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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


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Marco: While I'm still trying to figure out exactly what creatures should go in the bestiary (so far, I've got Whoniverse creatures such as your Daleks and Cybermen, plus things like Sontarans and Ice Warriors....B-movie monsters...dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures...your Tremorsverse critters....some more kaiju...some Star Wars critters...and...erm...yeah. That's about it, so any requests are nice), I'll be posting Gazetteers, some here and there notes, that sort of stuff.

From the Files of New York Supermax: The Lower Levels

"I'd stay away from the lower levels at night. Or in the day. Hell, just stay away from the lower levels period."
-Unidentified New York Supermax warden

The New York Maximum Security Superhuman Containment facility (most common referred to as either NYMSS or the New York Supermax) prides itself on managing to keep some of the nastiest super-powered criminals around locked away in its state-of-the art facilities...or, at least, that's what it looks like on the surface. Dig past the sterile white walls and the force field-lined cells and one finds a completely different story in the lower levels, an area off-limits to both the public and the majority of the New York Supermax's own wardens. These abyssal reaches of the prison are filled with dirt and grime that slather brick walls and iron bars. Here, the villains that have no true powers to speak of...or at least none that require high-maintainence and the public's assured eyes resting on them...are locked away to rot in this subterranean Alternate of Arkham Asylum.

Arguably, the most powerful of these is Killer Croc, a reptilian humanoid who was first brought to the attention of the Supermax during a battle with Curt Connors (AKA "The Lizard") in the sewers of NYC. Killer Croc's raging ferocity, prodigious strength, and vicious natural weapons would have netted him a spot in the upper levels if it hadn't been for a few titanium-reinforced cells existing in the lower levels, "just in case". A smarter, more animal-shaped, and overall more egotistic Alternate of Killer Croc (from The Batman cartoon series) is still at large and is presumed to be laying low in the New York sewers.

Killer Croc may be the brawn of the lower levels, but at the same time he is definitively outclassed in terms of dangerousness, rather than power, by the various brains; indeed, if you share a cell with the Riddler and his various Alternates, you'll wonder why exactly the crew of green-clad geniuses haven't escaped yet (if you ask them, they'll most likely simply state "it's more fun leaving you guessing"). The Vulture and the Rhino are the primary (and only) Marvel-verse representatives of the lower level at the current time.

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Dumb question: If I went and made a write-up of SHIELD, which one do you think would be cooler to have as a chairman: Tony Stark, Nick Fury (as in the Ultimates/Live-Action, looks-like-Samuel-Jackson version), or Nick Fury (as the original comic-book version) ?

I'm partial to the Live Action version, but that is just me. So I put it to a vote.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
+There is a large research station located in orbit around the Sun, the 'Robert Capa Experimental Research Station', which specializes mostly in researching Solar events (like flares) and their effects on Fictional physiologies and elements. Also has a hefty security team in case people try to steal said research-or in case things that have been thrown into the Sun decide to get out of it...

+There are three Warhammer 40K 'Hive Cities' on the Sol System (actually, pretty tiny as Hive Cities go)-one on Mars, run by the Adeptus Mechanicus (which is on a secret war with a multi-corporation and nation alliance run by Squats about who will finally run things in town), one on Mercury (in orbit over the dark side), and one in Venus (dunno if it should be one iconic, like Necromunda). On the Martian Hive City, there is a pretty blooming population of Neo-Sapiens.

+A pretty small planet has appeared in an orbit directly opposite Earth. This planet is 'New Krypton', and simply has a large amount of aliens and the biggest number of Kryptonians in the Sol System, period. They have joined the UNSC charter, and the UNSC has established quite firmly that it will not take hostility TO New Krypton... or FROM New Krypton (and needless to say, the UN is slightly irked about finding out through a corporate war about 'Project 7734'...)

Well, I did say there would be more later...

Capa Station....*shivers* “Es decir cosas que los dioses ellos mismos no desean tratar… de por lo menos, no sin reserva del señor de Tiempo.”

Mars, on the other hand.....Neosapiens? :cool::cool:;)

New Krypton.....assuming here that someone(Nakamura?)managed to screw the Zor-El thing over, maybe? (By which I do mean Spanner In The Works.....)
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First Post
Sorry I haven't said much, I've been flopping between depression and working on three other d20 Modern projects I've had in my mind, but I swear I'm still working on stuff for this setting. Although perhaps some bestiary-type posts for now and a cohesive bestiary later once there's enough material would be better than waiting a long time for a bestiary. So....here we go. No stats yet, but I'll come back and add them as I get time.

