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Crafting Consumables: Alchemy, Potions, and Scrolls - Variant Rules and Feats


UPDATE 10/15/2015: This has been tweaked a few times since it was posted here. I'm not going to change the text below, but the most-up-to-date stuff is discussed in this post. The supplement with rules for alchemy, potions, and scrolls is here.


Update: I've updated my homebrew rules for quick-crafting of scrolls that I posted a few days ago, potions, and alchemy. Flavor-wise, little has changed, but balancing-wise, it's a significant improvement.

(Thanks to /u/ElbowlessGoat on Reddit for comments.)

I've tried to incorporate the updates below, but I make no promises (formatting in forums gives me fits), trust the PDF.

Updated PDF version of rules here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_vatXlRE-gvYzYzdlBKVVktUlk/view




I've seen some excellent adaptations of the alchemist class to 5E. There is also an excellent supplement out there that greatly increases the complexity of alchemy and herbalism.

However, I was looking for something a little more “rules-light,” that could easily be added on top of a rogue or ranger just as easily as it could be added to a cleric or wizard. This supplement has grown from what started as two feats to what it is, so it’s not as “light” as I had intended, but it does not introduce too many new mechanics.

I didn't want to make alchemy too unbalancing (full-disclosure, my game is more about flavor than it is power-gaming), but I wanted to achieve two goals: (1) To bring down the barrier (gp and time) to crafting and using alchemical items. (2) To capture the flare of some of the more "magical" effects produced by alchemy.

These rules work on top of the normal rules for crafting, and a character can still take the time to create scrolls, potions, and alchemical items over the course of several days’ work without the risk of something going wrong.

Recent changes:

  • I’ve added in an “expend a spell slot” requirement for creating magic items by alchemy. This makes sense to keep things more balanced with all the other rules for magic items. I’ve also added a feat that allows non-casters a once-a-day “spell slot” for this purpose.
  • I’ve increased the base DC to 15 for spell scrolls, alchemical admixtures, and alchemical items. This gives a 40%-55% success rate at low levels, and a 65%-85% success rate at higher levels (or lower success rates for scrolls and admixtures of 1st-level or higher).
  • I’ve removed auto-fail on 1, as the failure rate never drops below 15% (with proficiency +6, ability mod +5). These are also pretty low power items, so if an 18th-level wizard wants to make one by expending a 1st-level spell slot, it seems reasonable that the failure rate is low.

I am pretty happy with these rules now, and I don’t plan on revising them further in the near future. The only thing I may still add would be one or more subclasses that specifically make use of these rules—especially one for rogues, but possibly for druids, rangers, and wizards as well.

I have two PCs in my game using these rules, a rogue and a wizard, so things may come up in the future. If you try these rules out in your own game, please give me feedback.

Thanks for reading, and a big thanks to everyone who has offered comments and criticism.

Thanks again! And enjoy!

(PDF version of these rules can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_vatXlRE-gvYzYzdlBKVVktUlk/view?usp=sharing)


Spell scrolls are useful items that store extra castings of spells. Some spellcasters can prepare spell scrolls in just a few hours time. Typically, preparation of a single spell scroll is tedious, requiring several days of work. There are shortcuts, but they come at a cost: because you are rushing the process of carefully casting, noting, and storing the spell, things can go wrong.

Quick Scribing of Scrolls. You can attempt to quickly create a spell scroll for any spell of 1st or 2nd level that you can cast. This process takes 1 hour per spell level (1 hour for a cantrip). You expend components—delicate parchments, rare inks, and other magical materials—worth 50 gp for a cantrip, 100 gp for a 1st-level spell, or 300 gp for a 2nd-level spell. You also expend a spell slot of a level equal to or greater than the level of the spell (you expend a 1st-level spell slot to create a spell scroll of a cantrip).

This process requires concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). At the end of the creation time, you make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against DC 15 + the level of the spell. On a success, you successfully create the scroll. On a failure, you do not create the scroll nor expend a spell slot, but you do expend 50% of the component cost and suffer a scroll scribing mishap (see Scroll Scribing Mishaps sidebar). On a natural roll of 20, you expend only 50% of the scroll’s price.

The spell scroll functions as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (page 200), which includes the rules for activation, spell attack modifier, spell save DC, and copying a spell from a scroll. Additionally, your DM might require that you possess a formula for a specific spell scroll in order to create it (DMG, page 141).


