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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


The Rhino is one of the Imperium's most common vehicle used by the Adeptus Astartes, Sisters of Battle, Adeptus Arbites and the Inquisition, and makes up the base of several other vehicles. The block body with slopped front, tread vehicle is simple troop transport. There are three access ports for troops to egress/digress, with a ramp in the back and a door on each side. There are hatches over the driver and what would be the commander's positions, and a large hatch on the roof of the troop compartment. The Rhino uses an advanced flex-fuel power system that lets it use virtually any flammable liquid or gel, and with its highly efficient engine, it can go for quite a distance before requiring refueling, giving it a range of between 500 miles (for low grade alcohol) and 1200 miles (high grade gasoline or diesel type fuels).
The it's also fully environmentally sealed, allowing it to function in any atmosphere or lack of one. The crew compartment can be sealed from the troop section. A fully amphibious design allows it to sail across rivers and lakes, although somewhat slowly, and can survive depths of up to 250 feet. Rhinos come equipped with a storm bolter on the roof above the second crew member station, and can be fitted with an external mounted hunter-killer missile.
The Rhino is five squares long, 3 squares wide, weighing 30 tons empty, providing full cover to its occupants, anyone using one of the hatches on the roof only has half cover.

Rhino (PL6)
Crew: 1 or 2
Passengers: 10
Cargo: 750 lb with people, empty 3 tons, tow 10 tons
Init: -2
Maneuver: -2
Top Speed: 65 (6) / 30 (3) on water
Defense: 8
Hardness: 25
Hit Points: 65
Size: Huge (-2 size)
Purchase DC: 44
Restriction: Res (+2)
Accessories: Amphibious, radio, two headlights, air filtration system (+4 bonus to crew against airborne toxins and poisons), environmental seals with 10 hour air supply (can be expanded with additionally tanks carried either internally ((reduce passenger capacity by 1 for an extra 5 hours))), storm bolter mount, 6 smoke grenade launchers with 2 smoke grenades each, trailer hitch, weapon locker for two rifles and 3 pistols with 2 reloads for each, 3 days rations, 4 survival kits with 2 three man tent, weapon racks for 10 rifles plus 3 reloads for passengers plus space for up to two light rocket launchers.
Notes: Can mount bulldozer blade on front. Can't transport space marines with jetpacks, Terminator armour or Primaris space marines. Has ports to connect Space Marine armour to recharge and quickly upload and download information.
The Repair checks to fix or modify a Bull are reduced by 5, and PDC for replacement parts are reduced by 1
Robust Design: The vehicle has a well reinforced design, allowing it to shrug off damage as if it was a main battle tank.
Multi-Environmental: The vehicle is designed to function in multiple environments, able to sail on the surface of water, or even under water up to a maximum depth of 250 feet, or on the surface of a planet with no breathable or contaminated atmosphere.
Weapons: Storm bolter mounted on front controlled by commander/second crew member.

Reinforced Armour

This adds additional armour plating and reinforcements.
Add +10 HP
Add +3 hardness
Add +2 Defense
PDC +1

Assault Dozer Blade
A large bull dozer type blade is mounted to the front of the vehicle. Adds 3d6 damage, half bludgeoning, half piercing to rams, the equipped vehicle doesn't suffer damage. When traveling through an area with mines, the blade sets off mines, suffering only half damage to the blade itself. Blade has hardness 20, 20 hit points.
PDC 12

Multiple variants exist of the Rhino, below are some of the more common ones.

MkIb Mars Pattern
One of the oldest Rhino patterns used, the MkIb Mars was produced in such numbers that many have survived the centuries. Compared to the standard current model, the engine is less robust, lacking the same redundancy systems, but has higher top speed, load-bearing capacity and requires less maintenance time. The vehicle has more angular design, and the side hatches are circular and split down the middle when they open, instead of square design of later models.
Make following changes:
Reduce HP by 5;
Increase land speed to 70 (7);
Increase towing capacity to 12 tons;
Reduce range by 10% and on critical hits that would disable the engine, increase disabled time by 50%;
Reduce repair time by 25%;
PDC -1.
Availability: Rare

MkIc Deimos Pattern
This variant was the mainstay of the Legiones Astartes during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. This variant has two remotely controlled pintle-mounted bolters, one above each crew member instead of the standard single storm bolter. Mounted on the front are reinforced blades.
Make following changes:
Two remote control bolters with 800 rds each;
Front blade adds 2d6 to ram attacks, reduce ram damage to vehicle by 25%;
PDC +1

Damocles Command Rhino
The Damocles is a command vehicle, fitted with communications and tracking equipment to help direct a Space Marine strike force and acting as main comms-link between the troops and orbiting forces. A satellite dish is mounted on the roof along with additional sensors, and a teleport homer beacon.
Add sensors equivalent to Mech Sensors Class III but with 5 mile range;
Add Orbital Strike Augur;
Add Command Interface;
Add Self-Repair system;
PDC +2

Orbital Strike Augur
Troops making orbital drops or teleports within 5 miles of the Damocles Command Rhino gain a +5 Navigate bonus to make accurate landings/transports.

Command Interface
A commander i the Damocles Command Rhino can use aid other, coordinate, inspiration and similar talents or abilities on all allies within radio contact, and gains +1 to Knowledge Tactics checks.

Self-Repair System
The vehicle is able to repair 1d4 points of damage each round, as long as the vehicle has at least 10 hit points. Does not replace destroyed equipment.

Rhino Advancer
This variant was greatly used during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, with a longer body and an open roof, allowing troops inside to fire outside easily. The vehicle is six squares long, 3 squares wide, weighing 30 tons empty, providing full cover only to the driver and commander position next to the driver, rest of the passengers have half cover.
Make following changes:
Add +10 hit points;
Increase passenger capacity by 3;
PDC: +0

Medical Rhino
This variant of the Rhino is painted white and is fitted with medical scanners and equipment, allowing medical personnel to treat four troops in power armour at once within the vehicle. There is equipment to allow emergency surgery and even cybernetic replacements. The vehicle carries an erectable tent and portable equipment to set up a triage next to the vehicle to expand how many patients can be treated at once, but this is done within secured area.
Make following changes:
Add medical equipment & supplies;
PDC +1

Medical Equipment & Supplies
There is enough equipment to allow four patients to be operated on within the vehicle, granting staff +5 to Treat Injury checks, provides enough supplies to allow staff to heal up to 500 hit points of injuries, carry multiple cybernetic replacements for arms, legs, lungs, eyes, etc. Tent to attach to side of vehicle with power links to power medical equipment to allow an additional 10 patients to be treated at once.

