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Creating a war god, help would be appreciated


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Greetings All,

I am currently working on a homebrew campaign world I hope to run sometime in the early part of 2003. One of my players is going to be playing a half-orc paladin of the war god, so I am trying to focus on fleshing him out.

Here is what I have so far:

Bressal, Lord of Battles

Alignment: LN
Domains: Fire, Law, Strength, War
Symbol: Greataxe over a Shield
Favored Weapon: Greataxe

Do not fear war, as it is part of the natural order of things. Like fire, war is a purifying element in the world. Be bold in battle - for it brings honor to Bressal - but do not wage war needlessly. Fight each battle seeking a decisive victory, rather than engaging in a costly war of attrition. Treat every foe with honor, as the warrior's spirit can be found in the unlikeliest of men. Use times of peace to prepare yourself for the conflicts yet to come. Remember also that even in defeat, a victory can be achieved.

I'm pretty happy with what I have so far, but I'm willing to accept other input. Thanks in advance for your help.

Nathan Hawks
The Cerebral Assassin

(Edit) Incorporated suggested changes and additions.
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i would make him lawful

just from the dogma

natural order
do not rush
prepared warrior

not the type of things i expect from someone who offers the chaos domain. i'd change his allignment and domain to law, but if you want him to be chaotic i think he needs a big change to his dogma.

the fire domain is my favorite for war gods but any domain with area damage spells would work just as well

any one elemental domain but just one. destruction protection maybe death could fit.

but judgeing from the dogma definatly lawful
but that's just my opinion i could be wrong


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las: I think I'm going to go with fire over earth as the fire domain spells seem a bit more aggressive.

skymage: I was thinking of making him lawful initially, but changed my mind after seeing some war gods in several books who seemed to have some similar dogmas listed as CN (Tempus being the major influence). As stated above I like the fire domain, but I'm also going to have a protective style deity, so I'll keep protection reserved for him. Destruction and death don't particularly fit my concept for the deity as I also plan on having a god of strife/death that is evil.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. If anyone else has anything to add, please feel free.

Nathan Hawks
The Cerebral Assassin


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1) Being a LN war god, what is his view of soldiers and discipline? Law encompasses the honor of two mighty warriors battling, but it also encompasses the use of tactics, military hierarchy, etc. The god would definitely not be against such things as LN.

2) What's his views on destruction, rape, rampage and so on? Perhaps it is explicit that such things are part of war, and if the enemy has lost on the field of battle all that he defended is yours to do with as you please. Or maybe such wilder sides of combat are glossed over and carefully ignored by the priests.

3) You might want to take a closer look at the War domain. I think a couple of the spells in their don't really relate to 'War' so much as personal battle. I forget the spell, deathsense maybe?, that lets you sense the condition of allies. I house ruled that in...

4) Axe combat is just a bit wild, with a limited set of potential moves and tactics. There might be some special reasons and philosophical nuances that explain why this is the weapon and symbol of this LN war god. Then again, it might just be one of those things...

Tempus emphasized glory in battle, always being ready to do and die in battle, and so on. The lawful aspects are matters of interpretation. Tempus definitely had little or no probablem with rape and rampage.


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Perhaps have a special ability, that clerics of this deity may freely multiclass with the Fighter-it seems very appropriate.
As a LN-ish type deity, I doubt that he would condone pillage/rape/etc.
Perhaps explain why this deity has the Fire domain? From your (very nifty) description of Bressal, it is unclear why he has power over fire. I think Law, Strength, and War are sufficient.
It seems as if this is a very good deity for mercenary companies and armies to worship...I like pointing out the obvious.
Overall, this deity looks quite good.


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Khorod: You bring up some good points - some of which I had considered, some of which I hadn't -
1) Bressal definitely is a proponent of tactics and military discipline as well as a well-defined chain of command.
2) Against wanton destruction, rape and unnecessary pillage. While he is aware these things occur, he does not encourage them. In terms of the priesthood, some glossing over occurs.
3) I understand what you're saying, but for now I'll leave as is until I'm a bit more comfortable with the rules as written (new DM, not as comfortable with things as I'd like)
4) While axe combat is certainly limited, I like to use different weapons (most war gods I looked at used a longsword as their favored weapon).

Zeevico: I like the free fighter multiclass. I will think about the fire domain as I originally added it when I was thinking of a CN alignment. Thanks for the compliment.

Nathan Hawks
The Cerebral Assassin


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If you're going for a tactical war god, perhaps a shortsword as a favoured weapon, intended for a shortswor/towershield combo, in the style of a Roman Legion? Legions were very orderly and disciplined, which appears to be what you're looking for.


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A really cool, underused weapon is the halberd, good for all kinds of purposes, and it has an axe blade.

The fire domain is a cool idea, it just needs some development. Try ideas like one or all:
-Fire is symbolic of glory in battle and the warrior spirit.
-Fire is a purifying force, bringing order in its wake. War is the same.
-Bressal is originally an elemental prince of fire, and still remains at heart a being of the flames.
-Bressal was born as a phoenix, in the inferno of an eldar god's death. His blood is of flame, as is his origin, and both he and the priesthood grant him power of such flames. (And furthermore, their might be the belief that even in the god's defeat, victory and rebirth can always be wrought from the ashes to fight another day..)
-Maybe simply a culture point that war and flame are symbolically linked. If the god is at all a creation of his worshippers little irrational things like that will creep in.

Side-effect: As a god of fire, he might not be particularly against demons- afterall, one of his major weapons and that of his followers will be fairly ineffective.


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Sixchan: I like the roman legion idea, but as the area the campaign will begin in is relatively young culturally (except for the elves), I see Bressal not being percieved as quite so orderly.
However, I could see the elven armies using the legion formations in mass combat. Thanks for the input.

Khorod: Once again, you've taken things and turned them in a direction I hadn't thought of. I did think of the glory in battle idea, but the fire domain being tied to his origins or being related to the something can be learned from defeat idea slipped my mind.
I also like the limitation, although I think I'll keep that a secret to be discovered in play.

I definitely appreciate all the help everyone has given me so far. I'll re-edit the post later today to incorporate the changes and additions that have been suggested.

Nathan Hawks
The Cerebral Assassin

Voidrunner's Codex

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