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Creature Catalog new 3.5 conversions

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Creature Cataloguer


Medium Humanoid (Hutaakan)
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 natural, +2 leather armor, +1 light steel shield), touch 10, flat- footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: + 1/+0
Attack: Short sword +0 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or sling +1 ranged (1d4)
Full Attack: Short sword +0 melee (1d6-1/19-20) or sling +1 ranged (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: ---
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 10 Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Craft (any) +2, Hide +7, Knowledge (religion) +2, Move Silently +7
Feats: Stealthy

Environment: Temperate mountains
Organization: Solitary, pair, patrol (5-8), sect (11-20 plus 2-5 2nd-level clerics), or congregation (20-200 plus 50% noncombatants, plus 1 1st-level warrior per 10 adults, and 1 4th-level cleric per 50 adults and 1 8th-level cleric leader)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0

This tall, slender being has a humanoid body, topped with a head like that of a jackal. Its hands and feet are narrow, with nails like claws. It wears long, somber-colored robes and simply jewelry.

Hutaakans (also called "jackal-men" by humans) are often haughty and callous, though they consider themselves a sensitive, civilized and intellectual people. Hutaakans also feel that they suffer much abuse from other races as a result of their cultured, pacifistic nature. Hutaakans are very serious in demeanor, and consider themselves above most other humanoid races. They pride themselves on their good taste and lack of involvement in the rest of the world. Hutaakans do bear a superficial resemblance to gnolls, but are actually a much older, more sophisticated race.

Hutaakan life centers around their ancient cultural mysticism dedicated to the worship of an amoral deity of crafts. The many hutaakan clerics are needed to carry out the numerous daily rites and rituals associated with the religion. The priests prefer to rigidly control hutaakan communities and the destinies of their inhabitants. Hutaakans usually live in isolated locales, such as mountains, ruins, or "lost world" type lands.

Hutaakans as a race have never adapted well to the arts of war, and have few warriors. Most hutaakans are craftsmen and artisans with little or no martial skills, and fight only in self-defense. Hutaakan society is egalitarian, and one's role is determined by temperament and talent rather than gender.

A hutaakan is 6 feet tall and weighs about 150-180 pounds.

Hutaakans speak Gnoll and Orc. Hutaakans also speak their own haunting, complex musical language in fluting, honeyed tones. Some humans, however, have described this language as sounding like coughs and barking.

Hutaakans are not boldly aggressive, but fight without mercy when forced. They prefer to ambush enemies and attack with ranged weapons when possible. Clerics do not like to sully themselves with combat, and will use spells and direct others into combat from a safe distance.

Hutaakan warriors often carry spears as secondary weapons, and priests are usually armed with elaborately carved maces instead of swords. Clubs and daggers are also common weapons for hutaakans.

Skills: A hutaakan has a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks. The skill modifiers given in the statistics block include a -1 armor check penalty.

Hutaakan characters possess the following racial traits.

-2 Strength, +2 Wisdom .
Medium size.
A hutaakan's base land speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
+1 natural armor bonus.
Racial Skills: Hutaakans have a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
Automatic Languages: Hutaakan, Gnoll, Orc. Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Elf, Goblin.
Favored Class: Cleric.
Level adjustment +0.

In the ancient times of the Known World, the Hutaakan Empire covered most of what is now Karameikos. In modern times, they live in small, isolated communities in the mountains north of that land. The hutaakans speak sometimes of a great catastrophe that decimated and scattered their race.

The patron deity of the hutaakans is the Immortal being named Pflarr, who created them. As a race, they have long served him, and individual hutaakans encountered are often his messengers. Hutaakans exist to do the will of Pflarr - not as mindless slaves, but are merely a very devout people. Plarr's domains are Knowledge, Magic, and Protection.

Hutaakans are still prevalent in the Hollow World. The Nithians know of them, but leave them alone because of their status as the beloved of Pflarr. The Brute-Men and Tanagoro likewise keep well away from them. The hutaakans, therefore, really have no specific allies or enemies. Hutaakans in the Hollow World often speak Nithian and Neathar, and some speak Lupin as well.

Originally found in module B10 - Night's Dark Terror (1986, Jim Bambra, Graeme Morris, & Phil Gallagher), AC9 - Creature Catalogue (1986), DMR2 - Creature Catalog (1993), and Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994).
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Creature Cataloguer


Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+4
Attack: Scythe +4 melee (2d4+6/x4)
Full Attack: Scythe +4 melee (2d4+6/x4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: ---
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +2*, Ref +2, Will +0*
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Concentration +3, Diplomacy +0, Escape Artist +1, Hide +1, Knowledge (religion) +0, Profession (farmer) +2, Sense Motive +1
Feats: Iron Will

Environment: Any land
Organization: Solitary, pair, family (3-12), clan (13-36 plus 2 3rd-level clerics and 1 5th-7th level cleric), or tribe (10-60) plus 200% noncombatants plus 4 3rd-levels clerics, 2 5th-level clerics, and 1 9th-level cleric)
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard coins; no goods; no items
Alignment: Usually lawful good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +2

This creature looks like a primitive human with gray skin and coarse hair. Despite its bestial features, it bears a peaceful, contemplative countenance.

The ondonti is a race of humanoids closely related to orcs. Though they do resemble their savage cousins outwardly, ondontis live as peaceful farmers and gatherers, taking only what they need from the land to survive.

Ondontis are nearly the opposite of orcs. They live in peace and harmony with their environment, and value a full family life. Ondontis are kind and dependable, and revere the guidance of the priest caste and the majestic wisdom of their deity. Harmful spells for clerics are taboo, and such spellcasters generally only prepare curative and defensive spells.

Ondontis are as fecund as orcs and reproduce at about the same rate, but the internal cultural harmony of the race and use of healing magic have allowed ondontis to attain an average lifespan double that of orcs. The infant mortality rate is nearly perfect, due to caring parents and the watchful protection of the priesthood.

An ondonti is 6 feet tall and weighs about 225 pounds.

Ondonti speak Common. The orcish language is only rarely known among ondontis.

Given the quiet nature of ondonti culture, most ondontis are ill-equipped to fight. Most would rather die than kill a sentient creature, and only kill animals as needed for food. An ondonti forced to defend itself will use whatever tools are nearby at hand, usually a farm implement such as a scythe. An ondonti removed from its culture during early childhood can be trained to fight as any warrior.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - purify food and drink, sanctuary (self only, DC 10); 1/day - barkskin; 1/week - tree shape. Caster level equals the ondonti's class levels. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Ondonti leaders tend to be clerics. An ondonti cleric has access to two of the following domains: Family, Good, Plant, Protection, and Water (favored weapon: net).

