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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).

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They worship the God-Emperor of Man as a... well, God, but the God-Emperor is deliberately atheistic and autocratic. One canon 40K short story (dunno where it's collected, sorry) is about the Emperor personally arriving to shut down the last Catholic church on Earth.


They worship the God-Emperor of Man as a... well, God, but the God-Emperor is deliberately atheistic and autocratic. One canon 40K short story (dunno where it's collected, sorry) is about the Emperor personally arriving to shut down the last Catholic church on Earth.
I think I might have read that one..
But a lot of the churches and religious icons in the Imperium do have a Catholic look to them.


The Disruptor is a GDI vehicle that mounts a powerful harmonic resonance cannon, sonic waves. While the use of the Disruptor was short and discontinued after the Firestorm Conflict, it is the basis for all future sonic based weapons developed by the GDI.
It uses a heavily armoured tracked base, which provides it good protection, but it is slow. The harmonic resonance canon is short ranged, but it is capable of damaging everything in its path, and sometimes causes targets struck to explode due to the weapon reaching the target's harmonic resonance frequency.

Disruptor (PL6)
Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo: 150 lbs
Init: -4
Maneuver: -4
Top Speed: 65 (6)
Defense: 6
Hardness: 20
Hit Points: 70
Size: Gargantuan
Purchase DC: 54
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Accessories: Search light, military radio, harmonic resonance cannon, darkvision 200 ft, thermo vision 200 ft, hazardous chemical and radiation sensors and GPS.

WeaponDamageCritDamage TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Harmonic Resonance Cannon9d6-sonic100 ft long, 15 ft wide lineSingle25 shot

Harmonic Resonance Cannon
This weapon is a powerful, but slow firing, sonic weapon. It damages everything within its 100 foot long, 15 foot wide field of fire, Reflex DC 19 for half damage, ignoring half the target's hardness/DR. Targets destroyed by this weapon have a 25% chance to explode, dealing half damage to a 20 ft radius in half slashing, half fire damage. Targets that survive the attack have a 25% chance of having their hardness/DR permanently lowered by 1 each time struck, until repaired. If attacking a large structure, larger than 30 ft in two directions, deals double damage.
If used within 50 ft of Vinifera Tiberium, or Blue Tiberium field, it causes the vein, or field to start to detonate, dealing 50% more damage than normal.

Disruptor A1D2
This upgrade to the Disruptor brings its other system up to date, such as communications and protection with an APS, ALA and TOS systems added. Two mini turrets are fitted to the front corners which contain machineguns to provide some additional protection and offensive capability, at least against lighter targets.
Make the following changes to make a Disruptor A1D2
Add 2 remote railgun turrets;
Add APS;
Add ALA;
Add 5 HP (total of 75);
Add 4 smoke grenade launchers (2 grenades each, 8 smoke grenades total)
PDC: +1

7.62mm Machinegun (2)2d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked (1000 rds)Gunner or Commander

The machineguns can be manned by the commander or gunner, or can be set to automated operations, with a +3 to attack rolls. Takes a move equivalent action to switch between automated and manned which can only be done once per round.

APS (Active Protection System) - Against missile weapons that use wired and IR targeting systems, as well as laser guidance, this system imposes a -2 to attack rolls to such weapons when targeting the tank.

TOS - Tactical Ops System combines GPS, military radio, the targeting system and computer systems to aid in co-ordinating combat with allied units. The Commander can designate up to 5 allies (or allied vehicles), granting them +1 to attacks and a +1 circumstance bonus to Defense against the target the tank is attacking. This bonus stacks with if any of the designated allies (or allied vehicles) also have a TOS system, or any other bonus from abilities or the Aid Other action that increases bonuses to attack while all allies are attacking the same target.

ALA - Anti-Laser Aerosol launchers release a cloud covering a 30 foot radius around the vehicle, reducing damage from laser based attacks by 50%. This cloud also grants some concealment of 10% miss chance. The cloud persists for 2d4 rounds, however strong winds of over 30 mph will dissipate the cloud in 2 rounds.

Disruptor mk2
This upgraded version of the Disruptor is an upgraded version of the A1D2 upgrade, has more armour around the sonic emitter, protecting it from damage, the two machineguns are replaced with raliguns, with upgraded automated targeting system. The Harmonic Resonance Cannon emitter is redesigned so that the shape of the beam can be changed from the standard beam to a focused beam that has higher penetration and damage, or a wider area for controlling the battlefield.
Make the following changes to a A1D2:
Increase Hardness to 22;
Replace Harmonic Resonance Cannon with Harmonic Resonance Cannon Mk2;
Replace 2 machineguns with railguns;
PDC: +1

WeaponDamageCritDamage TypeRange IncrRate of FireMagazine
Harmonic Resonance Cannon Mk29d6*-sonic100 ft long, 15 ft wide line*Single30 shot
Rapid-Fire Railgun3d1020Ball100 ftS, ALinked (200

The railguns can be manned by the commander or gunner, or can be set to automated operations, with a +5 to attack rolls. Takes a move equivalent action to switch between automated and manned which can only be done once per round.