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Llanowar Druid
"This Forest means more to the druids than their own kin. The loss of a tree is like the loss of a child"

Llanowar Druids are caretakers of the forests the Llanowar elves call home, and are willing to sacrifice themselves which empowers their allies to make a powerful strike or defense to protect the forests. They are capable spellcasters and knowledgeable of all plants within their forests and will remove any harmful plant life or find plants that are beneficial. Other than sacrificing themselves in combat, only when needed, they cast spells to support their allies, restrict enemy movements.

Llanowar Druid
Type: humanoid, elf
Size: medium
CR: 4
Hit Points: 9d8 +18 (57)
Mas: 11
Init: +2
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 14, touch 12, flatfoot 12 (10 +2 Dex +2 leather armour)
BAB/Grp: +6/+1 / +6
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Attacks: spear +6 melee (1d8+2 piercing) and spear +1 melee (1d8+2 piercing), or thrown spear +8 ranged (1d8+1 piercing)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Innate spellcasting, spellcasting, darkvision 60 ft, call reinforcements*, elf traits, sacrificial power,
Allegiances: Llanowar Elves
Saves: Fort +7, Reflex +8, Will +6
Reputation: +2
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills: Concentration +6, Knowledge Earth and Sciences +8, Search +3, Sense Motive +5, Spot +4, Survival +5, Treat Injury
Feats: Armour Proficiency (light), Archaic weapons proficiency, Great Fortitude
Possessions: leather armour, scimitar, rations
Organization: Single, pairs, squad (4), or larger formations (5, 12, 24).

Llanowar druids are caretakers of the forests, with spells that allow them to hinder opponents with a few offensive spells. When they are severely injured or if they're allies need a quick boost for a last push, they can sacrifice themselves to provide a boost to their allies in the form of boosting magical, combat or instantly healing those nearby.

Innate Spellcasting
The elf's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell DC 14). Can cast the following spells, requiring no verbal or material components.
At will: alarm (6 hours), ensnaring strike
2/day: Acid arrow, fog cloud

Cantrips/Lvl 0 (at will): mending, message, vicious mockery
Lvl 1 (4 slots): Obscuring mist, burning hands, cure light wounds, entangle.
Lvl 2 (3 slots): invisibility, speak with animals, fire trap
Lvl 3 (2 slots): dispel magic, glyph of warding
Lvl 4 (2 slots): Earthshake

Sacrificial Power
The Llanowar Druid can sacrifice themselves as a standard action, releasing their life force to enhance their allies. All allies within 50 feet gain one of the following enhancements for 5 rounds:
1) All spells gain a +50% bonus to damage and range.
2) Any spell slots below level 5 are renewed and can be used again.
3) Melee strikes gain +5 to attack and deal double damage.
4) Heal instantly all hit point damage and ability damage, but just the once during the 5 rounds.

Call Reinforcements
While a Llanowar Elf envoy is within their forests or areas they control, they can call for reinforcements. Using a move equivalent action, can send a mental call to the nearest allies, calling 1d4 Llanowar Elf Warriors that arrive within 1d6 rounds.

4th level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 ft
Components: V, S, M (a pair of rocks)
Duration: Instantaneous

Choose up to five 5-foot spaces within range that you can see. You cause the earth in these spaces to move and shake, forcing all creatures in the affected area to make a Reflex save DC 15. On a failed save, creatures fall prone and take 4d8 bludgeoning damage. On a successful save, don't fall prone and only suffer half damage. The affected area is considered difficult terrain.


Battering Wurm
An enormous predatory wurm that's a hazard in any rural areas as it's known to stalk those areas. Unlike a true dragon, the battering wurm is not very intelligent beast, and these creatures have an almost centipede-like body, with several small short 'legs' that help it move underground. The head is heavily reinforced which it uses to slam into, easily shattering structures. Some semi-nomadic groups have semi tamed battering wurms, herding them into ruins or rocky areas to smash out areas they can turn into semi-temporary living areas. Some groups have captured and trained battering wurms, turning them into living siege weapons, smashing fortifications and causing havoc.

Battering Wurm
Type: Dragon
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
CR: 6
Hit Points: 120 (10d12 +50)
Mas: 21
Init: +2
Speed: 60 ft, 50 burrow
Defense: 14 (+2 Dex +6 natural -4 size)
BAB/Grp: +10/+5 / +21 grapple
FS/Reach: 20 ft x 20 ft / 15 ft reach
Attacks: Ram +12 melee (4d6+12 bludgeoning) or Bite +12 melee (2d6+6 piercing).
Full attack: Ram +12 melee (4d6+12 bludgeoning) and Bite +7 melee (2d6+6 piercing, 19-20x2)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft, object smasher, DR 10, reinforced armour
Saves: Fort +12, Reflex +9, Will +10
Reputation: +3
Abilities: Str 23 (+6), Dex 14 (+2), Con 21 (+5), Int 2 (-4), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 4 (-3)
Skills: Listen +12, Search +7, Spot +12, Survival +7

Battering wurms strike with their reinforced heads, smashing opponents and objects. It seems to have an unusual hatred for immobile large objects and buildings.

Object Smasher (Ex)
The battering wurm's ram attack ignores 10 points of hardness/DR and when striking an immobile object (building, vehicle, mech, etc), it deals double damage.

Reinforced Armour (Ex)
The armour of the battering wurm is reinforced, allowing it to shrug off potentially fatal strikes. Critical attacks have a 50% chance of turning into a regular strike, dealing normal damage.


Aspect Warrior
The real military strength of the Eldar armies derives from their highly specialized Aspect Warriors. These Eldar are walking the Path of the Warrior. Once an Eldar has chosen to tread this path they join a specific Aspect Shrine. There, Exarchs train them in a specific aspect of warfare. Each Warrior Aspect represents one, very aspect of warfare. As Kaela Mensha Khain is the god of war, each Aspect embodies a facet of the god. The main Aspects are Dire Avengers, Howling Banshees, Striking Scorpions, Dark Reapers, Fire Dragons, Swooping Hawks, Warp Spiders, Shining Spears, Shadow Spectres, but others exist.