Ondonti possess the following racial traits.
- +6 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom.
- An ondonti's base land speed is 30 feet.
- Low-light vision.
- Special Qualities (see above): spell-like abilities
- Immunity to charm spells and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. (*Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
- +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and poison. (*Not reflected in the saving throw modifiers given here.)
- Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Halfling, Orc, Sylvan.
- Favored Class: Cleric.
- Level Adjustment: +2

The ondonti warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Ondontis were probably brought to the Tortured Lands (north of the region known as The Ride) long ago by a reclusive group of priests of Eldath. This initial group of 30 infant orc orphans, the sage theorizes, were secreted away in a secluded area and taught the ways of peace sacred to the Goddess of Peace and Quiet Places. After several generations of ondontis came and went, almost all traces of orcish ways had been bred out, and an entirely new race was born. Ondonti clerics, naturally, worship Eldath.

Scattered tribes of ondontis remained in the Tortured Lands, living peaceful lives until the year 1340 DR. A scouting party from Zhentil Keep stumbled across an ondonti village, and reported them to the wicked masters of Zhentil Keep. Shortly after the initial meeting between the two races the Zhents betrayed the unsuspecting, naive ondontis. The majority of the ondonti population was kidnapped and bound into slavery, used mainly for manual labor and breeding stock at the Citadel of the Raven. Only one of the 15 tribes has escaped unnoticed, living in extreme seclusion. This last bastion of ondonti culture hides itself magically from the Zhents, and the remaining ondontis are rumored to be aided by special servants of Eldath.

The Zhentarim, meanwhile, have been raising young captured ondontis as orcs, training them to be skilled killers. Their racial differences have kept these corrupted ondontis from being as violent or abusive as true orcs, but if the Zhents have their way, a few generations of indoctrination could one day yield a very deadly race of humanoid warriors. Zhentilar-trained ondontis wield bastard swords or greatswords, often taking the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat in order to wield bastard swords in one hand and benefit from a shield in the other. When not relying on their barkskin spell-like ability, these ondontis don mostly non-metal armors such as leather or studded leather.

Originally found in Ruins of Zhentil Keep (1995, Kevin Melka and John Terra) and Monstrous Compendium Annual Three (1996).
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Creature Cataloguer
Mist Mephit


Mephit, Mist
Small Outsider (Extraplanar, Water)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares), fly 60 ft (good)
Armor Class: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d3)
Full Attack: 2 claws +4 melee (1d3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like abilities, summon mephit
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft, fast healing 2
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +8, Escape Artist +8, Hide +12, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Intimidate +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Spot +6, Use Rope +2 (+4 with bindings)
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative

Environment: Elemental Plane of Water
Organization: Solitary (1), gang (2-4 mephits of mixed types), or mob (5-12 mephits of mixed types)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-9 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: +3 (cohort)

This winged creature looks like a miniature human with pale green skin.

Mist mephits fancy themselves as spies of the highest caliber and practice this ability on other mephits. They are quick to report other mephits who show mercy or other treasonous behavior, and they seldom engage in idle banter with other mephits.

Something about the origins of mist and steam mephits has caused the two varieties to develop an intense rivalry bordering on hatred. They insult one another constantly and fight inconclusive skirmishes.

Each mist mephit is about 4 feet tall and weighs about 2 pounds.

Mist mephits speak Common and Aquan.

Mist mephits never engage in melee unless they become trapped. They typically use their gaseous form to spy on others, or escape combat. Powerful winds, such as those created by a gust of wind spell, will cause a mist mephit to flee in confusion.

Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cone of sickly, green mist, damage 1d4+1 acid, Reflex DC 12 half. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by burned skin and seared eyes unless they have immunity to acid or are otherwise protected. This effect imposes a –4 penalty to AC and a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour a mist mephit can surround itself with a bank of fog, duplicating the effect of an obscuring mist spell (caster level 3rd). Once per day it can assume gaseous form (caster level 5th).

Summon Mephit (Sp): Once per day, a mist mephit can attempt to summon another mist mephit, much as though casting a summon monster spell, but with only a 25% chance of success. Roll d%. On a failure, no creature answers the summons that day. A mist mephit that has just been summoned cannot use its own summon ability for 1 hour. This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Fast Healing (Ex): A mist mephit heals only if it is in a misty or foggy environment.

Originally found in Monstrous Compendium MC14 – Fiend Folio Appendix (1992, Tim Beach), Monstrous Manual (1993), and Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994).
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Creature Cataloguer


Small Construct
Hit Dice: 4d10+10 (32 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft (4 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/-1
Attack: Dart +5 ranged (1d3 plus gas)
Full Attack: 2 darts +5 ranged (1d3 plus gas)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Crush, power surge, stun darts, vapor jets
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, helplessness, immunity to cold, electricity, and fire, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: ---
Feats: ---

Environment: Underground
Organization: 1-20
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: ---

This appears to be a low, oval, metallic dome. Its surface is broken only by a series small slits, and two nozzles on opposite ends of the dome which puff out plumes of steam. A multitude of small wheels protrude from its underside, providing a means of propulsion.

The maschin-i-bozorg is a diabolical machine created by the kagu-svirfnebli, a group of svirfneblin smiths that had turned to evil. These svirneblin discovered a prophecy which would lead to the creation of the greatest of all gems, and they secluded themselves from the rest of their kind. In their long years of isolation, the kagu-svirfnebli devoted themselves to the creation of machines such as the maschin-i-bozorg, the construction, animation, and control of which remain secrets. The kagu-svirfnebli mainly use the bozorgs as guardians.

A bozorg can easily move over any smooth surface at an angle of less than 45 degrees. A bozorg is completely immobilized by soft ground, which clogs up the wheels. A bozorg can pull in its wheels to appear as a stationary object.

A Small bozorg is 4 feet in diameter, and weighs 100 pounds

Bozorgs have no appendages and can thus make no melee attacks, but are geared towards ranged combat. A bozorg will use its vapor jets at any opportunity that allows it to catch as many victims as possible. The svirfneblins that created the bozorgs fitted them with the same sort of stun darts that they use (see Races of Faerun), and must manually reload the darts for them when used up. The larger bozorgs carry bigger darts which contain more poison, making them more potent.

Crush (Ex): A bozorg can roll over a prone or helpless creature of up to one size larger than itself as a standard action, using its weight to crush the opponent. The victim must succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save or be pinned, automatically taking 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage. The save DC is Strength-based. Thereafter, if the bozorg chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. While pinned, the opponent takes crush damage each round. A bozorg can use its other attack forms as normal while conducting a grapple.

