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CORELINE (D20 Modern/D20 BESM Setting).


Astral Gate
The Astral Gate is a series of gates that are linked together that allow ships that pass through to enter a form of hyperspace to allow quick transportation. Originally built by the Gate Corporation that links Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter. After the chaos of the 23 Hours settled and the governments within the Sol system stabilized, they and any major corporations and settlements, worked with the Gate Corporation to expand the Gate system and upgrade its security.
These members signed the Astral Charter, where they provide funds to help maintain and protect the Gate system, Gate Corporation runs and does the actual repairs, and the tolls collected are split between the Gate Corporation and the members of the Astral Charter. The expanded gate system reaches from Mercury to the outer edge of the Sol system, past the Oort Cloud, with gates at each planet, major moon and colony that are members of the Charter. Each gate has a station that functions as a customs port that scans ships and charges the ship its fee for using the system to its end destination. These stations also house trading ports and exchange banks to allow travelers to exchange one type of currency for another, fueling and minor repairs, and house defense units to protect ships entering or exiting and the gates themselves, catch any criminals smuggling contraband.
The Federation of United Planets has some of the largest stations associated with the Gates, to promote commerce within the system and increase protection and ease of traffic, with their largest and heaviest armed station at the outer system gate acting as the entrance to the Sol system.

Members of the Charter promote the use of the Gate system as it's a safer and faster means of travel within the solar system, where ships only need to link their navigation system, activate their autopilots and sit back and enjoy the ride to their destination, without the need to follow specific flight paths and navigate through the dangers of the system from asteroids, spatial anomalies, and pirates. Yearly subscriptions are available which provide a discount per use, as well as corporation discounts.
Travel time equivalent to PL 8 engine (d20 Future page 100), however ships use only one-half the fuel to travel this distance as the gate system helps propel the ship through the hyperspace tunnel between gates. Ships with PL9 engines using the system use one-quarter the fuel.
PDC 20 to the next closest gate +1 per each additional gate. Example traveling from Earth to Mars is PDC 20, while Earth to Jupiter is PDC 22 as there is a major gate at the asteroid field between Mars and Jupiter.
Yearly Subscription PDC 30, first 5 trips are free, while all following trips have the base PDC reduced to 15.
Requires only a Pilot check DC 8 to set autopilot and enter the gate.

Each gate has an opening diameter of 5.5 miles, has 10,000 hit points and 5,000 hit points in shields. The protecting station varies by which government/corporation has the largest shares or profits the most from that particular gate.

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venomized t-rex.jpg

Venomized T-Rex

This black t-rex with white streaks along its back, and several tendrils sprouting from its head and back, wriggle about trying to grasp anything it can eat. It's mouth is larger than normal with more and larger fangs, with a long prehensile tongue. It's leathery skin seems to virtually crawl and will sprout extra tendrils around the mouth to help drag prey in faster to feed its insatiable hunger.
The Venomized T-rex is a lone hunter and establishes a large hunting ground, typically 100 square miles.

Venomized Tyrannosaur Rex
CR 15
Huge Size (-2)
HD 20d8+80+20+60, HP 250
Mas 42;
Init +2
Spd 45 ft
Defense 20, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +10 natural)
BAB +15
Grap +38
Attack +24 melee bite (5d8+30), or +16 ranged pseudopod 6d6+30 200 ft reach,
Full Attack +24 melee bite (5d8+30) and +11 ranged pseudopod 6d6+30, or +16 ranged pseudopod 6d6+30 200 ft reach and +11 ranged pseudopod 6d6+30 200 ft reach,
SQ Improved grap, scent, swallow whole, pseudopods, Extraordinary Strength, Enhanced Durability, Damage Reduction 10, Natural Defense, Fast Heal 3, symbiote traits
SV Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +8;
Rep +3
Str 32, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +11

Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, the venomized t-rex must hit an opponent one or more size categories smaller than itself with its bite attack. If it gets a hole, it shakes the grabbed opponent back and forth, automatically dealing bite damage each round. Once opponent stops resisting, the creature attempts to swallow on its next turn.

