Crimson Reckoning: OOC Discussion

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The Thayan Menace

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Complete XP Award Listing (All 12 Sessions)

Anyway ....

If you are curious about the opponents fought during this campaign, or simply wish to eyeball the approximate rate of character advancement, feel free to check out the attached XP charts.

[As always, be sure to install the included font for the best possible visual presentation of these documents.]

I will continually update this post for your convenience.
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Still leveling up in Monk.

Also, I have a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power that I cant use. I will put them back in the party treasure fund for someone to use or to cash in.

The Thayan Menace

First Post
Turning it Up a Notch (Making the Campaign More Immersive)

In addition to the detrimental impact of several significant roster changes, our campaign is suffering from three specific metagame issues:

1. Slow Start-Up
2. Combat "Conferencing"
3. Out-of-Game Conversation

Slow Start-Up: In this department, I am just as guilty as everyone else. However, I am certainly willing to make a better effort to be ready before game day. Ideally, everyone should be ready to go at 11:00 a.m. That means, no last-minute leveling or shopping.

Combat "Conferencing": In my opinion, combat is supposed to be fast-paced and somewhat chaotic. Granted, your PCs may have trained together as a unit ... but I do not like the idea that they have the ability to work out extremely detailed strategies in the middle of a battle.

Ideally, you should make your PC's combat decisions within the space of one minute (when it's your turn). Other players should not advise you on tactics; however, other characters can shout out suggestions in-game (using the "free action" rules).

Under no circumstance should all of the other players gather around the map board and plot out your strategies for you.

Ultimately, I think we need to pick up the pace during combats (and I will do my best here), and let players play their own characters.

Out-of-Game Conversation: Using out-of-game conversation is unavoidable. However, we should do our very best to minimize its use during play. We especially need to cut down on our excessive use of "shop-talk" when it's not necessary for the game.

Admittedly, I am probably the biggest culprit when it comes to out-of-game BSing ... however, I promise to really work on cutting it out. I hope you will all do the same.

Any other suggestions on managing metagaming issues would be greatly appreciated.

Also, please don't get me wrong. Our campaign is going along just fine; my metagaming beef is only an attempt to make it better.
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The one thing that killed our last session is a player death. Now we have to wait untill a new toon is made up. I suggest that we have a back up already made or we just keep going.

Just break out the hour glass clock for combat turns.

The Thayan Menace

First Post
Of Campaign Mortality & Egg-Timers

I suggested the idea of back-up characters early on, but I remember us not wanting to endorse it for some reason. Frankly, I am happy to suggest it again ... if it will help speed up play.

Still, Necros has already told me that if he has to make another character, he'll immediately call for a hiatus.

I like your idea about the hourglass timer though. I need to find (2) minute-long "hourglasses" / egg-timers ... that way I can use another one (quickly) while the first one cycles out.

If anyone could score me (2) one-minute timers, I'd really appreciate it.


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I will not play in a game that has too much crap going on and extra rules. This is now starting to become an issue again. The flow of combat was immediately sped up when we kicked the two players out of our game. Almost all of the problems have more to do with players we recently booted and the fact that all of us have had to redo our characters over and over again.

Keeping these things under control is a good idea. Having rules and timers is stupid and pathetic. I was the first person to ever try and use a timer, guess what no one took over a minute on a regular basis. Everyone is just impatient. The combat confrencing has stopped on its own, since certain individuals left. We do not meta-game more than normal. Don't rehash old news. The fact is that we have a group of characters that are also supposed to be trained beyond a level that any of us has in real life a little advice to a fighter who is using skills incorrectly is not hurting the game. When it is a 20 minute conference it is a problem. We can't be perepared the way our cahracters should be for a there should be a little leeway to alow for a little bit of give and take. Just don't take the whole arm.

I will never make a "back-up" character. You are out of your mind if you expect it. I have no time to make one good character any more much less two, one which I will not use.

In the end I think you are nit-picking and indulging you capacity to create excess rules and formats and regulations. I am not willing to indulge you. Why can't we just play the game and have fun?

Now, beyond all of this rules and regulation stuff, I hate having to come into a message board to do this stupid :):):):). I much prefer e-mail. Not only do I have read through all the message board junk, but I also have strangers reading about my private posts over my shoulder and my personal game stuff on the web. It is actually really irritating and I will not post here again.

For whatever reason, I find that having to come here and go through the message board and air out my private thoughts in a public space, is not only off putting, but it makes me incredibly angry. I know it is irrational and I know it is "just me" but i want to be clear that I do not like the message board format for this kind of thing. Why does Crimson Reckoning need a message board? Why not just talk to me in person about things that you think are a problem?

I think the message board is a useful tool for particular instances, but this is not one of them. If e-mail is too slow then call me. It is very basic and easy, and much more personable, and as another bonus it is private.


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I didnt know you hated these message boards so much. I'm a troll and I love them personally.


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Can you link to the list of Gods they use for LivingEnworld. Thinking about making a toon.

-Never mind. I found it :)

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