When you are attempting to rush the process of creating a spell scroll, the magic can backfire in an adverse fashion.

If you suffer a scroll scribing mishap, you roll a d10 and are subject to the corresponding effect below.

Any conditions that afflict you as a result of a scroll scribing mishap can be removed with the lesser restoration spell or similar effect.

  1. Befuddled. Your head spins, and you have trouble making sense of your surroundings. You take 1d6 psychic damage, and you have disadvantage on all Intelligence ability checks until you complete a long rest.
  2. Clouded Mind. You have trouble thinking clearly. You have disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws until you complete a long rest.
  3. Explosive boom. The scroll explodes with a loud bang. You take 1d6 thunder damage, and you are deafened for 1 hour.
  4. Explosive flash. The scroll explodes in a bright flash. You take 1d6 radiant damage, and you are blinded for 1 hour.
  5. Fiery burst. The scroll explodes in a fiery burst. You take 2d6 fire damage.
  6. Forceful burst. The scroll explodes in a burst of force. You take 2d6 force damage.
  7. Icy burst. The scroll explodes in a burst of frost. You take 2d6 cold damage.
  8. Life drain. The scroll sizzles with necrotic energy. You take 1d6 necrotic damage, and you cannot regain hit points until you complete a long rest.
  9. Mad twitching. You twitch erratically. You have disadvantage on Dexterity and Charisma saving throws until you complete a long rest.
  10. Magical illness. You feel sick to your stomach. You are poisoned for 1 hour, and you have disadvantage on Constitution and Strength saving throws until you complete a long rest.

Alchemy and the related practices of herblore and poisoncraft involve the precise measurement, mixing, and handling of minerals, metals, herbs, seeds, and toxins. A trained alchemist, working without distractions, can produce a variety of substances useful on adventures. Because of the high-level of precision, batch-to-batch variability among reagents, the constant possibility of impurities, and the borderline “magical” nature of alchemy, sometimes things go awry with undesirable results. But, in the right hands, mishaps are rare, and alchemy can be an exceptionally useful tool in any adventurer’s repertoire.

Crafting an alchemical item.
You can spend 1 hour attempting to craft one alchemical item with a market price of up to 100 gp, or 2 hours to craft one item with a market price of up to 200 gp, using a set of tools with which you are proficient. This process requires concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). You expend the item’s price in costly reagents and ingredients: precious metals, unusual salts, rare herbs, dangerous toxins, exotic oils, and the like.

This process requires concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). At the end of the crafting time, you make an ability check using the appropriate tools against a DC 15. On a success, you successfully create the item. On a failure, you do not create the item, you expend 50% of the item’s price in reagents, and you suffer an alchemical mishap (see Alchemical Mishaps sidebar). On a natural roll of 20, you expend only 50% of the item’s price in reagents.

If an alchemical mishap occurs there is a chance that your tools are damaged or depleted. You cannot use your tools until you can find a suitable location to replenish reagents, replace damaged instruments, and thus restore them to good working order (10 gp for alchemical supplies or poisoner’s kit, 5 gp for herbalism kit).

At your DM’s discretion, you might be required to have access to a specific spell to create a specific magic item (for example, cure wounds to create a potion of healing or enhance ability to create a potion of hill giant strength), or you might be required to possess a formula for the item (see DMG, page 141).

Alchemical items you can create depend on the tools you use. These items include the following (though more items may be available at your DM’s discretion; magic item names are in italics):

Alchemical supplies (Intelligence check):
A vial of acid (25 gp), a flask of alchemist’s fire (50 gp), a vial of dust of disappearance (single creature, single use; 200 gp), a vial of dust of dryness (single use; 200 gp), an eversmoking bottle (single use, up to 5 min; 150 gp), a gem of brightness (5 charges; 200 gp), a flask of oil of slipperiness (1 hour duration; 200 gp), a potion of fire breath (200 gp), a potion of hill giant strength (200 gp), a potion of resistance (200 gp).

Herbalism kit (Wisdom check):
A vial of antitoxin (50 gp), a potion of healing (50 gp), a vial of Keoghtom’s ointment (single use; 150 gp), a potion of animal friendship (200 gp), a potion of greater healing (200 gp), a potion of growth (1 hour duration; 200 gp), a potion of resistance (200 gp).

Poisoner’s kit (Intelligence check):
A vial of antitoxin (50 gp), a vial of assassin’s blood (150 gp), a vial of basic poison (100 gp), a vial of carrion crawler mucus (200 gp), a vial of drow poison (200 gp), a vial of serpent venom (200 gp), a vial of truth serum (150 gp), a potion of poison (200 gp).


