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Creating an 8th level Psychic Warrior


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We suffered a Total Party Wipe (tm) last game and have rolled new characters. As it happens, mad luck was on my side and I rolled those scores : 16 17 12 12 18 15.

Using point buy, that's a 55 points character ;). Now I've never had a character with such insane scores before, and I decided to put them to good use by creating a Psychic Warrior. However there are so many options, I'm not sure what direction I should go for. I'm looking for suggestions on feats/weapons/powers/stat assignment and magic items. The only restrictions I'd put would be that the character needs to be a front-line melee. So ranged attacks are purely used for support in the few situations where I can't close in on enemies.

Edit : I don't mind using stuff found on the Mind's Eye section of the WoTC site or from ITCK, as long as it's well balanced.
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JCLabelle said:

Edit : I don't mind using stuff found on the Mind's Eye section of the WoTC site or from ITCK, as long as it's well balanced.

I'd suggest you use either Mind's Eye or ITCK stuff, but not both.

Fixing something, that is [arguably] a bit weak, with two fixes can easily unfix things, in another direction. ;)


Go Jedi!!!

dude with those stats and only the corebooks you can make a good character ...

even do a monk1/psi-warrior7 ... kinda munchkiny but with a good wis/dex and inertial armor that'd be lots of AC stuff ...

... or just go pw8 ...

mental leap is really cool ...


For a different approch...

I have a 9th level character that has very good melee combat ablities.

I started with two levels of fighter.
For a human this gives him four feats that I took as follows:

Weapon Focus - for +1 to hit and leading up to specialization.
Power Attack - first in a chain for Deep Impact.
Cleave - a generaly usefull feat for a front line fighter.
Dodge - allows psionic dodge later for a +2 or two +1 to AC

As part of by character concept.

Improved Initiative

At third level changed to Psychic Warrior using these feats
For character levels 3 and 6 I took
Inner Strenght 1 and Inner Strenght 2 for 3 additional PPs.
This also opens up the Talented/Trigger Power Feat Chain

As a Psychic Warrior in order of taking.
Psionic Weapon - 1d4 addtional damage for a cost of 1 PP.

Deep Impact - to be used with power attack as melee touch attack. Very nasty if used with Psionic Weapon also but cost 5 PPs.

Extend Power - cost effect use of actual powers.

0 level - what ever fits your character concept
1st level - Biofeedback - helps keeps your character alive and reduces healing time and cost. Combat Precognition for a +1 to attack rolls.
2nd leve (gotten at 5th level PW/7th character level) Animal Affinity if your mage does not use Cat's Grace/Bull Strength ect or Combat Prescience for a tempory boost to +2 to Attack rolls. Animal affinity is better because of duration and it stacks with Compbat Preconition.

So you will have 11 Power points

Extend precongniton for at a cost of 3 and it last for 10 hours so it is on most of the time.

At your next level you get PysWarrior weapon specialization for and your power points are now 14 points. You can also extend Animal affinity. (It is more cost effecent to extend 2 or higher level spells then first)

At 2/5 Fighter/Psychic Warrior your base BAB is 5 (two less then a fighter but the same as a Psychic Warrior 7. Your up on hit points, and saves while your you are even on skills. You are lower on Manfister level and down PP but not by a significant amount because I spent the two additional feats I got by going this route on additonal power points.

As for skills max out Stablize self and put at least some into concentration. By 9th level you will have a total of close to 15 in both and not have to worry about bleeding to death or having your concentration broken.

If you don't have to start as a fighter (I did)

use the two level feats to replace the ones I took as fighter and you will end up with being able to take both of the 2nd level powers and also get Improved Biofeedback. A very good power for a front line combatant.

For this type you want your highst stat in ST not only for damage but it is the key stat to most of the power I have listed and greatly affects both Biofeedback powers. Follow up with CN for hit points and you will have a versital and deadly combatant.

Shard O'Glase

First Post
I'd consider looking at the falchion/scimitar/rapier as your primary weapon. This is mainly for the good crit range which helps the feeder weapons in the psi handbook. Other than that, I don't feel like giving much advice, without some idea of what you want your character to be. Psychic warrior sure, but what style of combat to you prefer. BAS(big @ss sword)style, more of a fencer or duelist, weapon and shield style, no archers apparently. But I'd pick a style, me I like BAS. But you give me the style your prefer and I can give you a list of good feats and powers to take to simulate that style fairly well.


First Post
How about using armor, a buckler and a longspear?. Try and use Stand Sill to stop opponents moving closer, Quick Draw to switch to a one handed weapon for closer work, Speed of Thought to move a litter faster.

Feats: 1st lvl Combat Reflexes, 1st lvl Stand Still, 1st Improved Initiative, 2nd lvl Weapon Focus, 3rd lvl Iron Will, 5th lvl Expert Tactician, 6th Speed of Thought, 8th Quick Draw.

Powers 0 - burst, catfall or float, valor; 1st - call weaponry, combat precognition, see sound; 2nd - animal affinity, body equilibrium, combat prescience; 3rd - claws of the vampire or improved biofeedback

Try a PsiWar6/Mnk2

The Claws of the Bear power increases your base unarmed attack damage to 1d12, with the Monk increase in damage, that means that you'll deal 1d20 points of damage with an unarmed attack.

Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16 (level), Wis 18 (level) Int 15, Cha 12

Assuming Weapon Focus and Spec in unarmed, that is one claw at +10, 1d20+6, or with Flurry two at +8/+8, 1d20+6.

And we haven't even added in magic items yet.


First Post
Try creating Monk1/ Psi warrior 7 char

STR 18, CON 17, DEX 16, INT 12, WIZ 16, CHA 12

Feats Power attack, psionic fist, weapon focus unarmed, unavoidable strike, weapon specialisation + extend spell, persistant spell and speed of thought.

Cast claws of the vampire

You will do:

attack bonus +5 base +5 (str) + 1 weapon focus

1d8 + 5 (+2 str) +2 (weapon spec) + 1d4 psionic fist + power attack touch attack and heal for...

add persistant talons, animal affinity, later polymorph self...


First Post
The Claws of the Vampire, as written, does'nt seem so clear to me. You could read it as healing you for only the d8 you rolled for it's damage, or for the whole thing ( + str, spec, etc ).

Good stuff tho, keep it coming.

EDIT : Got my answer, only the damaged from the rolled dice is healed.
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