Scent (Ex)
This ability allows the creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
If the venomized t-rex begins its turn with an opponent one or more size categories smaller than itself held in its mouth, it can attempt a new grapple check as though trying to pin the opponent. If it succeeds, it swallows its opponent, automatically dealing bite damage. Once inside its stomach, the opponent takes bludgeoning damage equal to the venomized t-rex's bite plus 1d6 acid damage per round. A successful grapple check allows a swallowed creature to climb out of the gizzard and return to the t-rex's maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free.
Alternatively, the swallowed creature can attack from the inside with claws or small or tiny slashing weapon. Dealing at least 25 points of damage (Defense 20) in this way creates an opening large enough to permit escape. The Venomized t-rex can hold 1 large, 2 medium, 8 small, 32 tiny, or 128 diminutive or smaller opponents.

Damage Reduction (Ex)
The dense material that makes up the symbiote grants the host Damage Reduction 5 +1 per 5 HD of the host.

Natural Defense (Ex)
The matter of the symbiote is able to absorb or deflect attacks, helping protect the host, granting a Natural Defense +1 +1 per 5 HD of the host.

Extraordinary Strength (Ex) +4 Str
The recipient has enhanced strength, as reflected in ability bonuses, plus the recipient's carrying capacity is calculated as if the recipient had Strength +10 higher, not encumbered until reaches heavy load, unarmed strikes deal lethal damage without penalty. The recipient's unarmed strikes are 1d4+Str lethal damage instead of the normal 1d3 for medium sized creatures. (If larger, increase to next size die). All of the recipient's melee attacks will deal + Strength Modifier x2, and when using the Power Attack feat, the bonus damage is doubled.

Enhanced Durability (Ex)
The recipient is tougher than normal, able to shrug off light wounds, gaining a weak form of damage reduction. Damage from unarmed strikes, even if they would deal lethal damage, falling and bludgeoning attacks are converted to nonlethal damage (see d20 Modern pg 141). The recipient's massive damage threshold is considered to be double normal (normally equal to Con score plus any bonuses from feats). GM Note: Against foes with super strength (other super strong or powered opponents) don't have their damage converted to nonlethal damage, but unarmed strikes will have their damage reduced by half. The recipient isn't killed until reaching -20 hit points instead of -10.

Pseudopods (Ex)
The Symbiote can extend parts of its matter to create tendril-like pseudopods to strike targets at a distance, or use them to grapple or help them climb. With a distance of 10 ft per HD of host, dealing 1d6 per 5 HD of host plus Strength bonus as a ranged touch attack. Grants +4 to grapple checks, +4 to Climb checks.

Fast Heal (Ex)
The symbiote grants the host Fast Heal 3, healing 3 hit points every round.

Species Traits
Klyntar/Symbiotes are vulnerable to fire and sonic damage, suffering double damage from these sources, and damage from these sources take twice as long to heal.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Due to the amorphous nature of symbiotes, they are resistant to damage, with DR 5.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the symbiote must hit a single target with its tentacle. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals damage, with the option at no penalty of doing subdual damage each round the hold is maintained. It can also attempt to Bond with the target.
Genetic Memory: The symbiotes pass on knowledge from parent to offspring. This even applies to abilities of hosts. If the host had super powers, the symbiote will mimic those powers to the best of its abilities, and will pass those on to its offspring. These can include super strength, speed, abilities like web shooting, etc.
Spawn Offspring (Ex): After reaching 4 hit dice, or being bonded to a host for more than 2 years, the symbiote will break off a piece of itself to create an offspring, which will immediately seek a host of its own.
Bond (Ex): Symbiotes bond with hosts as a source of food and protection, greatly enhancing the host. The symbiote must be in contact with a creature in order to bond, successfully grapple an unwilling target, or simple physical contact for willing hosts. An unwilling host must make a Fort save DC 20 each round of physical contact the symbiote makes to resist it trying to bond with them. On a failed save, the symbiote bonds and the host must make a Will save DC 15 + Symbiote's Con modifier +1 per failed Will save, every 12 hours or the symbiote takes control. A successful save means the host is in control, but prone to bouts of anger, and can attempt another Fort save to remove the symbiote, but at -4 penalty. When the symbiote is in charge, it will seek out food and hunt living creatures, with some symbiotes preferring the flesh of intelligent beings.
When bonded, the host, referred to as the base creature, gains the Symbiote template.
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It seems like the Gate Corporation would want to expand to other star systems, focusing on ones with a lot of inhabited planets.
Oh they most likely want to, or have. I just did the one one in the Sol System, but other highly populated systems can have a similar set up, and depending on how many gates need to be built, can probably charge more, or less.