Power Surge (Ex): When killed, a bozorg's power supply begins to overload, rapidly heating its outer shell and dealing 1d8 points of fire damage to anyone within 10 ft (Reflex DC 12 half). The following round, the power source harmlessly implodes and cools down, becoming completely useless. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Stun Darts (Ex): A bozorg may fire a number of hollow darts that release a small puff of poison gas upon hitting a target. The victim must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be stunned for one round. After one round, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save or be stunned for an additional 1d4 rounds. A bozorg carries 20 darts before it must be reloaded. A bozorg can fire other varieties of darts appropriate for its size.

Vapor Jets (Ex): A bozorg can fire two jets of searing steam, simultaneously, from its front and rear. Select one corner of the bozorg's square as normal for a cone; the second cone originates from the opposite corner. The vapor jets are 10-foot cones, and deal 2d4 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 12 half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Helplessness (Ex): A maschin-i-bozorg that is flipped over becomes helpless. While flipped over, a bozorg cannot move, and loses its natural armor bonus. The bozorg is stuck until an ally flips it back over. A bozorg can be flipped with a successful trip attack (a bozorg receives a +4 to resist a trip because it is more stable than a normal humanoid), or if successfully pinned.

Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 8d10+20 (64 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft (4 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (+1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+7
Attack: Dart +7 ranged (1d4 plus gas)
Full Attack: 4 darts +7 ranged (1d4 plus gas)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Crush, power surge, stun darts, vapor jets
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, helplessness, immunity to cold, electricity, and fire, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 12, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: ---
Feats: ---

Environment: Underground
Organization: 1-20
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 9-11 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: ---

A Medium bozorg is 8 feet in diameter, and weighs 250 pounds

Crush (Ex): The save DC for a Medium bozorg's crush attack is 15, and the crush deals 1d8+1 points of bludgeoning damage.

Power Surge (Ex): The save DC for a Medium bozorg's power surge is 14.

Stun Darts (Ex): The save DC for a Medium bozorg's stun darts is 14. A Medium bozorg carries 40 darts before it must be reloaded.

Vapor Jets (Ex): The save DC for a Medium bozorg's vapor jets is 14. Each jet is a 20-foot cone that deals 3d4 points of fire damage.

Large Construct
Hit Dice: 12d10+30 (96 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft (4 squares)
Armor Class: 23 (-1 size, +14 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+16
Attack: Dart +8 ranged (1d6 plus gas)
Full Attack: 8 darts +8 ranged (1d6 plus gas)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Crush, power surge, stun darts, vapor jets
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, helplessness, immunity to cold, electricity, and fire, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: ---
Feats: ---

Environment: Underground
Organization: 1-20
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 13-15 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: ---

A Large bozorg is 12 feet in diameter, and weighs 500 pounds.

Crush (Ex): The save DC for a Large bozorg's crush attack is 19, and the crush deals 2d6+3 points of bludgeoning damage.

Power Surge (Ex): The save DC for a Large bozorg's power surge is 16.

Stun Darts (Ex): The save DC for a Large bozorg's stun darts is 16. A Large bozorg carries 80 darts before it must be reloaded.

Vapor Jets (Ex): The save DC for a Large bozorg's vapor jets is 16. Each jet is a 30-foot cone that deals 4d4 points of fire damage.

Originally found in module UK4 – When a Star Falls (1984, Graeme Morris).
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Creature Cataloguer
Black Golem


Black Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 12d10+30 (96 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 20 ft (4 squares)
Armor Class: 27 (–1 size, -1 Dex, +17 natural, +2 deflection), touch 11, flat-footed 27
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+21
Attack: Slam +16 melee (2d10+8 plus energy drain) or adamantine greatsword +17 melee (3d6+12/19-20 plus energy drain)
Full Attack: 2 slams +16 melee (2d10+8 plus energy drain) or adamantine greatsword +17/+12 melee (3d6+12/19-20 plus energy drain)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Energy drain, slow aura
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, immunity to magic, low-light vision, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, true seeing
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 9, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: ---
Feats: ---
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: 2 gems of seeing and adamantine greatsword
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 13–24 HD (Large); 25–36 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: ---

This perfectly crafted iron figure is twice the height of a normal human. Its head is a humanoid skull, its eye sockets fitted with gems that glow with an unnerving crimson light. The being is shrouded in shadows, swirling with wraithlike spirits.

This golem has a humanoid body made from iron, and bears the skull of a lich as its head. Its gem-eyes are actually gems of seeing, which give it the power to see hidden, invisible, out of phase, astral, and ethereal objects or creatures.

A black golem can be fashioned in any manner, just like a stone golem, though its features are much smoother than those of a stone golem. Black golems sometimes carry a greatsword in both hands.

A black golem is 12 feet tall and weighs about 3,000 pounds.

A black golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise, nor does it have any distinguishable odor. It moves with a ponderous but smooth gait. Each step causes the floor to tremble unless it is on a thick, solid foundation.

Golems (Overview)

Black golems are deadly foes, combining the worst aspects of constructs and undead.

Cloak of Shadows (Su): A black golem is continuously surrounded by a darkness effect (caster level 18th).

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a black golem's slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 16 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the black golem gains 5 temporary hit points.

On a successful attack roll against a living opponent, a black golem may use its energy drain ability in addition to dealing normal damage for a weapon it wields.

Slow (Su): A black golem can use a slow effect, as the spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 10 rounds, requiring a DC 16 Will save to negate. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A black golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals positive energy damage (such as a cure spell) slows a black golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals negative energy damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a black golem hit by a inflict moderate wounds gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. A black golem gets no saving throw against negative energy effects.

A black golem is unaffected by rust attacks, despite its iron body.

True Seeing (Su): Black golems continuously use true seeing as the spell (caster level 18th).

The secrets to creating a black golem are found in the Libram of Constructs, an evil tome thats origins can be traced to the Nine Hells of Baator. Rumor has it that the book always finds its way into the hands of a powerful lawful evil wizard, as a reward for services to the baatezu.

A black golem’s body is sculpted from 5,000 pounds of pure iron, smelted with rare tinctures and admixtures costing at least 10,000 gp, and topped with the skull of a lich and two gems of seeing for eyes. Assembling the body requires a DC 20 Craft (armorsmithing) check or a DC 20 Craft (weaponsmithing) check.

CL 16th; Craft Construct, deeper darkness, gate, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, slow, true seeing, caster must be at least 18th level; Price 150,000 gp; Cost 80,000 gp + 5,600 XP.