A Who's Who(niverse) Bestiary, Entry 1-Gluttons, Conquerors, and Thugs of the Rim
The following species come from the universe of Doctor Who (or, as fans called it, the 'Whoniverse'), and have made their Coreline home on the outer arms of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Universe of Origin: Doctor Who
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial (near) human-shaped life-form
Threat Level: 6

Resembling obese, warty humanoids with sickly yellow skin, three-clawed hands, and wattle-like ornamentation on their cheeks, the Clomians are some of the most reviled species from the Whoniverse. What little is known about this enigmatic species is that, when not keeping to themselves or stuffing their faces, individuals typically strive to gather information and secrets. Clomians that are particularly gluttonous (for both sustenance and information) may leave their safeworld of Clom (found in the outer reaches of the Milky Way in the Coreline-verse) to find human colonies to prey upon. At such colonies, a disguised Clomian can gain information and food by absorbing the bodies and minds of humans into their girth; a Clomian that doesn't overeat or attract too much attention from local law enforcement agencies can rise to become a threatening figure in the criminal underworld of the Milky Way's rim worlds.

Universe of Origin: Doctor Who
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial (near) beast-like humanoid
Threat Level: 3

The large rhinoceros-like humanoids known as the Judoon are "police-for-hire" (or, in plainer terms, mercenaries with morals) that roam across the outer reaches of the Milky Way. While notoriously hard to kill as far as "beastmen" go due to their thick hides, thicker armor (in the case of well-outfitted individuals, at least), and ability to survive in low-oxygen environments, they are generally perceived as non-threatening entities due to the fact that they are excruciatingly adherent to local laws and customs. The primary contributions the species has made to Coreline as a whole are their powerful cylindrical rocket craft and mass teleportation technologies. Due to their general trustworthiness, Judoon are also hired by nearly any law enforcement agency in the rim of the Milky Way that doesn't have a "no disintegration" policy.

Species Traits
Hold Breath: A Judoon can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution modifier.

Bonus Feats: Due to their utmost adherence to the law, Judoon gain Trustworthy as a bonus feat.

Judoon: CR 2; Large Monstrous Humanoid; HD 3d8+15; HP 28; Mas 18; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 12, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (-1 size, +3 natural); BAB +3; Grap +10; Atk +5 melee (1d8+3, gore) or +2 ranged (3d8, disintegrator); Full atk +5 melee (1d8+3, gore) or +2 ranged (3d8, disintegrator); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ Damage resistance 5/ballistic, darkvision 60 ft., hold breath; AL Law, employer; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 7.
Skills: Listen +2, Pilot +2, Read/Write Judoon, Sense Motive +6, Speak Judoon, Spot +2.
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Toughness, Trustworthy.
Advancement: By character class.
Possessions: Disintegrator, unicom, uniform, custom-made hermetically sealed helmet.

Universe of Origin: Doctor Who
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial (near) human-shaped life-form
Threat Level: 4

The squat, rounded Sontarans hail from the high-gravity world of Sontar, located on the "western" (for what measure direction can be started in space) arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. The species engages in wide-scale cloning of armies to wage a seemingly endless war against several species in the same sector of the Milky Way, including two fellow Whoniverse species, the Ogrons and Rutans, and colonial Martians (of the War of the Worlds-verse variety). In spite of their mastery of creating "test tube armies" in a matter of minutes, the Sontarans' refusal of defeat and attempts to rule all of the western arm mean that the species, for all its mass cloning, seems to be fighting a losing battle with its own attitude.

Species Traits
Acid Vulnerability (Ex): Sontarans take 50% more damage than average from any attack that deals acid damage.

Bonus Feats: Sontarans gain Plentary Adaptation (High-G World), Armor Proficiency (Light), and Armor Proficiency (Medium) as bonus feats.