Skylark Class Transport
E.E.D.S starship corp's Skylark class commercial transport is a popular civilian starship seen within Earth Alliance territories, known for its olive drab plasteel hull, resilient construction making it very low maintenance, able to tough out attacks from raiders. The 197 foot long hull is tubular in design, with short wings at the rear third which mount two of the three engines at their ends. The ship is capable of landing on planets, but lacks artificial gravity and can not open jump points into hyperspace, requiring a jump gate. Requiring a crew of 3, but could run with as few as 2, with room for 5 passengers in standard configurations. It also comes with two grappling claws and 2 cutting lasers. The ships are typically unarmed, but is designed to mount pulse cannons for a point defense system. The ship is designed to carry 60 days of food, water and fuel, allowing the ship to move between multiple system before requiring restocking, and models modified for other duties such as planetary surveys or stellar phenomena can remain on duty for extended periods without having to be modified for extended operations.

Skylark Class Transport (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: transport
Size: colossal (-8)
Tactical Speed: 3000 ft space, 600 (60) squares atmosphere, can reach orbit without assistance.
Defense: 5 (-8 size +3 class)
Flat-Footed Defense: 5 (-8 size +3 class)
Autopilot Defense: 6 (-8 size, +2 autopilot)
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 17d20 340 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus:
Length: 197 ft
Weight: 1,152 tons
Targeting System Bonus:
Crew: 2-3 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 5
Cargo Capacity: 320 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base PDC: 50
Restriction: Licenced (+1)


Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: No gravity, long range autopilot, cutting lasers
Engines: thrusters, fusion torch
Armour: alloy plating
Defense Systems: autopilot, damage control system (1d10)
Sensors: Class II sensors
Communications: radio transceiver
Weapons: none
Grappling Systems: 2 grappling claws

No Gravity
The ship lacks gravity generators, requiring the crew to be strapped into their seats or float away. The crew can get around the ship by wearing magnetic boots, and hand rails are mounted throughout the ship.

Long Range Autopilot
This system is a modified autopilot, allowing the pilot to turn it on and the ship will fly along a flight path, but will avoid danger, like a normal autopilot, but will also avoid detected spatial dangers, such as asteroid fields, dangerous nebulas, etc, and notify the pilot of course corrections. Has Pilot and Navigate skills at +4, and internal alarm and voice warning of course changes or detect dangers it can not avoid, to notify the pilot.

Cutting Lasers
These lasers are designed to cut through almost anything, given time, used for collecting samples from debris, rocks and even cutting through hulls. The lasers have a range of only 50 feet, but deal 4d6 points of fire damage, ignoring 10 points of hardness. Given enough time, can cut through denser materials. Requires a ranged touch attack to use, and should be grappled with target to make accurate cuts.

Tail Roll Bar

This is more of an airfoil wing mounted at the rear of the craft on top to improved atmospheric flight. Provides a +2 equipment bonus to Pilot checks while in an atmosphere.
PDC: 21

Passenger Transport Modification
This modifies the cargo area to carry people safely. Reduces cargo capacity to only 100 tons, and adds 100 passengers. This includes enough air, storage for food and water for these extra passengers for 20 days. Increased duration requires taking up more cargo space with air, food and water.
PDC: 28


Babylon 5 raider fighter.