Harmonic Resonance Cannon Mk2
This upgraded version has upgrades mostly in capacitor storage and the emitter modified for variable shapes of the beam. In normal mode, it damages everything within its 100 foot long, 15 foot wide field of fire, Reflex DC 19 for half damage, ignoring half the target's hardness/DR. Wide Beam affects a 50 foot wide, 25 foot long cone, ignoring half target's hardness/DR, Reflex save DC 17 for half damage. Focused Beam requires an attack roll, dealing 12d6, ignoring 75% target's hardness/DR (round down), critical 20x3, range of 120 ft out to 5 increments. Targets destroyed by this weapon have a 25% chance to explode, dealing half damage to a 20 ft radius in half slashing, half fire damage. Targets that survive the attack have a 25% chance of having their hardness/DR permanently lowered by 1 each time struck, until repaired. If attacking a large structure, larger than 30 ft in two directions, deals double damage.
If used within 50 ft of Vinifera Tiberium, or Blue Tiberium field, it causes the vein, or field to start to detonate, dealing 50% more damage than normal.

Lord Zack

Funnily enough the Lectatio Divinatus, the holy book of the Imperial Cult, was written by the Traitor Primarch Lorgar, who would end of rebelling due to his Father's stance on religion.

I find it weird that the Divine Protection and Right Hand of God work only for Catholics and not for say, Orthodox or Protestants.


Funnily enough the Lectatio Divinatus, the holy book of the Imperial Cult, was written by the Traitor Primarch Lorgar, who would end of rebelling due to his Father's stance on religion.

I find it weird that the Divine Protection and Right Hand of God work only for Catholics and not for say, Orthodox or Protestants.
I used catholic as a stand in.. plus they have the money to throw into such items.
I might make a note/edit to make it a stand and you can swap whatever religion you want it to work.
I could just say Christian in general, as most Christian groups are derived from the Roman catholic system in some form or another


Pumpkin King
The Pumpkin King is a large plant creature, with a central body made of a pumpkin with a malevolent face carved into it. Sometimes the body will be made up of several pumpkins, all with various evil looking faces carved into them. It only comes out around Halloween, seeking evil doers and those that aren't in the Halloween Spirit. It disappears at sunlight on Nov 1.

Pumpkin King
Type: Plant
Size: Huge (-4)
CR: 13
Hit Points: 225 (18d12+108)
Mas: 22
Init: +0
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, touch 12, flat footed 17
Grapple +19
FS/Reach: 10 ft
Attacks: 2 slams +11 melee (2d10+6, 10 ft reach each), or squash +11 melee (2d8+6, 10 ft reach), or gourd +11 ranged (4d10+6 bludgeoning, 60 ft)
Special Attacks: Seed Spit, Vine Lash, Trick or Treat
Special Qualities: resistances, slashing vulnerability, darkvision 120 ft
Saves: Fort +9, Reflex +5, Will +7
Reputation: +5
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 10, Con 22, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Balance +6, Climb +10, Hide +7*, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Search +8, Spot +9

When in areas with lots of vegetation or at night, gains +5 to Hide checks

Seed Spit (once every 1d6+2 rounds)
The Pumpkin King spits pumpkin seeds in a 60 ft cone. Each creature in that area takes 10d8 piercing damage, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage.

The Pumpkin King stomps it foot, target struck much succeed a Reflex save DC 19 or be knocked prone.

Vine Lash
As a full round action, the Pumpkin King lashes out with entangling vines. Each enemy creature within 20 feet must make a Reflex save DC 19 or become restrained. A creature restrained by the vines can use its action to make a Strength check DC 19, freeing itself on a success. The vines can be attacked and destroyed (Def 12, HP 20), vulnerability to slashing damage.

Trick or Treat
As a full round action, the Pumpkin King scatters up to three pumpkins, which fall in unoccupied spaces within 20 feet of it. Each pumpkin then polymorphs into any kind of creature whose challenge rating is 4 or less, and acts as an ally of the Pumpkin King. The creatures revert to ordinary pumpkins when destroyed. The Pumpkin King can't control more than 3 polymorphed pumpkins at a time.

