Credit Card Hassles


I'm getting to be firmly convinced that Capital One is the single most worthless credit card company in the world. My reason? I've gone through my first card with them, and then a replacement card with a new number and new security code, and neither card from them is valid for the purposes of making any online purchase that requires said security code.

Their customer service is largely worthless for helping me out as to why all the multiple places I tried to make online buys from won't accept the card (each place simply says the CVV2 code is invalid even though I'm using the correct number from the back of the card). Otherwise the card works fine for any normal purchase, but it cr*ps out for anything online, which seriously hampers its use for me. I've been through three weeks of hassles and replacement cards that still have the same problem, and I'm about to simply give up on these guys.

Anyone else ever have a similar problem?

Anyone else have any suggestions for another credit card company that doesn't suck?

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Chainsaw Mage

First Post
Shemeska said:
I'm getting to be firmly convinced that Capital One is the single most worthless credit card company in the world. My reason? I've gone through my first card with them, and then a replacement card with a new number and new security code, and neither card from them is valid for the purposes of making any online purchase that requires said security code.

Their customer service is largely worthless for helping me out as to why all the multiple places I tried to make online buys from won't accept the card (each place simply says the CVV2 code is invalid even though I'm using the correct number from the back of the card). Otherwise the card works fine for any normal purchase, but it cr*ps out for anything online, which seriously hampers its use for me. I've been through three weeks of hassles and replacement cards that still have the same problem, and I'm about to simply give up on these guys.

Anyone else ever have a similar problem?

Anyone else have any suggestions for another credit card company that doesn't suck?

All I can say is, you aren't alone, bro. Capital One recently started marketing their cards in Canada, and I've read numerous warnings in consumer reports magazines and newspapers up here warning people away. Check out this site:


The man with the probe
Any chance you're not using the correct number? My card has 2 sets of numbers on the back.


I have a different problem with a credit card company. I now get at least 3-4 pre approved applications a week from Chase in the mail (literally, not being hyperbolic. I've actually gotten 3 in one day). And have for the last 6 months. It's completely ridiculous. You'd think after sending me well over 100 applications, they've have taken the hint that I wasn't interested...


The man with the probe
trancejeremy said:
I have a different problem with a credit card company. I now get at least 3-4 pre approved applications a week from Chase in the mail (literally, not being hyperbolic. I've actually gotten 3 in one day). And have for the last 6 months. It's completely ridiculous. You'd think after sending me well over 100 applications, they've have taken the hint that I wasn't interested...
I get the same note from a morgage company daily. Apparently there's been an Urgent sale on rates for the past 3 years :lol:


First Post
trancejeremy said:
I have a different problem with a credit card company. I now get at least 3-4 pre approved applications a week from Chase in the mail (literally, not being hyperbolic. I've actually gotten 3 in one day). And have for the last 6 months. It's completely ridiculous. You'd think after sending me well over 100 applications, they've have taken the hint that I wasn't interested...

In the U.S. you can opt out of prescreened credit card offers at . You can also call the phone number on the credit card offers and tell them to stop sending offers.


My uncle died on May 8th, and as next of kin, my wife & I have been taking care of his affairs. When we called Captial One to cancel his card, this is (honestly) how it went:

My wife: "We need to cancel (my uncle)'s card and close his account as he has died. He died on May 8th."

Captial One Customer Service: "Ma'am, I'll need (my uncle)'s permission for you to cancel his card and close his account."

My wife: "..."

Capital One: "Ma'am?"

My wife: "Did you not hear the "he's dead" part of what I said? Don't you think it'll be a little difficult for him to give you permission?"

Captial One: "I don't know..."

At this point "super-genius customer service guy" had to get a supervisor. They acted like none of the their customers had ever died before. It was surreal. I told her if they called back to let me know and I'd walk them through a speak with dead spell... ;)

Thornir Alekeg

A credit card company that doesn't suck? I'm pretty sure that is just an urban legend.

My credit card experience has been:
MBNA - sucks - high interest rates, poor customer service
Chase - Customer service? HAhahahahah!
Bank of America - We'll charge you fees and high interest and you can take it or leave it
Discover - Not too bad, but the card is less accepted and they'll flood you with other offers.
Sears - oh, your payment was a day late because the due date was a Sunday when they don't deliver mail or process electronic payments? That'll be a $55 late fee on that $18.99 balance.

The only card I have that has not given my any problems at all is a Visa from my credit union.


First Post
I agree with the last post. MBNA was my first card, then Discover, then CitiBank, now Capital One.

My credit union does offer credit cards but the rates are subpar. :uhoh:

Darth K'Trava

First Post
trancejeremy said:
I have a different problem with a credit card company. I now get at least 3-4 pre approved applications a week from Chase in the mail (literally, not being hyperbolic. I've actually gotten 3 in one day). And have for the last 6 months. It's completely ridiculous. You'd think after sending me well over 100 applications, they've have taken the hint that I wasn't interested...

What's bad is when they send those to someone (me) who's already a customer. :\ What pisses me off about that is that I can get a new card from them with a LOWER rate than the one I already have! And they say that the rate I have is "the best they can give"....

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