Delta-V Light Fighter
This triangular shaped fighter, also known as the Zephyr, is a light aerospace fighter, capable of both atmospheric and space flight, short ranged and armed with twin pulse cannons and can carry missiles, but are lightly armoured.
These ships are fairly cheap, easy to maintain, which makes them a favoured ship amongst mercenaries, pirates and raiders, although many can be found as defense fighters amongst smaller, but wealthy transportation companies.

Delta-V Light Fighter (PL6)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: fighter
Size: gargantuan (-4)
Tactical Speed: 3500 ft space, 750 (75) squares atmosphere, can reach orbit without assistance.
Defense: 5 (-8 size +3 class)
Flat-Footed Defense: 9 (-4 size +3 class)
Autopilot Defense: 6 (-4 size)
Hardness: 18
Hit Dice: 7d20 140 hp
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 52 ft (width)
Weight: 123.5 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +2
Crew: 1 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 10 lbs
Grapple Modifier: +8
Base PDC: 48
Restriction: Licenced (+1)

Attack: 2 fire linked light pulse cannons +0 (10d8);
Or Missile +0 (4d12)

Attack of Opportunity:

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: No gravity, afterburners, long range autopilot, cutting lasers
Engines: thrusters, fusion torch, afterburners
Armour: alloy plating
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II sensors, targeting system
Communications: radio transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked pulse cannons, 4 missiles
Grappling Systems: 2 grappling claws

No Gravity
The ship lacks gravity generators, requiring the crew to be strapped into their seats or float away. The crew can get around the ship by wearing magnetic boots, and hand rails are mounted throughout the ship.

This system is similar to the disposable boasters, only they are not disposable, allowing the pilot to use the afterburn action, granting +500 ft to speed, usable 5 times.

Pulse Cannon, Very Light (PL 6-7)
Pulse cannons are a form of plasma weapon, slightly weaker generally, but can deal devastating critical damage. They also had slightly shorter range than standard plasma weapons. The Very light pulse cannon is found on light fighters or make up the point defense systems on commercial craft.
Damage: 7d8
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 1,000 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single, S, or A
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 31
Restriction: Restricted (+2)

Light Missile (PL 5)
A light missile similar to sidewinders and ARAAMs produced in late PL5 to early PL6, can be used in space.
Weapon Damage: 4d12 (26)
Critical: 19-20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 21
Restriction: Mil (+3)

Delta V2
This version of the Delta V is heavier armoured and armed with light pulse cannons instead, and can carry a few more missiles.
Make modifications to Delta-V:
Increase HD to 9d20 (180 hit points);
Increase hardness to 20;
Replace twin very light pulse cannons with light pulse cannons;
Increase number of missiles to 6;
Increase afterburner speed bonus to +1000 ft;
PDC +2

Pulse Cannon, Light (PL 6-7)
Pulse cannons are a form of plasma weapon, slightly weaker generally, but can deal devastating critical damage. They also had slightly shorter range than standard plasma weapons.
Damage: 9d8
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: Fire
Range Increment: 1,500 ft.
Rate of Fire: Single, S, or A
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 33
Restriction: Military (+3)


Vulture Droid Starfighter

The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid mk1, also known as Vulture droids, are a droid starfighter, capable of going from starfighter flight configuration to a walking configuration. Originally used by the Trade Federation and later by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It had a slight insectoid appearance, thanks to Xi Charrian design aesthetics, with a compact body, highly maneuverable and fast as it didn't have to worry about a living pilot passing out. Armed with several blasters and energy torpedoes. Early models had four blasters, with two on each wing, which would be concealed in normal flight, but revealed with the wings split for combat mode. However when in walker mode, the blasters would be unavailable. Later models were modified with an additional two blasters on the body so the droid could still use blasters while in walker configuration, and the energy torpedoes are changed for other missile types, but with limited ammunition.
When not in flight, the ship could transform into a walking weapons platform, with the wings splitting and rotating to form four legs, which can also latch onto surfaces in zero gravity, allowing them to cling to outer hulls of ships to deploy even faster. Vulture droids, while programmed with a multitude of combat maneuvers, they had average intelligence for droids. Vulture droids used solid fuel which only allowed for 35 minutes of operation

In Coreline the Vulture droid starfighter is used mainly by anyone with the credits, but mainly sold to the Imperial groups, remenents of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or others that prefer droid soldiers over the living.