Alchemy involves combining, heating, shaking, and bubbling volatile, toxic, and sometimes dangerous substances. Sometimes, things go wrong.

If you suffer an alchemical mishap while using alchemical supplies, you roll a d20 and are subject to the corresponding effect below. If you suffer an alchemical mishap while using an herbalism kit, you roll a d12 and are subject to the corresponding effect. If you suffer an alchemical mishap while using a poisoner’s kit, you roll 2d6 and are subject to the corresponding effect.

Any conditions that afflict you as a result of an alchemical mishap can be removed with the lesser restoration spell or similar effect.

  1. Befuddled. Your head spins, and you have trouble making sense of your surroundings. You take 1d6 psychic damage, and you have disadvantage on all Intelligence ability checks until you complete a long rest.
  2. Deathly ill. You take ill, teetering uncomfortably close to death. You take 1d6 necrotic damage, and you cannot regain hit points until you complete a long rest. Your tools are damaged or depleted.
  3. Disoriented. You have trouble thinking clearly. You have disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws until you complete a long rest.
  4. Nausea. You feel sick to your stomach. You have disadvantage on Constitution and Strength saving throws until you complete a long rest.
  5. Dizziness. You feel light-headed and unsteady on your feet. You have disadvantage on all Dexterity ability checks until you complete a long rest.
  6. Upset Stomach. You feel very queasy. You have disadvantage on all Strength ability checks until you complete a long rest.
  7. Poison exposure. You are exposed to toxins. You take 1d6 poison damage, and you are poisoned for 1 hour.
  8. Headache. You develop a splitting headache. You have disadvantage on all Intelligence ability checks until you complete a long rest. Your tools are damaged or depleted.
  9. Skin irritation. Your skin breaks out in an unsightly rash. You have disadvantage on all Charisma ability checks until you complete a long rest.
  10. Coughing fits. You suffer fits of violent coughing. You have disadvantage on Dexterity and Charisma saving throws until you complete a long rest.
  11. Euphoria. You feel giddy and content. You have disadvantage on all Wisdom ability checks until you complete a long rest.
  12. Extreme Nausea. You feel so sick you can barely stay on your feet. You take 1d6 poison damage. You have disadvantage on all Strength ability checks until you complete a long rest. Your tools are damaged or depleted.
  13. Chills. You catch chills and shake uncontrollable. You take 1d6 cold damage. You have disadvantage on all Dexterity ability checks until you complete a long rest. Your tools are damaged or depleted.
  14. Accidental fire. You are burned as your reagents catch fire. You take 2d6 fire damage.
  15. Uncontrollable fire. Your reagents catch fire and begin to spread to the vicinity. You take 3d6 acid damage, and each creature within 10 feet of you takes 1d6 fire damage. Flammable objects within 10 feet of you catch fire. Your tools are damaged or depleted.
  16. Acid spill. You are splashed with a caustic substance. You take 2d6 acid damage.
  17. Large acid spill. A vat of acid bubbles over violently, corroding everything in the vicinity. You take 3d6 acid damage, and each creature within 10 feet of you takes 1d6 acid damage. Objects within 10 feet of you that cannot withstand corrosion take 1d6 acid damage. Your tools are damaged or depleted.
  18. Explosive boom. Your reagents explode with a loud bang. You take 1d6 thunder damage, and you are deafened for 1 hour.
  19. Explosive flash. Your reagents explode in a bright flash. You take 1d6 radiant damage, and you are blinded for 1 hour.
  20. Massive explosion. Your reagents explode in spectacular fashion. You take 2d6 thunder damage, 2d6 radiant damage, and you are blinded and deafened for 1 hour. Additionally, each creature within 15 feet of you takes 1d6 thunder damage and 1d6 radiant damage. Flammable objects within 15 feet of you catch fire. Your tools are damaged or depleted.

Certain spells have a special tag: alchemy (see Alchemical Formulas below). Such a spell can be cast following the normal rules for spellcasting, or a trained alchemist can create an alchemical admixture of the spell.

An alchemical admixture is a special version of a spell that takes the form of a vial of liquid or powder. Each alchemical admixture has an alchemical formula that you keep in a book of alchemical formulas. A book of alchemical formulas costs 50 gp and weighs less than one quarter of a pound.