Dire Avengers
Dire Avengers are one of the forms of Eldar Aspect Warrior, following Khaine in his aspect as a noble and merciless warrior, and are the most tactically flexible and numerous of the Aspect Warriors. Their armour is dark blue and black, with white helmet with a black face plate. Dire Avenger armour and shuriken catapults are altered versions of the Eldar warrior armour and shuriken catapults. Dire Avengers typically operate in squads of five to ten warriors, and may include an Exarch, and use a Wave Serpent transport to get to the battlefield.

Dire Avenger Low-Level (Fast Ord 2/Tough Ord 1)
Type: Humanoid, Eldar
Size: Medium
CR: 2
Hit Points: 2d8 plus 1d10, hp 16
Mas: 10
Init: +3
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 23, touch 18, flat-footed 18 (+3 Dex +5 class +5 Armour)
BAB/Grp: +1 / +0
FS/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: Avenger shuriken catapult +6 ranged (2d6+1 slashing), or ceremonial knife +1 melee (1d4 18-20x3, slashing)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Eldar traits, Fire Resistance 3
Allegiances: Craftworld
Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +4, Will +3
Reputation: +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Autohypnosis +5, Concentration +2, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Profession +6, Psicraft +5, Read/Write English, Read/Write Eldar, Speak English, Speak Eldar, Spot +5
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Psionic Skills, light armour proficiency, advanced firearms proficiency
Possessions: Avenger Shuriken catapult, 4 magazines, 1 plasma grenade, aspect armour, ceremonial blade, pan-spectral rangefinder
Organization: single, pairs, 4, 10, 20. Groups of 20 might be lead by an Exarch, and travel in a Wave Serpent transport.

Dire Avenger Mid-Level (Fast Ord 3/Tough Ord 4)
Type: Humanoid, Eldar
Size: Medium
CR: 6
Hit Points: 3d8 plus 4d10, hp 32
Mas: 10
Init: +3
Speed: 35 ft
Defense: 26, touch 21, flat-footed 23 (+3 Dex +8 class +5 Armour)
BAB/Grp: +5 / +5
FS/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/ 5 ft
Attacks: Avenger shuriken catapult +8 ranged (2d6+1 slashing), or ceremonial knife +5 melee (1d4 18-20x3, slashing)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Eldar traits, Fire Resistance 3
Allegiances: Craftworld
Saves: Fort +4, Reflex +5, Will +5
Reputation: +3
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Autohypnosis +7, Concentration +2, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (tactics) +5, Listen +6, Move Silently +7, Profession +8, Psicraft +5, Read/Write English, Read/Write Eldar, Search +4, Speak English, Speak Eldar, Spot +7
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Psionic Skills, light armour proficiency, advanced firearms proficiency, point blank shot, precise shot
Possessions: Avenger Shuriken catapult, 4 magazines, 1 plasma grenade, aspect armour, ceremonial blade, pan-spectral rangefinder
Organization: single, pairs, 4, 10, 20. Groups of 20 might be lead by an Exarch, and travel in a Wave Serpent transport.

Avenger Shuriken Catapult
The Avenger Shuriken Catapult is the standard rifle of the Dire Avenger, firing razor-sharp monomolecular discs capable of slicing through flesh and penetrating a considerable thickness of plasteel armour. It has a longer barrel, enhanced power feeds and inbuilt rangefinders, resulting in greater range and accuracy over the standard Shuriken Catapult.

Avenger Shuriken Catapult (PL 6-7)
Damage: 2d6+1
Critical: 19-20x2
Damage Type: Slashing
Range Increment: 130 ft
Rate of Fire: S, A
Size: Large
Weight: 11 lbs
Ammo: 200 box
Purchase DC: 19 Mil (+3), Eldar
Notes: Ignores 1 point of hardness/DR or Defense from Equipment. +1 attack rolls.
Ammunition PDC 6 for 1 magazine

Pan-Spectral Rangefinder
This device helps aid the warrior in targeting multiple targets and spotting hidden foes. Grants +1 to ranged attack rolls, Spot checks.

Aspect Armour
Aspect armour is similar to Mesh armour, it becomes momentary rigid when hit, spreading force across a larger area, thereby reducing damage. The thermoplas also disperses heat rapidly, giving reasonable protection against energy weapons. This is farther enhanced with rigid plating providing additional protection. The material is psychically sensitive, automatically reacting to the wearer's movements and thoughts to maintain a glove-tight fit as they move and fight. Includes life support system and heat-sensing lenses.

Eldar Aspect Armour (PL7)
Type: Light
Equipment Bonus: +5
Nonprof. Bonus: +1
Str Bonus: 0
Nonprof Str Bonus: 0
Max Dex: +5*
Armour Penalty: 0*
Speed (30 ft): 30 ft
Weight: 6 lbs
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Mil (+3), Eldar
Notes: Has 10 hour life support, thermovision (see Infrared and heat signatures). If the wearer doesn't have any psychic ability (at least 1 Power Point), the Armour Penalty is -2. Has Fire Resistance 3 (functions against lasers, plasma and similar energy weapons).


Mutant Soldier
The soldiers of the Forgotten, many are little more than militia, but some are actual soldiers that suffered Tiberium poisoning and went to live with the Forgotten. Typically armed with rifles to light machineguns, while leaders (sergeants) are typically armed with two machine pistols. Groups of 4, 6, 12, 24, 36 being the largest.
Even higher higher hp and con

Mutant Soldier Low-Level (Strong Ord 1/Tough Ord 1)
CR 2;
Size: Medium-sized Human Mutant;
HD: 1d6+3 plus 1d10+3, 16
Mas: 15
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 14, Touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Class, +1 Nat armour, +1 armour)
BAB: +1
Grapple: +4
Attack: unarmed strike +5 melee (1d6+3 nonlethal), or knife +5 melee (1d4+3/19-20), or rifle +1 ranged ( )
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Tiberium Immunity, Tiberium Healing, DR 1, Tiberium Poisoning
FS: 5 ft by 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
Allegiance: Forgotten
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0.
Action Points: 0
Rep: +1
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 6
Occupation: Blue-collar (drive, intimidate)
Skills: Craft (mechanical) +5, Drive +5, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (streetwise) +2, Profession +4, Read/Write English, Repair +2, Speak English, Survival +2, Swim +3
Feats: Brawl, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency.
Possessions: leather jacket, knife, rifle, 150 rounds (5 reloads), various gear and personal possessions.
Organization: 4, 6, 12, 24. Groups of 6 or larger usually have 1 sergeant. Ever 6 soldiers, 1 will be armed with M-60 medium machine gun