Vulture Droid Starfighter Mk1 (PL6-7)
Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Fighter
Size: Huge (-2)
Tactical Speed: 5000 ft space, 1300 atmostphere (130), 75 ft walking
Defense: 13 (10 base -2 size +3 class +2 dodge) +4 vs missiles
Flat-Footed Defense: 11 (10 base - 2 size +3 class)
Autopilot Defense:
Hardness: 15
Hit Dice: 5d20 (100 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot's Class Bonus: +3
Pilot's Dex Modifier:
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Length: 22.8 ft flight mode, 11.8 ft (22.5 ft tall) walker mode
Weight: 4,700 lbs
Targeting System Bonus: +1
Crew: 1 droid brain (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 0 lbs
Grapple Modifier:
Base PDC: 34
Restriction: Mil (+3)

4 select fire-linked blasters +1 ranged 8d8 (2 blasters, or 10d8 for 4 blasters), 20, fire, 3000 ft, s/a; or
Energy torpedo +1 ranged 5d10,

Attack of Opportunity:

Due to the small size and design, the vulture droid starfighter enjoys a +2 bonus to Pilot checks for stunt maneuvers.

Standard PL(6) Design Spec: Twin Engine, Improved Thrust, Agile, droid pilot, transform
Engines: Ion engine
Armour: Polymeric
Defense Systems:
Sensors: Class II, Targeting System, Missile Lock Alert
Communications: Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 4 fire select-linked blaster cannons, 2 energy torpedoes
Grappling Systems:

As long as the starfighter is moving (not stationary, so had moved the turn before and the current turn), the starfighter gains a +2 Dodge bonus to defense, which stacks with any other Dodge bonuses the pilot has. This bonus applies to anyone targeting the starfighter, and not just one specific target the pilot designates.

Droid Pilot
The droid starfighter is controlled by a droid brain, allowing it to perform multiple actions at once. The droid brain can make full round moves, and attack and perform stunts all in the same round.

The vulture droid can switch from flight mode to walking mode, allowing it to walk in areas where it can not fly, and back again. This transformation can be done as part of its move action once per round, allowing it to take off from walker mode and move about quickly. The mark 1 vulture droids can't use its blaster cannons while in walker mode, while later versions with additional blasters on the body can fire the body mounted weapons while in walker mode.

Blaster Cannons (PL6)
Lighter energy weapons to the common laser cannons, making them legal for use as defensive weapons on civilian ships.

Weapon Damage: 4d8
Critical: 20
Damage Type: fire
Range Increment: 3000 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Minimum Ship Size: Large
Purchase DC: 20
Restriction: Lic (+1)

Energy Torpedo
These torpedoes are a plasma-based weapon and upon impact released a burst of radiation that was designed to interfere with shields, but not very effective against armour or other forms of protection. These weapons are damaging to all types of energy shields, including particle, ray, deflector and others. However plasma based shields reduce their damage by half. Unlike other torpedoes, energy torpedoes draw power from the ship's power planet, giving it an unlimited ammunition supply, but they require a recharge between shots and have no guidance system.

Energy Torpedo (PL6-7)
Damage: 5d20
Critical: 20x4
Damage Type: Energy
Range Increment: 5000 ft
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Large
Purchase DC: 24
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: On a critical hit, deals 4 times damage to the shields instead of dealing damage to a target's hull hit points. The ship must also make a Fort save DC 15 or the shields shut down until repaired. If the plasma torpedo strikes a target's hull, deals only 3d20 x2 damage. Unlimited ammunition as long as ship has power. -2 to attack rolls against ships moving at 4000 ft or faster.


