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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

Lord Zack

I don't think there's very much difference between the concept of chi/ki and the Force at all. Let's take a look at its definition over at the Free Dictionary, for instance: "The vital force believed in Taoism and other Chinese thought to be inherent in all things. The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese medicine."

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Lord Zack

Well I could probably agree with that. I'd say it's more that people like Goku don't really have the mentality to pursue force training. Also pretty much anybody can pursue Ki training, but only some are force sensitive.

There's people who don't have access to Ki, either. Then again, they can also be dangerous without it.

Same thing: if the only way to kick a DBZ character's rear end is to fight exactly like one, then it would be boring. I am more of a "shove shotgun in Dark Goku's face and give him both barrels" kind of guy, even if it supposedly makes no sense.

Lord Zack

Well, Farmer with Shotgun has half the power level as Goku starts off with, so he could probably put up a decent fight against Kid Goku . Also, Resurrection F shows that if a Ki user is off his guard he can be harmed a lot easier, perhaps even as easily as a normal man. A Ki user isn't inherently more poweful than anyone else, remember that the likes of Nappa and Vegeta were surprised to see Kakarot had a power level of over eight thousand, and he's a Sayian who are renowned for being powerful. It's just that the Z Fighters have managed to get extremely powerful.

True. But I what I mean is there's times I wanna play a campaign or write a story and have a character going Rambo or Doom Slayer on those guys and don't feel like the obvious resolution is getting splattered all over the countryside.

Lord Zack

I mean depending on when in their lives the Dragon Ball characters are that could be possible. If they are too powerful, then that's like trying to take on Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with a Zaku.


I don't think using the force is the same as Ki, chakra or similar abilities. Those are inner energy, typically, while the force is a living energy that is activated/used by use of microscopic organisms. Think of the force like the macielia (spelling?) network of mushrooms.. a great network that connects many other organisms, usually for beneficial effects for all involved. However some of those plants connected could actually be harmful and use the network for their own benefit while harming others (dark side force). The network will work to remove the bad (bring balance by destroying the dark force). Sometimes it'll destroy/fight the good ignition perceives coming trouble like killing a few health plants that could restrict proper health of others later (allowing the light side to retreat for a while, like Yoda and obi wan learning force techniques to become force ghosts, after a harmful organism aka darkside tricked force aka the clone wars).

If that makes any sense. So.. in theory, Goku could have midiclorians as all living beings according to star wars do, but they could be incredibly low, or his connection to them is cut off by focusing on his ki.
Which raises the question of if things like the midiclorians are supposed to be in all living things in star wars, does that apply outside that fiction, and will other things from other fictional verses affect others that are similar?.

Goku could possibly learn to create a Ki power that is similar to a force power like shoot lightning or redirect blaster bolts.. think he can deflect energy blasts any way. And if what he uses is similar to ki that naruto uses, he could learn those, given proper training or similar skills to help copy or approximate

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