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D&D 5E Could I get some feedback on my homebrew Warlock subclass?

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
For those of us who don't follow links, could you give us the 'thumbnail sketch' of what the subclass represents and what it does?


At 1st level, a Warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature. Here is a playtest option for that feature: the Grid.

The Grid Master

Between those rare few who have even heard of the Grid, there is frequently much debate and discussion as to its true nature. Some have postulated that it is a multiversal field that is an accumulation of energy generated by living beings; others have theorised that it is the creation of a forgotten God, or even a unique expression of the Weave itself.

There are two elements of the Grid that are known to be true, however; that the Grid seems to somehow wax and wane with the balance between Good and Evil creatures throughout the Multiverse, and that a few, rare individuals, be they virtuous Celestials, cunning Fiends, or even wise, long-lived Wizards or Druids, have learnt to manipulate the Grid, and even allocate a degree of its energy to one or a team of chosen champions.

For an unknown reason, those who learn to channel the Grid almost universally select young Humans and Near-humans with no obvious powers of their own to serve as their champions. It may be for this reason that, even in the case where beings of pure Good have chosen wisely, that their champions can still fall from grace under the right circumstances.

1st-level Grid Master feature
The Grid Master lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell LevelSpell
1stBless, Thunderous Smite
2ndPyrotechnics, Enhance Ability
3rdHaste, Phantom Steed
4thFreedom of Movement, Mord’s Private Sanctum
5thCircle of Power, Dispel Good and Evil

1st-level Grid Master feature

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to transform into your true fighting form, gaining a brightly colored, fully helmeted battle suit. This grants you a massive increase to your previous fighting skills. While you may maintain this form for some period of time, the inherent identity masking ability of this form and the somewhat forced bombastic speech and gesture patterns make most normal social interactions all but impossible.

Once per short rest, you may use an action to transform. When you do so, you gain the following abilities and suffer the following side effects:
  • Proficiencies in Acrobatics and Performance
  • Disadvantage on Stealth checks
  • Disadvantage on Deception checks
  • You cannot gain the benefits of rest or sleep while in this form.
  • You cannot be recognized as your true, untransformed identity, except by a True Seeing spell, your Patron, and anyone that watches you transform
  • Your AC can become 10 + your DEX + CHA modifiers
  • You gain resistance to non-magical slashing damage
  • At level 4, gain the Slow Fall class feature.

If you choose either the Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Chain Pact Boons at level 3, then, while in your transformed state, you can create your pact weapon, or summon your pact weapon or familiar from its pocket dimension/extra-dimensional space, as a bonus action.

At first level, you may maintain this form for up to 1 hour. At 5th, this increase to 8 hours, and at 9th, this increases to 24 hours. You can revert from this transformation as a free action.

6th-level Grid Master feature

Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to augment your transformation. While transformed, you can choose to, as a bonus action, summon an enhancement to your battle suit. This upgrade automatically resizes & reshapes itself to fit you, & you gain "+1" to your damage rolls & AC. You cannot summon this enhancement on the same turn you transform.

Upon reaching level 6, you also choose one damage type other than Slashing/Piercing/Bludgeoning. You may then, whenever transformed and utilising this Patron feature, change the damage type of any attack, spell you cast, or ability you have that deals damage, into that damage type at will.

This feature lasts for 10 minutes or until your concentration is broken (as if you are concentrating on a spell). Once this feature ends, you will revert from your transformed state entirely after 1 round. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

10th-level Grid Master feature
Starting at 10th level, you may cast Polymorph on yourself whilst transformed & retain your mental statistics (INT, WIS & CHA.) You have advantage on constitution saves to maintain concentration on this spell. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until after you finish a long rest.

14th-level Grid Master feature
At Level 14, you can Transform into your battle suit as a Bonus Action instead of an Action, and your battle suit enhancement from the 6th-level Grid Master feature no longer requires concentration.

14th-level Grid Master feature
By 14th level, you are accustomed to facing monsters much larger than yourself. Creatures do not gain any bonuses in combat against you for being larger than you (such as for grappling or shoving). You can move through the space of any creature larger than you as though it were normal terrain. Furthermore, when a Large or larger creature within 5 feet of you hits or misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to attack that creature immediately after its attack, provided that you can see the creature.
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my comments would be the following
- the transformation into a power ranger doesn't seem to drastically increase your battle prowess just gives you an ac boost (basically armor of shadows until lvl 4-8) and pseudo enhanced disguise self.
the transformation gets progressively less interesting from lvl 2-13 as the value of the spell slot increases.
6th level - helps transformation compete with your new powerful 3rd level spells but +1dmg +1ac at cost of concentration is a little underwhelming
10th level feature + transformation requires using both your spell slots for polymorph + transform, thereby in direct conflict with the expanded spell list and cant be combined with 6th level feature (concentration)
14th level removes a lot of the previous restrictions due to spell slot usage.

imo i would drop the spell slot requirement and create a new capstone


Edited my last post based on your comments. I would argue that resistance to 1 of the most common damage types from level 1 is also significant, and that being able to change all your damage into something a lot less resisted is also powerful (though this can be balanced out by the DM simply choosing monsters that resist that damage.)

You really do have a point about the spell slot expenditure, though. That was far too conservative on my part.

Does the expanded spell list have any issues?
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