Greater Black Golem
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 36d10+40 (238 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 29 (–1 size, -2 Dex, +20 natural, +2 deflection), touch 9, flat-footed 29
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+47
Attack: Slam +37 melee (4d8+12 plus energy drain) or adamantine greatsword +38 melee (3d8+18/19-20 +2d6 vs. good creatures plus energy drain)
Full Attack: 2 slams +37 melee (4d8+12 plus energy drain) or adamantine greatsword +38 melee (3d8+18/19-20 +2d6 vs. good creatures plus energy drain)
Space/Reach: 15 ft/15 ft
Special Attacks: Charming gaze, create spawn, energy drain, slow aura
Special Qualities: Aura of fear and desecration, construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, immunity to magic, low-light vision, resistance to cold 10 and fire 10, true seeing, unholy armaments
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +12
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 7, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 11, Cha 10
Skills: ---
Feats: ---
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 20
Treasure: 2 gems of seeing and adamantine greatsword
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 13–24 HD (Large); 25–36 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: ---

This perfectly crafted iron figure is twice the height of a normal human. Its head is a humanoid skull, with empty eye sockets that flicker with an unnerving crimson light. The being is shrouded in shadows, swirling with wraithlike spirits.

This golem has a humanoid body made from iron, and bears the skull of a lich as its head. Its gem-eyes are actually gems of seeing, which give it the power to see hidden, invisible, out of phase, astral, and ethereal objects or creatures.

A black golem can be fashioned in any manner, just like a stone golem, though its features are much smoother than those of a stone golem. Black golems sometimes carry a greatsword in both hands.

A black golem is 24 feet tall and weighs about 33,000 pounds.

A black golem cannot speak or make any vocal noise, nor does it have any distinguishable odor. It moves with a ponderous but smooth gait. Each step causes the floor to tremble unless it is on a thick, solid foundation.

Golems (Overview)

Black golems are deadly foes, combining the worst aspects of constructs and undead.

Charming Gaze (Su): As charm person, 30 feet, Will DC 28 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Cloak of Shadows (Su): A black golem is continuously surrounded by a darkness effect (caster level 18th).

Create Spawn (Su): Any creature slain by a greater black golem's energy drain becomes a juju zombie (Unapproachable East, p. 66) in 1d6 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the creator of the greater black golem that slayed them and remain enslaved until its death. If you don't have access to Unapproachable East, use the zombie template, but the creature retains its abilities and Intelligence score, gains a climb speed equal to 1/2 its land speed, has immunity to electricity, turn resistance +4, and is not limited to single actions only.

Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a black golem's slam attack gain one negative level. The DC is 28 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such negative level bestowed, the black golem gains 5 temporary hit points.

On a successful attack roll against a living opponent, a black golem may use its energy drain ability in addition to dealing normal damage for a weapon it wields.

Slow (Su): A black golem can use a slow effect, as the spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 10 rounds, requiring a DC 28 Will save to negate. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Aura of Fear and Desecration (Su): A greater black golem can radiate a 60-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 28 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 20th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same golem's aura for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Additionally, this aura functions as a desecrate spell (caster level 20th), with the golem treated as a permanent fixture dedicated an evil deity. Thus, each Charisma check made to turn undead within this area takes a –6 profane penalty, and every undead creature entering a desecrated area gains a +2 profane bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. An undead creature created within or summoned into such an area gains +2 hit points per HD.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A black golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals positive energy damage (such as a cure spell) slows a black golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals negative energy damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a black golem hit by a inflict moderate wounds gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. A black golem gets no saving throw against negative energy effects.

A black golem is unaffected by rust attacks, despite its iron body.

True Seeing (Su): Black golems continuously use true seeing as the spell (caster level 18th).

Unholy Armaments (Su): Any weapon wielded by a greater black golem is treated as if it were an unholy weapon, dealing an extra 2d6 points of damage against all of good alignment and is treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

The secrets to creating a black golem are found in the Libram of Constructs, an evil tome thats origins can be traced to the Nine Hells of Baator. Rumor has it that the book always finds its way into the hands of a powerful lawful evil wizard, as a reward for services to the baatezu.

A greater black golem’s body is sculpted from 5,000 pounds of pure iron, smelted with rare tinctures and admixtures costing at least 10,000 gp, and topped with the skull of a lich and two gems of seeing for eyes. Assembling the body requires a DC 25 Craft (armorsmithing) check or a DC 25 Craft (weaponsmithing) check.

CL 20th; Craft Construct, blasphemy, deeper darkness, energy drain, fear, gate, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object, slow, true seeing, caster must be at least 20th level; Price 200,000 gp; Cost 100,000 gp + 7,600 XP.

Originally found in Dungeon Magazine #14 ("Master of Puppets," November/December 1988, Carl Sargent).
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Creature Cataloguer
Protein Polymorph


Protein Polymorph
Large Aberration (Shapechanger)
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft (4 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+13
Attack: Slam +8 melee (3d6+7)
Full Attack: Slam +8 melee (3d6+7)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Constrict 3d6+7, improved grab
Special Qualities: Amorphous, blindsight 60 ft, true polymorph
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +8
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills: Disguise +13, Listen +8, Spot +8, Survival +6
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Disguise), Track

Environment: Any temperate land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 05
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: ---

This large, amorphous blob forms itself into something like a column of glistening, protoplasmic gray matter.

In its natural state, a protein polymorph is an ooze-like ball of protoplasm. Rather than being a single creature, a protein polymorph is actually a vast colony of single-celled organisms amassed into an intelligent, malleable blob. The protein polymorph is true shapechanger, and is able to assume nearly any form it can conceive. A single protein polymorph can appear to be just about anything—one protein polymorph can even appear to be several different creatures when in fact each “individual” is connected to the others. The creature's cells can specialize or despecialize as it wishes, taking on different textures and colors instantly.

Protein polymorphs are voracious hunters, feeding on humanoids, animals, and other living creatures with little regard for type and size. They require a great deal of nutrients on a regular basis, and if one cannot find food in its current hunting grounds, it will forage elsewhere. A protein polymorph brooks no competition and will eliminate other predators with extreme prejudice.

A protein polymorph can recognize another of its kind instantly, regardless of the form it currently wears. They never attack one another, and while an intruder will usually leave a hunting ground to the one who found it first, sometimes more than one protein polymorph will share the same territory and divide the spoils evenly. They do not socialize with each other, and reproduce asexually by fission.