Mutant Soldier Mid-Level (Strong Ord 3/Tough Ord 3)
CR 6;
Size: Medium-sized Human Mutant;
HD: 3d8+9 plus 3d10+9, 49
Mas: 15
Init: +1
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 15, Touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 Class, +1 Nat armour, +1 armour)
BAB: +5
Grapple: +8
Attack: unarmed strike +10 melee (1d6+3 nonlethal), or knife +10 melee (1d4+3/19-20), or AK-47 +5 ranged (2d8 ballistic)
Full Attack:
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Tiberium Immunity, Tiberium Healing, DR 1, Tiberium Poisoning
FS: 5 ft by 5 ft
Reach: 5 ft
Allegiance: Forgotten
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2.
Action Points: 0
Rep: +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 6
Occupation: Blue-collar (drive, intimidate)
Skills: Climb +5, Craft (mechanical) +6, Drive +5, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (streetwise) +3, Profession +5, Read/Write English, Repair +4, Speak English, Spot +2, Survival +2, Swim +3
Feats: Brawl, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Advanced Firearms Proficiency.
Possessions: leather jacket, knife, rifle, 150 rounds (5 reloads), various gear and personal possessions.
Organization: 4, 6, 12, 24. Groups of 6 or larger usually have 1 sergeant. Ever 6 soldiers, 1 will be armed with M-60 medium machine gun (200 rounds)

Mutant soldiers have basic to decent training, operating in groups and will take cover when it is available. Most are armed with AK-47s due to their easy of obtaining them and ammunition, with 1 out of every 6 being armed with an M-60 or similar medium machine gun for heavy support.

Mutant Sergeant
The mutant sergeant is a leader of a group of at least 6 mutant soldiers. They are armed with a pair of machine pistols and 50% have a special ability, typically Tiberium Gas, Combat Frenzy or Grow Crystal as the most common.
Make the following changes to Mutant Soldier Mid-Level:
Increase attack rolls for both melee and ranged by +1;
Focused Attack;
Replace Advanced Firearms Proficiency with Two-Weapon Fighting (ignoring prerequisite);
Replace rifle with 2 MAC Ingram M10s with 3 magazines each;
50% chance to have a Tiberium Ability.

Focused Attack
Any mutant soldier that attacks the same target as the Mutant Sergeant in the same round gains a +2 bonus to damage against that target.


F-322 Razor
The F-322 Razor is the next generation of fighter used by Stargate Command. It has the same general shape as the F-302, except that the hull is longer, extending ahead of the wings, with a small pair of canard wings mounted on the sides of the nose, two small tails on either side of the central engine that angle inwards. Besides the larger size, the Razor has improved engines, including a hyperspace generator as standard, mounts four rail cannons with boosted range and a larger missile payload. The missiles can be replaced with other missiles, such as CHE or nuclear missiles, but 1 such missile replaces 2 Cobra missiles.

F-322 Fighter (PL5-6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 4500 ft, 2500 (250) atmospheric speed, can reach orbit without assistance., afterburn 5500 ft, 5000 ft (500) atmosphere
Defense: 11 (-4 size, +3 Class +2 Dex)
Flat-Footed Defense: 6 (-4 size, +3 Class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 21, 30 vs energy
Hit Dice: 9d20 (180 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 58.8 ft, 90 ft wingspan
Weight: 42,000 lb.
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 2 (trained +4), can operate with 1
Passenger Capacity: 0, 1 if no second crew member.
Cargo Capacity: 150 lb
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 50
Restriction: Mil +3

4 Fire-linked rail cannons +0 ranged (12d12, 20, ball, 4000 ft); or
Select fire Cobra Mk2 missiles +0 (5d12, 19-20x2, ball, -)

Attack of Opportunity: None

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Improved thrust, improved maneuverability, extra move end of turn, ejector seat.
Engines: Thrusters, Ion engine, afterburner hyperspace generator
Armour: Naquadah Composite
Defense Systems: Radiation shielding
Sensors: Class III sensor system, improved targeting system, inertial dampers
Communications: Radio transceiver
Weapons: 4 fire-linked rail cannons, 8 Cobra Mk2 missiles
Grappling Systems: grappler cables (4)

Select-Fire Missiles
The pilot can fire a single or two missiles at the same target. Firing two missiles increases damage to 8d12 damage.

Grappler Cables
Grappler cables function similar to Grapplers, but instead of robitic arms, they are cables with grip pads with a 100 ft reach.

Hyperspace Generator
This hyperspace generator allows the craft to jump into hyperspace making interstellar travel possible, able to travel at twice the speed of light (lightspeed x2), jumping to hyperspace requires a Navigate check as normal plus a move action for the ship to actually jump to hyperspace. Carries enough liquid Naquadah for 50 light years of travel.

Naquadah Composite Armour
Plates made of Naquadah, a dense and energy absorbing material, this armour is heavier than steel and similar armours, but resilient against physical attacks, and highly resistant to energy attacks, except acid.
Hardness: 21, 30 against energy attacks except acid.
Tactical Speed Penalty: None
Weight: One-quarter the weight of the starship (rounded up).
PDC: 19 + one-half the base PDC of the starship.
Restriction: Military - Rare (+3 to +4)

Improved Maneuverability
The craft is designed to be incredibly maneuverable, allowing it to avoid enemy fire. Grants +4 to Pilot checks for performing stunt maneuvers.

Inertial Dampers (PL 7)
Inertial dampers are mechanisms aboard starship to compensate for acceleration forces caused by speed and direction changes at high velocities. In gaming terms, any ships with this equipped can make an additional move action at the end of each turn.
Purchase DC: 15
Restriction: None

Cobra Mk2 Missile (PL 5-6)
An upgraded version of the Cobra air-to-air missiles modified to also function in space with slightly improved targeting and warhead. +1 to attack rolls against ultralight craft.
Name: Cobra (air-to-air missile)
Weapon Damage: 5d12
Critical: 19-20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Ejector Seat
The cockpit is fitted with a seat that has rocket boasters, and designed to quickly blast away the canopy, or top hatch to eject the seat and pilot to safety in the event the craft is destroyed immediately. Upon the craft reaching 0 hit points, the ejection system will eject the pilot safely away. However if the craft would be destroyed (see table 7-5 for destruction threshold, d20 Future pg 113 for negative hit points for ship type) by the attack that bought the equipped craft to 0 and below, the ejection seat still ejects the pilot, but must make a Reflex save DC 18, failure the pilot suffers half damage from the ship's destruction (10d6), success means the pilot only suffers 1/4 the damage (5d6). The pilot must have a space suit or other means to survive the vacuum of space. If the ship is destroyed while in a planetary atmosphere, it is equipped with a parachute to safely land.
The ejector seat is also equipped with a distress beacon which can be programmed for either general distress on all frequencies, or set to only friendly forces.