Vulture Droid Starfighter mk2

This is an upgrade made to the Vulture droids during the Clone Wars. Two additional blasters were added to the body to allow it to use them while in walker mode.
Make the following changes:
Add 2 fire-linked Blaster (can fire independent of the other 4, or add +1 to attack rolls when linked to the other four while in flight mode);
Replace Energy Torpedoes with Concussion missiles (6 missiles) or other missiles of similar size;
Increase hit dice to 6d20 (120 hp);
PDC: +1

EWACs Vulture Droid starfighter
This version of the Vulture has a large flat dome mounted on top which is filled with jamming and communication systems. These ships are used to disrupt enemy targeting and communications systems, but are lightly armed, with only two blaster cannons and an ion torpedo launcher.
Make following changes to Vulture mk1:
Remove 2 blaster cannons;
Switch energy torpedoes with single ion torpedo launcher (3 torpedoes);
Add advanced sensor jammer (10 mile range);
Add Communication Jammer;
PDC: +2 (Mil +3)

This upgraded sensor jammer is identical to the Information Age sensor jammer (see the future SRD) except that it works against Class I through Class IV sensor systems. Sensor checks made against a ship equipped with an advanced sensor jammer by Class I or Class II systems suffer a –8 penalty while checks made by Class III or Class IV
systems suffer a –5 penalty.
Purchase DC: 6 + one-half the base purchase DC of the starship.
Restriction: Military (+3).

Communication Jammer
This device jams communications except for specific frequencies programmed for allied units, within a 50 mile radius. Computer Use check DC 30 requires to make communications possible for enemies but has static. If the enemy has their own EWACs systems, reduce DC by 5.

Ion Torpedo
Ion Torpedoes are similar to ion cannons in that they are used to disable targets. The weapon doesn't deal normal damage, but instead deals ion damage, which is not subtracted from the targets hit points, but instead added to any previous ion damage. When the ion damage equals or exceeds the target's normal hit points, that target completely shuts down, cannot move or act until the ion damage fully dissipates. Ion damage ignores hardness and causes no physical damage; it dissipates at a rate of 5 points per round. Deals no damage to organic creatures. An engineer can help speed up ion dissipation with a Repair check DC 15, removing 1d10+5 per round of work. Counts as electricity for terms of Electricity Resistance.

Ion Torpedo (PL6)
Damage: 12d6
Critical: 20x3
Damage Type: Energy (Electricity)
Range Increment: -
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Huge
Purchase DC: 35
Restriction: Military (+3)

M-4000 Tick
The M-4000 Tick is a Stargate built versions of the Vulture Droid starfighters. They are slightly heavier armoured than standard vultures, with the energy torpedo launchers removed, replaced with AIM-120 missiles internal and mountings for additional missiles on the wing struts, and mounts two railguns on the body, with slight bulges on the body around the railguns. Stargate Command uses these as force multipliers when they can't spare the manpower, especially against opponents that have numerical superiority. They also have several safety protocols hardwired in the droid brains and remote shutdown systems to prevent them from being turned against them or going rogue.
Make the following changes to vulture droid starfighter mk2:
Increase hit dice to 7d20 (140 hp);
Reduce speed to 4000 ft space, 1000 (100) atmosphere;
Increase hardness to 20;
Remove energy torpedo launchers;
Add 2 fire-linked railguns to body;
Add AIM-120 internal missile launcher (4 missiles) and mountings for an additional 4 missiles externally;
Add Kill Switch;
PDC: +2 (Mil +3)

Kill Switch
The Tick is equipped with a device that activates when an attempt to hack its droid brain is detected. If someone is trying to access the droid's programming without the proper equipment and systems, the droid can make a Computer Use check DC vs the hacker's DC at +10 to roll, and if it succeeds, the droid shuts down completely and is not able to be activated until proper equipment from Stargate Command to reactivate it. If the droid fails by 5 or less, it can attempt the save again the next round with an additional +2. Another failed check the droid can't attempt again.
Alternatively, any Stargate Command personnel of rank Lieutenant or above, or is assigned to coordinate the droids, can issue a command as long as they have communications with the droid to immediately deactivate, which could cause the droid to crash if in an atmosphere flying.

AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile
These air to air missiles are an alternate to missiles like the Sidewinder with longer range, where instead of using laser designators or heat seeking systems, the missile uses its own targeting system after receiving information from the launching ship. After the missile is fired, it uses its own targeting system to help track the target, making this one of the first fire-and-forget missiles. These missiles also have a passive guidance system that when a target is using a jamming system, the passive system takes over and homes in on the jamming system.
The Stargate Program uses these missiles, and slightly modified versions that allow them to be used in space with little lose in effectiveness.
The missile's guidance system provides a +2 to attack when the pilot makes the initial attack roll, and if the attack misses, the missile can attack again for 5 more rounds at +3 attack roll before it runs out of fuel and self detonates. If the target is using a jamming system, the jamming system is considered ineffective and the missile gains an additional +1 to attack roll as it homes in on the jamming system. Missile will not arm within less than 500 feet, and will only deal 3d6 ballistic damage to targets struck. When the missile hits a target, deals 19d6 points of damage to everything within 15 foot radius, Reflex DC 20 for half except target struck.

AIM-120 AMRAAM Missile (PL5)
Damage: 19d6
Critical: 20x2
Damage Type: Fire/Ballistic
Range Increment: 5 miles (atmosphere)/ 15,000 ft space
Rate of Fire: Single
Minimum Ship Size: Large
Purchase DC: 22
Restriction: Mil (+3)
Notes: +1 to target ships of Corvette types or larger.


Some more Mega Man enemy robots, great cheap NPCs to throw at players, or can function as 'hired' minions.

Crazy Razy
Crazy Razy is a security guard robot that is equipped with a simple blaster mounted in the torso, a dome head that barely raises above the shoulders, barrel body and large sensor eyes. After suffering heavy damage, the upper part of the robot, the head, arms and a small portion of the upper body, detach and fly about and can only engage in melee combat. Unfortunately they do have a weakness to high electricity based weapons.

Crazy Razy (PL 6)
CR: 2
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 25 hp (2d10+10)
Init: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: +14 (+3 armour +1 Dex)
BAB/Grp: 0/+1
Attack: +1 melee (fist 1d4+1) or +1 ranged (arm blaster 2d6)
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: none
Special Qualities: drone, electricity vulnerability
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Listen +2, Search +3, Spot +3
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair)
Manipulators: Hand (2 hands)
Armour: Duraplastic
Sensors: Class II
Skill Software: chip Listen +2, Search +2, Spot +2
Feat Software: progit (Personal Firearms Proficiency), progit (Shield Proficiency)
Accessories: Feat Progit, weapon mount, skill chip x3, AV transmitter, av recorder
PDC: 27

When the Crazy Razy is reduced to 0 hit points, the upper part separates and flies about. Has 10 hit points, speed is 30 fly, rest of stats are the same, except it can't use the blaster

Electricity Vulnerability
The Crazy Razy suffers 50% more damage from electricity type of damage.

A blaster is built into the right arm of the robot, drawing power from its power core. The weapon has 40 charges and slowly recharges 1 charge every 2 minutes the weapon is not used.
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Damage Type: fire
Range Increment: 75 ft
Rate of Fire: Semi
Ammo: 40 charges

The Pickelman robot is humanoid in shape, with a round body and head with a hardhat with light. It is equipped with a shield and pick, used originally for mining but make decent guard or attack robots.