A protein polymorph can have almost any dimensions, but is roughly 12 feet in diameter in its natural form. In this form, a protein polymorph slithers about like an ooze and can attack with a pseudopod. A typical protein polymorph weighs about 6,000 pounds.

Protein polymorphs have no spoken language, and do not usually converse or interact with other intelligent creatures, whom they consider prey. A protein polymorph can learn any language, however, and can speak if it takes the form of a creature with speech capabilities.

A protein polymorph generally takes any form that it thinks is likely to draw prey. It can imitate a small-sized room, to fall in and crush any creatures that enter. It can look like a pile of treasure, and can mix actual inanimate objects with its structure to add authenticity; thus a room or corridor may be part stone and part protein polymorph. It can appear as a living creature or a group of creatures, and can use any items it acquired from previous victims, including armor, weapons, and magic items, to improve its effectiveness. In its natural form, a protein polymorph attacks by simply slamming its opponents with a pseudopod and crushing them.

Constrict (Ex): A protein polymorph deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a protein polymorph must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Amorphous (Ex): A protein polymorph in its natural form has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning effects. It is not subject to critical hits and, having no clear front or back, cannot be flanked.

Blindsight (Ex): As an oozelike creature, a protein polymorph has no eyes, but its whole body acts as a sensory organ, allowing it to perceive its environment out to a range of 60 feet.

True Polymorph (Ex): A protein polymorph can assume the form of any nonunique creature from Fine to Colossal size. The new form may be of any creature type, though the protein polymorph retains the type and subtype of its original form. The assumed form cannot have more Hit Dice than the protein polymorph's Hit Dice.

It loses the natural weapons, natural armor, movement modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its original form, and gains the natural weapons, natural armor, movement modes, and extraordinary special attacks of its new form. It retains the special qualities of its original form and does not gain any spell-like abilities, supernatural attacks, or special qualities of its new form. It gains the physical ability scores (Str, Dex, Con) of its new form and retains the mental ability scores (Int, Wis, Cha) of its original form. It retains its hit points, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses, although its save modifiers may change due to a change in ability scores. It cannot assume an incorporeal or gaseous form.

It can become just about anything it is familiar with. It can change form once each round as a swift action. The change takes place either immediately before its regular action or immediately after it, but not during the action. The protein polymorph acquires the physical qualities of the new form, including extremities such as wings or extra limbs. It can freely designate the new form’s minor physical qualities (such as hair color, hair texture, and skin color) within the normal ranges for a creature of that kind. The new form’s significant physical qualities (such as height, weight, and gender) are also under the protein polymorph's control, but they must fall within the norms for the new form’s kind. It is effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race. However, a protein polymorph cannot accurately copy facial expressions nor effectively duplicate the sounds of speech, and gains no special bonus on Disguise checks to imitate a certain type of creature.

A protein polymorph can assume the form of an animated object, of any type. It cannot be made into a magic item with this ability. It also cannot reproduce the special properties of cold iron, silver, or adamantine in order to overcome the damage reduction of certain creatures. It can assume the form of many Tiny or smaller objects as if the objects had the swarm subtype. A protein polymorph can pretend to be an inanimate object by remaining motionless; however, touching the protein polymorph reveals its fleshy texture immediately. Anyone who examines the protein polymorph can detect the ruse with a successful Spot check opposed by the protein polymorph's Disguise check.

A protein polymorph may also assume more than one form at the same time, from Fine to Colossal size. It can take on any number of forms, though the assumed forms cannot have more total Hit Dice than the protein polymorph's Hit Dice. The forms are connected by a cord or film of protoplasm that another creature can detect on a successful DC 25 Spot check. Each form must remain within 30 feet of another. Each form has its own natural weapons, natural armor, movement modes, extraordinary special attacks, and Strength and Dexterity scores, as described above. All creatures are part of the protein polymorph, and a protein polymorph moves and attacks with each form on the same initiative. Each form uses the protein polymorph's Constitution score or any Constitution score of any of its forms, whichever is highest. Each form also uses the protein polymorph's hit points, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses. Because any part of the cellular mass that makes up a protein polymorph can act independently, a protein polymorph’s multiple forms can each use their primary attack forms with the full attack bonus. A protein polymorph loses hit points when any of its forms is hit, and all its forms die when the protein polymorph is killed.

Originally found in the first edition Fiend Folio (1981, Tom Moldvay) and Dungeons of Despair (1999).
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Creature Cataloguer

Gray Philosopher
Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 9d12+27 (85 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 0 ft
Armor Class: 16 (+3 deflection, +3 profane), touch 16, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/---
Attack: ---
Full Attack: ---
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Shriek of fear
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/silver, darkvision 60 ft, death's grace, incorporeal traits, spell resistance 14, undead traits, unholy toughness, unwavering concentration
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +13
Abilities: Str ---, Dex 10, Con ---, Int 14 Wis 20, Cha 16
Skills: Gather Information +15, Knowledge (history) +14, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +14, Knowledge (religion) +14, Knowledge (the planes) +14, Spellcraft +14
Feats: Ability Focus (shriek of fear), Diligent, Great Fortitude, Iron Will

Environment: Any land, underground, and aquatic
Organization: Solitary (plus 2-8 malices)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: No coins; double goods (75% books); double items (scrolls only)
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: 10-18 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: ---

This robed humanoid figure is seated and appears deep in thought. Its form is smoky-gray and insubstantial. A palpable aura of hatred seems to emanate from the otherwise oblivious being.

The gray philosopher is an undead spirit of an evil cleric that died with some important unresolved philosophical deliberations in mind. A gray philosopher does nothing but ponder these mysterious weighty matters, always seeming unable to reach a conclusion.

A gray philosopher would be otherwise harmless if not for its malices. These wispy shapes are the animated evil thoughts of the gray philosopher that have taken on a substance and will of their own. A gray philosopher begins its existence with 2d4 malices, and manifests 2d4 more for each Hit Die it advances. It does not control the malices per se, so much as they are extensions of itself and always act in the philosopher’s best interest. A gray philosopher, however, does not even seem to be aware of its own malices.

A gray philosopher is most commonly found in ruined or abandoned buildings (particularly temples, libraries, and monasteries), dungeons, tombs, crypts, graveyards, and similar desolate, isolated places. Around a gray philosopher will normally be scattered numerous books and scrolls, often in languages so ancient they might not be spoken by living creatures anymore. Sages theorize that if a gray philosopher were ever able to solve the dilemmas in its own mind, it would be able to transcend the mortal plane and become a powerful immortal being; undoubtedly, this process could easily take millennia.