You must have a class feature or feat that specifically allows you to create alchemical admixtures of spells in order to do so. (See variant feature below and Alchemical Adept feat.)

Mastering an alchemical formula.
You can translate and transcribe any spell you can cast that has the alchemy tag into your book of alchemical formulas. The process of mastering an alchemical formula and copying it into your book takes 2 hours per level of the cantrip). The cost represents reagents used up while experimenting with the spell. These reagents and ingredients may include precious metals, unusual salts, rare herbs, dangerous toxins, exotic oils, and the like.

If you gain the Alchemical Admixtures variant feature at 1st level as part of your Spellcasting class feature, you also learn the alchemical formulas for one cantrip you can cast and for up to two 1st-level spells you know or can prepare, provided those spells have the alchemy tag.

The alchemical admixture version of a spell takes one hour per level of the spell to create (1 hour for a cantrip). You must have mastered the alchemical formula for the spell and copied into your book of alchemical formulas, and you must have your book on hand. You also must expend alchemical reagents and ingredients as follows: 50 gp for a cantrip, 100 gp for a 1st-level spell, 300 gp for a 2nd-level spell, 1,000 gp for a 3rd-level spell. You also expend a spell slot of a level equal to or greater than the level of the spell (you expend a 1st-level spell slot to create an alchemical admixture of a cantrip).

This process requires concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). At the end of the creation time, you make an ability check using an appropriate set of tools against a DC 15 + level of the spell you are preparing as an alchemical admixture. On a success, you successfully create the alchemical admixture. On a failure, you neither create the admixture nor expend a spell slot, but you do expend 50% of the reagent cost and suffer an alchemical mishap (see Alchemical Mishaps sidebar). On a natural roll of 20, you expend only 50% of the admixture’s price in reagents.

You must have a set of appropriate tools in good working order to create alchemical admixtures. Typically, you use a set of alchemical supplies to create an alchemical admixture, but other tools may suffice for specific spells with your DM’s approval (such as an herbalism kit to create cure wounds or lesser restoration or a poisoner’s kit to create poison spray or sleep).

Alchemical admixtures come in three functional categories: infusions, oils, and volatiles. The list of alchemical formulas notes to which category or categories a given admixture belongs. These categories describe how to activate the alchemical admixture, and an admixture that belongs to more than one category can be used as either once it has been created.

To activate an alchemical infusion, as an action, you or the creature you wish to affect must consume the contents of the vial. The spell affects only the creature that consumes the contents of the alchemical infusion. As an action, you can administer an infusion to an incapacitated creature. Alchemical admixtures are mostly tasteless, so they are very difficult to detect when mixed into food or drink. In all other ways, an alchemical infusion functions as casting the spell at the spell’s lowest level.

To activate an alchemical oil, as an action, you spread, smear, or drizzle the contents of the oil on a weapon or surface. The surface functions as the point of origin for all spell effects. If you apply an oil to a weapon (or piece of ammunition), and the next creature hit by that weapon is subject to the spell’s effect. In all other ways, an alchemical oil functions as casting the spell at the spell’s lowest level.

To activate an alchemical volatile, as an action, you sprinkle or splash the contents of the vial—or throw the vial itself—onto the creature, object, or area you wish to affect. If the spell has a range greater than 30 feet, the range becomes 30 feet, since you cannot accurately throw the vial beyond that distance. If the spell can target multiple creatures, excluding area effects, no target can be more than 15 feet away from all other targets. Area effects function as normal except for the restriction on the range to their point of origin. In all other ways, an alchemical volatile functions as casting the spell at the spell’s lowest level.

For spells that have a duration requiring concentration, the alchemical admixture has a duration equal to the maximum duration of the spell or 10 minutes, whichever is shorter. You do not need to maintain concentration on the alchemical admixture, as you have already spent the requisite time concentrating during the admixture’s creation. The duration for any spell that does not require concentration and has a duration longer than 10 minutes becomes 10 minutes in its alchemical admixture form, unless noted otherwise.

The spellcasting ability for an alchemical admixture matches the spellcasting ability of the class for which you can cast the spell (Wisdom for a cleric spell, Intelligence for a wizard spell, and so on). This ability sets the spell attack modifier and spell save DC when you create the alchemical admixture.

Any creature can activate an alchemical admixture that you have created if it is holding the vial in its hand. That creature becomes the point of origin for all spell effects that depend on the location of the spell’s caster, but you function as the caster for all spell effects that relate to the caster’s abilities.