Sontaran: CR 1; Medium-size Humanoid; HD 1d8+1; HP 5; Mas 13; Init -1; Spd 20 ft. (15 ft. in armor); Defense 15, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (-1 Dex, +2 natural, +4 armor); BAB +0; Grap +2; Atk +2 melee (1d4+2, slam) or -1 ranged (3d8, laser rifle); Full atk +2 melee (1d4+2, slam) or -1 ranged (3d8, laser rifle); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ Acid vulnerability, low-light vision; AL Sontaran Battle Fleet; SV Fort +1, Ref -1, Will +2AP 0; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6.
Skills: Concentration +4, Knowledge (Earth and Life Science) +5, Knowledge (Tactics) +5, Read/Write Sontaran (or one local language), Sense Motive +3, Speak Sontaran (or one local language).
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Endurance, Planetary Adaptation (High-G World).
Advancement: By character class.
Possessions: Laser rifle, medium combat armor, unicom.
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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Sorry I haven't said much, I've been flopping between depression and working on three other d20 Modern projects I've had in my mind, but I swear I'm still working on stuff for this setting. Although perhaps some bestiary-type posts for now and a cohesive bestiary later once there's enough material would be better than waiting a long time for a bestiary. So....here we go. No stats yet, but I'll come back and add them as I get time.

A Who's Who(niverse) Bestiary, Entry 1-Gluttons, Conquerers, and Thugs of the Rim
The following species come from the universe of Doctor Who (or, as fans called it, the 'Whoniverse'), and have made their Coreline home on the outer arms of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Universe of Origin: Doctor Who
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial human-shaped lifeform
Threat Level: Deemed a High Hazard threat on planets with corporeal, carbon-based lifeforms

Resembling obese, warty humanoids with sickly yellow skin, three-clawed hands, and wattle-like ornamentation on their cheeks, the Clomians are some of the most reviled species from the Whoniverse. What little is known about this enigmatic species is that, when not keeping to themselves or stuffing their faces, individuals typically strive to gather information and secrets. Clomians that are particularly gluttonous (for both sustenance and information) may leave their safeworld of Clom (found in the outer reaches of the Milky Way in the Coreline-verse) to find human colonies to prey upon. At such colonies, a disguised Clomian can gain information and food by absorbing the bodies and minds of humans into their girth; a Clomian that doesn't overeat or attract too much attention from local law enforcement agencies can rise to become a threatening figure in the criminal underworld of the Milky Way's rim worlds.

Universe of Origin: Doctor Who
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial beast-like humanoid
Threat Level: Deemed a Low-Threat Category species due to their extreme adherence to the law

The large rhinoceros-like humanoids known as the Judoon are "police-for-hire" (or, in plainer terms, mercenaries with morals) that roam across the outer reaches of the Milky Way. While notoriously hard to kill as far as "beastmen" go due to their thick hides, thicker armor, and ability to survive in low-oxygen environments, they are generally perceived as non-threatening entities due to the fact that they are excrutiatingly adherent to local laws and customs. The primary contributions the species has made to Coreline as a whole are their powerful cylindrical rocket craft and mass teleportation technologies. Due to their general trustworthyness, Judoon are also hired by nearly any law enforcement agency in the rim of the Milky Way that doesn't have a "no disintegrations" policy.

Universe of Origin: Doctor Who
Creature Distinction: Extraterrestrial human-shaped lifeform
Threat Level: Deemed a Mid-Level Threat Category species due to their militaristic but ultimately self-defeating nature

The squat, rounded Sontarans hail from the high-gravity world of Sontar, located on the "western" (for what measure direction can be started in space) arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. The species engages in wide-scale cloning of armies to wage a seemingly endless war against several species in the same sector of the Milky Way, including two fellow Whoniverse species, the Ogrons and Rutans, and colonial Martians (of the War of the Worlds-verse variety). In spite of their mastery of creating "test tube armies" in a matter of minutes, the Sontarans' refusal of defeat and attempts to rule all of the western arm mean that the species, for all its mass cloning, seems to be fighting a losing battle with its own attitude.

All I can say so far, regarding the Sontarans at least......It wouldn't be too unreasonable to assume that there is cause for much amusement on Kamino, yes? I mean, obviously they'd find it funny....the antics of 'second-class idiots' at best.


First Post
Wow! I found out about CORELINE over on deviantart, I was looking for ideas for a jet i was desgining and found some of Gideion's work and got warped up in that and ive been trying to read Marco's work but its hard when work and life get crazy ya know? Any way Im working on a short one off (maybe well see where it goes for a contest Gidieon is having) although it will be my first fic so I have know idea how its gonna be, I just wanted to drop by and say this is one crazy universe that you created and I love it!

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