A gray philosopher has no interest in its surroundings and will neither attack nor defend itself. Even attacks that harm a gray philosopher will not break its concentration.

At its moment of destruction, a gray philosopher looks up with an expression of malicious enlightenment, vanishing with a lingering shriek of evil delight.

Shriek of Fear (Su): At the moment of a gray philosopher’s death, it unleashes a horrifying shriek. Living creatures within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or take 2 points of Dexterity drain and be shaken. The shaken effect can be removed from a creature with a remove fear or remove curse spell. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Death's Grace (Ex): A gray philosopher gains a +1 profane bonus to its AC for every 3 Hit Dice it possesses.

Unholy Toughness (Ex): A gray philosopher gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma modifier times its Hit Dice.

Unwavering Concentration (Ex): A gray philosopher contemplating its unresolved problem pays no attention to what is going on around it. A gray philosopher cannot be moved by any means. It is immune to turning or rebuking attempts. It cannot be compelled or forced to take any actions by any effect and automatically succeeds on Concentration checks. It is considered helpless against any effect that requires a Reflex save.

Tiny Undead (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 1d12 (6 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: Fly 40 ft (perfect) (8 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+2 size, +5 Dex, +2 deflection), touch 19, flat- footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/---
Attack: Touch +11 melee (spiteful touch)
Full Attack: Touch +11 melee (spiteful touch)
Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft/0 ft
Special Attacks: Spiteful touch
Special Qualities: Bound to philosopher, damage reduction 5/silver, darkvision 60 ft, incorporeal traits, undead traits
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str ---, Dex 20, Con ---, Int --- Wis 10, Cha 14
Skills: ---
Feats: Flyby Attack (b)

Environment: Any land, underground, and aquatic
Organization: Malevolence (gray philosopher plus 2-8 malices)
Challenge Rating: 3
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Tiny)
Level Adjustment: ---

This tiny, luminescent, translucent wisp has a vaguely humanoid face on its front with a gaping maw, and spindly, clawed hands.

A malice is a gray philosopher’s evil notion given form but not substance. This vindictive creature will usually spend its time flying around its gray philosopher, waiting for victims to come in range.

A malice flies through the air, constantly searching for victims on which to vent its petty, but eternal spite. Upon finding a victim, a malice will immediately launch to attack, seemingly biting and scratching despite an inability to achieve physical contact. A malice will attack until destroyed or turned, and will work to make sure any invaders cannot reach its gray philosopher.

Spiteful Touch (Su): The touch of a malice deals 1d10 points of damage to good-aligned creatures, 1d8 points of damage to neutral-aligned creatures, and 1d6 points of damage to evil-aligned creatures. Additionally, it is treated as evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Bound to Philosopher (Su): A malice never strays more than 100 feet from the gray philosopher that created it. Should it be forcefully moved from this area, it must immediately return to within 100 feet by the fastest means possible. If the gray philosopher that created a malice is destroyed, the malice is also instantly destroyed. A malice uses its gray philosopher’s base attack bonus, but uses its own Dexterity modifier on attack rolls with its natural weapons.

A malice uses its gray philosopher’s Hit Dice for the purposes of turning attempts. As an extension of the gray philosopher, a malice cannot be rebuked or commanded, but can be bolstered, destroyed, or turned normally.

Originally found in AC9 - Creature Catalogue (1986, Jim Bambra, Phil Gallager, & Graeme Morris), DMR2 - Creature Catalog (1993), and Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994).
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Creature Cataloguer
Vore Lekiniskiy, Master Fire Worm


Vore Lekiniskiy, Master Fire Worm
Colossal Dragon (Earth, Fire)
Hit Dice: 42d12+462 (735 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 400 ft (see "one with the mountain" Special Quality)
Armor Class: 44 (-8 size, +42 natural), touch 8, flat- footed 44
Base Attack/Grapple: +42/+77
Attack: Bite +54 melee (8d6+19/19-20 plus 1d6 on critical hit and DC 50 Fort save or die) or tail slap +51 melee (4d8+27)
Full Attack: Bite +54 melee (8d6+19/19-20 plus 1d6 on critical hit and DC 50 Fort save or die) and 2 claws +51 melee (4d8+9/19-20) or tail slap +51 melee (4d8+27)
Space/Reach: 30 ft/30 ft
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, frightful presence, gaze, spell-like abilities, spells
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 15/epic, darkvision 120 ft, immunity to fire, immunity to sleep and paralysis, keen senses, low-light vision, one with the mountain, spell resistance 45, vulnerability to cold
Saves: Fort +34, Ref +23, Will +31
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 10, Con 33, Int 28, Wis 29, Cha 28
Skills: Concentration +56, Diplomacy +56, Escape Artist +45, Gather Information +11, Intimidate +54, Knowledge (arcana) +54, Knowledge (geography) +54, Knowledge (history) +54, Knowledge (local) +54, Listen +54, Search +54, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +56 (+58 scrolls), Spot +54, Survival +54 (+56 following tracks, +56 avoid hazards), Use Magic Device +54 (+56 scrolls), Use Rope +0 (+2 bindings)
Feats: Ability Focus (frightful presence), Ability Focus (gaze), Blind-Fight, Cleave, Devastating Critical (bite), Empower Spell, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (claw), Maximize Spell, Multiattack, Overwhelming Critical (bite), Power Attack, Snatch, Weapon Focus (bite)

Environment: Vstaive Peak
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 27
Treasure: Triple standard (see below)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: ---
Level Adjustment: ---

This dragon appears to be stuck in the mountainside, its body only partially protruding outward. Its scaled skin is dotted with dirt, rocks, and gems. White bone shows through in patches where the flesh seems to be worn away.

Vore Lekiniskiy is mystically bound to Vstaive Peak. No one seems to know how this happened, though it appears he did this to himself. He has been trapped for centuries, forgetting about things like hunger and pain. Now, he is slowly remembering, and grows increasingly frustrated as he tries to find a way to end this tortured existence. He grows hungrier as he wins more and more free from the mountain, but his entrapment prevents him from hunting or moving from the mountain.

Vore can move through the mountain with relative ease, and emerge partially from its face, though it seems cannot bring more than half of it out at any one time. This emergence is not without a struggle, and seems to cause him no small degree of pain. The violent force which this emergence seems to require tears some of the flesh from his bones, giving him an appearance of undeath, although he is very much alive. Vore's exact actual size is unknown.