PickelMan (PL 6)
CR: 1
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 25 hp (2d10+10)
Init: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: +19 (+5 armour +1 Dex +3 shield)
Hardness: 5
BAB/Grp: 0/+1
Attack: +1 melee (pickaxe 1d6+1 20/x4)
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: none
Special Qualities:
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 12, Con -, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Knowledge earth and life sciences +2, knowledge physical sciences +2, Listen +2, Search +1, Spot +2
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Pickaxel), shield proficiency

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair)
Manipulators: Hands (pair)
Armour: Alumisteel
Sensors: Class II
Skill Software: chip Listen +2, Search +2, Spot +2, knowledge: earth and life sciences & physical sciences +2
Feat Software: progit (Exotic Weapon Proficiency: pickaxe)
Accessories: Feat Progit, weapon mount, AV transmitter, AV recorder, pickaxe, shield
PDC: 25

The Friender is robot that looks like a blue wolf, originally designed to protect forests, with a fire extinguisher built into their tail, but Dr Wily modified them with flamethrowers. These modified versions can still be used in fire fighting in forests using fire break principles (fighting fire with fire), as well as the extinguishers.

Friender (PL 6)
CR: 2
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 30 hp (2d10+10)
Init: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft
Defense: +16 (+5 armour +1 Dex)
Hardness: 5
BAB/Grp: 0/+1
Attack: +2 melee (bite 2d4+2)
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: Flamethrower
Special Qualities: Fire immunity
Saves: Fort +0, Reflex +1, Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con -, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Knowledge earth and life sciences +2, Listen +2, Search +1, Spot +2
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (flamethrower)

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (quad)
Manipulators: none
Armour: Alumisteel
Sensors: Class II
Skill Software: chip Listen +2, Search +2, Spot +2, knowledge: earth and life sciences
Feat Software: progit (Exotic Weapon Proficiency: flamethrower)
Accessories: Feat Progit, weapon mount, AV transmitter, AV recorder, flamethrower (2d6 30 foot x 5 ft wide line, 20 uses), fire extinguisher (30 foot long cone, 20 uses)
PDC: 27

Ice Man
Ice Man is a robot designed by Dr Light to perform human-like tasks under extreme cold conditions, such as exploring artic and frozen landscapes, working in freezer warehouses. They appear as slightly shorter than human humanoid robots wearing a winter coat with fur-lined hood. Impervious to extreme cold and fitted with a special weapon the Ice Slasher built into the mouth.

Ice Man (PL 6)
CR: 4
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 50 hp (5d10+10)
Init: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: +17 (+5 armour +2 Dex)
Hardness: 5
BAB/Grp: +4/+1
Attack: +6 melee (fists 1d4+2), +6 ranged (ice slasher 1d4 piercing +1d6 cold +special)
FS/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: Ice Spear
Special Qualities: Cold immunity, Ice walk, Fire vulnerability
Saves: Fort +1, Reflex +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 1
Skills: Balance +4, Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +4

Frame: Biomorph
Locomotion: Legs (Pair)
Manipulators: Hands (pair)
Armour: Alumisteel
Sensors: Class III
Skill Software: chip Balance +2, Listen +3, Search +4, Spot +4
Feat Software:
Accessories: skill Progit, weapon mount, AV transmitter, AV recorder,
PDC: 30

Cold Immunity
Ice Man is immune to all cold damage, including magical cold.

Fire Vulnerability
Ice Man suffers 50% more damage from fire based attacks (except lasers).

Ice Walk
Ice Man ignores rough terrain from ice and snow, does not slip on ice. Movement is increased to 50 ft while on snow and ice.

Ice Slasher
This weapon fires an arrow shaped projectile of ice from Ice Man's mouth which has a few modes of attack
The basic attack fires an arrow shaped projectile of ice that can temporarily freeze a target, requiring a Fort save DC 18 or be stunned due to sheer cold for 1d4 rounds. Targets immune to stun are still stunned due to the cold shock. Targets immune to cold don't suffer the cold damage or the stun.
Ice Spear - this special attack able to be performed once 1d4 rounds fires a spear of ice that strikes everything in a 50 foot long, 5 foot wide line, dealing 2d4 piercing and 2d6 cold damage, Reflex save DC 15 for half damage.
Create Snow/Ice - Ice Man can create a 1 foot cube amount of snow or ice as a standard action. This ice or snow can be used for any purpose one can use ice or snow, as it's normal ice or snow. Great for making ice for drinks on a hot day, or making snowballs for a snowball fight.

Voidrunner's Codex

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