Sienar Fleet Systems Razor S
Stargate Command collaborated with a post Empire Sienar Fleet Systems in developing an advanced version of the F-322 Razor. The Razor S replaces the internal systems with many Star Wars Universe standard systems, reducing weight. The Razor S maintains the Naquadah Composite armour as it offers better protection, the rail cannons are replaced with lasers, the missiles replaced by internal concussion missile launchers with a larger payload. The reduced weight and increased space allows for larger naquadah reserves for the hyperspace generator and the installation of a SW hyperdrive with a rating of x2, while slower than some other military fighter hyperdrives, it allows the Razor S to still travel at FTL speeds when it the Naquadah is all used, or when it can't open a hyperspace window.
Make following changes to F-322 Razor to create a Razor S:
Replace all rail cannons with lasers (12d8, 20, fire, 3000 ft, semi);
Replace Cobra Mk2 missiles with 2 Concussion missile launchers (5 missiles each, total 10);
Add Hyperdrive x2;
Hyperspace Generator fuel increased to 75 lightyears


Mobile Stealth Generator
The mobile stealth generator is a vehicle using technology pioneered in the NOD stealth generator and stealth tank. The vehicle is multi-segmented, made up of six parts, the forward driver and command pod, followed by four drive segments with an axel each, and the rear segment which has a large ring structure that holds the stealth generator. The segmented design allows it to make surprisingly tight turns, although it is not fast, and improves its offroad capabilities. The stealth generator allows NOD to hide attack forces in preparations for attacks, however the generator can not be operated while the vehicle is moving, meaning assembling the force may take some time in order to conceal the units going to the staging point. It lacks any weapons, and armour is light, requiring an armed escort to keep it safe.

NOD Stealth Tank mk1
Crew: 5
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 250 lbs
Init: -1
Maneuver: -1
Top Speed: 70 (7)
Defense: 8
Hardness: 12
Hit Points: 80
Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 46
Restriction: Military (+3)
Accessories: Military radio, NBC cabin, 8 hour life support, off-road design, encrypted burst transmitter/radio scrambler, HUD, darkvision 200 ft, thermo vision 200 ft, hazardous chemical and radiation sensors and GPS, Lazarus Shield, sensor deflecting shape.
Notes: Half penalties for rough terrain, +4 Fort saves vs Chemical/Poison/Radiation, Sensors +4 DC.

Lazarus Shield
This optical cloaking field renders the Mobile Stealth Generator and all vehicles, people and buildings within a 100 ft radius hemisphere centered on the Mobile Stealth Generator, invisible to all visual sensors, granting a +40 to Hide when immobile, or +20 while moving. Even if detected, the Lazarus Shield still prevents the those within the field exact position from being know, granting a 50% miss chance to all attacks. However those within 20 feet of the field's edge can see the distortion field a bit better and only have a 25% miss chance, if they notice the distortion field or the tank's presence. The Lazarus field can be activated and deactivated as a standard action. The field can be maintained for a total of 8 hours before it needs a 1 hour cool down time. The 8 hours can be broken up. If inactive for more than 1 hour between activations before the 8 hours are up, the 8 hours are reset.
If the Mobile Stealth Generator suffers more than 50% damage, the Lazarus Shield will not activate until repaired.


Sentinel Battle Droids
As the SGC has been upgrading its arsenal with other technologies and producing their own versions of droid fighters used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they also purchased the rights to produce the B2 super battle droids, modified for their purposes. The Sentinels are more expensive than the B2s, and are used to defend important facilities, and some SGC teams are being assigned one for situations expecting heavy combat.
The Sentinel has a modified head to be more human-like instead of the longer design, which is also raised higher so it has improved visual area. The armour is replaced with a Naquadah composite to give it improved protection, especially against energy weapons. The dual lasers are replaced with a the blaster part of M-566, based on the Jaffa staff weapon, fitted on the left arm. The right arm is fitted with a mounting that allows a rifle to be fitted and easily removed. To insure an attempts to prevent the droids from being hacked and turned against the SGC, a kill switch is installed.

Sentinel Battle Droid (PL6)
CR: 3
Size: Med (7.5 ft)
Hit Points: 4d10+10; 45 hp
Init: +0
Speed: 25 ft
Defense: 15 (+5 armour)
Hardness: 15, 20 vs energy weapons except acid
BAB/Grp: +3/+5
Attack: +3 ranged Dual Wrist Blaster 5d10, or +3 ranged rifle 2d8 ballistic, or +5 melee 1d4+2 lethal
FS/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort + 0, Reflex +0 , Will -1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con , Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2, Search +2
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Frame: biomorph
Locomotion: legs (pair)
Manipulators: 2 hands
Armour: Naquadah composite
Superstructure: naquadah composite
Sensors: Class II
Skill Software: Listen +2, Spot +2, Search +2
Feat Software: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Accessories: feat progit (personal firearms proficiency), AV transmitter, vocalizer, skill progit x3 (+2), M-566 blaster, integrated naquadah composite armour, rifle mounting, ammunition holder (holds 5 magazines in chest)
PDC: 29

Unlike the B2 battle droids, Sentinels are programmed to work independently or in small groups with other Sentinels or human soldiers. As they have heavier armour than humans, they will function as point men to absorb attacks and keep living allies safe. They can learn and adapt to switch between the M-566 blaster or the attached ballistic rifle or use their fists.

M-566 Blaster
Damage: 3d10
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 60 feet
Rate Of Fire: Semi
Magazine: 50 Int, recharges 1 rd per 2 min not used
Rules: Plasma blaster damage can be set to 1d10, 2d20 or 3d10 as a free action once per round. In the event the Sentinel is rendered operable, the weapon can be detached with a Repair check DC 15 and 5 minutes of work, with however many charges left in the weapon, it doesn't recharge, but can be reloaded with a power pack from a M-566.