An alchemical admixture is a consumable item. Once activated, an alchemical admixture takes effect immediately, and it is used up.


When you become a 1st-level bard, cleric, druid or wizard and gain that Spellcasting feature for that class, you can choose to forgo gaining the Ritual Casting feature to gain the Alchemical Admixtures feature for your class, described below:

Alchemical Admixtures (Bard):
You can create an alchemical admixture of any bard spell you know if that spell has the alchemy tag. You also have a book of alchemical formulas in which you store your alchemical formulas and which you must have on hand to create an alchemical admixture.

Alchemical Admixtures (Cleric):
You can create an alchemical admixture of any cleric spell if that spell has the alchemy tag and you have the spell prepared. You also have a book of alchemical formulas in which you store your alchemical formulas and which you must have on hand to create an alchemical admixture.

Alchemical Admixtures (Druid): You can create an alchemical admixture of any druid spell if that spell has the alchemy tag and you have the spell prepared. You also have a book of alchemical formulas in which you store your alchemical formulas and which you must have on hand to create an alchemical admixture.

Alchemical Admixtures (Wizard): You can create an alchemical admixture of any wizard spell if that spell has the alchemy tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don’t need to have the spell prepared. Your spellbook functions as your book of alchemical formulas, but the notation of an alchemical formula is different from that of your wizard spells. For example, if you have the burning hands spell in your spellbook, you can prepare and cast it using a spell slot. However, you must also have the alchemical formula for burning hands in your spellbook to create an alchemical admixture of it.


The following spells have the alchemy tag and can be made into alchemical admixtures. The category of alchemical admixture is noted in the list, as any other exceptions to the spell’s normal casting rules and the rules for alchemical admixtures.

Acid Splash [Volatile]
Friends [Volatile; throw at creature you wish to affect]
Poison Spray [Volatile]
Produce Flame [Volatile]
Resistance [Infusion]
Spare the Dying [Infusion]

Bane [Volatile]
Burning Hands [Volatile]
Create or Destroy Water [Oil]
Cure Wounds [Infusion]
Disguise Self [Infusion]
Expeditious Retreat [Infusion]
Feather Fall [Infusion]
Fog Cloud [Volatile]
Grease [Oil]
Heroism [Infusion]
Jump [Infusion]
Longstrider [Infusion]
Purify Food and Drink [Oil]
Ray of Sickness [Volatile]
Sleep [Infusion, Oil]
Speak with Animals [Infusion]

Alter Self [Infusion]
Barkskin [Infusion]
Beast Sense [Infusion]
Blindness/Deafness [Infusion, Oil]
Crown of Madness [Infusion, Volatile]
Darkvision [Infusion]
Enhance Ability [Infusion]
Lesser Restoration [Infusion]
Magic Weapon [Oil]
Protection from Poison [Infusion]
Silence [Volatile]
Spider Climb [Infusion]
Web [Volatile]

Create Food and Water [Oil]
Fear [Infusion, Volatile]
Feign Death [Infusion; duration of effect chosen when created, up to 1 hour]
Haste [Infusion]
Magic Circle [Oil; creature type chosen when created]
Protection from Energy [Infusion; energy type chosen when created]
Slow [Infusion, Oil]
Speak with Dead [Oil]
Stinking Cloud [Volatile]
Stoneskin [Infusion]
Water Breathing [Infusion]


The following new feats are designed to work with the variant rules for alchemy and scribing scrolls presented above.

Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher; proficiency with alchemical supplies, herbalism kit, or poisoner’s kit

You have learned the secrets to unlocking the “magical” nature of alchemy.

You gain the following benefits:

  • You can create alchemical admixtures of spells of up to one half your character level (rounded up; see Alchemical Admixtures variant rule). These spells are written in a book of alchemical formulas, which you must have on hand while preparing one of them. You do not need to have a spell prepared to create the alchemical admixture version of it, but you must have mastered the alchemical formula for it.
  • When you choose this feat, you acquire a book of alchemical formulas holding the formulas for one cantrip and two 1st-level spells of your choice. Choose one of the following classes: bard, cleric, druid, or wizard. You must choose your spells from that class’s spell list, and the spells you choose must have the alchemy tag. The class you choose also determines your spellcasting ability for these spells: Wisdom for cleric or druid, Intelligence for wizard, or Charisma for bard. You cannot cast these spells in any way except as alchemical admixtures, unless you also have access to them by way of your class’s Spellcasting or some other similar feature.
  • If you come across a spell in written form, such as a magical spell scroll or a wizard’s spellbook, you might be able to add it to your book of alchemical formulas. The spell must be on the spell list for a class for which you can create alchemical admixtures, the spell’s level can be no higher than half your level (rounded up), and it must have the alchemy tag. The process of copying the spell into your book of alchemical formulas takes 2 hours per level of the spell, and costs 50 gp per level. The cost represents reagents used up while experimenting with the spell.

Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher; the ability to create alchemical admixtures

Your skill at concocting alchemical admixtures is unsurpassed.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Choose one spell with the alchemy tag that appears on the spell list for a class for which you can create alchemical admixtures (See Alchemical Admixtures variant rule). You learn the alchemical formula for that spell and add it to your book of alchemical formulas. You cannot cast this spell in any way except as an alchemical admixture, unless you also have access to it by way of your class’s Spellcasting or some other similar feature.
  • When you attempt to create an alchemical admixture, you expend only 50% of the reagent cost on a natural roll of 18 or 19 on your ability check, and you do not expend any reagents on a natural roll of 20.
  • Once per day, you can create an alchemical admixture of a spell of a level equal to half your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (minimum 1st level) without expending a spell slot. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with alchemical supplies, herbalism kit, or poisoner’s kit

You have been trained by a skilled alchemist, herbalist, or poisonmaker and have learned how to quickly and efficiently create alchemical items.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you attempt to create an alchemical item during 1 hour of work (see Quick Alchemy variant rule), you expend only 50% of the reagent cost on a natural roll of 18 or 19 on your ability check, and you do not expend any reagents on a natural roll of 20.
  • You can attempt to create two items during 1 hour of work. If you attempt to create two items, you have disadvantage on the ability check. You make a separate check for each item you attempt to create. You do not need to make more than one of the same item in the hour’s time, but both items created must use the same set of tools.

Prerequisite: Proficiency with alchemical supplies, herbalism kit, or poisoner’s kit

You have a knack for alchemy, herbalism, or poisoncraft, and you can create items using your knowledge and skill quickly.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you select this feat, you choose one type of tools from the following list: alchemical supplies, herbalism kit, poisoner’s kit. Once per day, you can create an alchemical magic item during 1 hour of work using the chosen type of tools without expending a spell slot (see Quick Alchemy variant rule). Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.
  • When you attempt to create an alchemical item during 1 hour of work, you can choose to expend twice the item’s cost in reagents to gain advantage on the ability check made to create the item.

Prerequisite: Intelligence or Wisdom 13 or higher; the ability to cast at least one spell

You have become exceptionally good at quickly scrawling spells onto parchment to be cast later.

You gain the following benefits:

  • You can attempt to create spell scrolls for 3rd-level spells quicker than the normal crafting rules allow (see Quick Scribing variant rule). Creating a spell scroll for a 3rd-level spell expends components worth 1,000 gp.
  • When you attempt to create a spell scroll quickly, you expend only 50% of the component cost on a natural roll of 18 or 19 on your Intelligence (Arcana) check, and you do not expend any components on a natural roll of 20.
  • Once per day, you can create a spell scroll of a spell of a level equal to half your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (minimum 1st level) without expending a spell slot. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

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First Post
Thanks, this is a great resource and very helpful. I am creating a player character race based on Termites, and their "wizard" class will be based on alchemy. Termites are practically alchemists already with their ability to break down and synthesize complex and dangerous chemicals for digestion or defense.


First Post
I should add that I particularly like the side effects of failure. I am also building a fighter class that uses what I guess would be called "auto-alchemy" to alter the chemistry of their own bodies to produce effects like acid splash, cloud kill, or a chitin version of Bark Skin.


Thanks! Shoot me an email or post here again after a few sessions, and let me know which parts of the supplement you end up using (if any) and how it seems to work (in terms of flavor and fun and in terms of balance).

I've updated the PDF a bit since posting (after some discussion on reddit), but the bones of it are all still pretty much the same.

I should add that I particularly like the side effects of failure. I am also building a fighter class that uses what I guess would be called "auto-alchemy" to alter the chemistry of their own bodies to produce effects like acid splash, cloud kill, or a chitin version of Bark Skin.


First Post
Thanks, I will. Right off the bat, I plan on using side effects for a character that alters its own body chemistry in an alchemical manner to use spell effects.

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