Vore has amassed as impressive a treasure hoard as any great dragon, though the majority of it lies inside the mountain and cannot be accessed so long as he guards it. His skin is encrusted with great jewels and gems, which come loose when he emerges from the mountain. Anyone daring enough to search an area of the mountain where the Master Fire Worm has recently emerged might find a veritable treasure trove of extremely valuable baubles amidst the upturned stones and cooled volcanic rock. Rumor has it that each such gem may have a one-use magical effect (functioning like a potion, when clutched in both hands), or a curse. Legends also state that if killed, his eyes when removed could be used to influence a dragon’s reactions, and that eating a piece of his tongue allows a user to speak with the power of a powerful form of suggestion.

When Vore Lekiniskiy emerges from the mountainside to attack, he can tear free his head and either one or both of his claws from the mountain's interior simultaneously. When retreating back into the mountain, he will usually pull his head back in first, allowing him to attack blindly with his claws for one round before pulling them back in as well. He can also stick his rear half out of the mountain, making a blind tail slap attack if he desires.

Vore's breath weapon is like a volcano erupting, exploding lava and molten rock everywhere. He also uses his gaze attack to trap unwary trespassers to serve as meals, though he sometimes uses his spell-like abilities on paralyzed victims instead. He rarely wastes his magical energy on casting spells, however, as his main priority is to free himself from the mountain.

Breath Weapon (Su): Vore Lekiniskiy has one type of breath weapon, an 80-foot cone of magma usable once every 1d4 rounds. This attack deals 25d10 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 42 half). Additionally, damage from this magma continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases, but this additional damage is only half of that dealt during initial contact.

Additionally, the lava lingers for 5 rounds thereafter, moving away from Vore at 20 feet per round as long as it travels downward. The lava no longer moves forward once it can no longer travel downward; however, if it reaches a flat surface, it forms a spread and at a rate of 10 feet per round for the remaining rounds. Any creature caught in the lava's area must attempt a DC 42 Reflex save; success indicates that the creature takes 6d6 points of fire damage provided it can physically escape the area on its next turn. Creatures that fail their saves, or those unable to escape the area, take 20d6 points of fire damage in each round they remain in the area. Creatures in the lava have their speed reduced to 5 feet and take a -2 penalty on attack rolls to Armor Class. Even after leaving the area of the spell, creatures that were exposed to the lava take half damage (either 3d6 or 10d6) for 1 additional round. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

Frightful Presence (Ex): Vore Lekiniskiy can unsettle foes with his mere presence. The ability takes effect automatically whenever Vore attacks. Creatures within a radius of 240 feet are subject to the effect if they have fewer HD than Vore. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a DC 42 Will save remains immune to Vore's frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Vore ignores the frightful presence of other draconic creatures. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Gaze (Su): Paralysis for 1d3 minutes, 120 feet, Will DC 42 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day - feeblemind, suggestion; 1/day - geas, mirage arcana. Caster level 20th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Spells: Vore Lekiniskiy can cast arcane spells as a 20th-level sorcerer (6/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7; save DC 19 + spell level). He treats all sorcerer/wizard spells in the Player's Handbook (and any additional spells, at the DM's discretion) as spells known. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Keen Senses (Ex): Vore sees four times as well as a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light. He also has darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

One with the Mountain (Ex): Vore Lekiniskiy can glide through the stone and earth of Vstaive Peak as easily as a fish swims through water. His burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does he create any ripple or other signs of his presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing Vore Lekiniskiy forces him back into the mountain, stunning him for 1 round unless he succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save.

Vore is always in contact, however tenuous, with the face of the mountain. He remains aware of the passage of time and can cast spells on himself while hiding in the mountain. Nothing that goes on outside the mountain can be seen, but Vore can still hear what happens around him.

Whenever Vore Lekiniskiy emerges from the mountainside, he erupts forth with such force that he causes an effect similar to an earthquake spell. Creatures climbing Vstaive Peak are considered to be as if they are standing on open ground. This effect is not magical in nature, and any fissures created do not grind shut on their own. Vore can emerge from the face of the mountain at any point he wishes, however he cannot fully leave the mountain; he must always remain in contact with the mountain and cannot have more than half of his body outside the mountain at any time.

The following spells harm Vore if cast upon the area that he is occupying: stone to flesh deals him 5d6 points of damage, transmute rock to mud and passwall deal him 4d6 points of damage, and stone shape deals him 3d6 points of damage.

Originally found in Dragon Magazine #248 ("The Dragon of Vstaive Peak," June 1998, Ed Stark).
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Creature Cataloguer


Colossal Plant
Hit Dice: 20d8+240 (330 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 0 ft
Armor Class: 19 (-8 size, -1 Dex, +18 natural), touch 1, flat- footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+35
Attack: Bite +11 melee (1d8+4 plus attach)
Full Attack: 12 bites +11 melee (1d8+4 plus attach)
Space/Reach: 30 ft/0 ft
Special Attacks: Attach, blood drain, pod denizens, startling strike
Special Qualities: Immoveable, low-light vision, plant traits, sensory vines, vulnerability to salt
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 9, Con 35, Int ---, Wis 9, Cha 3
Skills: ---
Feats: ---

Environment: Warm land and underground
Organization: Solitary (plus 2-12 mature pods)
Challenge Rating: 16
Treasure: Standard (incidental)
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
Advancement: 21+ (Colossal)
Level Adjustment: ---

This area is covered with an expansive, tangled growth of thin yellow vines that emanate a coppery scent in the humid air. The enormous plant’s vines resemble arteries, slowly pulsing with a blood-like fluid. Along these vines, fiery red pods of sickly fruit sprout profusely along the vine’s periphery; while most of these leathery pods are fist-sized, a few have grown to four or more feet in diameter.

The bloodsipper is an enormous, carnivorous vine corrupted by the alien energies of the Far Realm. It shares characteristics of both animals and plants, and exists only to feed and propagate. Both functions are enabled by the pods which grow all over the plant. Smaller pods are numerous, vestigial and immature. Cutting open or destroying one of these small pods releases a gagging stench that affects adjacent creatures (DC 15 Fort or nauseated for 1d4 rounds) and destroys the pod.

The larger pods are mature and ready for germination. A bloodsipper usually retains a number of these mature pods for defense and feeding, but never has more than twelve at once. Each of these pods contains a “pod denizen,” which resembles a huge, blind tadpole with a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth. A pod denizen’s head gradually thins into a long, muscular tether, a coiled organic cord that anchors it to the interior base of the pod. Each head has four clawed arms, equally spaced around its gnashing mouth. When its tether is severed, a pod denizen becomes permanently separated from its bloodsipper and begins its existence a separate creature; until severed, a pod denizen is little more than an appendage. Once freed, a pod denizen can move and act independently and attacks nearby creatures; with no living targets to attack, a pod denizen crawls off as far as it can before it digs into the earth, becoming the seed for a new bloodsipper.

