybernetic arm (even a civilian model that looks and acts just like their original arm with no upgrades) to register it as a potential weapon? At the very least, a decent civilian cybernetic arm with no upgrades, just well crafted, can be treated as if they are armed with a baseball bat or crowbar if they seriously hurt someone.

Oh.. this can lead to some fun, or at least intriguing adventure seeds.. City X is passing laws that require all cybernetics to be registered and while within their city, all weapon systems or extra systems must be disabled so they function as a normal person. Those in certain professions can only turn on their 'upgrades' while on the job (construction workers can activate their enhanced strength only on the job site, police and military can only activate any built in weapons or vision upgrades, etc while on duty, and if a weapon a gun camera activates automatically).
PCs can either help the government track down folks who are not registering their cybernetics, OR can help run a type of underground.. smuggling in materials for folks who need cybernetic replacements that are shielded against scans to detect cybernetics, break into government buildings and databases to modify their databases of registered cyborgs.. implant a virus into their system that when they use their scanners to scan someone for cybernetics the virus will create false readings, or can do other interesting things..

I can come up with all kinds of ideas.

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