Kill Switch
The Sentinel is equipped with a device that activates when an attempt to hack its droid brain is detected. If someone is trying to access the droid's programming without the proper equipment and systems, the droid can make a Computer Use check DC vs the hacker's DC at +10 to roll, and if it succeeds, the droid shuts down completely and is not able to be activated until proper equipment from Stargate Command to reactivate it. If the droid fails by 5 or less, it can attempt the save again the next round with an additional +2. Another failed check the droid can't attempt again.
Alternatively, any Stargate Command personnel of rank Lieutenant or above, or is assigned to coordinate the droids, can issue a command as long as they have communications with the droid to immediately deactivate, which could cause the droid to crash if in an atmosphere flying.

Weapon Mount
The right arm is fitted with a mount to allow a P90 or M-16 to be fitted and the Sentinel can fire the weapon while still keeping the hand free. It takes 10 minutes with a Repair check DC 15 to install the weapon and properly align and link to the droid's targeting system. The Sentinel is programmed to be able to use and reload the weapons from magazines from a compartment in its chest. The mount has a quick release system to allow any nearby soldiers to release the weapon and use it.


Aakenn Class Freighter
The Aakenn class is a type of freighter produced by the United Federation of Planets during the mid to late 2200s. It has a curved hull design, rounded front that widens towards the back, raising upwards to the back which contains the main cargo holds and impulse engines. A shuttlebay on the underside holds up to 6 shuttles. Two pylons extend from the edges of the sides downwards to join at the single warp nacelle. Armed with only a pair of phasers, one fore and one aft, and shields.

Aakenn Class (Federation (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Freighter
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000
Defense: 7
Flat-Footed Defense: 5
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 15
Hit Dice: 34d20 (680 hp) shields 850 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 623 ft
Weight: 70,640 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 54 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: 15,000 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 54
Restriction: Federation allied, Licenced

Type 3 Phaser -3 ranged 10d10 (5000 ft, energy/fire, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shield Dependent, transporter, Sickbay (extended medbay), tractor beam, replicators, shuttle bay (6 shuttles)
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 7, cruising warp 5)
Armour: ditanium
Defense Systems: shields, autopilot
Sensors: Class III
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 2 type 3 phaser
Grappling Systems: tractor beam


The Aakenn Mk2 introduced in the 2250s only saw improvements in the warp engines improving the warp speed to Warp 9 and cruising speed of Warp 8, although it was discovered the improved engines and the hull required more maintenance for the improved speeds.
Make following changes to Aakenn:
Increase Max warp to Warp 9, cruising speed Warp 8;
Requires basic maintenance every 2 weeks, if not done this regularly, increase Repair DC by 25% and time required by 50%.
PDC: +1

The Aakenn Mk3 is similar to the Mk2 but had some hull reinforcement to try and compensate for the higher stress of the higher speed engines, although this didn't have the desired effect, but did make it a little more robust against the rare pirate attacks.
Modify Mk2 with following changes:
Increase Hit Dice to 36d20 (720 hp), shields to 900;
PDC +1

The Aakeen Mk2 had lower speed Warp engines, but with greater endurance and required less maintenance than those in the Mk2 and 3s, with a slightly larger crew requirements, but the hull was slightly enlarged with larger cargo holds, and improved phasers to type 4s.
Make following changes to Aakenn, Mk2 or Mk3:
Increase Hit Dice to 37d20 (740 hp), shields to 925 hp;
Crew increased to 58;
Max Warp 8, cruising speed Warp 6, repairs to warp engines have DC reduced by -2;
Increased cargo to 16,500 tons;
Increased weight to 71,840 tons;
Replace Phaser Type 3 to Type 4;
PDC +2

Phaser Type 3
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round. The Type 3 phaser was available on civilian ships.
Damage: 10d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 33
Restriction: Res (+2)

Phaser Type 4
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 35
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.
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Saladin Class Destroyer
The Saladin class is a destroyer produced by the United Federation of Planets during the 23rd century. To save some time in development and logistics, the Saladin uses the same saucer as the Constitution class, but lacks the secondary hull and has a single warp nacelle below the hull. The deflector array/sensors hangs below the center of the saucer in front of the pylon connecting the nacelle. Without the mass of the secondary hull, the Saladin is faster than the Constitution, but lacks the range as it doesn't have the space for the extra anti-matter and supplies. The Saladin is armed with three pairs of phasers, with one pair forward on the underside of the hull, the other two pairs on the upper hull sides. A pair of photon torpedoes mounted on the upper forward hull round out the offensive systems, with shields providing protection.
The Saladin has a saucer diameter of 417 feet, with total length of 795 feet with the nacelle, height of 197 ft, total of 15 decks.

Saladin Class (Federation (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Destroyer
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 11
Flat-Footed Defense: 7
Autopilot Defense: 7
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 78d20 (1560 hp) shields 1950 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 623 ft
Weight: 73,640 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 80 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 10
Cargo Capacity: 500 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 60
Restriction: Federation Military (+3)

2 fire-linked Type 3 Phaser -1 ranged 15d10 (5000 ft, energy/fire, s) and 2 fire-linked type 3 phaser -6 ranged 15d10 (5000 ft, energy/fire, s);
Or 2 fire-linked photon torpedoes -1 ranged 12d20 (-, energy) and 2 fire-linked phaser -6 ranged 15d10 (5000 ft, energy/fire, s)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shield Dependent, transporter, Sickbay (extended medbay), tractor beam, replicators, shuttle bay (6 shuttles), brig (10 prisoners)
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 8.5, cruising warp 7)
Armour: Heavy Ditanium Alloy
Defense Systems: shields, improved autopilot, damage control (2d10)
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 6 type 3 phasers, 2 photon torpedo launchers (100 torpedoes each)
Grappling Systems: tractor beam
Note: On a critical hit, there is a 10% chance of striking the sensor/deflector dish, reducing sensor range and bonuses by half until repaired.

Phaser Type 3
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 2d10 as a free action once per round. The Type 3 phaser was available on civilian ships.
Damage: 10d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 33
Restriction: Res (+2)

Photon Torpedo
Photon torpedoes are anti-matter weapons with variable yields. These weapons usually draw their anti-matter from the equipped ship's own anti-matter supplies. These torpedoes require special containment and feeding systems to load and unload the anti-matter after a fight.
At its lowest setting, the torpedo can do 3d20 to a single target, or deal this damage to a 2000 ft square, and can increase damage by 1 die up to a maximum of 12d20, but reduce the maximum radius by 100 ft per die increase, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage when set for an area.. The damage can be to the maximum radius, or to a single target. These weapons are very dangerous in an atmosphere and are usually banned from planetary use except in special circumstances. If used in a planetary atmosphere, deals damage to an area +50% greater, and if set for a single target, deals half damage to a 100 ft area, and Reflex saves in an atmosphere is increased to 21 for half damage. If the ship loses all power while in battle, there is a 50% chance that a loaded torpedo loses containment and it detonates, dealing damage to the equipped ship, ignore its armour hardness.
Damage: varies
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Heavy Ditanium Alloy (PL5-6)
Heavy Ditanium alloy is an alloy that was used to replace titanium, combining Duranium into the alloy to create a new type of armour and superstructure, in the use of military craft and especially space craft as it had some inherent abilities to block some of the radiation encountered in space.
Hardness: 20
Base Purchase Modifier: 14 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship.

