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Crappy distributers! (was [FFG] AtS?)


Rise of the Gamerati
word-of-caution said:
Be wary of glowing recomendations from posters who have a super-low post count. Could be ID's created just to advertise. (Just like this ID was created just to add a word of caution.)

Very true. These two guys are my customers :)

They read the forums but do not post. They are not loud-mouthed like me, but obviously feel as passionate about my business as I am :)

Most of my customers come out of the PCGen crowd. I sponsor LST file development for PCGen and a good chunk of the money I make goes back into the community supporting PCGen.

If you're really interested in seeing what I'm about, to go http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen and do a messages search on D20books. I am the only person allowed to do [ADV] posts once a week.

Just had an ENnie awards special. I often have specials on the books that the customers are asking about or when a block of customers are interested in buying a particular book. I do plenty of pre-orders too.

KingPaul can vouch for me too :)

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First Post
Oh ptosh.

I have a low post count because I don't visit this particular forum much.

I only read certain threads that are of interest to me, and only reply if I feel I have the need to add my voice.

if you want to see what else I've posted, do a search. I posted on a PC-Gen thread once, and posted to that thread a few times.

Why should one be judged on the quantity of their posts, as opposed ot their quality.

I am not anonymous, and I don't hide. Want to speak to me one on one? email at kenosti@labyrinth.net.au.

That is my real e-mail address.

I have no connection with Jeff or d20 books, just a wish to see his business succeed, and to see gamers get good service on purhcases.

And why are you hiding behind an new id fiddy? Why not state your thoughts with your real id?

Checkl teh Pc-Gen yahoo group, the Midnight yahoo group, the Settlers of Catan yahoo group, the Perrenland yahoo group. Look for posts by someone by the name of Anestis.

That's me. I live in Australia. Jeff is in the US.

These are the facts. I do not lie, cheat, or steal. take me at my word.



First Post
My reason for the new ID is I am a gaming retailer, but I am not trying to say "buy from me." I wanted to caution, not take away someone else's business. I have seen instances in the past of folks creating a new account just to make it seem like someone or something has a stronger following.
When 2 posters suddenly show up, first post for one, second post for the other, it just set off warning signals for me.


First Post
ummm Xeno I think you got me confused with 'word-of-caution'...

Like Xeno, I've got a low post count because I rarely visit EnWorld. The only reason I found this thread was because Jeff posted to the d20books yahoogroup his frustration at being ignored. Since I think Jeff provides a good service, I decided to chime in on this thread with my experiences purchasing from him. Unfortunately it looks like my attempt to help was more trouble than help.

And mirthcard, I agree that it does look like Jeff was a bit overbearing in that one post. Though I think I would be too if I offered a possible solution to a problem and was summarily ignored.

As for anonymity, on the d20books yahoogroup, I'm kyle_l_p (I have no idea why I used that on yahoo, since I usually go by Fiddy). I've also posted occasionally on the PCGen yahoogroup as well, though I usually lurk there unless I've got a specific question. I generally tend not to post my email address directly on board like these from fear of getting even more spam than I already do... though here it is klpinches@sep.com

I too am in no way affiliated with Jeff, other than as a customer of his services.


First Post
Oops, sorry fiddy.

I was a bit touchy, and I apologise.

I understand why you guys are cautious, believe me, I would be too.

However, I would also do research, visit his website, go through some of the PCGen and the d20books posts on yahoogroups archives.

I wouldn't immediately say "This sounds suspicious" without doing the research.

Unfortunately, it's the way of the 'net these days. Instant gratification without the legwork.

Well, I still like to do the legwork. *shrugs*

It just amazed me that people were complaining about not being able to get the books they wanted, and here comes along a person saying "hey, I can get them for you", and he gets totally ignored, with people still complaining about not being able to get the books!

Here's a golden opportunity to get the books you want folk with someone who believes in Personal Customer Service.

For months Jeff has been trying to figure out a way to get books to me in a cost effective manner. Like I said, the postage costs to Australia are the killer.

But Jeff may have found a way for me to buy some stuff that I may take him up on.

Jeff really does try to make sure his customers are happy. How often do you see that these days?



First Post
I can vouch for Jeff and d20Books. And although I may be a low posting number you can verify my authiticity with PirateCat (I used to play in his game for 4 years)

Both Jeff and FFG get glowing recommendations from me...



Rise of the Gamerati
A "real" person with real ideals and kick@ss customer service.

mirthcard said:

I honestly wish every small entrepeneur success in their endeavors, but you my friend need a serious course in manners and customer service before you get my money or anyone else's. Good luck...


Well, my posting of "frustration" was simply that. You have several people asking why they can't get books, and I have said books here in my hands.

I often sell the books at 20% off MSRP. I charge ACTUAL shipping costs and do not tack on additional "handling" charges to inflate the price.

My customer service is actually on the edge of being annoying, as I follow up with the customer on EVERYTHING. I not only want to make sure that they received their books, but that the books got to them in PERFECT condition. (I'm a collector so I like getting prestine books to put on my shelf.) I spend extra bucks on my customers by purchasing special book wrap to help make sure books get to their destination. Most companies would skimp to save themselves the money. I often ask my customers how their packing material held up so that I can get feedback on that and do better on that if need be!

Because the USPS dinged a few books when I did the massive 3.5 pre-order, I dropped them for FedEx Ground Home Delivery. Sure, it has been a serious hassled to completely change up my business to do this, but a single dinged book is NOT ACCEPTABLE to me as a business person.

As for being accusatory of the FLGS, it is poor customer service to continue to NOT have product on the shelf. If Ingram is not providing customer service to its retailers, in turn making the FLGS not provide customer service to its customers, sounds like apathy when the FLGS is not willing to make changes to ensure that customer service. You can always pass the blame, but customer service is all about making sure the customer is happy. SOoL does not look like a happy customer. Why would he post here (of all places) unless he was frustrated to no end?

After expressing my frustration about this forum topic to my customers on my own forum, they rallied to chime in on the subject. Man, THEY ROCK and their actions speak louder than anything I could truly say. How many of you would go out of your way for your game shop?


Rise of the Gamerati
fiddy said:
I generally tend not to post my email address directly on board like these from fear of getting even more spam than I already do... though here it is klpinches@sep.com

Heh. Kyle, I have to send you email through a special email account because your mailserver is so tight that it bounces my business email because my mailserver at my host USED TO be a spammer IP address. I doubt you get as much spam as you would normally :)

Customer Service for my customers must extend to all fronts. The website is being revamped and hosted at a new location. Dare I say that I'll have a real online shopping cart??

For the record i wasn't ignoring anyone. I really appreciate D20 Books coming in and making me aware of his services. In this case i happens that my need to purchase Against the shadow may have been resolved via E-mail with friend i know from the boards. Doug was also nice enough to clue me in on the issue of the release date for ebonring keep. rest asured if there are problems in the future i will definatly concider going through D20 Books for my purchase. I hope this eases any frustration caused on my behalf.
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