• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


First Post
I'm back, and I have edited the Infected on page 87. Some abilities have been clarified, and I have added the stats for the Charger and Hunter special infected.

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Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Good ideas.

As well... I didn't had much ideas concerning the WH40K verse.

What I was thinking so far was:

1) The Imperium of Man (those worlds that are out there that are fully Imperium-run) and the armies on them (as well as the Eldar and Tau and others), as well as the forces of Chaos, are in a war against the Neo-Imperium of Man (that would be from the series 'Shinji and Warhammer 40K'-or at least a possible future of it, with Shinji as the God-Emperor), and the Neo-Forces of Chaos (from the fanfics 'Thousand Shinji' and 'The Open Door' ) in a state of detente and even Enemy Mine (for the 'old' 40K-ers prefer the old Emperor and just would rather drop dead to have Shinji Ikari run their show).

2) The Black Library and Games Workshop's headquarters disappeared during the 23 Hours and was found later on-teleported far away from England, all of the designs for games and employees gone. Cue later on the United Nations being contacted by the Squats-who then sell them all of the tech designs at a pretty hefty cost and gleefully announce that the Adeptus Mechanicus factories located on Mars were taken over by THEM, and they would be glad to rent them to any governments that might be interested...

cue mass-produced and less Goth-looking WH40K tech by brands like General Motors, Cadillac Gage and others.

Much thought has been delegated in whatever off-moments some of me can snatch, and......given the universe that GW aggressively sells under that publisher, combined with the nature of Authored Rage per se, ......*Gulp*....as for the Eldar Craftworld of that name, its psionic collective seems to have been (rather appropriately) browbeaten, SOMEHOW, into simply granting passage to all who can pass its tests.....the design of which should be quite obvious anyway.

The Black Library.... there are rumors of the company having a way to contact the Craftworld. There are rumors of the authors that remain on the company having the protection of both the God-Emperor *and* the Chaos Gods. There are of course rumors of the Squats using their position of power on the Games Workshop company to screw over the galaxy on many alternate universes.

Rumors. Not exactly unfounded-and not exactly proven. Yet.

Lord Zack

I wonder exactly how much of a presence the Imperium of Man has on Earth. Presumably they'd control the Imperial Palace, which might not be quite as big as it originally was. Even the Imperium of Man might have trouble controlling a significant portion of Post-Vanishing Earth!

Lord Zack

New Mos Eisley: This medium-sized city in the Tunisian desert is, quite frankly, a wretched hive of scum and villainy. It is run by a loose alliance between Black Sun, the Hutts, and the Zann Consortium (all of who compete for influence and power, but do not directly confront each other) and is primarily a spaceport that deals in Black Market transactions, primarily imports of Star Wars tech and exports of other Fiction tech to the GFFA. It is, as the name suggests, very similar to Mos Eisley in architecture and general feel. It is one of the largest concentrations of Star Wars fictions on Earth and as such plays host to Imperial and Republic agents.

I'm thinking of starting a game of Coreline on roll20.net. I will most likely be using Mutants and Masterminds 3e.
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Lord Zack

Has anybody given any thought to the location of the Koprulu Sector, from Starcraft, in Coreline? I've got a few potential locations. It might near the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant, from Star Trek. This gives it relatively easy access to Earth, through the Bajoran wormhole. It might also mean a war between the Dominion... and the Terran Dominion. Another possibility is in the Delta Quadrant, again from Star Trek. Possibly not far from Borg Space, since Borg Space takes up a large portion of the Delta Quadrant. Zerg vs Borg, any one? Also not far from Ultramar from Warhammer 40K and the area of the galactic fringe which the Tyranids are coming from...

Lord Zack

African Liberation Front

Originally from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, the African Liberation Front has increased in size and scope since the 23 hours. They are now devoted to opposing the rule of Cortana over the Pan African Nation. They are covertly supported by the Principality of Zeon and Axis Zeon, who are providing them with equipment, supplies and even personnel. It is rumored that even Garma Zabi has been sighted in Africa, attempting to rally the populace to join the ALF and even sortieing in a OMS-09DRF RF Desert Dom to support them.

The African Liberation Front primarily uses One Year War Zeon mobile suits, the Human Reform League's MSER-04 Anf and the AEU-05 AEU Hellion as well as a variety of more primitive equipment. They also have a few TMF/A-802 BuCUE mobile suits provided by ZAFT at about the same time as the Battle of Gibraltar. Their mobile suits perform well against the Pan African Nation's conventional forces, but face difficulty against Cortana's more devastating weapons. The five MS-09B Dom units that were destroyed in the first confirmed appearance of the SX-1 Scarab Heavy Assault Mecha (way back in post #16), had just been landed by Zeon forces and handed over to the ALF.

Thus far Cortana has not made any moves against the Principality of Zeon, though she doubtless knows of their involvement. However the Pan African Forces are involved in a protracted campaign against the rebels and have destroyed several strongholds. However, the rebels remain a threat and continue to strike at the Pan African Forces. This conflict is sometimes considered a proxy war between the Earth Federation and Zeon, yet despite the Earth Federation having various diplomatic agreements with Cortana, they do not directly support her.

Now stats for a Zaku, for Mutants and Masterminds. I'm not 100% satisfied with them, though.

MS-06F Zaku II TL 4
Str: 38 (+14) Dex: 12 (+1), Toughness: +10
Size: Gargantuan Handling Modifier: -3 Speed: 45 ft.
Base Features: Armor 4, Environmental Seal 2, Jump Rockets 2
Complementary Features: Base Comms 10 (radio;Area; Selective, Subtle,; Alternate Power Base Comms ? [laser]), Base Sensors 5 (extended radar, radius [radar]], distance sense, radio, extended sight), Ejector Seat 2 (Environmental Seal 2), Zero-G Thrusters
Weapons Systems
ZMP-50D/120 mm machine gun: Blast 10 (handheld, ballistic; Autofire; Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Range [250 ft.])
H&L-SB25K/280mmA-P Zaku bazooka: Blast 13 (handheld, explosive; Improved Range 3)
Heat Hawk Type 5: Strike 12 (handheld, heat)
MIP-B Cracker Grenade: Blast 15 (handheld, explosive)

The MS-06J is the third mass production version of the Zaku II and the most popular overall. It is not currently used very much by the Principality of Zeon itself, generally only on the rear lines in the least important areas. The Zaku is still used by a variety of other factions, however, including the ALF, some having been given or sold by Zeon, others stolen, scavenged or obtained by other means. The Luziana Militia (from Turn A Gundam) have a number of "Bojarnons", which seem to be identical to Zaku IIs, or occasionally Zaku Is, including the unit used by Gavane Goonny. At least some have been looted by Orks, including a Boss who is a member of the Kult of Speed who has a red-colored MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type. It is still quite formidable to factions that don't have any mobile suits or the equivalent.

Newtype Template
Abilities: Dexterity +2, Wisdom +2
Feats: Dodge Focus, Uncanny Dodge (Mental)
Powers: Super Sense (danger sense)

These are the basic powers of a Newtype. Morre experienced Newtypes often have additional powers, including, but not limited to excellent defenses and telepathy.
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