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Saladin Refit

The Saladins Refit saw some improvements, similar to the Constitution class, improved phasers, warp drive, computer systems. With these improvements, the sensor/deflector dish that hang from the bottom of the hull is now integrated into the hull, removing that weakness from the design. The Refit is also incorporates Duranium into the design, making the starship more resilient. With the improvements, the phasers can be linked together to all fire in the forward arc instead of only a single pair, giving it a heavier strike capability in the forward arc, improving the chance of a quick kill, but reduces its ability to fire in other arcs.
Make following changes to Saladin:
Increase Hit Dice to 79d20 (1580), shields to 1975;
Replace heavy ditanium alloy armour with duranium (hardness changes to 25);
Replace Phaser Type 3 with Phaser Type 4 (18d10, 5500 ft, semi);
Replace targeting system with improved targeting system (increase attack rolls by +2);
Increase torpedo payload to 120 for each launcher;
Add All Weapons Forward;
Remove critical hit strike sensor/deflector dish penalties;
PDC +1

All Weapons Forward
The weapons officer can fire all the phasers at a target in the forward arc, increasing damage, as well as fire the photon torpedoes rapidly. Suffering -2 to attack roll, as a full round attack, dealing 24d10 with critical on 19-20x2, and can immediately fire photon torpedoes with a +2 bonus.

Duranium (PL6)
Duranium is an extremely strong metallic substance used in alloys for hull construction of starships and space stations. It became well used in the Federation in the 2200s although some ships were still using Ditanium to save on costs and for ships that wouldn't see combat or small craft.
Hardness: 25
Tactical Speed Penalty -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-tenth the weight of the starship (rounded down)
Base Purchase Modifier: 15 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship. Found only within Federation and other major Star Trek societies.

Phaser Type 4
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 35
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Saladin Kelvin Timeline
This Saladin is from the Kalvin Timeline, which has slightly different technologies. The Kelvin Saladin is 25% larger, the phaser turrets are more external than those in the Prime Timeline, plus there are a number of smaller turrets that are used as a point defense system.
Make following changes to Saladin:
Increase Hit Dice to 81d20 (1620 hp) shields 2025 hp
Length increases to 778.75 ft;
Weight increases to 110,460 tons;
Crew increases to 92 (expert +8)
Cargo Capacity increases to 575 tons;
Replace Type 3 phasers with Type 4 (18d10);
Add point defense system (2d12x10, fire/energy damage);
Add Relentless Assault;
Remove Agile Ships
PDC +2

Kelvin Starships
Starships in the Kelvin timeline are not as agile as the Prime, losing the Agile Ships ability. However the Kelvin ships are also a little tougher, having only -1 less hit dice due to the Shield Dependent ability instead of -2.
Ships also have 15% larger crews, and can have 2 more weapons than normal (typically as part of a fire-link), however weapons are a little more exposed due to the technology not being as streamlined or miniaturized as in the Prime, meaning on the optional critical hit results table (d20 Future pg 112) damaged and destroyed weapons is increased by 10%. If not using the optional critical hit results table, on a critical hit, there is a 25% chance a weapon is damaged and inoperable, with a 10% chance 1 weapon is destroyed.

Relentless Assault
As a standard action, the engineer can divert massive amounts of energy from the ship's engines and divert it to the weapons, temporarily shutting down the warp drive. For the following 5 rounds, the warp drive is unavailable, however the ship's phasers deal 50% more damage, have range increased by +1000 feet, and the gunner can make additional attacks with the phasers up to their Dex modifier or a maximum of 4 additional attacks at -5 to attack roll for each additional attack. After the 5 rounds, the warp drive is available, but the phasers lose the fire-linked for 2 rounds (dealing only 12d10).

The Zeus is a Saladin produced by the GDI combined with their own technologies to function as protection for their off planet colonies and assets, as well as a mobile orbital strike unit. The Zeus is a modified Saladin Refit, with reinforcing and improved maneuvering thrusters for flight in the upper atmosphere of planets, although it can't land. Other upgrades includes several railgun turrets installed to allow for varied attacks, not relying on only the phasers and photon torpedoes, especially since the GDI is unable to produce the anti-matter to fuel the ship and arm the torpedoes and must purchase it. The railguns can be switched to act as a point defense system for additional protection against smaller craft or against ships with large missile/torpedo payloads. Other additions include a drop pod launch tube to allow the insertion of limited ground troops in the event the transporter is unavailable, such as during an ion storm in the area. With the major addition being an ion cannon based on the cannons used in their satellites and orbital stations that were controlled by an Ion Control Center, only the Zeus is capable of firing it without such a facility. Unfortunately the weapon is semi fixed forward, requiring the ship to be facing in the direction of the target, either the target is in space or on the ground. The ion cannon has two fire modes, a large area, or a focused beam for more precision strikes. Due to the drain of energy from the ion cannon, the Zeus can't use the phasers at the same time it attacks with the ion cannon, unless it temporarily shuts down the warp drive, but with the railguns, it isn't defenseless if power isn't diverted. The shields are not quite as powerful as a Saladin Refit, but still provides more protection than any other GDI previous space craft.