This alien growth was dubbed a “bloodsipper” by the wizard Madreus, who encountered the first known specimen and survived. From studying available specimens, it seems likely that these plants did not evolve naturally, and originated from normal plants mutated by close proximity to portals leading to the Far Realm.

A bloodsipper’s coppery smell is considered overpowering, for the purposes of detecting it by scent.

A bloodsipper is at least 600 square feet in size, but often grows much larger. For every 4-HD a bloodsipper advances, its space increases by 5 feet, and it gains an additional pod.

A bloodsipper instinctively attacks anything moving within or touching its vines, hoping to feed on the blood of living creatures. When it attacks, a mature pod opens with a loud wet “pop”, disgorging a head in a swift attack at the nearest opponent. The pod denizen’s biting head coiled within whips out to burrow into a fleshy portion of a target, sucking blood which is visibly transferred down the tether into the pod. Each pod is essentially a Medium sized object; pods are found roughly evenly placed throughout a bloodsipper’s space, and the heads have a reach of 20 feet. A typical bloodsipper can start an encounter with as many as 12 pod denizens (the above statistics assume the bloodsipper has 12). While tethered to a bloodsipper, pod denizens are stationary and cannot move or act independently of the main plant.

A biting head is merely an appendage of the bloodsipper until its tether is severed or destroyed. An opponent armed with a slashing weapon can attack a bloodsipper’s tether with a sunder attempt as if they were weapons. A bloodsipper’s tether has 10 hit points each. If the tether being attacked is currently attached to a target, the bloodsipper usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the opponent making the sunder attempt. Severing one of a bloodsipper’s tethers deals 10 points of damage to the bloodsipper; severing a tether deals no damage to a head. Any head attached to a creature when severed from a bloodsipper remains attached until removed. The creature regrows severed tethers and pods in 1d10+10 days.

Any attack that is not (or cannot be) an attempt to sunder a tether affects the body. For example, area effects deal damage to a bloodsipper's body, not to its tether or head. Targeted magical effects cannot sever a bloodsipper’s tethers (and thus must be directed at the body) unless they deal slashing damage and could be used to make sunder attempts.
Killing a bloodsipper automatically sunders the tethers of all remaining pod denizens, enabling them to move freely.

Attach (Ex): If a bloodsipper hits with a bite attack, it uses the four clawed arms that surround the maw to latch onto the opponent’s body, automatically dealing bite damage each round it remains attached. An attached head is effectively grappling its prey.

An attached head can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached head through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the bloodsipper.

Blood Drain (Ex): A bloodsipper drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage in any round when it begins its turn attached to a victim. On each successful attack, the bloodsipper gains 5 temporary hit points.

Pod Denizens (Ex): A bloodsipper makes bite attacks using its heads, and can attack any foe within its reach, once per round with each head. Once all of its pod denizens are separated from it, however, a bloodsipper cannot attack. A bloodsipper can sever the tether of a mature pod denizen as a move action.

A detached pod denizen has the following statistics. Its attach and vulnerability to salt function the same as the bloodsipper’s.

Pod Denizen: CR ---; Small plant; HD 4d8; hp 30; Init +1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +3; Grp +3; Atk or Full Atk: bite +8 melee (1d8+4); Space/Reach: 5ft/5ft; SA attach; SQ low-light vision, plant qualities, vulnerability to salt; AL Chaotic Neutral; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 16, Int ---, Wis 9, Cha 3.
Skills and Feats: Hide +5.

Startling Strike (Ex): If a bloodsipper catches an opponent flat-footed with its first attack in a given encounter, it may make a free bull rush attempt with its bite against the foe.

Immoveable (Ex): A bloodsipper anchors itself to the ground and walls using its numerous roots. This makes it impossible for a foe to bull rush or trip the creature. Any bull rush or trip attempts against the bloodsipper automatically fail, as if the opponent had failed to win the opposed Strength check.

Sensory Vines (Ex): A bloodsipper's body is composed of a mass of vines spread throughout its space; creatures can move through a bloodsipper's space, but treat its space as light undergrowth. A bloodsipper can automatically pinpoint the location of anything touching its vines, and ignores any concealment penalties imposed by the vines. A creature moving through a bloodsipper’s space that succeeds on a DC 20 Spot check can avoid contact with the vines, but treats the space as heavy undergrowth rather than light, and must make a new check each round.

Vulnerability to Salt (Ex): A bloodsipper or pod denizen is affected by a quantity of salt, and will pull away from salt convulsively. If an opponent throws a handful or flask of salt as a grenade-like weapon, a direct hit deals 2d4 points of damage to a bloodsipper or pod denizen, or 1 point of damage from a splash of salt.

Originally found in The Gates of Firestorm Peak (1999, Bruce Cordell), and Monstrous Compendium Annual Four (1998).
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Monster Junkie


Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 9d10+27 (76 hp)
Initiative: –1
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 20 ft., swim 10 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +8 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+17
Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+4) and sting +10 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, swallow whole, poison
Special Qualities: Tremorsense 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +11, Swim +12
Feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Multiattack, Power Attack
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 7
Treasure: No coins, 50% goods (stone only), no items
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 10–27 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

This purple-plated worm is over 20 feet long. Its wide maw chomps easily through earth, and its tail ends in a vicious-looking stinger.

The chomper is a smaller variety of the purple worm. It is sometimes domesticated by humanoids and other sentient creatures to dig tunnels. The chak are particularly renown for domesticating these annelids, and may have given them their name.

The body of a mature chomper is 3 feet in diameter and 20 feet long, weighing about 12,000 pounds.


Domesticated chompers rarely bite anything intentionally, but will defend themselves if forced into combat. Wild chompers are more aggressive, occasionally hunting other creatures to supplement their diet of minerals. Like a purple worm, a chomper forms into a coil 10 feet in diameter, biting and stinging anything within reach.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a chomper must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to swallow the foe the following round.

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 17, initial damage paralysis for 2d6 rounds, secondary damage paralysis for 2d6 minutes. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Swallow Whole (Ex): A chomper can try to swallow a grabbed opponent up to two size categories smaller than itself by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 1d8+4 points of crushing damage plus 4 points of acid damage per round from the worm’s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 15 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 14). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Large chomper's interior can hold 2 Small, 8 Tiny, or 32 Diminutive or smaller opponents.

Skills: A chomper has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Originally found in I11: Needle.
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