The Pumpkin King has Cold, Fire and Electricity resistance 10.

Slashing Vulnerability
The Pumpkin King takes 50% more damage from slashing damage.


Evolved Pumpkin King
The Evolved Pumpkin King takes on a more humanoid form, with a pumpkin for a head, body, legs and arms made of thick branches and vines. While physically weaker than its original version, it has several more abilities. This version can be found during other times of the year, but mostly during the fall months, tending pumpkin patches that might be the prime locations where Pumpkin Kings would appear.
Evolved Pumpkin Kings are created by several different means, but typically magical energies or high energy bleed offs from sources that release gamma rays, x-rays, other radiation, near pumpkin patches. Some believe they may even be created by genetic modifications to pumpkins.

Evolved Pumpkin King
Type: Plant
Size: Large (-1)
CR: 14
Hit Points: 188 (15d12+90)
Mas: 22
Init: +0
Speed: 30 ft
Defense: 17, touch 12, flat footed 17
Grapple +18
FS/Reach: 10 ft
Attacks: 2 slams +10 melee (2d8+5, 5 ft reach each), or vine whip +10 melee (2d6+5, 20 ft reach), or gourd +10 ranged (2d10+5 bludgeoning, 60 ft)
Special Attacks: Seed Spit, Siphon, Explosive Gourds
Special Qualities: resistances, slashing vulnerability, darkvision 120 ft
Saves: Fort +9, Reflex +5, Will +7
Reputation: +5
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +10, Hide +7*, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Search +8, Spot +9

When in areas with lots of vegetation or at night, gains +5 to Hide checks

Seed Spit (once every 1d6+2 rounds)
The Pumpkin King spits pumpkin seeds in a 60 ft cone. Each creature in that area takes 10d8 piercing damage, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage.

Vine Whip
The Evolved Pumpkin King can extend vines to strike at targets. On a successful strike, the Evolved Pumpkin King can initiate a grapple without provoking an attack of opportunity.

If the Evolved Pumpkin King successfully grapples a target with its vine whip attack, as a full round action, deals damage from a vine whip hit as the vines squeeze and small thorns dig into the victim, and the Evolved Pumpkin King heals the same amount of hit points that the attack deals.

Explosive Gourds
The Evolved Pumpkin King can sacrifice 5 hit points to create 2 explosive gourds that look like small jack o'lanterns with flames coming out of the mouth. These replace the normal gourds for the next two gourd attacks the Evolved Pumpkin King would make, dealing 6d6+6 fire damage to the target and in a 15 foot radius, Reflex DC 18 for half damage, target struck can't make a save.

The Pumpkin King has Cold, Fire and Electricity resistance 10.

Slashing Vulnerability
The Evolved Pumpkin King takes 25% more damage from slashing damage as it's slightly more resilient, but still vulnerable to slashing weapons.

Radioactive Evolved Pumpkin King
This variant of the Evolved Pumpkin King is created by a pumpkin patch that the Pumpkin King would appear in is bathed in massive amounts of radiation, typically gamma, x-ray and others. It has a sickly green colour and in absolute darkness has a faint green glow.
Make the following changes to make a Radioactive Evolved Pumpkin King:
All attacks the character suffers exposure from moderately radioactive material for 1 round (single hit), see d20 Future page 81;
Any creature within 10 feet are exposed to highly radioactive materials per round they are within 10 feet, moderately within 15 feet;
Replace Seed Spit with Radiation Blast;
Absorb Radiation special ability;
Suffers -8 to Hide checks;
CR increase to 15.

Radiation Blast (once every 1d6+3 rounds)
The Radioactive Evolved Pumpkin King can expel a blast of energy that is highly radioactive from its mouth, once every 1d6+3 rounds. All targets within a 10 foot wide, 75 foot long line take 8d12 points of non-specific energy damage, Reflex save DC 19 for half damage. Targets struck, even if they make a save for no damage due to abilities such as evasion, suffer exposure from severely radioactive materials of 1 round of exposure.

Absorb Radiation
If the Radioactive Evolved Pumpkin King is exposed to moderately or higher radioactive sources it can heal itself. 1 round of exposure from moderately radioactive heals 1d4+1 hit points, highly heals 1d6+2 and severely radioactive heals 1d8+3 per round of exposure. Weapons that deal radioactive exposure/damage in addition to damage, especially via gamma rays, or similarly highly radioactive energy instead heal the Radioactive Evolved Pumpkin King the amount of damage it would have done. Can not go over its normal max hit points.

Voidrunner's Codex

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