Zeus Class (GDI (PL6)
Type: Light
Subtype: Destroyer
Size: Colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft
Defense: 11
Flat-Footed Defense: 7
Autopilot Defense: 7
Hardness: 25
Hit Dice: 79d20 (1580 hp), shields to 1580 hp
Initiative Modifier: +4
Pilot's Class Bonus: +5
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +4
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +4
Length: 623 ft
Weight: 75,890 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 80 (expert +8)
Passenger Capacity: 20 soldiers
Cargo Capacity: 50 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 64
Restriction: GDI Military (+3)

2 fire-linked Type 4 Phaser -1 ranged 18d10 (5500 ft, energy/fire, s) and 2 fire-linked type 4 phaser -6 ranged 18d10 (5500 ft, energy/fire, s);
Or 2 fire-linked photon torpedoes -1 ranged 12d20 (-, energy) and 2 fire-linked phaser -6 ranged 18d10 (5500 ft, energy/fire, s);
Or 2 fire-linked Type 4 Phaser -1 ranged 18d10 (5500 ft, energy/fire, s) and 2 fire-linked rail cannon 9d12 (3,000 ft, ballistic, s);
Or Ion Cannon* -3 ranged and 2 fire-linked rail cannon 9d12 (3000 ft, ballistic, s)

Attack of Opportunity:
Point Defense System* (2d12x10, ballistic)

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Agile Ships (+1 Dodge), Easy to Repair (Repair DC -4, -25% time), Swiss Army Tech, Shield Dependent, transporter, Sickbay (extended medbay), tractor beam, replicators, shuttle bay (6 shuttles), drop pod tube
Engines: thrusters, ion engines, warp drive (max warp 8.5, cruising warp 7)
Armour: Heavy Ditanium Alloy
Defense Systems: shields, improved autopilot, damage control (2d10)
Sensors: Class III, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver, subspace array
Weapons: 6 type 4 phasers, 2 photon torpedo launchers (100 torpedoes each), 12 rail cannons, GDI ion cannon
Grappling Systems: tractor beam
Note: On a critical hit, there is a 10% chance of striking the sensor/deflector dish, reducing sensor range and bonuses by half until repaired.

All Weapons Forward
The weapons officer can fire all the phasers at a target in the forward arc, increasing damage, as well as fire the photon torpedoes rapidly. Suffering -2 to attack roll, as a full round attack, dealing 24d10 with critical on 19-20x2, and can immediately fire photon torpedoes with a +2 bonus.

Duranium (PL6)
Duranium is an extremely strong metallic substance used in alloys for hull construction of starships and space stations. It became well used in the Federation in the 2200s although some ships were still using Ditanium to save on costs and for ships that wouldn't see combat or small craft.
Hardness: 25
Tactical Speed Penalty -500 ft (-1 square)
Weight: One-tenth the weight of the starship (rounded down)
Base Purchase Modifier: 15 + one-half base purchase DC of the starship. Found only within Federation and other major Star Trek societies.

Phaser Type 4
Phasers are the main offensive weapons of the Federation, using nadian based phased energy that fire beams, capable of variable energy output. Usually mounted in a low profile turret to allow greater field of fire. Able to change damage by lowering the number of die to a minimum of 3d10 as a free action once per round.
Damage: 12d10
Damage Type: Fire/Energy
Range Increment: 5500 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 35
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Agile Ships
All Star Trek ships are more agile for their size, gaining a +1 Dodge bonus to Defense as long as the ship moves.

Easy to Repair
Due to the nature of the technology in this universe, especially Federation or Borg technology, all repairs have DC reduced by -4, and time reduced by 25%.

Swiss-Army Tech
Due to the adaptable nature of the technology, and skilled engineers, especially those in the Federation, a piece of technology can be jury-rigged and modified to do something it wasn't originally intended to do, as long as it is within reason (GM discretion), such as modifying the deflector array into a type of energy weapon, albeit limited use. Modifying a device this way means it can not be used for its original purpose at the same time, and requires a Knowledge: Technology check DC 18 and Repair check DC 21 and 5 +1d6 minutes for moderate changes (such as deflector array being used as a means to emit a type of energy as a weapon); while more extensive modifications require a Knowledge: Technology check DC 25 and Repair check DC 30, and 30 +2d10 minutes. This type of modification means the item is unable to be used for its original purpose until it has been restored to its original configuration.

Shield Dependent
Star Trek ships have powerful shields, having the equivalent of Deflector Shields (d20 Future pg 42) and provide bonus HP against all attacks equal to 20 HP / starship HD + 25% HD, for example, a ship with 5 HD (100 HP) will have shields with 125 HP. However as they have developed incredible powerful shields, they are a bit lacking in the armour department, suffering -2 hit dice per category and subtype. There are a few exceptions to this rule, being Klingon, Dominion and Hirogen ships which have standard hit dice for their subtype and category, with a few notable other ships, such as the Defiant class.

Ion Cannon
The ion cannon is a particle weapon developed by the GDI, not to be confused with the ion weaponry from the Star Wars universe. It fires a powerful beam of energy that affects a large area. The ion cannon mounted on the Zeus can be used in two modes, a wide beam that damages all within its area, or a narrower, focused beam for precision strikes.
The wide beam mode, when used in space affects a 500 foot wide, 20,000 ft long area, dealing 12d100 energy, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage, targets that have more than 500 ft within the beam suffer 25% more damage for every 500 ft within the beam, and their Reflex save is reduced by -1 for every 500 ft in the beam. Can only be fired once every 5 rounds unless warp power is diverted to power weapons, and can't fire phasers in same round as the ion cannon. When used against a planet, the beam affects all within a 250 ft diameter area from orbit to the ground, only dealing 10d100 damage, Reflex save DC 18 for half damage, plus the area affected is effected by an EMP.
In focused beam mode, used in space only, suffers -2 to attack roll, deals 20d20 energy, 18-20x3, ignoring 100 points of hardness. Can only be fired once every 5 rounds unless warp power is diverted to power weapons, can't fire phasers in the same round as the ion cannon.

Rail Cannons
The Zeus has a dozen rail cannons fire-linked in pairs, and can be used offensively or set to defensive mode as a point defense system. Switching between the two modes is a move action that can only be done once per round.

Drop Pod Launcher
This device launches a drop pod from orbit, allowing 4 troops to make rapid deployment. The weapons officer makes an attack against the desired location on planet, with weather conditions and buildings adding penalties. A successful attack roll means the pod lands on target, while every -5 failed by puts the pod 100 ft off target in random direction (d8 for compass directions). If the pod lands on anything, it deals 5d6 half bludgeoning and half fire from the heat of atmospheric re-entry. The pod has 50 hit points, DR 25, Defense 19, is 15 foot diameter, 10 feet tall, weighs 1 ton, suffers no damage from atmospheric re-entry, carries 4 passengers plus gear they are carrying. It has sensor jammer, sensors suffer -5 and has one-half concealment (20% miss chance) against missiles.
Pod takes 4 rounds to reach planet surface from orbit, Zeus carries 4 pods.

Voidrunner's Codex

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